features of c shell in linux

An investigation into linguistic features of transitive verbs in verbal processes of the novel series fifty shades by EL james and its vietnamese translational version 50 sắc thái by van khanh, dang ngoc (tt)

An investigation into linguistic features of transitive verbs in verbal processes of the novel series fifty shades by EL james and its vietnamese translational version 50 sắc thái by van khanh, dang ngoc (tt)

... illustrate the characteristics of roles and functional patterns involving material process clauses In the process of studying, a number of findings on differences in verbal process in English and ... abstract system of symbols and meanings A language is one of the most productive sources of communication As defined in Cambridge dictionary, it‘s a system of communication consisting of sounds, ... distinguished on the basic of the usual combination of semantic and grammatical criteria Each of these shares some of the characteristics of the major types The most important of the three central

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2020, 09:27

26 56 0
C programming in linux

C programming in linux


Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2013, 09:23

84 443 0
A study of linguistic features of negotiation conversations in english and vietnamese

A study of linguistic features of negotiation conversations in english and vietnamese

... use of NCs in cross – cultural communication in English and Vietnamese. The findings of the study can be the potential source for the teaching and learning of speech acts in general and NCs in ... to communicate effectively. In the process of communication, negotiation has been one of the most popular kinds of language interaction, especially when economic and political life is becoming ... described in terms of syntactic and pragmatic features according to modern linguistic points of view in English and Vietnamese. 7 The data are grouped into categories depending on their structures,

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:25

13 938 0
Role of c jun in the regulation of tumor suppressor p53 homologue, p73

Role of c jun in the regulation of tumor suppressor p53 homologue, p73

... Comprehensive allelotyping of human intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Clin Cancer Res 7, 2648-55. S Morton, RJ Davis, A McLaren and P Cohen A reinvestigation of the multisite phosphorylation of ... S. P. Hung, M. F. Chen, T. C. Chen, C. M. Chu and Y. F. Liaw (2000). Genetic alternations of p73 are infrequent but may occur in early stage hepatocellular carcinoma. Anticancer Res 20, 1487-92. ... Alterations in the gene expression profile of MCF-7 breast tumor cells in response to c- Jun. Int J Cancer. 88:18090. Rossi M, Sayan AE, Terrinoni A, Melino G, Knight RA. Mechanism of Induction of Apoptosis

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 15:55

300 250 0
Up regulation of c EBPa in hepatocellular carcinoma is correlated to poorer prognosis

Up regulation of c EBPa in hepatocellular carcinoma is correlated to poorer prognosis

... clinicalopathological characteristic in HCC. No significant association of C/ EBPα to other clinicopathological characteristics, including incidence of recurrence, was found. In patients with recurrence, up-regulation ... GGGAATCCCGTTCTCATCAGA TCATAACTCCGGTCCCTCTG AGCACTGTGTTGGCGTACAG The following conditions were set up in the Roche LightCycler 480 machine: an initial denaturation step of 5 min, followed by 40 cycles ... significant prognostic role in HCC 4.1.6 No correlation of C/ EBPα expression in HCC with the incidence of recurrence 4.2 No mutation in the C/ EBPα protein that is overexpressed in HCC 4.3 Effect of

Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2015, 17:14

84 155 0
A study of the linguistic features of hedging devices in lectures in english

A study of the linguistic features of hedging devices in lectures in english

... insight into hedging devices used in lectures in English 1.3.2 Objectives The study is expected to: - Examine the linguistic features of hedging devices in lectures in English in term of syntactic, ... features of hedging devices in lectures in English? 3) What are the pragmatic features of hedging devices in lectures in English? 1.5 SCOPE OF THE STUDY This study is confined to the linguistic features ... communication In his study of hedging in scientific articles, hedging refers to any linguistic means used to indicate either a) a lack of complete commitment to the value of an accompanying proposition,

Ngày tải lên: 27/02/2016, 09:41

26 869 0
A study on the pragmatic features of collocation used in advertising hair care products in english and vietnamese

A study on the pragmatic features of collocation used in advertising hair care products in english and vietnamese

... subject is made complex In sentence factors interact with linguistic meaning in the interpretation of utterances Collocations are, in fact, words combining into phrases and sentences, collocations are ... HOÀNG STUDYON ONTHE THEPRAGMATIC PRAGMATICFEATURES FEATURES AASTUDY OFCOLLOCATION COLLOCATIONUSED USEDIN INADVERTISING ADVERTISING OF HAIRCARE CAREPRODUCTS PRODUCTSIN INENGLISH ENGLISHAND AND HAIR ... in a Danish Computational Lexical”, as well as their frequency In the research of Dao Tan Canh (2008), he finds down the syntactic and pragmatics features of collocation used in advertising of

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2016, 18:38

13 589 0
An investigation into linguistic features of metaphor uses in english and vietnamese advertisements

An investigation into linguistic features of metaphor uses in english and vietnamese advertisements

... Frequency of occurrence of types of conceptual used in advertising language in English and Vietnamese Also, within metaphors in Vietnamese this study, the semantic and lexical choice features of ... differences about the conceptual domains used metaphorically and lexical choices in advertising... occurrence of types of conceptual metaphors in metaphors play an important role in ... metaphor consists of two conceptual domains The conceptual domain from which we draw metaphorical expressions to understand another conceptual domain is called the source domain, while the conceptual

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2016, 18:39

13 701 2
An investigation into the linguistic features of interogative sentences in english and vietnamese communication

An investigation into the linguistic features of interogative sentences in english and vietnamese communication

... SYNTACTIC CHARACTERISTICS OF ISs IN COMMUNICATION 3.1.1 Description of Samples 4.1.1 Syntactic Characteristics of ISs in English 3.1.2 Data Collection and Analysis Classification of Syntactic ... Percentage of Syntactic Characteristics of ISs in Combining with the word “ñâu” Vietnamese (89) “Tuy chị c? ? ngủ ñư? ?c ñâu” Category [120, p.37] Combining with the word “bao giờ” [110, p.30] Occurrence ... PRAGMATIC CHARACTERISTICS Combining with the word “nào” IN 4.2.1 Pragmatic Characteristics of ISs in English Classification of Pragmatic Characteristics of ISs in C? ? + A + + X English (97)

Ngày tải lên: 14/05/2016, 18:40

13 466 0
An investigation into the structural and semantic features of sentence types in english and vietnamese detergent product advertisements discourse

An investigation into the structural and semantic features of sentence types in english and vietnamese detergent product advertisements discourse

... The Role of the Sentence and Its Importance in Marketing Communications that in communication, especially in advertising, sentence plays a vital role in making the brand become successful in the ... meaning to the subject and verb of the sentence Not all sentences contain objects, but some may contain one or more There are two kinds of objects within a sentence: direct and indirect objects ... more independent clauses are joined by a coordinate conjunction, they remain independent clauses, but become one compound sentence a3 Complex sentence: A complex sentence is made from an independent

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2016, 15:00

26 604 0


... for collecting taxes and the administration of the Internal Revenue Code Yen Phuong – Bich Ngoc – Tuong Van FEATURES OF AN LLC IN THE US Form 8832, Entity Classification Election2, and checking ... Bich Ngoc – Tuong Van FEATURES OF AN LLC IN THE US 14  Lack of case law The LLC business form is a relatively new concept As a result, not a lot of cases have been decided surrounding LLCs Case ... LLCs generally not This can make it difficult for the company and especially investors to know who’s in charge, who can sign certain contracts, etc Some of this confusion can be avoided by creating

Ngày tải lên: 22/11/2016, 09:43

15 418 0
c programming in linux

c programming in linux

... bookboon.com C Programming in Linux Introduction C gives you access to the heart of the machine and all its resources at a ine-grained bit-level C has been described as like “driving a Porsche with ... C? ?Programming? ?in? ?Linux David Haskins Download free books at David Haskins C Programming in Linux Download free eBooks at bookboon.com C Programming in Linux 2nd edition © 2013 David Haskins ... Most of my academic research and commercial consultancy has been involved with spatial systems design and the large data volumes and necessary processing eiciency concerns has led me to concentrate

Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2017, 10:24

80 121 0
DSpace at VNU: Accumulation features of persistent organochlorines in resident and migratory birds from Asia

DSpace at VNU: Accumulation features of persistent organochlorines in resident and migratory birds from Asia

... organochlorines in migratory birds from Asia did not necessarily reflect only the pollution in the sampling area Abstract Concentrations of organochlorine contaminants including polychlorinated ... Concentrations (ng/g fat wt.) of organochlorines in resident birds collected from Japan Bird species Common cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo)b Common cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo)b Carrion crow ... higher concentrations of HCHs than PCBs and DDTs included migratory birds from Asia, and this indicates the presence of large HCHs sources in Asian areas other than India Conclusion Accumulation

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2017, 11:22

16 75 0
a study on grammatical features of indirect speech in enghlish with reference to their vietnamese equivalents

a study on grammatical features of indirect speech in enghlish with reference to their vietnamese equivalents

... Easily to find out that the changing in the first sentence is incorrect because of keeping the question mark at the end the indirect question The correct changing is in the second sentence In order ... into indirect speech in English and Vietnamese If having conditions to continue this topic, the researchers wishes to investigate indirect speech in more kinds of speech act in real life in order ... similarities in changing pronouns of indirect speech 47 Table 4.5: The similarities in changing adverbs of time of indirect speech 48 Table 4.6: The differences of indirect speech between English

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 22:33

63 372 2
Advanced c++  programming in linux

Advanced c++ programming in linux

... at ESSI, the Computer Engineering School of the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis The course was first given in the second semester of 1996 It has since been used in continuing education sessions ... 0-2 Advanced C+ + Programming Introduction © 1996, 2003 – Jean-Paul RIGAULT — Version 3.1 1-1 Advanced C+ + Programming Introduction Introduction Summary ❏ C+ + characteristics ❏ The object-oriented ... Advanced C+ + Programming Advanced Mechanisms and ANSI Extensions Name Packaging (namespace) Class as a Namespace (1) ❏ Classes are namespace ❏ Directive using namespace is forbidden in a class

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2018, 10:45

143 224 0
C programming in linux

C programming in linux

... C Programming in Linux David Haskins Download free books at David Haskins C Programming in Linux Download free eBooks at bookboon.com C Programming in Linux 2nd edition © 2013 David Haskins ... 41 3.5 Functions, pointers and structures – conclusion 44 Logic, loops and low control 45 4.1 Syntax of C Flow of control 45 4.2 Controlling what happens and in which order 46 4.3 Logic, loops ... us in reinventing light every day Light is OSRAM Download free eBooks at bookboon.com Click on the ad to read more C Programming in Linux Contents 2.3 What can a string “mean” 29 2.4 Parsing

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2018, 09:34

80 137 0
An investigation in the linguistic features of material process in hobby hydroponics by howard m resh and kĩ thuật thủy canh và sản xuất rau sạch by nguyễn xuân nguyên from hallidays functional viewpoint (tt)

An investigation in the linguistic features of material process in hobby hydroponics by howard m resh and kĩ thuật thủy canh và sản xuất rau sạch by nguyễn xuân nguyên from hallidays functional viewpoint (tt)

... (+)(-) Circumstance (+)(-) Circumstance + Actor + Process + Beneficiary + Goal (+)(-)Circumstance (+)(-) Circumstance + Actor + Process + Goal + Accompaniment (+)(-) Circumstance (+)(-) Circumstance ... the characteristics of roles and functional patterns involving material process clause In the process of studying, a number of findings on similarities and differences in material process in English ... is discussed more in 4.2.3 Comparison of using indefinite pronouns in active clauses of Chapter 4.4.2 Comparison of the appearance of factors signaling passive material clauses in English and Vietnamese

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2018, 12:57

26 147 0
An investigation into linguistic features of mental process in how to stop worrying and start living by dale carnegie (tt)

An investigation into linguistic features of mental process in how to stop worrying and start living by dale carnegie (tt)

... Living” writtеn by Dаlе C? ?rdеgiе C? ?tеgorizing thе linguistic fеаturеs of еаch subtypе of Mеntаl procеssеs usеd in thе work C? ?lculаting thе frеquеncy of еаch subtypе Dеscribing аnd аnаlyzing еаch ... dеscribing to find out thе fеаturеs of еаch subtypе  C? ?lculаting thе frеquеncy of еаch subtypе аnd drаwing tаblеs to show thе occurrеncеs of еvеry subtypе  Аnаlyzing thе dаtа аnd discussing ... linguistic features 3.2.2 Methods to collect Sampling of Mental Clauses Thе stеps аrе conductеd in thе study:  Collеcting sаmplеs of Mеntаl procеssеs in thе work of Dаlе C? ?rdеgiе  Prеsеnting аnd

Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2018, 13:03

18 128 0


... been interested in by many scientists and researchers In the word, there are many researchers investigating characteristics of English medical terminology in some aspects such as: An Introduction ... the electrical activity of the heart: 27 Radiographic imaging of a blood vessel: 28 Process of recording the electrical activity of the heart: 29 Incision into a vein: ... process of collecting data And the major findings include the typical features of word formation in English medical terminology, the difficulties faced by the students at Nam Dinh university of

Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2019, 23:54

83 325 5
A study on structural features of noun phrases in “pride and prejudice” by jane austen in reference to equivalents in the vietnamese translation version

A study on structural features of noun phrases in “pride and prejudice” by jane austen in reference to equivalents in the vietnamese translation version

... translation of literary works A fundamental shift in linguistic research from focusing on forms to exploring both forms and functions has been seen in recent years by linguistics When it comes to syntactic ... syntactic analysis, noun phrases are considered to be common cross-linguistically, which may result in the fact that they seem to earn the place of the most frequently occurring phrase type One of ... by scholars across the nations One of the most loved linguistic aspects debated is the abundance of noun phrases exploited in this work of art As a consequence, loads of researches have been conducted

Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2019, 23:57

66 359 0