financial instruments cash and receivables

International Accounting Standard 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement doc

International Accounting Standard 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement doc

... net in cash or another financial instrument or by exchanging financial instruments; (b) when the ability to settle net in cash or another financial instrument, or by exchanging financial instruments, ... 2005 and may also include financial assets and financial liabilities recognised between the beginning of that annual period and September 2005 Notwithstanding paragraph 91, any financial assets and ... a financial instrument (or group of financial instruments) , the entity shall use the contractual cash flows over the full contractual term of the financial instrument (or group of financial instruments) ...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 22:20

61 311 0
Cash and ReceivablesInsert Book Cover Picture7Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, ppt

Cash and ReceivablesInsert Book Cover Picture7Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, ppt

... transactions, and § reconciling cash balances Agreed cash amounts deposited with cash amounts received Close supervision of cash- handling and cashrecording activities 7-7 Control of Cash Disbursements ... (Transferor) RETAILER Merchandise FACTOR (Transferee) A factor is a financial institution that buys receivables for cash, handles the billing and collection of the receivables and charges a fee for ... restrictions on cash and their implications for classification in the balance sheet Restricted Cash and Compensating Balances 7-9 Restricted Cash Management’s intent to use a certain amount of cash for...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 03:20

30 243 0
Bài giảng kế toán kiểm toán chapter 2 cash and receivables

Bài giảng kế toán kiểm toán chapter 2 cash and receivables

... Reconciliation 1.4 Restricted cash and compensating balances 1.1 Definition Cash - Cash on hand: Currency and Coins - Cash in bank: Balances in checking accounts, and items acceptable for deposit ... Outline Cash and Cash Equivalents Short-term Investments Accounts Receivable Notes Receivable Inventories Cash and Cash Equivalents 1.1 Definition 1.2 Petty cash 1.3 Bank Reconciliation ... equal 11 1.4 Restricted cash and compensating balances Restricted cash Cash that is restricted in some way and not available for current use usually is reported as investments and funds or other assets...

Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2015, 22:56

25 396 1
bài giảng chapter 3 financial statements, cash flow, and taxes

bài giảng chapter 3 financial statements, cash flow, and taxes

... (503,936) Net cash to acquire FA (711,950) Net cash provided by fin act 1,214,168 Net change in cash (1,718) Cash at beginning of year - 12 What can you conclude from the statement of cash flows? ... income and increases in working capital  The firm spent $711,950 on FA  The firm borrowed heavily and sold some short-term investments to meet its cash requirements  Even after borrowing, the cash ... section of the balance sheet?  Net fixed assets almost tripled in size  AR and inventory almost doubled  Cash and short-term investments fell 3-6 Statement of Retained Earnings: 2004 Balance...

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2014, 08:23

38 932 0
chapter 2_investments-asset classes and financial instruments

chapter 2_investments-asset classes and financial instruments

... more quickly and cheaply sold for cash 2-9 Figure 2.3 Spreads on CDs and Treasury Bills 2-10 2-11 Capital Market - Fixed Income Instruments • Composed of longer-term borrowing or debt instruments ... over FNMA and FHLMC 2-15 Municipal Bonds Issued by state and local governments Similar to Treasury and corporate bonds, except their interest income is exempt from federal income taxation and state/local ... trade in the money market • Treasury notes and bonds, corporate bonds, municipal bo nds, mortgage securities, and federal agency debt 2-12 US Treasury Notes and Bonds  Issued by the U.S government...

Ngày tải lên: 03/02/2015, 15:11

39 520 0
Chapter 2 financial statements taxes and cash flow

Chapter 2 financial statements taxes and cash flow

... Key Concepts and Skills • Know the difference between book value and market value • Know the difference between accounting income and cash flow • Know the difference between average and marginal ... 2-14 The Concept of Cash Flow • Cash flow is one of the most important pieces of information that a financial manager can derive from financial statements • The statement of cash flows does not ... look at how cash is generated from utilizing assets and how it is paid to those that finance the purchase of the assets 2-15 Cash Flow From Assets • Cash Flow From Assets (CFFA) = Cash Flow to...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2015, 15:20

25 554 0
financial management practices and financial characteristics

financial management practices and financial characteristics

... to the areas of financial management practices, financial characteristics, and profitability of v SMEs and to build a model of the impact of financial management practices and financial characteristics ... Vietnam Firstly, it investigates financial management practices and financial characteristics of SMEs, and then, examines the impacts of financial management practices and financial characteristics ... relationships between financial management practices, financial characteristics and SME profitability? (answered in chapters and 5) • How financial management practices and financial characteristics...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 10:26

316 594 3
Nghiên cứu xúc tiến bán  của tập đoàn bán sỉ Metro Cash and Carry Việt Nam

Nghiên cứu xúc tiến bán của tập đoàn bán sỉ Metro Cash and Carry Việt Nam

... lý luận xúc tiến bán Phần2: Hoạt động xúc tiến bán Metro Cash & Carry Việt Nam Phẩn3: Đề xuất giải pháp hoạt động xúc tiến bán cho Metro Cash & Carry Việt Nam Chương I Những vấn đề lý luận xúc ... đánh giá kết đạt 11 12 CHƯƠNG II CÁC HOẠT ĐỘNG XÚC TIẾN BÁN CỦA METRO CASH& CARRY VIỆT NAM 2.1 Tổng quan công ty TNHH Metro Cash& Carry Việt Nam 2.1.1 Khái quát lịch sử hình thành phát triển Tập ... khác thành phố Cần Thơ, Đà Nẵng Hải Phòng, Đồng Nai Công ty TNHH Metro Cash& Carry Việt Nam công ty 100% vốn nước Cụm từ Cash& Carry có nghĩa tiền mặt mang đi.Metro hoạt động lĩnh vực phân phối...

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2013, 10:14

31 1,3K 1
Tài liệu Chapter 2: Indicators of Financial Structure, Development, and Soundness ppt

Tài liệu Chapter 2: Indicators of Financial Structure, Development, and Soundness ppt

... different market instruments in the total outstanding value of financial market instruments For example, the relative shares of money and capital market instruments in total financial assets ... institutions and their asset positions, and (b) the number of and growth rates of 10 11 12 A B C D E F G H I 16 Chapter 2: Indicators of Financial Structure, Development, and Soundness available money and ... segments of the financial sector Well-functioning financial systems should offer a wide range of financial services and products from a diversified set of financial intermediaries and markets Ideally,...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 05:15

19 543 0


... both financial and non -financial backgrounds in our long-standing Functional Management Program His excellent financial overviews and simplified models effectively broaden our managers’ understanding ... organizations and empowered employees Empowerment begins with knowledge and is expanded by targeted training, which includes understanding the nature and relevance of financial/ economic data, and is ... Page 2 Financial Analysis: Tools and Techniques For many years the purpose and contribution of this book have been to help make financial/ economic analysis a practical, understandable and usable...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 00:20

510 466 1
Tài liệu Strips. Arbitraging The Eurodollar Cash And Futures Markets(pdf) docx

Tài liệu Strips. Arbitraging The Eurodollar Cash And Futures Markets(pdf) docx

... represents to an actual cash market rate to see if a combination of cash and futures will outperform a cash- only trade Let us consider our proposed transaction In the cash market, 11-month LIBOR ... This first cash transaction is also known as the “front tail” or “stub,” which is multiplied by a cash interest rate (Rcash) for that period The second part of the equation is the rate and tenure ... diverge dramatically from cash prices.When the futures contract expires, the settlement price is a function of cash LIBOR rates on the last day of trading, so cash and futures rates converge...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 06:20

4 577 0
Tài liệu Transparency, Financial Accounting Information, and Corporate Governance ppt

Tài liệu Transparency, Financial Accounting Information, and Corporate Governance ppt

... allocation of cash- flow rights and control rights is frequently contingent on verifiable, observable financial and nonfinancial performance measures The financial measures appear to comprise standard ... (voluntary and mandatory), 2) information dissemination via the media and Internet channels, and 3) private information acquisition and communication by financial analysts, institutional investors, and ... accounting performance and CEO turnover include Weisbach (1988), Murphy and Zimmerman (1993), Lehn and Makhija (1997), and DeFond and Park (1999), while Blackwell, Brickley, and Weisbach (1994)...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 09:20

23 590 1
Tài liệu World Economic outlook - Financial Stress, Downturns and Recoveries ppt

Tài liệu World Economic outlook - Financial Stress, Downturns and Recoveries ppt

... 126 iii contents Chapter Financial Stress and Economic Downturns Identifying Episodes of Financial Stress 131 Financial Stress, Economic Slowdown, and Recession 136 Has Financial Innovation Affected ... Commodity and Petroleum Prices 118 3.18 World Oil Market Balances and Oil Futures Price 119 3.19 Developments in Food and Metal Markets 122   4.1 Financial Stress and Output Loss 130   4.2 Financial ... 134   4.3 Financial Stress and Shocks 135   4.4 Contribution of Banking, Securities, and Foreign Exchange to Current Financial Stress Episode 136   4.5 Lag between Financial Stress and Downturns...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 16:20

321 300 0
Tài liệu Hệ thống phân phối sỉ Metro Cash and Carry Việt Nam doc

Tài liệu Hệ thống phân phối sỉ Metro Cash and Carry Việt Nam doc

... Phân tích hoạt động phân phối sỉ Metro Cash and CarryViệt Nam 1/ Giới thiệu công ty TNHH Metro Cash and Carry Việt Nam Tên công ty: Công ty TNHH Metro Cash and Carry Việt Nam Văn phòng chính: Lô ... hoạt động phân phối sỉ Metro Cash and Carry Việt Nam 27 1/ Giới thiệu công ty TNHH Metro Cash and Carry Việt Nam 27 2/ Lịch sử hình thành phát triển Metro cash anh cary Việt Nam ... hợp với yêu cầu khách hàng địa phương b/ Nguyên tắc hoạt động Metro Cash and carry Việt Nam Theo chiến lược kinh doanh, Metro Cash & Carry tập trung chủ yếu vào đối tượng khách hàng chuyên nghiệp...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 22:20

55 1,1K 4
financial analysis tools and techniques 2012 pot

financial analysis tools and techniques 2012 pot

... both financial and non -financial backgrounds in our long-standing Functional Management Program His excellent financial overviews and simplified models effectively broaden our managers’ understanding ... organizations and empowered employees Empowerment begins with knowledge and is expanded by targeted training, which includes understanding the nature and relevance of financial/ economic data, and is ... Page 2 Financial Analysis: Tools and Techniques For many years the purpose and contribution of this book have been to help make financial/ economic analysis a practical, understandable and usable...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 20:20

510 337 0


... Obligations arising on liquidation Puttable instruments Financial instruments that give the holder the right to put the instruments back to the issuer for cash or another inancial asset, or that ... have priority in liquidation and there are no other more subordinate instruments issued In respect of puttable instruments, all inancial instruments in the class of instruments that is subordinate ... 4 | IFRS for Investment Funds When are puttable instruments and obligations arising on liquidation classiied as equity? Puttable instruments and obligations arising on liquidation are deined...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 16:20

14 996 1
Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Combining New Financial Instruments with the MFF docx

Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Combining New Financial Instruments with the MFF docx

... public and private sector resources for the benefit of sustainable and integrated urban development (schemes)  Expertise - new partnerships and synergies Utilise financial, managerial and project ... of procurement and delivery routes; RE:FIT and EPC optional European Investment Bank – JESSICA and Investment Funds JESSICA in practice Spain European Investment Bank – JESSICA and Investment ... Investment Bank – JESSICA and Investment Funds 3 JESSICA in practice Lithuania European Investment Bank – JESSICA and Investment Funds LithuanianMinistries of Finance and Environment commitment...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 16:20

13 470 0
Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis, and Valuation A Strategic Perspective pot

Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis, and Valuation A Strategic Perspective pot

... make up the concentrates and syrups as well as the product and brand promotion that maintain its brand name and brand loyalty Maintaining product quality and efficient and effective distribution ... assets are cash and cash equivalents; accounts and notes receivable; inventories; prepaid expenses; property, plant, and equipment; and goodwill and intangible assets PepsiCo’s principal financial ... systematic and firm-specific market risk, and fraudulent financial reporting risk This chapter also describes and illustrates the calculation and interpretation of risk ratios and applies them to the financial...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 22:20

1,3K 2,4K 17


... infinitely risk-averse, the myopic demand for longterm bonds is zero and all bond demand is accounted for by the hedging demand We show that indexed bonds are particularly suitable for hedging ... interest rates, and this is attractive to risk-averse long-term investors In the extreme cases where there is no term premium, or where investors are infinitely risk-averse, the myopic demand for longterm ... model of optimal consumption and portfolio choice for infinitely-lived investors facing stochastic interest rates, solve it using an approximate analytical method, and evaluate the conventional...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 07:20

56 458 1