frequency domain analysis ppt

Frequency-Domain Analysis

Frequency-Domain Analysis

... book. 150 FREQUENCY- DOMAIN ANALYSIS xlabel(’Normalized frequency ) subplot(1,2,2) plot(w,HdB);grid title(’Magnitude in dB of the frequency response’) ylabel(’Magnitude in dB’) xlabel(’Normalized frequency ) figure(2) subplot(1,2,1) plot(w,ph);grid title(’Phase ... 2πk) 120 FREQUENCY- DOMAIN ANALYSIS There is some ambiguity in the published literature regarding the definition of what is called the Nyquist frequency. Most of the books define half the sampling frequency ... 3.15, respectively. 148 FREQUENCY- DOMAIN ANALYSIS Suppose that we are given the transfer function of an IIR filter: H(z −1 ) =  M k=0 b k z −k 1 +  N k=1 a k z −k There are two equivalent approaches to find the frequency...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 21:20

74 335 0
Time-Domain Analysis and z Transform

Time-Domain Analysis and z Transform

... 3) CHAPTER 2 Time -Domain Analysis and z Transform 2.1 A LINEAR, TIME-INVARIANT SYSTEM The purpose of analysis of a discrete-time system is to find the output in either the time or frequency domain of ... and model it by equations in the z domain, instead of the equivalent model given by equations (2.1) in the time domain. This example is chosen to illustrate the analysis of a discrete-time system ... natural frequency equal to (0.2) and the term −0.088(0.1) n u(n) with the natural frequency of (0.1), while the zero state response y 0s (n) also contains the term 0.5(0.2) n u(n) with the natural frequency of ( 0.2 ) ....

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 21:20

80 519 0
Tài liệu Step by Step Analysis pptx

Tài liệu Step by Step Analysis pptx

... this. 2 2 Step by Step Analysis • Introduction to tcpdump • Writing tcpdump Filters • Examination of Datagram Fields • Beginning Analysis • Real World Examples • Step by Step Analysis This page intentionally ... 1 1 Network Traffic Analysis Using tcpdump Judy Novak Judy Novak Step by Step Analysis All material Copyright  Novak, 2000, 2001. All ... IP’s. 3 3 Objectives • Allow you to participate in the analysis process • tcpdump event of interest will be displayed • We’ll walk through the analysis process complete with missteps to see how...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:15

51 306 0
Tài liệu 76 Higher-Order Spectral Analysis pptx

Tài liệu 76 Higher-Order Spectral Analysis pptx

... Introduction Thepast20yearswitnessedanexpansionofpowerspectrumestimationtechniques,whichhave provedessentialinmanyapplications,suchascommunications,sonar,radar,speech/imageprocess- ing,geophysics,andbiomedicalsignalprocessing[13,11,7].Inpowerspectrumestimationthe processunderconsiderationistreatedasasuperpositionofstatisticallyuncorrelatedharmoniccom- ponents.Thedistributionofpoweramongthesefrequencycomponentsisthepowerspectrum.As such,phaserelationsbetweenfrequencycomponentsaresuppressed.Theinformationinthepower spectrumisessentiallypresentintheautocorrelationsequence,whichwouldsufficeforthecomplete statisticaldescriptionofaGaussianprocessofknownmean.However,thereareapplicationswhere onewouldneedtoobtaininformationregardingdeviationsfromtheGaussianityassumptionand presenceofnonlinearities.Inthesecasespowerspectrumisoflittlehelp,andonewouldhaveto lookbeyondthepowerspectrumorautocorrelationdomain.Higher-OrderSpectra(HOS)(oforder greaterthan2),whicharedefinedintermsofhigher-ordercumulantsofthedata,docontainsuch information[16].Thethird-orderspectrumiscommonlyreferredtoasbispectrum,thefourth-order oneastrispectrum,andinfact,thepowerspectrumisalsoamemberofthehigher-orderspectral class;itisthesecond-orderspectrum. HOSconsistofhigher-ordermomentspectra,whicharedefinedfordeterministicsignals,and cumulantspectra,whicharedefinedforrandomprocesses.Ingeneral,therearethreemotivations behindtheuseofHOSinsignalprocessing:(1)tosuppressGaussiannoiseofunknownmeanand variance;(2)toreconstructthephaseaswellasthemagnituderesponseofsignalsorsystems;and (3)todetectandcharacterizenonlinearitiesinthedata. ThefirstmotivationstemsfromthepropertyofGaussianprocessestohavezerohigher-order spectra.Duetothisproperty,HOSarehighsignal-to-noiseratiodomains,inwhichonecanperform detection,parameterestimation,orevensignalreconstructionevenifthetimedomainnoiseis spatiallycorrelated.Thesamepropertyofcumulantspectracanprovidemeansofdetectingand characterizingdeviationsofthedatafromtheGaussianmodel. c  1999byCRCPressLLC 76.4 ... Introduction Thepast20yearswitnessedanexpansionofpowerspectrumestimationtechniques,whichhave provedessentialinmanyapplications,suchascommunications,sonar,radar,speech/imageprocess- ing,geophysics,andbiomedicalsignalprocessing[13,11,7].Inpowerspectrumestimationthe processunderconsiderationistreatedasasuperpositionofstatisticallyuncorrelatedharmoniccom- ponents.Thedistributionofpoweramongthesefrequencycomponentsisthepowerspectrum.As such,phaserelationsbetweenfrequencycomponentsaresuppressed.Theinformationinthepower spectrumisessentiallypresentintheautocorrelationsequence,whichwouldsufficeforthecomplete statisticaldescriptionofaGaussianprocessofknownmean.However,thereareapplicationswhere onewouldneedtoobtaininformationregardingdeviationsfromtheGaussianityassumptionand presenceofnonlinearities.Inthesecasespowerspectrumisoflittlehelp,andonewouldhaveto lookbeyondthepowerspectrumorautocorrelationdomain.Higher-OrderSpectra(HOS)(oforder greaterthan2),whicharedefinedintermsofhigher-ordercumulantsofthedata,docontainsuch information[16].Thethird-orderspectrumiscommonlyreferredtoasbispectrum,thefourth-order oneastrispectrum,andinfact,thepowerspectrumisalsoamemberofthehigher-orderspectral class;itisthesecond-orderspectrum. HOSconsistofhigher-ordermomentspectra,whicharedefinedfordeterministicsignals,and cumulantspectra,whicharedefinedforrandomprocesses.Ingeneral,therearethreemotivations behindtheuseofHOSinsignalprocessing:(1)tosuppressGaussiannoiseofunknownmeanand variance;(2)toreconstructthephaseaswellasthemagnituderesponseofsignalsorsystems;and (3)todetectandcharacterizenonlinearitiesinthedata. ThefirstmotivationstemsfromthepropertyofGaussianprocessestohavezerohigher-order spectra.Duetothisproperty,HOSarehighsignal-to-noiseratiodomains,inwhichonecanperform detection,parameterestimation,orevensignalreconstructionevenifthetimedomainnoiseis spatiallycorrelated.Thesamepropertyofcumulantspectracanprovidemeansofdetectingand characterizingdeviationsofthedatafromtheGaussianmodel. c  1999byCRCPressLLC 76.4 ... at λ i ,i = 1, ,6 (see Fig. 76.4), offering no indication whether each frequency component is independent or result of frequency coupling. On the other hand, the bispectrum of X(k), C x 3 (ω 1 ,ω 2 )...

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2013, 04:15

16 413 0
Tài liệu DOMAIN - HOSTING pptx

Tài liệu DOMAIN - HOSTING pptx

... Internet của các doanh nghiệp. Domain name thứ cấp Là tất cả những loại Domain name còn lại mà domain đó phải phụ thuộc vào một Domain name cấp cao nhất. Để đăng ký các Domain name kiểu này, thông ... vực dùng chung nêu trên. 3. Các loại Domain name? Domain name cấp cao nhất Domain name cấp cao nhất là tên miền bạn đăng ký trực tiếp với các nhà cung cấp Domain name. Theo sau ngay phần tên ... các banner quảng cáo của nhà cung cấp. 6. Sự liên kết giữa Domain name và Web Hosting - Domain Name Servers (DNS) Việc liên kết giữa Domain name và Web Hosting để tạo ra một nền móng cho Website...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 11:15

6 285 0
Tài liệu Active Directory Domain Configuration ppt

Tài liệu Active Directory Domain Configuration ppt

... are: Every ... zones (,, and,, ... box to a domain controller. It should be the first domain controller in a new domain tree in a new forest. Its full domain name will be, with a NETBIOS domain name...

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 21:15

4 325 0
Tài liệu Democracy and Economic Growth: A meta-analysis pptx

Tài liệu Democracy and Economic Growth: A meta-analysis pptx

... clustered data analysis to derive clustered robust standard errors. 31 In many cases, clustered data analysis results in larger standard errors. We present the clustered data analysis for the ... information and have failed to reach a decisive conclusion. In contrast, we apply meta -analysis and meta-regression analysis to the total pool of 81 studies with 470 published estimates of the democracy-growth ... Cohen, J. 1988. Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioural Sciences. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Cutright, P. 1963. National Political Development: Measurement and analysis. American Sociological...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 16:34

46 522 0
Tài liệu Module 7: Designing a Multiple-Domain Structure pptx

Tài liệu Module 7: Designing a Multiple-Domain Structure pptx

... 2 Root Root Root Child Child Root Root Root Child Child Child Child contoso.msft contoso.msft Child Child domain3 .contoso.msft domain3 .contoso.msft nwtraders.msft nwtraders.msft domainB.domainA.nwtraders.msft domainB.domainA.nwtraders.msft domain2 .contoso.msft domain2 .contoso.msft One-Way ... single domain, and, if at all possible, your structure should keep a single domain. Single domains offer the following advantages over multiple -domain structures: ! Ease of management. Single domains ... separate domains with distinct policies that will apply to the users in each domain. ! Tighter administrative control. A domain is a security boundary. Domain administrators cannot cross domain...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 09:20

30 287 0
Tài liệu Tên miền - Domain name ppt

Tài liệu Tên miền - Domain name ppt

... IP để xử lý . Ghi chú : Phân biệt tên viết tắt giữa Domain Name System DNS và Domain Name Server dns . Mỗi một máy chủ quản lý tên miền (Domain Name Server - dns ) theo từng khu vực , theo từng ... tên miền mức hai ( second domain name level ), thành phần cuối cùng ‘ vn ‘ là tên miền mức cao nhất ( top level domain name ). 1/ Tên miền mức cao nhất ( Top- level Domain ‘ TLD ‘ ) bao gồm ... hạn chế các RIR khác. 4.1.2. Tổ chức quản lý tài nguyên Internet cấp quốc gia (NIR) Tên miền - Domain name I/ Tên miền . a/ Khái niệm chung . Như chúng ta đã biết Internet là một mạng máy tính...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 11:20

18 339 0
Tài liệu Firewall Log Review and Analysis pptx

Tài liệu Firewall Log Review and Analysis pptx

... Peer: IP_address • %PIX|ASA-7-111009: User user executed cmd:string Firewall Log Review and Analysis After the decision has been made to log events from your firewall, the next step is determining ... determining what you should be looking for in the logs and how you should properly perform log analysis. The most important thing to remember is that firewall logs are virtually worthless if...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 02:20

10 532 0
Tài liệu Cài đặt Domain Controller ppt

Tài liệu Cài đặt Domain Controller ppt

... cấp lên DC B4: Dùng các thông tin sau để trả lời cho quá trình nâng cấp lên DC:  Domain controller for a new domain HỖ TRỢ HỌC VIÊN SUỐT THỜI GIAN LÀM VIỆC/HỌC TẬP TRONG TẤT CẢ CÁC LÃNH VỰC LIÊN ... Thị Sáu , Q3, TP. HCM Tel / Fax: (84.8) 9321218 - 0913735906 E-Mail: Cài đặt Domain Controller - ( viết tắt là DC) : B1: Đặt tên cho DC là  Click nút...

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 06:20

3 339 0
Tài liệu Mechanisms for Knowledge Management Systems Effectiveness: An Exploratory Analysis pptx

Tài liệu Mechanisms for Knowledge Management Systems Effectiveness: An Exploratory Analysis pptx

... types of systems that these organi- zations deployed. Thematic analysis of the research find ings of the first phase, together with the analysis of published documentation and the information provided ... 2002. Developing a model for technology and cultural factors in knowl- edge management: a factor analysis. Knowledge and Process Management 9(4): 237–255. Nelson R, Winter S. 1982. An Evolutionary ... Methodology. MIT Press: Cambridge, MA. Szulanski G. 2000. The process of knowledge transfer: a diachronic analysis of stickiness. Organizational Beha- viour and Human Decision Processes 82(1): 9–27. Knowledge...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 00:20

14 517 0
Tài liệu Intrusion Detection Patterns and Analysis ppt

Tài liệu Intrusion Detection Patterns and Analysis ppt

... anomalous traffic. 1 IDIC – SANS GIAC LevelTwo ©2000, 2001 1 Intrusion Detection Patterns and Analysis Stephen Northcutt Version 4.0 You have learned a lot already, our job is to build on this ... help you become a combat ready analyst. Welcome! I’m Stephen Northcutt from the Global Incident Analysis Center and in the next series of course modules we are going to cover some new material, ... wrap up everything that you have learned so far. In our course we will continue to develop your analysis techniques and in addition expose some new patterns and signatures. You will notice as...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 10:20

29 467 0
Tài liệu -Financial-Statement-Analysis pptx

Tài liệu -Financial-Statement-Analysis pptx

... Terms • Financial analysis • Horizontal financial statements analysis • Vertical financial statements analysis • Cross sectional financial statement analysis Introduction Financial analysis: is ... financial statement analysis exist. This article discusses two of these methods: horizontal analysis and vertical analysis. Horizontal Analysis Methods of financial statement analysis generally ... Financial Statement Analysis 12 Financial Analysis revised Page 8 of 54 pages. Chapter: 17: Module 3.4: Sensitivity Analysis of ICT Invest Session 1: Building a Financial Analysis Model for ICT...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 11:20

51 877 0

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