... (nigella sativia) belongs to the Ranunculaceae family which grows in the Mediterranean sea and Western Asia countries, including Pakistan, India and China [74] This plant is used in traditional folk ... reduction An open square containing a question mark, emphases the possibility that numerous other natural compounds can take the same pathways leading to apoptosis apoptosis in colorectal cancer by activation ... breast carcinoma cells Anticancer Drugs 2003, 14:193-202 103 Yagi Y, Fushida S, Harada S, Kinoshita J, Makino I, Oyama K, Tajima H, Fujita H, Takamura H, Ninomiya I, Fujimura T, Ohta T, Yashiro...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:21
... Extended palette An extended palette is available for broader (screen) applications Compared with the basic palette, this colour palette comprises a number of heavier shades Each typeface is available ... colours, typography and company logo's, this character is translated into a corporate identity, which is consistent and recognizable to anyone in contact with us The corporate identity connects the ... in isolation! Visual Company Identity The recognizable Heineken typeface and color green form the basis of the Visual Company Identity It is similar to the brand’s typeface and color The company...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2012, 13:53
English Collocations in Use Intermediate_What is a collocation
... pupils complain of pain She came in complaining of stomach pains p a i n subsides As the pain subsided, I began to relax b e racked w i t h p a i n He is emaciated and racked with pain A good ... engine pitch 1.3 bitterly mistakes strictly make breakfast have make substantial TV dark monument Learning collocations will m a k e your English sound m o r e natural Learning collocations will ... dictionary will also tell you if a collocation is formal or informal For example, CALD indicates that to take somebody up on an offer is an informal collocation (accept an offer would be a more...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 11:20
Tài liệu Unit 1- What is a computer? pptx
... information All computers have three basic capabilities A computer is a machine that can be made to operate by receiving signals A computer cannot work without being told what to A computer can make ... and cannot exercise any value judgments There are times when a computer seems to operate like a mechanical “brain”, but its achievements are limited by the minds of human beings A computer cannot ... referred to as a _ unit A computer is a _ that processes information in the form of _ and _ and can store this information an a _ Lan Anh Nguyen/ ESP/HNUE Card readers, tape drives,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 20:15
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The Arabidopsis protein kinase Pto-interacting 1-4 is a common target of the oxidative signal-inducible 1 and mitogen-activated protein kinases docx
... 5-ACATTGT GCTCAGTGGTGGA-3 and 5-CTGAGGGAAGCAAG AATGGA-3, OXI1 (At3g25250): 5-GACGAGATTATC AGATTTTACGC-3 and 5-AACTGGTGAAGCGGAAG AGAC-3, PTI1-4 (At2g47060): 5-CCCCAAAGAAAATG AGTTGCT-3 and 5-GCATCATTTCCTGGAGGAAAG-3 ... Matsuoka D, Nanmori T, Sato K, Fukami Y, Kikkawa U & Yasuda T (2002) Activation of AtMEK1, an Arabidopsis mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase, in vitro and in vivo: analysis of active mutants expressed ... substrate to assess the kinase activity and GST alone was used as a negative control The top panel shows the kinase assay visualized by autoradiography and the bottom panel shows the Coomassie...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 19:20
... formalisms, such as Combinatory Categorial Grammars (CCG), which also provide an e~ended domain of locality It is of particular interest to carry out this investigation in the context of CCG because ... International Conference on Assoc Comput Ling., 1988 [8] K Vijayashanker A Study of Tee Adjoining Grammars PhD thesis, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa, 1987 [9] K Vijay-Shanker and A ... J is redundant within the TAG framework C O M P A R I S O N OF T H E T W O FORMALISMS We have compared LFG and TAG analyses of long distance dependencies, and have shown that what functional...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Cys126 is a completely conserved residue in triosephosphate isomerase that docx
... used for generating the five mutants were: C126S, 5¢-TAATTTAAAAGCCGTTGTATCCTTTGGT GAATCTT-3¢; C12 6A, 5¢-TAATTTAAAAGCCGTTGT AGCTTTTGGTGAATCTT-3¢; C126V, 5¢-TAATTTAAAA GCCGTTGTAGTTTTTGGTGAATCTT-3¢; ... 5¢-T AATTTAAAAGCCGTTGTAATGTTTGGTGAATCTT-5¢; and C126T, 5¢-TAATTTAAAAGCCGTTGTAACTTTT GG TGAATCTT-3¢ Experimental procedures Mutagenesis The Pf TIM gene was cloned into the pTrc9 9A vector pARC1008 ... Completion (% )a Overall R merge(% )a Multiplicitya ⁄ a Average mosaicity Enzyme activity was measured by a coupled assay method The conversion of GAP to DHAP by TIM was monitored in the...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo khoa học: A 49 kDa microtubule cross-linking protein from Artemia franciscana is a coenzyme A-transferase pdf
... this study Rabbits were obtained from Charles River Canada (St Constant, QC, Canada) and cared for in accordance with guidelines in ÔGuide to the Care and Use of Experimental AnimalsÕ available ... 15 with goat anti-(rabbit IgG) IgG horseradish-peroxidase conjugated secondary antibody (Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories, Inc., Bio/Can Scientific, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada) The enhanced ... sodium acetate, mM oxaloacetic acid, mM 5,5¢-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoate), 0.1 mM butyryl CoA, 0.5 U citrate synthase (Sigma) and p49 Absorbance increaseat412 nmwasmeasuredat20 °Candenzymeactivity is...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 20:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Use of Tranexamic acid is a cost effective method in preventing blood loss during and after total knee replacement" ppt
... DVT prophylaxis with Injection Enoxaparin 40 mg subcutaneous once a day Anaesthesia was standardized and all patients received epidural anaesthesia according to standard practice Patients receiving ... India 2007 32 Sons Fa: Number of total knee implants supplied to Pakitan Karachi; 2007 33 Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi, Pakistan Price list [http://www aku.edu/AKUH/Patient_Visitor/page6.shtml] ... (Orthopedics) Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi-74800, Pakistan Professor Department of Surgery (Orthopedics) Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi-74800, Pakistan Authors’ contributions...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Use of Tranexamic acid is a cost effective method in preventing blood loss during and after total knee replacement" pdf
... DVT prophylaxis with Injection Enoxaparin 40 mg subcutaneous once a day Anaesthesia was standardized and all patients received epidural anaesthesia according to standard practice Patients receiving ... India 2007 32 Sons Fa: Number of total knee implants supplied to Pakitan Karachi; 2007 33 Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi, Pakistan Price list [http://www aku.edu/AKUH/Patient_Visitor/page6.shtml] ... (Orthopedics) Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi-74800, Pakistan Professor Department of Surgery (Orthopedics) Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi-74800, Pakistan Authors’ contributions...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 07:20
101 Ways to Market Your Business 101 Ways to Market Your Business is a collection of marketing pptx
... performance, features, availability, extras, service, proof and guarantees Join an affiliate programs “Pay per Sale” Exchange articles and content with other websites Arrange for them to have a link through ... money on targeted advertising instead of mass media advertising Personalise all your email messages so that they all get read Using the person’s name is essential Follow up regularly with all your ... and potential clients Learn sales ideas from reading and studying other business advertising and marketing material Educate yourself with new strategies Form a strategic business alliance that...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 12:20
Báo cáo y học: "Chromothripsis is a common mechanism driving genomic rearrangements in primary and metastatic colorectal cancer" pdf
... including APC, KRAS, SMAD4 and PIK3CA A pairwise comparison of somatic variations in primary and metastatic samples indicated that many chromothripsis clusters, isolated rearrangements and point mutations ... Circos software [38] SNP-array analysis DNA from all 16 tumor and control samples was analyzed by Illumina Cyto12 SNP arrays according to standard procedures (Illumina) Copy number changes and allelic ... the tags relative to each other, mate-pairs with inverted tags and matepairs with everted tags [24] Deletions were called from local mate-pairs with correct orientation and with a mate-pair span...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo khoa học: " Hospital-acquired sinusitis is a common cause of fever of unknown origin in orotracheally intubated critically ill patients" pptx
... Nosocomial sinusitis in ventilated patients Nasotracheal versus orotracheal intubation Anaesthesia 1992, 47:335-339 Michelson A, Schuster B, Kamp HD: Paranasal sinusitis associated with nasotracheal ... delays can lead to the development of VAP, sepsis, and life-threatening complications such meningitis, mastoiditis, intra-cranial R587 Critical Care Vol No van Zanten et al Table Final diagnosis ... conclusions about cause and effect can be drawn because bacteraemia can also lead to sinusitis, with bacterial colonisation of sinus fluids following bacteraemia [30,34] Various mechanisms might explain...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 22:22
Báo cáo y học: "Matrin 3 is a co-factor for HIV-1 Rev in regulating post-transcriptional viral gene expressio" pptx
... the major nuclear matrix proteins Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1991, 88:10312-10316 51 Hisada-Ishii S, Ebihara M, Kobayashi N, Kitagawa Y: Bipartite nuclear localization signal of matrin is essential ... http://www.retrovirology.com/content/8/1/61 reading and commenting on the manuscript, and Barbara Felber for sharing several critical reagents We are grateful to Anna Kula and Alessandro Marcello for sharing data in ... blotting Antibodies Additional material Cell Culture, Transfection, and Reporter Assays Mouse monoclonal anti-HA (Sigma Chemical); mouse monoclonal Matrin 3, (Abcam) and rabbit anti-GFP and anti-HA...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 01:21
18150 it is a theatre
... KEY: EX.5: “The Shakespeare’s Globe” ...
Ngày tải lên: 26/08/2016, 11:52
Rocks – a rock is a collection of one or more minerals
... dissolved in the sea water These rocks usually form as the ocean water evaporates away and leaves the dissolved minerals behind These are also monominerallic Bioclastic/Organic – rocks formed ... (The magma cools underground) These rocks take a very long time to cool because they are not on the surface Because they take a longer time to cool, they end up having large crystals/grains Extrusive/Volcanic ... that the rock formed in (origin) Ms Hartnett's Earth Ms Hartnett's Earth Sedimentary Rocks – rocks that formed from the accumulation of deposited rock particles, fragments, and organic material...
Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2016, 16:20
ISO quy trình quản lý thiết bị IT IS trong công ty
... gian Biểu mẫu Tiếp nhận nhu cầu khắc phục, s a ch a từ Bộ phận sử dụng IS Ngay có nhu cầu BM/EEEIS-04 Lập phương án s a ch a: IS – HCTHBP mua sắm BM/EEEIS-04 BP Mua sắm BM/EEEIS-04 Kiểm tra, ... khắc phục, s a ch a thiết bị Lập P.Án khắc phục, s a ch a Tài liệu/Biểu mẫu BM/EEE -IS- 04 BM/EEE -IS- 04 BP sử dụng Cán phụ trách liên quan BM/EEE -IS- 04 Phê duyệt OK IS, BM/EEE -IS- 04 BP sử dụng, ... cung cấp dịch vụ IS, BP sử dụng; Nhà cung cấp Thực BM/EEE -IS- 04 Đánh giá nghiệm thu OK IS, Hành BP sử dụng Lần ban hành: 01 Bàn giao Lưu hồ sơ TB BM/EEE -IS- 04 BM/EEEIS(HC)-02 Trang số Quy trình...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2016, 10:27
Business is a contact sport
... mention a negative article about your company that ran in the county newspaper a year and a half ago This list of stakeholders is hardly exhaustive, nor are the accompanying comments Our intent at ... one another Let’s say that Miami is playing Oklahoma this year but is not playing Nebraska, and the Nebraska-Oklahoma game comes up before the Miami-Oklahoma game in the schedule If Miami has a ... point—mitigating risks—warrants emphasis RAM helps you avoid costs, problems, and aggravation So, in this identification and evaluation phase, ask yourself what it is worth to your company to avoid...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2017, 09:57
In order to become competent in a foreign language, it is important for language learners not only to acquire new vocabularies and a new set of phonological and syntactic rules but also to learn what Wilson (1986)
... ngữ Nam Bộ Như vậy, không gian đ a lí tiếng miền Nam, phương ngữ miền Nam hay phương ngữ Nam tác giả xác đònh rộng Không gian đ a lí phương ngữ Nam Bộ xác đònh hẹp Ranh giới PNNB trùng với ranh ... (từ thû ấy/ đến nay), thû (từ thû ấy/ đến giờ) V a rút gọn v a đảo trật tự câu nghi vấn tính chất, đặc điểm: bao cao (cao bao nhiêu), bao dai (dài bao nhiêu), bao lớn (lớn bao nhiêu)… Rút gọn, ... Long An, Tiền Giang, An -18- Giang, Kiên Giang, Cà Mau, Sóc Trăng, Bạc Liêu, Đồng Tháp, Bến Tre, Hậu Giang, Vónh Long, Trà Vinh thành phố Cần Thơ Vò trí đ a lí Nam Bộ: ph a bắc tây - bắc giáp Cam-pu-chia,...
Ngày tải lên: 17/04/2013, 16:09