game and graphics programming for ios

game and graphics programming for ios and android with opengl es 2.0

game and graphics programming for ios and android with opengl es 2.0

... ( and David Radford ( flast.indd xxflast.indd xx 12/31/11 9:40:24 AM12/31/11 9:40:24 AM Game and Graphics Programming for iOS and Android® with OpenGL® ... location of the Android NDK c01.indd 3c01.indd 3 12/31/11 8:53:33 AM12/31/11 8:53:33 AM

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 13:36

316 1K 2
Game and Graphics Programming for iOS and Android with OpenGL ES 2.0 docx

Game and Graphics Programming for iOS and Android with OpenGL ES 2.0 docx

... 37 c03.indd 37c03.indd 37 12/31/11 9:01:06 AM12/31/11 9:01:06 AM Game and Graphics Programming for iOS and Android® with OpenGL® ES 2.0 This edition fi rst published 2012 Copyright ©2012 ... Ociacia CREDITS ffirs.indd ixffirs.indd ix 1/11/12 8:21:02 AM1/11/12 8:21:02 AM Game and Graphics Programming for iOS and Android ® with OpenGL ® ES 2.0 ffirs.indd iiiffirs.indd iii 1/11/12 8:21:00 ... Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, United Kingdom For details of our global editorial offi ces, for customer services and for information about how to apply for permission to reuse the copyright material...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 22:20

316 1,1K 0
apress pro multithreading and memory management for ios and os x (2012)

apress pro multithreading and memory management for ios and os x (2012)

... with GCD • ARC technology and how to use it • How to manage objects with ARC Turn to Pro Multithreading and Memory Management for iOS and OS X and become a master iOS and OS X developer! Gain ... level: Intermediate–Advanced BOOKS FOR PROFESSIONALS BY PROFESSIONALS ® L earn the technologies that are essential to develop on iOS 5 and OS X Lion with Pro Multithreading and Memory Management for iOS and OS X. This ... multithreading and guides you through Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) and Grand Central Dispatch (GCD). It gives you the knowledge and skills you need to devel- op highly responsive iOS and OS X...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 10:04

206 1,9K 0
Addison wesley the iOS 5 developer's cookbook, core concepts and essential recipes for iOS programmers 3rd (2012)

Addison wesley the iOS 5 developer's cookbook, core concepts and essential recipes for iOS programmers 3rd (2012)

... introduces the iOS SDK and explores iOS as a delivery platform, limitations and all. It explains the break- down of the standard iOS application and helps you get started with the iOS Developer ... you’re new to Objective-C as well as to iOS, you’ll appreciate this basic skills chapter. Objective-C is the standard programming language for both iOS and for Mac OS X. It offers a powerful object-oriented ... to create The iOS 5 Developer’s Cookbook: Expanded Electronic Edition, which will release in electronic-only form (namely, ePub for iBooks, Kindle, and PDF for desktops).The Expanded Electronic...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 10:16

828 8K 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article Comparative Study of Local SAD and Dynamic Programming for Stereo Processing Using Dedicated Hardware" ppt

Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article Comparative Study of Local SAD and Dynamic Programming for Stereo Processing Using Dedicated Hardware" ppt

... Article Comparative Study of Local SAD and Dynamic Programming for Stereo Processing Using Dedicated Hardware John Kalomiros 1 and John Lygouras 2 1 Department of Informatics and Communications, Technological ... assessment yields 61.12% and 79.85% correct matches for their SAD and census transform, respectively, while frame rates range to several hundreds. Darabiha et al. [19] and Masrani and MacLean [20] implemented ... maps than SAD but it is much slower and difficult to perform in real-time. Although DP is more demanding than SAD to parallelize, it can be more straightforward and less expensive than other global methods...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 19:20

18 350 0
Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner docx

Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner docx

... a riddle than a game, but it provides a great starting point for demonstrating how VBScript works and how it can be used to develop games and other useful scripts. The Knock Knock game begins by ... conversation between the game and the player. Figure 1.4 shows the message that appears if the player does not play the game correctly. Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner, ... little about condi- tional programming logic. Designing the Game The Knock Knock game s design is very straightforward, involving basic programming tech- niques. The game begins by displaying...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 12:20

510 450 0
Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner Part 52 docx

Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner Part 52 docx

... and techniques for the game developers of tomorrow! Perfect your programming skills and create eye-catching art for your games to keep players coming back for more. Check out advanced books and ... 127–129, 131, 175, 178–179 FormatCurrency(), 468 FormatDateTime(), 468 FormatNumber(), 80, 81, 468 FormatPercent(), 468 For Next, 69, 175–178 ForReading, 239, 241 ForWriting, 239, 241 FreeSpace, ... what you’ve been waiting for! ASP Programming for the Absolute Beginner ISBN 0-7615-3620-5 C Programming for the Absolute Beginner ISBN 1-931841-52-7 C++ ® Programming for the Absolute Beginner ISBN...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 18:20

10 513 0
Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner Part 1 ppsx

Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner Part 1 ppsx

... . . 37 WSH Objects and Their Properties and Methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Contents T he second edition of Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner represents ... book’s develop- ment and copy editor and Zac provided valuable guidance as technical editor. I also want to acknowledge Mitzi Koontz for serving as the acquisitions editor for the second edition ... Settings for Individual Desktop Scripts. . . . . . . . . . . 56 Back to the Rock, Paper, and Scissors Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Designing the Game. ....

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 18:20

10 375 0
Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner Part 2 pdf

Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner Part 2 pdf

... This chapter expands your understanding of object-based programming by reviewing VBScript’s built-in collec- tion of objects. Specifically, you’ll learn new techniques for parsing and extracting data ... Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner has been improved in a number of ways. For starters, it has two new chapters. One of these chapters provides expanded coverage ... the WSH and VBScript. This includes how to install the WSH and how to create and execute your first VBScript. In addition, this chapter includes a range of information about both the WSH and VBScript. •...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 18:20

10 538 0
Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner Part 3 pdf

Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner Part 3 pdf

... a riddle than a game, but it provides a great starting point for demonstrating how VBScript works and how it can be used to develop games and other useful scripts. The Knock Knock game begins by ... conversation between the game and the player. Figure 1.4 shows the message that appears if the player does not play the game correctly. Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner, ... shell scripts, you must have a good understanding of Windows commands and their syntax. You must also be comfortable working with the Windows command prompt. Conversely, to effectively use the WSH,...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 18:20

10 633 0
Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner Part 4 pot

Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner Part 4 pot

... output is the Windows command prompt. The Windows shell redisplayed the command prompt as soon as the DIR command completed, allowing for the entry of another command. For example, if I have a ... can click on Start, All Programs, Accessories, and then choose the command prompt, as shown in Figure 1.7. Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Second Edition Figure ... text-based interface for working with the operating system. Definition The Windows command prompt enables you to submit commands to the Windows shell for processing. By default, the command prompt appears...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 18:20

10 461 0
Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner Part 5 ppsx

Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner Part 5 ppsx

... system, and tools for managing Visual Basic projects. Although Visual Basic’s IDE provides a rich and power- ful programming development environment, it takes a substantial amount of time and effort ... WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Second Edition Microsoft publishes a great deal of information about both VBScript and the WSH at this site. Included among the information ... larger and more complex programs that justify the time and effort required to develop them. To learn more about Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, check out Microsoft Visual Basic .Net Programming for...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 18:20

10 754 0
Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner Part 6 ppt

Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner Part 6 ppt

... script and game development. Try to improve the game by adding additional jokes so that the game does not end after the first joke. 2. Try running the Knock Knock game using both the CScript and ... computer game, learning how to collect and validate user input and to display output. All in all, I’d say that this has been a very good start. C HALLENGES 1. The Knock Knock game is a very simple game. ... time. Properties: Count, Item, and Length, Named, and Unnamed. Methods: Count() and ShowUsage(). TABLE 2.2 WSH CORE O BJECTS (continues) 36 Project Preview: The Rock, Paper, and Scissors Game In this chapter,...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 18:20

10 403 0
Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner Part 7 ppsx

Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner Part 7 ppsx

... message sees your message, as well as your computer’s name and the date and time of the message. 40 Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Second Edition Object Description WshNamed ... command-line arguments. Properties: Item and Length. Methods: Count() and Exists(). WshUnnamed This object provides access to a set of unnamed command-line arguments. Properties: Item and ... this command from the Windows command line, you might type something like NET SEND jford Jerry, please stop by my office when you have a moment NET SEND is the command being used. Jford is the...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 18:20

10 548 0
Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner Part 8 pptx

Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner Part 8 pptx

... can store and retrieve data. I’ll provide more infor- mation about variables and how they work in Chapter 4, “Constants, Variables, and Arrays.” The third statement is another comment, and the ... the game WshShl.Popup “Welcome to Rock, Paper and Scissors game. Here are the “ & _ “rules of the game: 1. Guess the same thing as the computer “ & _ “to tie. 2. Paper covers rock and ... created for you and stored in the same folder as the script. Back to the Rock, Paper, and Scissors Game Now it’s time to go back to where this chapter started—talking about the Rock, Paper, and Scissors...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 18:20

10 328 0