free enterprise and the economics of slavery

Obesity and the economics of prevention by franco sassi

Obesity and the economics of prevention by franco sassi

... Secretary-General of the OECD The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein not necessarily reflect the official views of the OECD or of the governments of its member countries or those of the European ... in economics from the University of Chicago in 1987 Most of Don’s research is on the economics of disease prevention and health promotion He is the author of the chapter on prevention in the Handbook ... examines the scale and characteristics of the epidemic, the respective roles and influence of market forces and governments, and the impact of interventions It outlines an economic approach to the

Ngày tải lên: 04/05/2018, 15:45

270 596 0
Neuroscience and the economics of decision making

Neuroscience and the economics of decision making

... students and researchers in the fields of political economy, experimental economics, and behavioral economics Alessandro Innocenti is Associate Professor of Economics of the Department of Political ... a function of player type (cooperative and individualistic) and the absolute difference between the own and the mean previous contribution of the other players The likelihood of the observed ... near the vessel and then left the room The demonstrator invited the subjects to take the reward and leave the room (Figure 12.5) Coding: the video-­tape of each pair was analysed by coding how they

Ngày tải lên: 28/12/2018, 17:04

257 90 0
Management ability and the economics of recirculating aquaculture production systems

Management ability and the economics of recirculating aquaculture production systems

... development of a theoretical bioeconomic model of recirculating systems, parameterization of the economic and biophysical components of the theoretical model, and optimization of the empirical ... filter inefficiency affects the potential for profitable system operation Given the objectives ofthe study and the generic structure ofthe conceptual model, the causes of less than perfect filter ... scale There are a number of ways that this study could be expanded to further examine the role of management on the economics of recirculating system operation A more complete characterization ofthe

Ngày tải lên: 27/09/2019, 10:25

24 37 0
Feed in tariffs and the economics of renewable energy

Feed in tariffs and the economics of renewable energy

... Yoshihiro Yamamoto Feed-in Tariffs and the Economics of Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariffs and the Economics of Renewable Energy Yoshihiro Yamamoto Feed-in Tariffs and the Economics of Renewable Energy 123 ... for the two tasks Thus, bundling corresponds to PPP The contract specifies the basic standards of the facility in the case of unbundling (conventional provision) and those of the service in the ... firms and separately It is assumed in the basic setting of the model that the owner of the facility will have full entitlement to the residual value of the facility when the contract expires The

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2020, 09:45

161 65 0
Shifting capital mercantilism and the economics of the act of union of 1707

Shifting capital mercantilism and the economics of the act of union of 1707

... Commercial exchange however is a way in which the balance of wealth is shifted Landlords will increase the incomes of the freehands by purchasing their wares The freehands and landlords boost the incomes of the farmers by buying more of the products of ... parliament in favor of the legislation.2 And yet the majority of Scottish ministers present voted in favor of it.3 Were the votes in favor of the Union a matter of bribery and a corruption of interests on the part of the ministers, as argued by some scholars, such as Shaw (1999), ... The Bishops and Peers sat in galleries on her Majestie’s right hand, and the late members of the House of Commons of England, with such as had been chosen to represent the Commons of Scotland in the first British Parliament, were on her left hand…1

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2020, 10:14

104 27 0
Freefall america, free markets, and the sinking of the world economy

Freefall america, free markets, and the sinking of the world economy

... another example Of course, if the losers were rational, they would realize that it was an unfair game, and they would drop out Some of the profits of these investment banks are at the expense of ... Thus, in the case of first and second mortgages, in the event of a default, proceeds from the sale of the asset first go to the first mortgage holder, and only if there is something left over the ... made a big deal of the fact that the investors were sophisticated, that they knew there was someone on the other side of the transaction taking the opposite bet, and that as a matter of practice,

Ngày tải lên: 09/01/2020, 09:47

280 15 0
Excess capacity and the economics of public transit investment: A study of a growing American city

Excess capacity and the economics of public transit investment: A study of a growing American city

... recent years Noting the changes in the ridership over time and the efforts undertaken by the city to add more services, we form several hypotheses and test them Hypothesis 1: Hours of Bus Service ... subsidies and lower fares to promote tourism or other goals In other settings, they might support higher fares to increase the level of transit services Estimates of the price elasticity of demand ... introduce the regression models and consider their limitations Fourth, our study interprets results followed by a discussion of the import of the findings Trends in the Raw Data We start by noting the

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2020, 17:29

19 28 0
BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICS AND THE ECONOMICS OF KEYNES Wesley Pech and Marcelo Milan Department of Economics - University of Massachusetts at Amherst

BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICS AND THE ECONOMICS OF KEYNES Wesley Pech and Marcelo Milan Department of Economics - University of Massachusetts at Amherst

... what these advantages are They are partly advantages of efficiency – the advantages of decentralization and of the play of self-interest The advantage to efficiency of the decentralization of decisions ... have clarified the limitations of the logical theory of probability and to have pointed the way towards the next area of enquiry, namely the psychological and practical aspects of human behavior ... the material as constant and homogeneous It is as though the fall of the apple to the ground depended on the apple’s motives, on whether it is worth while falling to the ground, and whether the

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2022, 01:36

39 4 0


... ways of representing it However, a diagram that shows the contour levels of the surface together with the optimum-weight curve and the isO-BMI curves is clearly the most useful way of showing the ... contour Thus the optimal weight-for-height curve must pass through each of the nadirs of the contours, and the curve can be graphically derived by simply connecting the lowest points of the contours.5 ... lays out the basic tool of analysis I intro- duce the concept of the Waaler surface and explain how to represent such a surface on a diagram that will allow us to probe the properties of the body

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 02:20

210 396 0
essays in the economics of technology and innovation, and development economics

essays in the economics of technology and innovation, and development economics

... Essays in the economics of technology and innovation, and development economics Rosell, Carlos Eugenio ProQuest Dissertations and Theses; 2007; ProQuest Central pg n/a Essays in the Economics of Technology ... zero random error We use Equation 1.1 to test whether the university dummy explains some of the fragmentation of knowledge flows, Frag, The sign and significance of & offers insight into the ... investigates the proletarianization of attached workers in agrarian economies Each chap- ter constitutes a free- standing contribution to the field of the economics of technology and innovation

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 01:27

131 429 0
theoretical and empirical analysis of the economics of traceability adoption in food supply chains

theoretical and empirical analysis of the economics of traceability adoption in food supply chains

... Submitted to the Graduate School of the University of Massachusetts Amherst in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY February 2007 Resource Economics ... two theoretical and one empirical, analyzing the economics of traceability adoption in food supply chains and at the farm. The first essay investigates under what conditions voluntary or mandatory ... impact the levels of traceability flowing along single and multi-ingredient food. .. 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council on general food law, imposed mandatory

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 02:17

148 383 0
Three essays on the economics of innovation and regional economics

Three essays on the economics of innovation and regional economics

... collected at the end of the R&D contest. Another important limitation of the literature on the economics of the intellectual property rights is its exclusive focus on the instruments of patent ... models the features of an IPR system, and the foregoing studies emphasize the usefulness of the concepts of “patentability” and “infringement.” For instance, in the two-period model of Green and ... and the strategy of the Follower as σ F ( k ) 7 At any stage of the game, the expected payoff of. .. (ex ante) the full patent protection regime The social ranking of the

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 02:21

102 451 0
Managing Information Risk and the Economics of Security

Managing Information Risk and the Economics of Security

... (Goetz and Shenoi 2008), the protection of intellectual property of firms and countries (Andrijcic and Horowitz 2006), the financial integrity of investment firms (Jolly 2008), and the control of ... Technology and Policy Adoption, Combating Cybercrime, Privacy and Trust Information Risk and the Economics of Security presents the latest research on the economics driving both the risks and the solutions ... main safeguards in place, and concludes that there may be a need to reconsider some of them in view of the growing role of nonbanks and of the global reach of risks in the electronic era Introduction...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 17:15

339 570 3
Tài liệu Historical Materialism and the Economics of Karl Marx pptx

Tài liệu Historical Materialism and the Economics of Karl Marx pptx

... defines as the science of the True and of the Good, the science of the Absolute, and understands in a non-formal sense Professor Stammler speaks readily of a monism of the social life, and accepts ... example, the legal regulation of private property in land, and the existence of land differing in quality, and granted other conditions, then the fact of rent of land arises of necessity In this and ... the law of supply and demand Where there are differences of ability there is some kind of monopoly, and where there is monopoly, you cannot eliminate the influence of the relation of supply and...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 12:20

71 579 0
stiglitz - freefall; america, free markets, and the sinking of the world economy (2010)

stiglitz - freefall; america, free markets, and the sinking of the world economy (2010)

... against them To the Ken Lays (the CEO of Enron) and Bernie Ebbers (the CEO of WorldCom) of the early years of the decade, we now add Bernie Madoff and a host of others (such as Allen Stanford and ... governor of the Central Bank of Ireland) I am indebted to Michael Greenberger, now professor of law at the University of Maryland and director of the Division of Trading and Markets of the Commodity ... Treasury at the behest of the “Committee to Save the World” had made the crises far worse than they otherwise would have been The policies showed a lack of understanding of the fundamentals of modern...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2014, 15:42

172 183 0
munzig - 2003 - enron and the economics of corporate governance

munzig - 2003 - enron and the economics of corporate governance

... “standardized,” and can be thought of as commodity markets with classic laws of supply and demand governing them These markets consist of many producers and many consumers, with the quality of the ... examination of the fundamental aspects of the oversight functions assigned to every company’s management and the board of directors of a company In particular, the role of the subcommittees on a board and ... indicate the questionable nature of such transactions at the end of the third and fourth quarters in 1999, one of which was that Enron bought back five of the seven assets just after the close of the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:49

58 399 0
Finance and the economics of

Finance and the economics of

... between the prices of securities and their payoffs that are easily expressed in terms of state prices These relationships also allow the valuation of some securities on the basis of the prices of other ... stock, the price of the call, and the price of the put at time t = as S0 , C, and P, respectively The payoffs of the call and put options at time T are, respectively, equal to (S − K)+ and (K − S)+ ... prospects in the same way, to use the same model with the same probabilities of the evolution of the economy, the dividend process, or the bankruptcy of the firms This is known as the symmetric...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2017, 10:33

296 605 0
ENTREPRENEURSHIP public policy and the economics of entrepreneurship

ENTREPRENEURSHIP public policy and the economics of entrepreneurship

... Nevertheless, the standard theoretical and empirical tools of economics can inform both the positive and the normative issues related to public policy toward entrepreneurs Public Policy and the Economics ... excellent health, and otherwise The figures reported in rows and of table indicate that one cannot reject the hypothesis that the mean values of both HEALTHY and MHEALTHY are the same for the two groups ... the consumers of these products Whatever the mechanism of the spillover, however, the consequence is the same: the firm invests below the social optimum in R&D After reviewing a wide variety of...

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2017, 14:23

229 166 0
The economics of money banking and financial markets 9th edition   frederic s mishkin

The economics of money banking and financial markets 9th edition frederic s mishkin

... and the Stock Market 152 152 The Theory of Rational Expectations Formal Statement of the Theory 154 Rationale Behind the Theory 154 155 Implications of rhe Theory The Ef icient Market Hypothesis: ... at the Fed? 32 Why the Chairman of the Board of Governors Really Runs the Show 330 How Independent is the Fedl Inside the Fed 32 325 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Inside the ... Questions and Problems Web Ref erences I 41 14 • 144 CHAPTER The Stock Market, the Theory of Rational Expectations, and the Efficient Market Hypothesis 147 Computing the Price of Common Stock 147 The...

Ngày tải lên: 06/12/2013, 14:20

705 2,4K 71