flow fields for unsteady

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Conditional Random Fields for Word Hyphenation" docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Conditional Random Fields for Word Hyphenation" docx

... available for choosing values for these parameters. For En- glish we use the parameters reported in (Liang, 1983). For Dutch we use the parameters reported in (Tutelaers, 1999). Preliminary informal ... positives) for the T E X algorithm. 370 Figure 1: Total letter-level error rate and serious letter-level error rate for different values of threshold for the CRF. The left subfigures are for the ... of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 366–374, Uppsala, Sweden, 11-16 July 2010. c 2010 Association for Computational Linguistics Conditional Random Fields for Word Hyphenation Nikolaos...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 04:20

9 608 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Improving the Scalability of Semi-Markov Conditional Random Fields for Named Entity Recognition" pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Improving the Scalability of Semi-Markov Conditional Random Fields for Named Entity Recognition" pdf

... decreasing the overall performance. We next evaluate the effect of filtering, chunk information and non-local information on final performance. Table 6 shows the performance re- sult for the recognition ... and the former was used as the training data and the latter as the development data. For semi-CRFs, we used amis 3 for training the semi- CRF with feature-forest. We used GENIA taggar 4 for POS-tagging ... structure for propagating non-local information in advance. In a recent study by Finkel et al., (2005), non- local information is encoded using an indepen- dence model, and the inference is performed...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 12:20

8 527 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Semi-Supervised Conditional Random Fields for Improved Sequence Segmentation and Labeling" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "Semi-Supervised Conditional Random Fields for Improved Sequence Segmentation and Labeling" pdf

... and therefore the diag- onal terms in the conditional covariance are just linear feature expectations as before. For the off diagonal terms, , however, we need to develop a new algorithm. Fortunately, for ... ma- trix form. For each position in the observation sequence , define the matrix random variable by where Here is the edge with labels and is the vertex with label . For each index define the for- ward ... idea, we assume that the dependencies of , conditioned on , form a Markov chain. Define one feature for each state pair , and one feature for each state-observation pair , which we express with indicator...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 04:20

8 382 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Using Conditional Random Fields For Sentence Boundary Detection In Speech" potx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Using Conditional Random Fields For Sentence Boundary Detection In Speech" potx

... an- notated according to the guideline used for the train- ing and test data (Strassel, 2003). For BN, we use the training corpus for the LM for speech recogni- tion. For CTS, we use the Penn Treebank ... probabilities for each word boundary , which are then combined from the posteriors from the previous step, i.e., . The features used for the CRF are the same as those used for the Maxent model devised for ... sources in an attempt to achieve good performance for sentence boundary detection. Note that we have not fully op- timized each modeling approach. For example, for the HMM, using discriminative training...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 03:20

8 393 0
an introduction to conditional random fields for relational learning

an introduction to conditional random fields for relational learning

... and Jerod Weinman for helpful conversations, and we thank Francine Chen and Benson Limketkai for useful comments. This work was supported in part by the Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval; ... the form Ψ A (x A , y A ) = exp   k θ Ak f Ak (x A , y A )  , (1.3) for some real-valued parameter vector θ A , and for some set of feature functions or sufficient statistics {f Ak }. This form ... be useful for certain tasks in information extraction and especially bioinformatics. General CRFs have also been applied to several tasks in NLP. One promising application is to performing multiple...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 12:29

35 334 0
hidden conditional random fields for gesture recognition

hidden conditional random fields for gesture recognition

... [9] used a CRF model for the task of image region label- ing. Torralba et al. [24] introduced Boosted Random Fields, a model that combines local and global image information for contextua l object ... Comparisons of recognition performance (percentage ac- curacy) for head gestures. set in a similar fashion. 6. Results and Discussion For the training process, the CRF models for the arm and head gesture ... distribution o f states for different ges- ture classes learned by the best performing model (multi- class HCRF). This graph was obtained by compu ting the Viterbi path for each sequence (i.e....

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 12:55

7 399 0
conditional random fields for object recognition

conditional random fields for object recognition

... results for the multi-class experiments. Notice that random perfor- mance for the animal data set would be 25 % across the diagonal. The model exhibits best performance for the Leopard data set, for ... an edge (j, k) in the graph E. Assuming that the edges in E form a tree, and that Ψ takes the form in Eq. 4, then exact methods exist for inference and parameter estimation in the model. This follows ... for inference and parameter estimation in the model, for example using belief propagation. If E contains cycles then approximate methods, such as loopy belief- propagation, may be necessary for...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 13:20

8 280 0
training conditional random fields for maximum labelwise accuracy

training conditional random fields for maximum labelwise accuracy

... Science Department Stanford University Stanford, CA, USA olga@cs.stanford.edu Chuong B. Do Computer Science Department Stanford University Stanford, CA, USA chuongdo@cs.stanford.edu Serafim Batzoglou Computer ... prediction. Training Conditional Random Fields for Maximum Labelwise Accuracy Samuel S. Gross Computer Science Department Stanford University Stanford, CA, USA ssgross@cs.stanford.edu Olga Russakovsky Computer ... risk directly. For binary classifiers, Jan- sche showed that an algorithm designed to optimize F-measure performance of a logistic regression model for information extraction outperforms maximum...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 14:09

8 327 0
Cash Rules: Learn & Manage the 7 Cash-Flow Drivers for Your Company''''s Success_1 pot

Cash Rules: Learn & Manage the 7 Cash-Flow Drivers for Your Company''''s Success_1 pot

... ABCs of Cash Flow 1 Chapter 1: Cash Rules 3 Why Cash Flow Is Important • Profitability versus Cashflowability • Cash Is King • What Is Cash Flow? • Team Cash Flow Chapter 2: Cash -Flow Language ... is what I call cashflowability—the excess of cash flowing into the business over cash flowing out. It is quite possible, and even common, for profitable businesses to be cash- flow disasters. Revenue ... operating cash flows, financ- ing cash flows and investing cash flows. But for the moment, the basic definition will serve. One other important issue at this early stage of understanding cash flow is...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 18:20

22 541 7
Cash Rules: Learn & Manage the 7 Cash-Flow Drivers for Your Company''''s Success_2 doc

Cash Rules: Learn & Manage the 7 Cash-Flow Drivers for Your Company''''s Success_2 doc

... to generate a flow of cash into the indefinite future. The greater that flow and the lower the risk to the flow, and the higher the growth rate of the flow, the greater will be the flow s present ... business will undergo a valuation process for some purpose—maybe for estate or other tax reasons, perhaps for sale or merger purposes, or (though hopefully not) for divorce or bankruptcy reasons. Whether ... THREE: CASH FLOW AND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. This section consists of four forward-looking chapters that use the seven cash drivers as the basis for describing, testing and fine-tun- ing plans for growing...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 18:20

22 452 5
Cash Rules: Learn & Manage the 7 Cash-Flow Drivers for Your Company''''s Success_3 docx

Cash Rules: Learn & Manage the 7 Cash-Flow Drivers for Your Company''''s Success_3 docx

... actual payment for these transactions is not particularly important for balance-sheet and income-statement design. Cash -flow state- ments are where we deal with the payment realities. Other Cash -Flow Formats ... income on the UCA cash -flow format. When this operating cash -flow number is reduced by capital expenditures, the result is referred to as free cash flow. That term is worth noting for its content value ... cash -flow information have to do with time horizons. First, balance-sheet dollar figures for items such as inventory and accounts receivable give important insights into likely near-term cash flows....

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 18:20

22 427 4
Cash Rules: Learn & Manage the 7 Cash-Flow Drivers for Your Company''''s Success_4 pot

Cash Rules: Learn & Manage the 7 Cash-Flow Drivers for Your Company''''s Success_4 pot

... industries, there are rule-of-thumb valuation formulas, but such formu- las are ultimately proxies for expectations as to discounted cash flows. In some ways, therefore, this chapter is not just S Sales ... sheet and therefore says nothing about operational flows. For that we must go to the cash -flow 70 | The current ratio is rooted in the point-in-time values of the balance sheet and therefore says nothing ... bankruptcy. The Ultimate Cash -Flow Risk: Bankruptcy W hen a business’s cash flow continues to be too much out and not enough in, the result can be the need to file for formal bankruptcy. Chapter...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 18:20

22 556 4
Cash Rules: Learn & Manage the 7 Cash-Flow Drivers for Your Company''''s Success_5 pptx

Cash Rules: Learn & Manage the 7 Cash-Flow Drivers for Your Company''''s Success_5 pptx

... business world on cash flow in general and its relationship to sales growth in particular, companies often tend to listen to the cash -flow words without hearing the cash -flow message. For many people ... uncritically for volume—not even for profitable vol- ume. You must first pay careful attention to the cash effects of your growth rate. Growth takes cash and there is a balance point for growth, ... for growth, a point of cash -flow sustainability at which an organization can continue to grow indefinitely. And so, for sus- tainability, you will want to depend for fuel on a combination 90 | Rapid...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 18:20

22 398 4

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