60 The first statement is a comment and can be ignored. The second statement uses the VBScript InputBox() function to display a pop-up dialog into which the user can type either rock, paper, or scissors. The value typed by the user is then assigned to a variable called Answer. Setting Up the Script’s Random Selection Now that the player has selected his or her choice, it’s the script’s turn to make a random selection on behalf of the computer. This can be done in two statements, as shown by the following statements: ‘Time for the computer to randomly pick a choice Randomize GetRandomNumber = Int((3 * Rnd()) + 1) The first line is a comment and can be ignored. The second line executes the Randomize state- ment, which ensures that the computer generates a random number. If you leave this line out and run the script several times, you’ll notice that after making an initial random choice, the script always makes the exact same choice time and time again. The Randomize statement prevents this behavior by ensuring that a random number is generated each time the script executes. The next statement generates a random number between 1 and 3. I’ll break down the activ- ity that occurs in this statement. First, the Rnd() function generates a random number between 0 and 1. Next, the Int() function, which returns the integer portion of a number, executes, multiplying 3 times the randomly generated number and then adding 1 to it. The final result is a randomly generated number with a value between 1 and 3. Assigning a Choice to the Script’s Selection Next, you’ll need to assign a choice to each of the three possible numeric values randomly generated by the script: ‘Assign a value to the randomly selected number If GetRandomNumber = 3 then CardImage = “rock” If GetRandomNumber = 2 then CardImage = “scissors” If GetRandomNumber = 1 then CardImage = “paper” If the number 1 is generated, then a value of rock is assigned as the computer’s selection. If the number 2 is generated, then a value of scissors is assigned as the computer’s selection. Finally, if the number 3 is generated, then a value of paper is assigned as the computer’s selection. Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Second Edition Displaying the Results of the Game After the script comes up with the computer’s selection, it’s time to display the results of the game so that user can see who won: ‘Display the game’s results so that the user can see if he or she won WshShl.Popup “You picked: “ & Answer & Space(12) & “Computer picked: “ & _ CardImage The WshShell object’s Popup() method is used to display the results of the game. Using the & concatenation character, I pieced together the various parts of the message. These parts included text phrases enclosed within quotation marks; the Answer variable; the CardImage variable, which represents the user’s and computer’s choices; the Space() method, which added 12 blank spaces to the text messages; and the _ character, which allowed me to spread the message out over two separate lines. The Final Result Now let’s put all the pieces of the script together and then save and run the scripts: ‘Formally declare variables used by the script before trying to use them Dim WshShl, Answer, CardImage ‘Create an instance of the WScript object in order to later use the ‘Popup method Set WshShl = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”) ‘Display the rules of the game WshShl.Popup “Welcome to Rock, Paper and Scissors game. Here are the “ & _ “rules of the game: 1. Guess the same thing as the computer “ & _ “to tie. 2. Paper covers rock and wins. 3. Rock breaks “ & _ “scissors and wins. 4. Scissors cut paper and wins.” ‘Prompt the user to select a choice Answer = InputBox(“Type Paper, Rock, or Scissors.”, _ “Let’s play a game!”) ‘Time for the computer to randomly pick a choice Randomize GetRandomNumber = Round(FormatNumber(Int((3 * Rnd()) + 1))) 61 Chapter 2 • Overview of the Windows Script Host 62 ‘Assign a value to the randomly selected number If GetRandomNumber = 3 then CardImage = “rock” If GetRandomNumber = 2 then CardImage = “scissor” If GetRandomNumber = 1 then CardImage = “paper” ‘Display the game’s results so that the user can see if he or she won WshShl.Popup “You picked: “ & Answer & Space(12) & “Computer picked: “ & _ CardImage Summary In this chapter, you learned a lot about the WSH core object model. This included a review of its 14 objects and their methods and properties. You also saw a number of example scripts that demonstrated the use of various objects and their methods and properties. This infor- mation and the examples that I covered here have given you the foundation required to complete the rest of this book, not to mention the games that you will learn. In addition, you learned how to configure both the WScript and CScript execution hosts to best suit your personal requirements and preferences. Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Second Edition C HALLENGES 1. See whether you can expand RockPaperScissors.vbs by adding logic that com- pares the player’s selection to the script’s random selection to determine the winner. 2. Try adding logic to RockPaperScissors.vbs to see whether you can get the script to record its start time and completion time in the Windows event log. This way, you can monitor the event log and track the execution of the script. 3. See whether you can modify NetMessenger.vbs to execute different Windows commands. For example, try writing a script that uses the NET START and NET STOP commands to stop and start a Windows service. Part Chapter 3: VBScript Basics Chapter 4: Constants, Variables, and Arrays Chapter 5: Conditional Logic Chapter 6: Processing Collections of Data Chapter 7: Using Procedures to Organize Scripts Learning VBScript & WSH Scripting II This page intentionally left blank VBScript Basics 3 CHAPTER T his chapter begins your VBScript education by teaching you a number of important concepts. You’ll learn about the objects that make up the VBScript core and run-time object models. In addition, you’ll learn about basic VBScript syntax, functions, reserved words, and special characters. You’ll also learn about VBScript and WSH output functions and methods. Along the way, you’ll create a Math Game while learning more about how VBScript works with the WSH. You also will learn • The basic rules that you must follow when writing VBScripts • The objects that make up the VBScript core and run-time object models • How to enhance your scripts using built-in VBScript functions • Different ways of displaying script output CHAPTER 66 Project Preview: The Math Game This chapter’s game project shows you a programming technique that enables you to write VBScripts that can open and interact with other Windows applications. It’s called MathGame.vbs, and it tests the player’s understanding of the principle of precedence in solving a numeric expression. If the user gets the answer correct, he or she is congratulated for pos- sessing superior math skills. If the player provides an incorrect answer, then the game offers to teach the player how to solve the expression. To teach the player how to solve the equation, the program opens the Microsoft WordPad application and types out instructions that explain the steps required to solve the problem. To further demonstrate how the equation is solved, the program starts the Windows Calcu- lator application and uses it to solve the equation. The WordPad and Calculator demonstra- tions play out almost like a movie or slide show, starting automatically, pausing as input and text are automatically keyed in, and finally automatically closing when the demon- strations end. Figures 3.1 through 3.6 demonstrate some of the screens that users will see when they play the Math Game. Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Second Edition Figure 3.1 The game begins by asking the player to solve a mathematical equation. Figure 3.2 An error occurs if the player fails to enter a number. Figure 3.3 The player is praised if he or she correctly solves the equation. As you go through the steps involved in creating this game, you’ll learn how to use a number of WScript and WshShell object methods, and you’ll get a brief introduction to VBScript’s support for conditional programming logic. 67 Chapter 3 • VBScript Basics Figure 3.4 If the player provides an incorrect answer, the game offers to demonstrate how the equation is solved. Figure 3.5 Using WordPad, the game types out detailed instructions for solving the problem. Figure 3.6 The game then starts the Calculator application and solves the equation again, just for fun. 68 VBScript Statements Like any programming language, VBScript is comprised of programming statements. As you go through the chapters in this book, you’ll be introduced to the statements that make up the VBScript’s scripting language, learning a few different statements in every chapter, until, by the end of the book, you’ve seen and worked with most of them. Table 3.1 lists the statements that make up the VBScript scripting language. VBScript Syntax Rules To properly apply the programming statements that make up the VBScript programming language, you must have an understanding of the syntax rules that govern these statements. Each VBScript statement has its own particular syntax. The following is a list of rules that you should keep in mind as you write your VBScripts: • By default, all VBScript statements must fit on one line. • As you have already seen in earlier chapters, you can spread a single statement out over multiple lines by ending each line with the _ (continuation) character. • More than one VBScript statement can be placed on a single line by ending each statement with the : (colon) character. • By default, VBScript is not case-sensitive, meaning VBScript regards different case spelling of words used by variables, constants, procedures, and subroutines as the same. • You can enforce case-sensitivity by adding the Option Explicit statement to the beginning of your VBScripts. You’ll learn more about this statement later in this chapter. • By default, an error will halt the execution of any VBScript. • You can prevent an error from terminating a VBScript’s execution by adding the On Error Resume Next statement to your VBScripts. You’ll learn more about working with this statement in Chapter 9, “Handling Script Errors.” • Extra blank spaces are ignored within scripts and can be used to improve scripts’ format and presentation. Every VBScript statement has its own specific syntax that must be exactly followed. Failure to properly follow a statement’s syntax will result in an error. Let’s look at an example. The following statement tries to use the VBScript’s MsgBox() function to display a text message: MsgBox “Thanks for playing! Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Second Edition 69 Chapter 3 • VBScript Basics Statement Description Call Executes a procedure Class Defines a class name Const Defines a constant Dim Defines a variable Do Loop Repeatedly executes a collection of one or more statements as long as a condition remains True or until the condition becomes True Erase Reinitializes the elements stored in array Execute Executes a specified statement ExecuteGlobal Executes a specified statement in a script’s global namespace Exit Ends a loop, subroutine, or function For Each Next Processes all the elements stored in an array or collection For Next Repeats a collection of one or more statements a specified number of times Function Defines a function and its associated arguments If Then Else Executes one or more statements depending on the value of a tested condition On Error Enables error handling Option Explicit Forces explicit variable declaration Private Defines a private variable Property Get Defines a property name and its arguments and then returns its value Property Let Defines a property procedure’s name and its arguments Property Set Defines a property procedure’s name and its arguments Public Defines a public variable Randomize Initializes VBScript’s random-number generator ReDim Defines or redefines the dimension of an array Rem A comment statement Select Case Defines a group of tests, of which only one will execute if a matching condition is found Set Sets up a variable reference to an object Sub Defines a subroutine and its arguments While Wend Executes one or more statements as long as the specified condition is True With Associates one or more statements that are to be executed for a specified object TABLE 3.1 VBSCRIPT STATEMENTS . if the number 3 is generated, then a value of paper is assigned as the computer’s selection. Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Second Edition Displaying the. when the demon- strations end. Figures 3.1 through 3.6 demonstrate some of the screens that users will see when they play the Math Game. Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner, . example. The following statement tries to use the VBScript s MsgBox() function to display a text message: MsgBox “Thanks for playing! Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner,