... key. Relational Model Concepts The relational Model of Data is based on the concept of a Relation. A Relation is a mathematical concept based on the ideas of sets. The strength of the relational ... Domain Table Definition Schema of a Relation Populated Table Extension The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints
Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 11:55
... associative relations representing e.g. coreference. 2 The Data Model We propose a stand-off data model implemented in XML. The basedata is stored in a simple XML file 1 The current release version ... ACL Interactive Poster and Demonstration Sessions, pages 109–112, Ann Arbor, June 2005. c 2005 Association for Computational Linguistics A Flexible Stand-Off Data Model with Query Language for ... unfavourable not only withrespect to annotation datamanagement (cf. above), but also with respect to querying: Users should not be required to formulate queries in terms of structural properties of data representation...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 04:22
Báo cáo y học: " XGAP: a uniform and extensible data model and software platform for genotype and phenotype experiments" potx
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 20:21
Báo cáo y học: " A comparative study of a theoretical neural net model with MEG data from epileptic patients and normal individuals" docx
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 23:20
better reservoir management through improved waterinjection method with data analysis and deail fracture model reservoir
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2014, 22:11
Tài liệu Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 10. RDF, RDF Tools, and the Content Model-P3 docx
... datasources. Example 10-8. Manipulating datasources compDataSource.AddDataSource(datasource1); compDataSource.AddDataSource(datasource2); compDataSource.AddDataSource(datasource3); compDataSource.RemoveDataSource(datasource1); ... compDataSource.RemoveDataSource(datasource1); allDataSources = compDataSource.GetDataSources( ); datasource2 = allDataSources.getNext( ); datasource2.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.ns IRDFDataSource); datasource3 ... named myDatasource: RDF.RegisterDataSource(myDatasource, false); In this case, myDatasource is the datasource name, and the false parameter specifies that this datasource is not replacing a datasource...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 06:20
Tài liệu Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 10. RDF, RDF Tools, and the Content Model-P4 pptx
... together with the incoming data. Example 10-10 shows how a series of events is created in an object and then used to handle parser events. Example 10-10. Setup nsIRDFXMLSink with event handlers ... nsIRDFXMLParser a string and have it parse that data as RDF and put it into a datasource, as Example 10-9 demonstrates. Example 10-9. Parse an RDF/XML string into a datasource RDF = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf- service;1']. ... file parser.parseString(datasource,uri,rdfString); // Parsed string data now resides in the datasource The RDF/XML data that was in the string is a part of the datasource and ready for use (just...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 06:20
Tài liệu Creating Applications with Mozilla-Chapter 10. RDF, RDF Tools, and the Content Model-P5 pdf
... path and a root resource identifier, and the "xFly" namespace is used for the data references. Example 10-14 shows that the RDF file is ready to have its data added and deleted. Example ... that view and update the data (if(gRDF.getAttribute(tempItem,'name')==name), and utilities that make work with RDF files easier (path = fileUtils.chrome_to_path(rdfFileURL)). Example ... } This example contains a datasource that represents a collection of flies. These flies are built up dynamically with JavaScript objects from the RDF library, which represent the datasource...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 06:20
Credit Default Swaps Calibration and Option Pricing with the SSRD Stochastic Intensity and Interest-Rate Model pot
... function of ρ with stressed parameters and s with MC simulation, ˜ Z = 0, “Det” for deterministic model D. Brigo, A. Alfonsi: Credit derivatives with shifted square root diffusion models 16 with dW t dZ t = ... terms E,F,G and H defined in (16) 4 Pricing with the calibrated SSRD model. In this final section we present examples of payoffs that can be valued with the calibrated (λ, r) model. The first example ... the model, for example in the framework of Blanchet-Scaillet and Jeanblanc (2001). References [1] Avellaneda, M., and Newman, J. (1998). Positive interest rates and nonlinear term structure models....
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 04:21
Báo cáo khoa học: "Combining a Statistical Language Model with Logistic Regression to Predict the Lexical and Syntactic Difficulty of Texts for FFL" potx
... adjacent accuracy of 52% with a PO model, and 45% with a MLR model. However, they worked with 12 levels, which may explain their lower percentage. For French, Collins-Thompson and Callan (2005) reported ... model and MLR model (on the test folds). 8 Discussion and future research This paper has proposed the first readability “for- mula” for French as a foreign language using NLP and statistical models. ... regression models, the PO model and the MLR model, which are presented in the next section. 5.1 Proportional odds (PO) model Logistic regression is a statistical technique first developed for binary data. ...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Hierarchical Joint Learning: Improving Joint Parsing and Named Entity Recognition with Non-Jointly Labeled Data" potx
... hierarchical joint model to a reg- ular (non-hierarchical) joint model, and to parse- only and NER-only models. Our baseline ex- periments were modeled after those in (Finkel and Manning, 2009b), and while ... ev- idence provided by the additional single-task data. 3.2 Formal Model We have a set M of three base models: a parse-only model, an NER-only model and a joint model. These have corresponding log- likelihood ... joint parser and named entity recognizer, and our hierarchi- cal model. For the hierarchical model, we used the CNN portion of the data (5093 sentences) for the extra named entity data (and ignored...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 21:20
exploratory data analysis with matlab - martinez and martinez
... the mvnrnd function (see Example 1.3), generate some nonstandard bivariate normal random variables. Sphere the data and verify that the resulting sphered data have mean 0 and identity covariance ... Exploratory Data Analysis with MATLAB 1.5 Transforming Data In many real-world applications, the data analyst will have to deal with raw data that are not in the most convenient form. The data might ... has a model, as given in Equation 2.8 and 2.9, but PCA does not have an explicit model associated with it (unless one is interested in inferential methods associated with the eigenvalues and PCs,...
Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 10:10
Algorithms and data structures with applications to graphics and geometry
... programming projects, and applications. Exercises and examples are sprinkled throughout the text, some with solutions, some without. A generic exercise and programming project ... information and the impact of animations, they may give the reader ideas to try out. We select two standard algorithm animation topics (sorting and random number generation) and an example ... reader and instructor in selecting a subset suitable to his Preface xv CHAPTER 3 Algorithm Animation I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand. A...
Ngày tải lên: 08/05/2014, 18:16
data visualization with flash builder [electronic resource] designing ria and air applications with remote data sources
... package and class, and we hit “Finish.” The class is ready! See Figure 1.22. Now let’s populate it with a field. We want some encapsula- tion, so we declare a private var with getter and setter. ... it by hand, but in real projects method calls will be spread all over the source code and renaming by hand can get very tedious. To open the refactor assistant we select the method and right-click ... variable and select “Source > Generate Getter/Setter” (Figure 1.23). The label is pretty explanatory and you will end up with this menu that allows you to personalize getter and setter:...
Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 00:11
oracle database 11g release 2 high availability elektronisk ressurs maximize your availability with grid infrastructure, oracle real application clusters, and oracle data guard
... investment standpoint and from a maintenance standpoint. However, from a database standpoint, it essentially puts all of the company’s eggs into just two baskets. Therefore, along with this consolidation ... implement a database grid with complete redundancy and the ability either to avoid or quickly recover from any of the common (and less common) pitfalls that can afflict a database and ultimately ... and most vibrant community of technologists within Oracle, thanks to the great minds who strive to work with and know and understand Oracle’s RAC and Clusterware technology. There are so many...
Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 01:09
báo cáo sinh học:" Network-based social capital and capacity-building programs: an example from Ethiopia" pdf
... are important for trainees. Network analysis requires dedicated software to assess relational data, and we used UCINET-6 [38]. As network data are not independent and do not meet the assump- tions ... Network Strategies and Firm Performance. Academy of Management Journal 2009, 52(2):246-279. 36. Valente TW: Network Models and Methods for Studying the Diffusion of Innovations in Models and ... sociometric network analysis, which included all program participants and supporters (formally affiliated educators and mentors). We studied two networks: the Trainee Network (all 25 trainees) and...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20
Báo cáo sinh học: "Comparison between 68Ga-bombesin (68Ga-BZH3) and the cRGD tetramer 68Ga-RGD4 studies in an experimental nude rat model with a neuroendocrine pancreatic tumor cell line" ppt
... associated with receptor binding, k2 with displacement from the receptor, k3 with cellular internalisation, and k4 with externalisation. Besides the compartmental analysis, a non-compartmental model ... time-activity data obtained with a image-derived measured blood input function, which illustrates the good statistical quality of the data and model fit using nonlinear regression and two-tissue-compartment ... Germany) and a Chromolith (RP-18e, 100–10 mm, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) column, operated with flows of 4 and 8 mL/min, respectively. ESI and MALDI were obtained with a Finnigan MAT95Q and a Bruker...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 18:20