fourier series and transform tutorial

Tài liệu 01 Fourier Series, Fourier Transforms, and the DFT doc

Tài liệu 01 Fourier Series, Fourier Transforms, and the DFT doc

... tationhasbothamagnitudeandaphasespectrum.Forexample,themagnitudeofthea n isplotted inFig.1.4forthesawtoothwaveformofFig.1.3.Thefactthatthea n constituteadiscretesetis consistentwiththefactthataperiodicsignalhasa“linespectrum,”i.e.,thespectrumcontainsonly integermultiplesofthefundamentalfrequencyω 0 .Therefore,theequationpairgivenby(1.5a) and( 1.5b)canbeinterpretedasatransformpairthatissimilartotheCTFouriertransformfor periodicsignals.ThisleadstotheobservationthattheclassicalFourierseriescanbeinterpreted asaspecialtransformthatprovidesaone-to-oneinvertiblemappingbetweenthediscrete-spectral domainandtheCTdomain.Thenextsectionshowshowtheperiodicityconstraintcanberemoved toproducethemoregeneralclassicalCTFouriertransform,whichappliesequallywelltoperiodic andaperiodictimedomainwaveforms. FIGURE1.3:PeriodicCTsignalusedinFourierseriesexample. FIGURE1.4:MagnitudeoftheFouriercoefficientsforexampleofFigure1.3. 1.2.2 TheTrigonometricFourierSeries AlthoughFourierseriesexpansionsexistforcomplexperiodicsignals,andFouriertheorycanbe generalizedtothecaseofcomplexsignals,thetheoryandresultsaremoreeasilyexpressedforreal- valuedsignals.Thefollowingdiscussionassumesthatthesignals(t)isreal-valuedforthesakeof simplifyingthediscussion.However,allresultsarevalidforcomplexsignals,althoughthedetailsof thetheorywillbecomesomewhatmorecomplicated. Forreal-valuedsignalss(t),itispossibletomanipulatethecomplexexponentialformoftheFourier seriesintoatrigonometricformthatcontainssin(ω 0 t)andcos(ω 0 t)termswithcorrespondingreal- c  1999byCRCPressLLC ... transform) . Note that the complex Fourier transform is identical to the bilateral Laplace transform, and it is at this level that the classical Laplace transform and Fourier transform techniques become ... (one-sided) Laplace transform, the DTFT is analogous to the classical Fourier (CT) transform, and the DFT is analogous to the classical (CT) Fourier series. 1.7 Selected Applications of Fourier Methods 1.7.1...

Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 03:20

30 477 0
The Project Gutenberg EBook of An Elementary Treatise on Fourier’s Series and Spherical, potx

The Project Gutenberg EBook of An Elementary Treatise on Fourier’s Series and Spherical, potx

... Trigonometric Series (v. Arts. 7 and 8). DEVELOPMENT IN TRIGONOMETRIC SERIES. 38 25. We see, then, that any function of x which is single-valued, finite, and continuous between x = 0 and x = π, ... = 2 π π  0 f(α) sin mα.dα; (2) and the series and the function will be identical for all values of x between x = 0 and x = π, not including the values x = 0 and x = π unless the given function is ... that when m = 0, J −m (x) and J m (x) become identical and (5) reduces to z = (A + B)J 0 (x) and contains but a single arbitrary constant and is not the general solution of Fourier s Equation (8)...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 00:20

309 537 0
Tài liệu Mathematics - Fourier Transforms and Waves pptx

Tài liệu Mathematics - Fourier Transforms and Waves pptx

... and odd. Let and refer to real and imaginary, and to even and odd, and lower-case and upper-case letters to time and frequency functions. A summary of the symmetries of Fourier transform is shown in Figure ... DISCRETE FOURIER TRANSFORM Likewise, the transform of the imaginary even function is the imaginary even function . Finally, the transform of the imaginary odd function is real and odd. Let and refer ... direction (counterclockwise), and to rota- tion in the other direction. To see why, suppose and . Then . The Fourier transform is (1.34) The integrand oscillates and averages out to zero, except...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 06:15

49 454 0
Tài liệu Mathematics - Fourier Transforms and Waves pdf

Tài liệu Mathematics - Fourier Transforms and Waves pdf

... 3 filter nonrealizable, 5 fold, 20 Fourier downward continuation, 33 Fourier integral, 10 Fourier sum, 7, 10, 17 Fourier transform, 8 Fourier transform and -transform, 8 discrete, 17 two-dimensional, ... the latter, we would evaluate both and at uniform locations around the unit circle, i.e., compute Fourier sums and from and . Then we would form for all , and inverse Fourier transform to . The values ... Convolution and Spectra 1 1.1 SAMPLED DATA AND Z-TRANSFORMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 FOURIER SUMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.3 FOURIER AND Z-TRANSFORM...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 21:17

49 384 1
Tài liệu Ambit and Envisia Tutorial doc

Tài liệu Ambit and Envisia Tutorial doc

... module or cell through which the signal passed, and the delay, arrival, and required times at each point along the path: Ambit and Envisia Synthesis Tutorial Creating a Flattened Netlist August ... Clock pull-down menu, and choose clock from the Port clock pull-down menu. Enter 0.1 in the Early rise and Late Rise fields. Enter 2.1 in the Early fall and Late fall fields, and then click OK . The ... device and all interconnecting delays account for a delay of 0.4ns, you can issue the following command: set_external_delay 0.4 -clock clk1 [find -outputs] Ambit and Envisia Synthesis Tutorial August...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 12:20

45 429 0
Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Desktop Processor Extreme Edition Series and Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Desktop Processor Series and LGA1366 Socket pdf

Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Desktop Processor Extreme Edition Series and Intel ® Core™ i7-900 Desktop Processor Series and LGA1366 Socket pdf

... desktop processor Extreme Edition series, Intel đ Core i7-900 desktop series processor, and Intel đ Core i7-900 desktop series processor on 32-nm process and LGA1366 socket may contain design ... specifications and before placing your product order. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel, Pentium, Core and Core Inside are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. * Other brands and ... insertion and removal. The max chain contact resistance from Table 4-4 must be met when mated in the 1st and 30th cycles. The socket Pick and Place cover must withstand 15 cycles of insertion and...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 00:20

72 346 0
Intel ® Core™ i7-800 and i5-700 Desktop Processor Series and LGA1156 Socket pdf

Intel ® Core™ i7-800 and i5-700 Desktop Processor Series and LGA1156 Socket pdf

... Number:322167-002 Intel đ Core i7-800 and i5-700 Desktop Processor Series and LGA1156 Socket Thermal/Mechanical Specifications and Design Guidelines September 2009 Thermal/Mechanical Specifications and Design Guidelines ... i7-800 and i5-700 Desktop Processor Series 38 6-3 Thermal Solution Performance above TCONTROL for the Intel đ Core i7-800 and i5-700 Desktop Processor Series 39 6-4 Supported PECI Command Functions ... i7-800 and i5-700 desktop processor series ã The LGA1156 socket and the Independent Loading Mechanism (ILM) and back plate. ã The reference design thermal solution (heatsink) for the processors and...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 00:20

102 1,7K 0
Đề tài "Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series III: Eisenstein series and twisted unstable Ar " doc

Đề tài "Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series III: Eisenstein series and twisted unstable Ar " doc

... Dirichlet series II, The stable case, Invent. Math. 165 (2006), 325–355. [5] ——— , Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series: The stable twisted case, in Eisenstein Series and Applications (Gan, Kudla and ... multiple Dirichlet series III: Eisenstein series and twisted unstable Ar By B. Brubaker, D. Bump, S. Friedberg, and J. Hoffstein 302 B. BRUBAKER, D. BUMP, S. FRIEDBERG, AND J. HOFFSTEIN We ... [3] and [4] involves a certain amount of bookkeeping, consisting of tracking some Hilbert symbols that occur in the definition of the series and the proof of its functional equation. Eisenstein series...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20

25 195 0
Intel ® Xeon® Processor C5500/C3500 Series and LGA1366 Socket Thermal/Mechanical Design Guide potx

Intel ® Xeon® Processor C5500/C3500 Series and LGA1366 Socket Thermal/Mechanical Design Guide potx

... products or services and are not intended to function as trademarks. Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S and other countries. * Other brands and names may be ... exceed 360 hours per year LGA1366 Socket and ILM Electrical, Mechanical and Environmental Specifications Intel đ Xeon đ Processor C5500/C3500 Series and LGA1366 Socket Thermal/Mechanical Design ... view of the processor land coordinates. The coordinates are referred to throughout the document to identify processor lands. . Đ Figure 2-5. Processor Land Coordinates and Quadrants, Bottom View ...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 02:20

93 527 0
Teamwork and Project Management - McGraw-Hill’s BEST Series Basic Engineering Series and Tools pot

Teamwork and Project Management - McGraw-Hill’s BEST Series Basic Engineering Series and Tools pot

... earlier courses and programs. Chapter One, the introduction and overview, was extensively revised. Chapters Two and Three, the teamwork chapters were updated and expanded. Chapters Four and Five on ... considerably and now includes several graduate students. The current teaching team includes Brandon Pierce, Connie Kampf, and Lori Engstrom. and they have been wonderful in helping revise the course, and ... Minnesota December, 2002 McGraw-Hill’s BEST Series Basic Engineering Series and Tools DRAFT for Review and Comment Please Do Not Copy or Distribute Teamwork and Project Management 10 Karl A. Smith Tom...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 01:20

198 461 2
highly efficient human action recognition using compact 2dpca-based descriptors in the spatial and transform domains

highly efficient human action recognition using compact 2dpca-based descriptors in the spatial and transform domains

... actions such as walk, run, jump forward, gallop sideways, bend, wave one hand, wave two hands, jump in place, jump-jack, and skip, as Table I shows that we are maintaining the excellent recognition ...   , Journal Computer Vision and Image Understanding  vol. 104, no. 2, pp. 90-126, Nov.2006. [3] A. Mohan, C. Papageorgiou, and T. Poggio. Example-based object detection ... illumination and environment. Several approaches were used to solve this problem, a survey can be found in [1], and [2]. These approaches can be classified into body parts based approaches and single...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 12:57

4 237 1
JSP and servlet tutorials

JSP and servlet tutorials

... uri="" prefix="s"%> Note:Phải thêm thư viện 2 thư viện jstl.jar và standard.jar vào thư mục WEB- INF/lib 3.1.3.Exception language . Exception language được khai báo ... file .tld <tag> <description>Change text type</description> <name>TextHandler</name> <tag-class>Model.ChangeTextType</tag-class> <body-content>JSP</body-content> ...

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2014, 13:54

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Maven and alfresco tutorials

Maven and alfresco tutorials

... feature is its ability to understand the dependencies your project relies on (and the dependencies of those dependencies and so on). Maven can then retrieve and cache those dependencies for ... the filter and you'll see the same two archetypes that were presented to you as options on the command line at the start of the tutorial. 8. Select the alfresco-amp-archetype and click ... Developer Series on ECM Architect has free tutorials on custom content models, actions, behaviors, workflows, and web scripts. 9. Specify "com.someco" for the groupId, "someco-mvn -tutorial- share"...

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2014, 13:54

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Linux internet server security and configuration tutorial

Linux internet server security and configuration tutorial

... FTP configuration tutorial  Use the find command to locate vulnerabilities - find suid and guid files as well as world writable files and directories.  Use the command chattr and lsattr to make ... 11 of 16 Linux Internet Server Security and Configuration Tutorial 03/14/08 And remove the line under "uninstall": ... Internet Server Security and Configuration Tutorial 03/14/08 1. First enter your "Login" id and select the "Log...

Ngày tải lên: 25/05/2014, 14:23

16 547 0