general on building strategical real estate business



... –Into Real estate business terms and their equivalent study on the popular construction of Real estate business terms and specially the popular strategies applied in translating Real estate business ... (Instructions To consultants), LCS (Least-Cost Selection), ARM (Adjustable-Rate Mortgage) 13 CHAPTER II : ENGLISH – VIETNAMESE REAL- ESTATE BUSINESS TERMS I Overview of Real- estate business Real- estate ... English-Vietnamese Real- estate business terms 37 Suggested solutions for Real- estate business translation 38 x PART III: CONCLUSION 40 I Major findings 40 II Implication...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:48

57 664 0
GN(A) 23 (Revised 2012) Guidance Note on Accounting for Real Estate Transactions pdf

GN(A) 23 (Revised 2012) Guidance Note on Accounting for Real Estate Transactions pdf

... the contract consideration should be split into separately identifiable components including one for the construction and delivery of real estate units 366 Accounting for Real Estate Transactions ... percentage of completion method on the basis of the methodology explained in AS 7, Construction Contracts 360 Accounting for Real Estate Transactions Further, where individual contracts are part ... completion method for recognising revenue, costs and profits from transactions and activities of real estate which have the same economic substance as construction contracts 3.4 The application of...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 15:21

16 571 0
Market development strategy for real estate business of FPT corporation in the south east of Vietnam during 2012 to 2016.

Market development strategy for real estate business of FPT corporation in the south east of Vietnam during 2012 to 2016.

... and Laws that related to Real estate business could change in coming years This is threats of real estate business because real estate is long-term business and depend on stable state of Law a ... Table 3.5: Contribution of real estate industry to whole economy of Vietnam in nine years at the beginning of 21 century Contribution of real estate industry to whole economy LongYear Amount ... provisions of law on real estate business In reality, it is not difficult to get those certificates in Vietnam Law on real estate business of Vietnam is a little bit different in discrimination of...

Ngày tải lên: 24/11/2014, 01:34

112 1,9K 3
Essays on shariah compliant real estate investments

Essays on shariah compliant real estate investments

... Islamic banks In addition, survey results confirm that Islamic financiers tend to partner real- estate companies through land acquisition to postconstruction, contrary to how conventional financiers ... Equity (ME) National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts (NAREIT) National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (NASDAQ) New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Real Estate Investment ... Chapter One Introduction real- estate investment trusts, and (d) the corporate real estate ownership and firm returns of Shariahcompliant firms This study focuses on Shariah-compliant real estate...

Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2015, 18:12

222 488 0
Business development strategy on real estate of Van Phuc Gia investment joint stock company in the perrion 2012-2015

Business development strategy on real estate of Van Phuc Gia investment joint stock company in the perrion 2012-2015

... of supervisors General Directors Deputy Director on Construction Deputy Director on Investment Design Construction Investment Consultancy Division Project Division Division Real Estate Trading ... Association of HCM City 2.1.2 Business sectors of the Company: - Real- estate business and real estate- related services Service of corporative housing management; - Construction: Construction, erection, ... integration Horizonal integration Focused diversification Quarter III Reduction of expense Focused diversification Horizontal difversification Conglomerate diversification Divestiture Liquidation Strong...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2015, 10:55

86 387 1
Building Real Estate Riches

Building Real Estate Riches

... intentionally left blank 2 Location, Location, Location T here’s a saying in the real estate business that the three most important things about a house are location, location, location There ... /business/ download/ condon.) One-story All rooms on one level Two-story Rooms on the main level and a second level (A one-story with a basement is usually not considered a two-story ... they’re zoned for residential housing Zoning is an important consideration when shopping for land Get familiar with local zoning ordinances Check the zoning not only on the lot, but on adjacent...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2012, 11:12

192 502 1
Federal Reserve Policy Statement on Rental of Residential Other Real Estate Owned Properties pot

Federal Reserve Policy Statement on Rental of Residential Other Real Estate Owned Properties pot

... Statement on Disposition of Property Acquired in Satisfaction of Debts Previously Contracted, July 28, 1980 See 12 CFR 225.140  Instructions for Preparation of Consolidated Reports of Condition and ... organization Other risks unique to such rental include: 12 Whether a rate of return is reasonable depends on a number of considerations including local market conditions, the time horizon of the ... “Other real estate owned” is comprised of all real estate other than (1) bank premises owned or controlled by the bank and its consolidated subsidiaries and (2) direct and indirect investments in real...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:20

6 293 0
regional business cycle and real estate cycle analysis and the role of federal governments in regional stability

regional business cycle and real estate cycle analysis and the role of federal governments in regional stability

... state level economic uctuations We observe that real estate downturns are more persistent and severe than economic recessions Comparison of the national and state level business and real estate cycle ... We observe that real estate downturns are more persistent than economic recessions Comparison of the national and state level business and real estate cycle patterns suggest that only two out of ... policy goal function to reduce regional economic uctuations This dissertation is consists of three essays The rst essay is presented in chapter two which, focuses on the regional business cycles...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 02:10

120 419 0
Three essays on real estate, environmental, and urban economics using the hedonic price model technique

Three essays on real estate, environmental, and urban economics using the hedonic price model technique

... empirical study on the impact of real estate agents on house prices and consumption He points out that home sellers contract with real estate agents because sellers lack complete information about potential ... Figure 1.5 Hedonic price function with a real estate agent 33 Figure 2.1 Buffers and land uses 54 xiii CHAPTER 1: DON'T ASK, DON'T TELL: THE IMPACT OF REAL ESTATE AGENTS ON HOUSE ... 1.5 First-step sample selection model: Estimated equation for real estate agent selection 29 Table 1.6 Estimated hedonic price function including real estate agent variable and lambda...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 02:21

148 606 0