[...]... debugging, and profiling It features: • Code completion • Syntax highlight • Design view (styling skinning) • Interactive debugger and stepper • Refactoring • Profiler • Remote data wizard • Wizards to configure local backends • Introspection of data services Downloading and Installing Flash Builder You can obtain a free version of Flash Builder for evaluation from http://www.adobe.com/go/try_flashbuilder... interactive applications that run on browsers (via plug-ins), desktop (via Adobe AIR) , and mobile applications, thanks to the recent addition of the new Flash player on smart phones and mobile devices Although it is a generalpurpose framework it is best suited for data- driven applica tions, which gather data from remote web services and display interactive visuals There are two languages to create Flex applications: ... will create applications with Flash Builder most of the time, it is nonetheless important to know what is under the hood Data Visualization with Flash Builder © 2011 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved 3 4 Your First information-rich application Overview To be precise, the Flex compiler transforms MXML code into ActionScript code and then runs the compilation Later, we will see how to save and check the... Since Flash Builder is based on Eclipse there are two installers available: standalone and plug-in The standalone version includes everything you need to run Flash Builder since it embeds a basic version of Eclipse If you have already installed Eclipse (e.g., you use it to develop Java applications) you can download the plug-in version In both cases, you will end up with what you need to work with Flash. .. Frameworks folder (and especially its subfolder Lib, short for Libraries) includes all the files needed to create, run, and debug Flex and Adobe AIR applications There you can find libraries for text, utilities, JavaScript bridges, etc The Samples folder contains commented source code of examples built by Adobe Flash Builder To ease the development of applications, Adobe has created Flash Builder It is... components: controls and containers Controls Controls are interactive visual components like buttons, checkboxes, and data grids They are enabled to react to useri nitiated interactions like clicks, drag and drop, and keyboard activity Each component is customizable in appearance (style and skin) and behavior (logic) There is a Classic button and many variations such as the Toggle button and the button... Flash Builder The installation process is automated so we can go straight to the illustration of the IDE Figure 1.2 Structure of the Flex SDK folder 6 Your First information-rich application Overview of Flash Builder To switch perspective use the button at the upper right corner Other Flash- related perspectives are debug and profile Figure 1.3 Overview of Flash Builder When you open Flash Builder. .. section If you are not an Eclipse user it is important to familiarize yourself with the notions of perspective A perspective is a particular configuration of windows and panels If you have a background in Flash it is pretty similar to the c oncept of workspace in Flash Pro CS5 Flash Builder, unless modified, opens in the Flash perspective, usually adopted to develop On the left there is the package... language to quickly create a working application The application will load data from RSS and will display information accordingly To get to this result, we need some theory about the Flex framework and to get acquainted with the Flash Builder IDE Are you ready? The Flex Framework It all began when somebody at Adobe woke up and said: “Sometimes I feel I am resolving similar problems each time I work... to enter data: checkboxes, dropdown lists, and the Radio, Date Picker, Text Input, and Text Area buttons, and so on Advanced controls include the Color Picker, Tree, Data Grid, etc To be really precise, mx and s are not exactly namespaces but shortcuts to the namespaces defined in the Application tag, via xmlns attributes Those shortcuts point to their URIs: library://ns.adobe com/flex/spark and library://ns.adobe.com/ . in the material herein. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Rocchi, Cesare. Data visualization with Flash builder : designing RIA and AIR applications with remote data sources /.