fantasysmith apos s notebook work in process

Job shop scheduling to minimize work in process, earliness and tardiness costs

Job shop scheduling to minimize work in process, earliness and tardiness costs

... of JIT-JSP is to minimize three inventory related costs: Work in process (WIP) holding , earliness and tardiness cost Schedule generation procedures including idle time insertion are studied ... manufacturing system, logistics system and information processing system The increasing competitions in these fields make scheduling behavior more and more important in cost reduction and service ... individual schedules his time and activity to achieve various goals in different stages of his life time Scheduling also exists in almost every aspect of the industrial and business world including...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 09:02

143 563 0
It’s Not You, It’s Your Strategy: The HIAPy Guide to Finding Work in a Tough Job Market

It’s Not You, It’s Your Strategy: The HIAPy Guide to Finding Work in a Tough Job Market

... Books, 2006 Solving a problem means taking specific actions such as observing its symptoms or manifestations; precisely defining it; researching it and its possible solutions; ... Activists in the same situation Anyone switching industries or jobs, including veterans trying to transition into civilian jobs; government workers trying to transition into the private sector ... other sources while applying the principles and strategy discussed in this ebook This means applying HIAP + Enthusiasm to all phases of the application process, while also applying for jobs quickly,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2014, 20:53

48 560 0
Defining Incident Management Processes for CSIRTs: A Work in Progress pdf

Defining Incident Management Processes for CSIRTs: A Work in Progress pdf

... Author (s) Steps or Processes Computer Security Incident Response Planning Internet Security Systems [ISS 01] Responding to Computer Security Incidents: Guidelines for Incident Handling E Eugene Schultz, ... main subprocesses, at the next level down, each subprocess box is broken down into its various subprocesses 10 CMU/SEI-2004-TR-015 The scope of this report is the draft set of process flows that ... diagram symbols and drawings Section 4, “Incident Management Process Workflows and Descriptions,” contains the main content of this report This section includes the process workflow diagrams and supporting...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 23:21

249 475 0
Báo cáo toán học: "Aviezri Fraenkel’s work in Number Theory" ppt

Báo cáo toán học: "Aviezri Fraenkel’s work in Number Theory" ppt

... coverings by Beatty sequences are covering congruence systems A set of congruences {ai (mod mi ) : i = 1, , t} is a covering system if every integer n satisfies n ≡ (mod mi ) (1) for at least one ... exist o incongruent systems with all moduli odd?” and “Can we construct incongruent systems with the least modulus arbitrarily large?” In the 70 s Aviezri wrote several papers on disjoint covering ... questions were answered and generalizations made Some of this work is described in Doron Zeilberger s article in the present volume The work on covering systems and Beatty sequences continued with...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:23

4 294 0
A study on the teacher’s roles in group work in communicative language teaching at phuc tho high school, hanoi

A study on the teacher’s roles in group work in communicative language teaching at phuc tho high school, hanoi

... like to work with their friends, arranging weak students and strong students into groups is very helpful, most of the students want to practise speaking English in class without the teacher s control, ... chosen the topic of group work for my thesis since it is one of the possible solutions of the problem how to get all students to speak in language lessons I often use this way of interaction in ... A systematic review of the use of small-group discussions in science teaching with students aged 11–18, and their effects on students’ understanding in science or attitude to science: Review summary...

Ngày tải lên: 17/05/2016, 13:05

11 571 1
 Báo cáo khoa học: "Effect of intern’s consecutive work hours on safety, medical education and professionalism"

Báo cáo khoa học: "Effect of intern’s consecutive work hours on safety, medical education and professionalism"

... interns in each study arm We stated that “based on the results of these studies, it seems that the ACGME resident work hour restrictions are warranted”, when instead we should have said “resident work ... reducing interns work hours in the intensive care unit [2,3] Our statement that “interns in the traditional arm may have had more opportunities to make serious errors” was based on the incorrect assumption ... upper-level residents and other medical staff across a variety of disciplines We likewise agree that optimizing patient handoffs, medical education, and trainees’ sense of professionalism should be...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:45

3 514 0
Design and Controlof Workflow Processes

Design and Controlof Workflow Processes

... subprocesses, also known as subflows Any part of a business process can be seen as a subprocess Subprocesses are distinguished to divide the complexity of business processes into a hierarchic or network ... within an existing business process in the most effective way The strategic issue of redesigning a new business process is also involved Usually, a new business process is designed by first deciding ... place of the business process within the hosting organization (s) The different classes of business processes are as follows: Primary or production processes: the business processes of a company...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2013, 09:42

322 383 0


... 2-AP in samples s is identified and quantified in the 3.1 section in this paper b Volatile compounds analysis by SPME coupling with Mass Spectrometry (SPMEMS) SPME fiber was directly introduced in ... Liễu thickness 0.25 µm) Helium was used as carrier gas at a flow rate of 1.9 ml/min at 250C The injection was performed in splitless mode first (5 for SPME and for SDE), then in split mode to ... Agilent 5973N mass spectrometer was used for the GC/MS analysis The transfer line and the Fig Adsorption phase in SPME extraction injector temperature were respectively maintained at 260°C and...

Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2013, 16:28

8 622 0


... vision can become "vision junkies," just as organizations that come to "believe in" systems thinking as the answer to life 's problems will reach diminishing returns in their ongoing systems analyses ... basics of bringing underlying assumptions to the surface is also important early on Introducing conceptual tools such as systems thinking in isolation from learning how to work with mental models, ... paradigm," says Simon, "comes from your stewardship for the vision." Being the steward of a vision shifts a leader 's relationship toward her or his personal vision It ceases to be a possession, as in...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 18:20

22 373 0
An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of idioms denoting work in english and vietnamese

An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of idioms denoting work in english and vietnamese

... between English and Vietnamese idioms denoting work 5) Suggesting possible ways of learning and teaching English idioms denoting work FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 SYNTACTIC FEATURES OF ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE ... conclusions on syntactic, semantic and constructions as well as all meanings of English and Vietnamese gives some suggestions for the Vietnamese teachers as well as idioms denoting work under discussion ... characteristic is common in languages This feature is expressed in idioms in general and in idioms denoting work in particular As discussed previously, idioms denoting work refect vividly of events and...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:16

13 1,9K 4
Mô hình triển khai IPTV của VNPT tại Hà Nội và  giải pháp nhằm nâng cao chất lƣợng dịch vụ VNPT’s IPTV Implementation in Hanoi and Solutions to Improve Service Quality

Mô hình triển khai IPTV của VNPT tại Hà Nội và giải pháp nhằm nâng cao chất lƣợng dịch vụ VNPT’s IPTV Implementation in Hanoi and Solutions to Improve Service Quality

... Kênh SD Trạng HD thái Broadcast Trạng thái Latency 88 ms Pass 85 ms Pass Jitter current ms Pass 1ms Pass Jitter max ms Pass ms Pass V-MOS 4.45 Pass 4.5 Pass Video Rate 4.156 Mbps Pass 8.835 Mbps ... Pass Packet lost 0% Pass 1.05% Fail Kênh VOD SD Trạng HD Trạng thái Latency 177 ms Pass thái 178 ms Pass Jitter current ms Pass ms Pass Jitter max ms Pass 33 ms Pass V-MOS 4.45 Pass 4.5 Pass ... V-MOS 53 ms Fail 105 ms Fail 4.45 Pass 4.5 Pass 3.702 8.463 Video Rate Mbps Pass Mbps Pass Packet lost 0% Pass 0% Pass Kênh Trạng Broadcast Trạng SD thái HD thái 14 ms Pass 88 ms Pass current ms...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 20:44

15 663 2
A study on the use of language activities to enhance 11th grade student's speaking skill in pham hong thai school, hung nguyen district, nghe an province

A study on the use of language activities to enhance 11th grade student's speaking skill in pham hong thai school, hung nguyen district, nghe an province

... with specific instructions The students interest in speaking tasks Students evaluation of the effectiveness of speaking tasks at school Students desire for several types of speaking tasks ... complicated than it seems at first and involves more than just pronouncing words Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving and processing information ... freshmen in speaking class Moreover, it is sure that she feel interested when she does what she likes, so the question How you feel in the speaking activities and how is your class atmosphere in speaking...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 10:03

98 809 6
Tài liệu Application of Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing in Process Planning Optimization pptx

Tài liệu Application of Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing in Process Planning Optimization pptx

... features Operations? Machines? Cutters? Fixtures? Set-ups? (a) Process planning in a linear manner Operations? Machines & Cutters? Fixtures & Set-ups? Machining features (b) Process planning in a ... order of these OPTs in string-2 to form the right side of offspring-1 By doing so, the order among the OPTs in both string1 and string-2 is maintained in offspring-1 Offspring-2 is formed similarly ... approaches 9.2 Modeling Process Planning Problems in an Optimization Perspective 9.2.1 The Process Planning Domain The process planning domain for a CAPP system is defined by the types of parts, machining...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 19:15

27 515 0
Tài liệu Neural Networks and Neural-Fuzzy Approaches in an In-Process Surface Roughness Recognition System for End Milling Operations pptx

Tài liệu Neural Networks and Neural-Fuzzy Approaches in an In-Process Surface Roughness Recognition System for End Milling Operations pptx

... Surface Roughness Recognition Systems In this research, two ISRR systems were developed and tested Their training and testing processes are presented in the following sections ©2001 CRC Press ... laboratories in the state of Iowa (including Winnebago Co in Forest City; Delavan Inc in Des Moines; Sauer-Sundstrand Inc in Ames), point to the feasibility of in- process surface roughness recognition ... divided into two main processes, the process of learning and the process of recalling The Learning Process Step Given network parameters: Set all the necessary parameters, such as the...

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 01:20

19 540 1
Tài liệu Deteriorating Access to Women’s Health Services in Texas: Potential Effects of the Women’s Health Program Affiliate Rule doc

Tài liệu Deteriorating Access to Women’s Health Services in Texas: Potential Effects of the Women’s Health Program Affiliate Rule doc

... The Medicaid expansion in this study was broader than just family planning services state share of savings is higher since the state s share of birth-related costs is based on the regular Medicaid ... of existence that states had acted to limit beneficiaries’ access to health care settings of states’ choosing or had restricted payments to providers in certain settings.35 States can “impos[e] ... access for the poorest patients Operational restructuring, such as by closing some sites and reducing staff, in light of the loss of operating funds Reexamination of their services, perhaps reducing...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 06:20

27 713 0
Tài liệu Observations of an Orderly Some Glimpses of Life and Work in an English War Hospital doc

Tài liệu Observations of an Orderly Some Glimpses of Life and Work in an English War Hospital doc

... rewarded this courtesy I was requested, by a stern-visaged Sister, to state my business Her sternness was excusable The visiting-hour was not yet, and in my unprofessional guise she had taken ... been working in wards, some have been pushing trollies in the corridors, some have been shovelling coke, some have been toiling in the cookhouse or stores, some have been shifting loads of bedding ... hovers at his elbow, intent on a printed sheet, the details of which she is rapidly filling -in with a pencil For this is a card-index war, a colossal business of files and classifications and...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20

53 689 0
Tài liệu BEYOND THE LAW The Bush Administration’s Unlawful Responses in the “War” on Terror pptx

Tài liệu BEYOND THE LAW The Bush Administration’s Unlawful Responses in the “War” on Terror pptx

... thousands of persons detained as “special interest” immigration detainees (so-called special interest INS detainees),74 as material witnesses,75 and as persons detained without trial as alleged security ... ensures that reprisals in response to enemy violations are not permissible.16 Each recognition above assures that, indeed, as expressly mandated in Article 1, the rights and duties set forth in ... power is subject to restraints by Congress Tests for combatant and prisoner of war status are contrasted with Executive claims and the 2006 Military Commissions Act Special military commissions contemplated...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 05:20

327 806 0
Tài liệu Application of Computers in Process Control pptx

Tài liệu Application of Computers in Process Control pptx

... plus PID controller) a type system at least; our knowledge of steady state errors tells us that such systems are required for perfect steady state setpoint tracking Ziegler-Nichols Tuning In ... The most important term in the controller is the integrator term that introduces a pole at s = in the forward loop of the process This makes the compensated open loop system (i.e original system ... Ziegler-Nichols formulae for specifying the controllers are based on plant step responses Steps to determine PID controller parameters: Reduce the integrator and derivative gains to Increase Kp from to some...

Ngày tải lên: 27/02/2014, 03:20

7 407 0