... diabetes, which troglitazone was used to treat can arise from genetic mitochondrial dysfunctions in the OXPHOS or mitochondrial biogenesis (Mantena, et al., 2008, Mootha et al., 2003, Patti et ... Figure taken from Chem Res Toxicol (2007) 20: 344-369 28 Genetic mitochondrial abnormalities in the partial Sod2 knockout mouse generate a mitochondrial environment of cumulative endogenous ROS/RNS ... species (ROS /RNS) in the pathogenesis of both rare and common human diseases (Droge, 2002) Mitochondrial diseases due to mutations in nDNA and mtDNA encoding for mitochondrial proteins are complex,...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 11:08
... established that the mitochondrial targeting sequence is cleaved by matrix proteases on transfer of the protein across the inner mitochondrial membrane, and that all proteins of the mitochondrial outer ... outer side of the inner mitochondrial membrane, facing the intermembrane space This submitochondrial localization of RDH13 is consistent with the lack of a cleavable N-terminal mitochondrial targeting ... (2001) Mitochondrial respiratory chain-dependent generation of superoxide anion and its release into the intermembrane space Biochem J 353, 411–416 34 Glick BS (1995) Pathways and energetics of mitochondrial...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 07:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: Divergent members of a soybean (Glycine max L.) 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase gene family potx
... similarity to plant junctions in general [45] but also to both 4CL genes each in parsley [6] and in potato [7], the 4CL1 gene in rice [46], and the three 4CL genes in Arabidopsis [18] It is interesting ... (Botanisches Institut, LMU Munchen) Computer analysis was carried out ¨ with the PCgene program from IntelliGenetics (Geneva), Chromas from Technelysium (Queensland, Australia), and the BioEdit Sequence ... 4CL genes, supporting earlier notions on different physiological functions of members of the 4CL gene family in phenylpropanoid branch pathways One of our goals in the present studies was to generate...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 04:20
Báo cáo khoa học: A short-chain dehydrogenase involved in terpene metabolism from Zingiber zerumbet pptx
... free radical generation, proinflammatory protein production, and cancer cell proliferation accompanied by apoptosis: the alpha, beta-unsaturated carbonyl group is a prerequisite Carcinogenesis 23, ... moe superpose program The figures for the protein structure were generated with program pymol (Schrodinger, ¨ New York, NY, USA) Generation of ZSD1 mutants The following primer pairs were used ... conducted using two degenerate primers designed on the highly conserved regions of plant SDRs (Fig 2), and a predominant fragment with the predicated length of approximately 350 bp was generated After...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 22:20
Economics: A Very Short Introduction
... and the family take a vacation together once camp is over Becky’s parents also remark that her generation will be much more prosperous than theirs Becky wants to save the environment and insists ... that research tactic; as have related disciplines, such as ecology The art of good modelling is to generate a lot of understanding from focusing on a very small number of causal factors I say ‘art’, ... the study of the past The new approach stays close to economic theory, by laying emphasis on the generality of the processes that shape events It adopts the view that a theory should uncover those...
Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2014, 18:21
Game theory: A very short introduction
... Nicholas Boyle Terry Eagleton Véronique Mottier For more information visit our web site www.oup.co.uk/general/vsi/ Ken Binmore Game Theory A Very Short Introduction 1 Great Clarendon Street, Oxford ... at all Such mindless animals end up behaving as though they were rational, because rivals whose genes programmed them to behave irrationally are now extinct Similarly, companies aren’t always ... is just a pair of strategies whose use results in a cell in which both payoffs are circled More generally, a Nash equilibrium occurs when all the players are simultaneously making a best reply...
Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2014, 18:23
Global catastrophes: A very short introduction
... EMPIRE Christopher Kelly ROMANTICISM Duncan Wu For more information visit our web site www.oup.co.uk/general/vsi/ Bill McGuire GLOBAL CATASTROPHES A Very Short Introduction Great Clarendon Street, ... technological threats such as those raised by advances in artificial intelligence and robotics, genetic engineering, nano-technology, and increasingly energetic high-energy physics experiments ... comet impact on the scale of the one that killed the dinosaurs, the race is likely to survive and, generally, to advance At some point in the future, therefore, we will begin to move out into space...
Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2014, 18:43
Photography: a very short introduction
... PSYCHIATRY Tom Burns RACISM Ali Rattansi For more information visit our web site www.oup.co.uk/general/vsi/ Steve Edwards PHOTOGRAPHY A Very Short Introduction Great Clarendon Street, Oxford ... touch on this combinatory relation in what follows, but in the main, this book focuses on camera-generated photochemical images, though I have occasionally drawn my examples from the related family ... Forgetting photography In Mudd’s future, if not Bornefeld’s, drawings could substitute for camera-generated images, but drawing is a slow, and highly skilled, process One key impetus behind the...
Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2014, 18:44
Nuclear weapons: A very short introduction
... weapons? An atom consists of electrons, protons, and neutrons The protons and neutrons make up the dense atomic nucleus whilst the electrons form a more dispersed electron cloud surrounding the ... negatively charged electrons follow a random pattern within defined energy shells around the nucleus Most properties of atoms are based on the number and arrangement of their electrons One of the ... surrounded by negatively charged electrons This theory of atomic structure was complemented several years later by Danish physicist Niels Bohr, who placed the electrons in definite shells or quantum...
Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2014, 18:44
The meaning of life: A very short introduction
... acknowledges Yahweh’s omnipotent presence Perhaps, then, pre-modern peoples in general, despite Heidegger’s very general claims, were less plagued by the meaning-of-life question than we moderns ... meaning to be questioned in theory But there is a more general issue here as well It is typical of the modern era that what one might call the symbolic dimension of human life is pushed steadily ... dreamt of before Yet the price of this freedom was high These symbolic activities continued to perform important public roles; but in general they were increasingly relegated to the private sphere,...
Ngày tải lên: 11/01/2014, 18:45
Quantum theory: A very short introduction
... radiation transfers energy to electrons trapped inside the metal and, if the gain is sufficient, an electron can then escape from the forces that constrain it On a classical way of thinking, the electrons ... the electrons It could be a large photographic plate on which each incident electron will make a mark The rate of delivery from the electron gun is adjusted so that there is only a single electron ... enough energy transferred in a collision to enable the electron to escape On the other hand, if the frequency exceeded a certain critical value, there would be enough energy for the electron to...
Ngày tải lên: 12/01/2014, 12:44
Existentialism: A very short introduction
... NEWTON Robert Iliffe RACISM Ali Rattansi For more information visit our web site www.oup.co.uk/general/vsi/ Thomas Flynn EXISTENTIALISM A Very Short Introduction Great Clarendon Street, Oxford ... political commitment But it also linked them with the problems of their day and invited subsequent generations to view them as having the currency of yesterday’s news Such is the misreading of existentialist ... the proper way of acting rather than on an abstract set of theoretical truths Thus the Athenian general Laches, in a Platonic dialogue by that name, admits that what impresses him about Socrates...
Ngày tải lên: 14/01/2014, 10:52
Chaos: A very short introduction
... mathematician will often call any rule for generating one number from another one a mathematical map, so we’ll refer to this simple rule (‘double the current value to generate the next value’) as the Rice ... far beyond his famous experiment of flying a kite in a thunderstorm He is credited with noting the general movement of the weather from west towards the east and testing this theory by writing letters ... The characters in the story imagine the impact of killing a mouse, its death cascading through generations of lost mice, foxes, and lions, and: in mystery Bradbury’s 1952 story predates a series...
Ngày tải lên: 14/01/2014, 10:54
Documentary film: A very short introduction
... Religion Thomas Dixon Sexuality Veronique Mottier For more information visit our website www.oup.co.uk/general/vsi/ Patricia Aufderheide Documentary Film A Very Short Introduction Oxford University Press, ... publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Oxford ... editor, Mary Sutherland Many colleagues in communication, literature, film, and film studies programs generously provided insights that I attempt to share here I greatly appreciate the support of American...
Ngày tải lên: 14/01/2014, 10:56
Fossils: A Very Short Introduction
... was driven by continuous transmutation of species driven by changes in the ‘generative systems’ (that is, developmental genetics) of organisms and by the environment Lamarck (1802) proposed a different ... portions of the earth’s surface have been moved around over the aeons If there had been independent, generally accepted evidence that the earth was very old and had steadily undergone changes of the ... together with all the other apparent evidence of antiquity and change In the biblical account in Genesis, this would have happened during the first days of Creation when the earth had been formed...
Ngày tải lên: 11/02/2014, 21:04
Contemporary Art: A Very Short Introduction
... pushing their cultural products; regional bodies hoping for regeneration; and universities wanting to raise their research ratings The general art-world view of this development is sanguine: the ... quality of the paper trail it generates, and relatedly the sales it ultimately accomplishes The filtering of local material through the art system ultimately produces homogeneity This system – not ... songs, cinema, and television In its dark explorations of the human psyche, of which the worst is generally assumed, it appears to hold out no consolation Yet, naturally, all of this ends up being...
Ngày tải lên: 11/02/2014, 21:21
Human Evolution: A Very Short Introduction
... Science Society in Brno in 1865, but he did not use the terms gene (meaning the smallest unit of heredity) or genetics The word gene was not coined until 1909, nine years after Mendel’s pioneering ... garden in Brno, in what is now the Czech Republic Human Evolution The flowering of genetics The discipline of genetics was established on the basis of deductions made by Gregor (this was his Augustinian ... experiments provided several examples of a simple one-to-one link between a gene and a trait – these are called single gene, or ‘monogenic’, effects Mendel’s simple dichotomies, yellow or green,...
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 09:56
Newton: A Very Short Introduction
... RIGHTS Andrew Chapham RACISM Ali Rattansi For more information visit our web site www.oup.co.uk/general/vsi/ Rob Iliffe Newton A Very Short Introduction Great Clarendon Street, Oxford o x d p ... in the 18th century and made possible a new and what we take to be correct physics (special and general relativistic effects excepted) of the Earth and heavens Not for nothing was Newton held ... fifth Lord Portsmouth, a distant descendant of Catherine Conduitt and owner of Newton’s papers, generously decided to donate Newton’s ‘scientific’ manuscripts to the nation A committee was set...
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 09:58
HIV/AIDS: A Very Short Introduction
... organisms: HIV has fewer than 10 genes; the smallpox virus has between 200 and 400 genes; the smallest bacterium has 5,000 to 10,000 genes; and humans have about 30,000 genes HIV/AIDS The mutation ... news’ A virus is genetic material covered with a coat of protein molecules Viruses not have cell walls, are parasitic, and can only replicate by entering host cells They have few genes compared ... the butchering of bush meat in the 1930s The genetic material of life forms, including most viruses, is deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) This contains the genetic instructions specifying the biological...
Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 17:16