extract transform and load basics

Database Oracle Warehouse Builder 11g: Getting Started pdf

Database Oracle Warehouse Builder 11g: Getting Started pdf

... sources and targets, and describe the extract, transform, and load (ETL) processes we use to load the target from the sources The ETL procedures are what we will define to carry out the extraction ... explanations for creating cubes and dimensions using the wizards provided by OWB Chapter 5: Extract, Transform, and Load Basics introduces the ETL process by explaining what it is and how to implement it ... 145 145 149 154 Chapter 5: Extract, Transform, and Load Basics ETL Manual ETL processes Staging 155 156 156 157 [ ii ] Download at Boykma.Com This material is copyright and is licensed for the sole...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 12:20

367 1K 0
Be A Leader for God’s Sake -- From values to behaviors doc

Be A Leader for God’s Sake -- From values to behaviors doc

... buffalo values and tactics and turn back into a buffalo and crash to the ground I described this book to my staff and committed myself to continue to work on the transformation, and asked iv Be ... tested my understanding of these concepts and who have helped me shape my understanding through our many dialogues I am also grateful to Julia Matera and Kerry Park who read and edited this current ... hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other You cannot serve both God and Money.” - Matthew 6:24 “‘ honor your father and mother,’ and ‘love your...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 19:20

199 458 0


... Evidently, each hand (a set of cards) corresponds to a unique ordered hand (an ordered list of the same cards), and hence we seek a way to enumerate the set of all ordered hands of weight n and size ... #R20 Let dk denote the cardinality of Dk and set dk d(z) = k zk k! Similarly let hnl denote the cardinality of the set of hands of weight n and size l, and set zn h(y, z) = hnl y l n! nl The ... a picture of weight k and a k-element subset of N that we will call the label set of the card A hand of weight n and size l is a set of l cards whose weights add up to n and whose label sets form...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:20

14 348 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Use of covariances between predicted breeding values to assess the genetic correlation between expressions of a trait in 2 environments" ppsx

Báo cáo sinh học: " Use of covariances between predicted breeding values to assess the genetic correlation between expressions of a trait in 2 environments" ppsx

... in environment (u and (u be r ) l ) G Let the accuracy of BV prediction, a and a for environments and 2, respectively, l be the correlation between actual and predicted BV and be constant within ... the i(i — x) and for divergent truncation selection w standardized selection differential (Becker, 1984) and x is the truncation point on a standard normal curve (Snedecor and Cochran, 1967) ... expectations for G correlations and regressions involving u and Û under non-random selection from i environment and variable accuracies within environments Correlation between means and accuracies of divergently...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 19:22

20 243 0
A representation for characteristic functionals of stable random measures with values in sazonov spaces

A representation for characteristic functionals of stable random measures with values in sazonov spaces

... valued stable random vectors, see Ledoux and Talagrand (1991) The Levy-Khinchin Spectral Representation Theorem states that an X -valued random vector X is α-stable, < α ≤ 2, if and only if there ... zur Mathematik, Band 58, DDR, 1983 [6] A Mohammadpour and A R Soltani, Exchangeable stable random vectors and their simulations, Comp Statist (2000) 11-19 [7] G Samorodnitsky and M S Taqqu, Stable ... -valued α-stable random vectors X and Y are jointly SαS if and only if every linear combination aX + bY, a, b ∈ R, is X -valued SαS Let L0X (Ω) denote the set of all X -valued random vectors on...

Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2015, 08:03

13 306 0


... called branding and is essential to selling products, goods, and services Companies spend billions of dollars each year to achieve worldwide brand recognition The condensed message for this branding ... be successful Everyone needs to understand the relationship between strategic goals and next week’s tasks Employees need to understand the annual targets and how they apply to their performance ... worked with thousands of managers as a consultant and trainer So many of you have told me of the need to convert vague, esoteric, and often unrealistic planning into something concrete and doable I...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 17:33

465 1.7K 22


Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2013, 01:44

129 454 0
Các quy định chung về thủ tục tố tụng tại phiên tòa sơ thẩm và việc hoàn thiện các quy định pháp luật về vấn đề này

Các quy định chung về thủ tục tố tụng tại phiên tòa sơ thẩm và việc hoàn thiện các quy định pháp luật về vấn đề này

... – Luật đại, Nxb Hart Publishing, 1998 (5).Xem: Koppen and Penrod, Sđd (6).Xem: Koppen and Penrod, Sđd (7).Xem: McEwan, Sđd (8).Xem: Koppen and Penrod, Sđd (9).Xem: Mc Ewan, Sđd (10).Xem: Nguyễn ... Nâng cao kĩ tranh tụng luật sư Việt Nam bên thềm hội nhập, Nguồn: http://www.luatsu hanoi.org.vn/vande/nangcaokynangtranhtung.asp#top 14 (3).Xem: Hoàng Thị Sơn, Thực nguyên tắc đảm bảo quyền bào ... sĩ với đề tài: “Vai trò luật sư bào chữa Việt Nam” (13).Xem: Lê Phú Thịnh, Tlđd (14).Xem: Koppen and Penrod, Sđd Nguyên tắc việc xét xử Tòa án nhân dân có Hội Thẩm nhân dân tham gia, Hội thẩm ngang...

Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2013, 11:11

17 1.1K 6
Once Its rationale, collective defense poses new challenge to a larger NATO

Once Its rationale, collective defense poses new challenge to a larger NATO

... new administration and a new Congress, and this is not a military aid, she stated That money will be first used to feed and shelter 10.000 people displaced during the fight, and will help rebuild ... To solve the ahead problems, both sides: Russia and the West must sit back together and discuss to find out the common interest and to understand each other more 13-9-08 (Russia Today) II.1.10Georgia ... Russians and the Americans – both understand how direct confrontation could end With direct confrontation out of the question, promoting and backing of proxy conflicts was the plan of action And we...

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2013, 16:34

35 308 0
The vocabulary builder : The Practically Painless Way to a Larger Vocabulary

The vocabulary builder : The Practically Painless Way to a Larger Vocabulary

... to choose from: anodyne, bland, candor, condescend, crocodile tears, doddering, fandango, grandiose, heartland, hinterland, hodgepodge, incendiary, innuendo, lodge, meander, methodology, moderate, ... To diffuse criticism, the Senator mixed candor and contrition (a) truth and apology (b) suggestion and sorrow (c) innocence and triteness (d) cunning and contrivance The posters reflect the animosity ... 14 The suit is (dull brown) IS Both husband and wife are (big and fat) 16 He walks with a gait (looking old and feeble) 17 He is a young man (unlively and unemotional) 18 The car gleams as if...

Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2013, 14:24

163 659 2
"Chào Thăng Long ngàn năm tỏa sáng"

"Chào Thăng Long ngàn năm tỏa sáng"

... HƯỚNG DẪN LƯU HÌNH VỀ MÁY Download bài giảng về Click phải lên hình cần lưu chọn: Save as picture… Chọn nơi lưu, đặt...

Ngày tải lên: 27/09/2013, 18:10

43 330 0
Các nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến việc cải thiện môi trường đầu tư tỉnh lâm đồng

Các nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến việc cải thiện môi trường đầu tư tỉnh lâm đồng

... ngồi FDI = Đầu tư trực tiếp nước ngồi GCNQSD = Giấy chứng nhận quyền sử dụng ITPC = (Investment and Trade Promotion Centre HCM City) Trung tâm thương mại xúc tiến đầu tư TPHCM KCN = Khu cơng nghiệp ... (Hans Seidel Foundation, Đức), Tiến sĩ Peter McLoughlin đến từ thung lũng sinh học Waterford (Ireland), bà Tara Kimbrell Cole (Cơng ty tư vấn Synovations, Mỹ)) hội thảo “Tư vấn qui hoạch thành phố ... Malaysia - 1.166.668 - 307.286 - Anh- Great Britain - 5.000.000 - 2.500.000 - Thụy Sỹ- Switzerland - 750.000 - 250.000 - - 6.000.000 - 1.800.000 - 10 ý - Italy - 543.000 - 543.000 - 11 Pháp-...

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2013, 19:23

96 1K 4
Insert Node to a Linked List

Insert Node to a Linked List

... the end of the list; and  When random access is important  Linked storage proves superior  When the entries are large;  When the size of the list is not known in advance; and  When flexibility ... and returns a pointer to it if found 45 46 Search Algorithm (cont.) Search (val target , ref pPre , ref pLoc ) Searches a node in a singly linked list and ... flexibility is needed in inserting, deleting, and rearranging the entries 58 Doubly Linked List current Doubly Linked List allows going forward and backward Insert an element in Doubly Linked...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:20

42 487 1
Seven Steps to a Successful Business Plan Appendix

Seven Steps to a Successful Business Plan Appendix

... Wheatley, Leadership and the New Science (San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc., 1992), p 55 Ichak Adizes, Corporate Lifecycles: How and Why Corporations Grow and Die and What to Do About ... p 44 Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall, Quantum Society: Mind, Physics, and a New Social Vision (New York: William Morrow and Company Inc., 1994), p 29 CHAPTER 10 Thomas J Peters and Robert H Waterman ... Corporation: A New Model for Transforming Your Organization for Growth and Prosperity (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998), p 272 Peter M Senge, The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 18:15

72 481 0