... labeling we use SWIRL9 , for chunk parsing CASS (Abney, 1991) and for constituency parsing Stanford Parser (Klein and Manning, 2003) Named-entity information is provided by Stanford Tagger (Finkel ... adhere to the definition of opinion holders from previous work (Wiegand and Klakow, 2010; Wiegand and Klakow, 2011a; Wiegand and Klakow, 2011b), i.e every source of a private state or a subjective ... in (5) and (6), are not covered Wiegand and Klakow (2011a) show that considering less restrictive contexts significantly drops classification performance So the natural extension of looking for predicates...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 02:20
... (2010) 57-63 Fig Experimental result on fishing ground forecast for purse-seine fishery in May (left) and in June (right), 2009 Fig Experimental result on fishing ground forecast for drift-gillnet ... fishing ground forecast for purse-seine and drift-gillnet fisheries in the off-shore waters of Central Vietnam in May, June and July 2009 (Fig 1, and Tab.1, 2) showed that acceptable forecasts are ... phytoplankton and zooplankton, primary and secondary productivity These variables are monthly calculated and forecasted for the grid of 0.5 degree By regression equations (2), some of the experimental...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 12:20
abdel-raouf. variational methods for bound-state and scattering problems
Ngày tải lên: 08/05/2014, 12:49
Direct control methods for matrix converter and induction motor
... basic DTC for voltage source converters a direction of output voltage is chosen according to the output voltage sector and the output of the hysteresis comparators for torque and flux CT and CΨ, ... controller V CONCLUSION Modern direct control methods for matrix converters are presented The basic ideas of DTC, sliding mode control and DCC for matrix converter and induction machine are outlined as ... sector numbers of stator flux and input voltage vectors to determine the switch configuration according to Tables and The lower part shows the estimators for torque, flux and input phase angle These...
Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 00:55
advanced experimental methods for noise research in nanoscale electronic devices
... B.Pellegrini, G Basso and M Macucci 203 Correlation Spectrum Analyzer: Principles and Limits in Noise Measurements G Ferrari and M Sampietro 211 Measurement and Analysis Methods for Random Telegraph ... the fixed and the random variance component, e(∆) and a (∆ ) , respectively These generate the expectation of 4 the fixed and random variance component, N σ and N σ , respectively For any t there ... systems for future nanoscale electronics The approach was to create methods for experimental observations of noise sources, their localization and their frequency spectrum, voltage - current and...
Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 15:13
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article An Application of Hybrid Steepest Descent Methods for Equilibrium Problems and Strict Pseudocontractions in Hilbert Spaces" pdf
... uni − xni /λni → and uni q, it follows from A4 that ≥ φ y, q , for all ty − t q for all t ∈ 0, and y ∈ C, then we have zt ∈ C and hence y ∈ C Let zt φ zt , q ≤ Thus, from A1 and A4 , we have ... 3.22 Journal of Inequalities and Applications and hence ≤ φ zt , y From A3 , we have ≤ φ q, y for all y ∈ C and hence q ∈ EP φ Therefore, q ∈ F S ∩ EP φ On the other hand, we note that xn − q ... Censor, and S Reich, Eds., vol of Stud Comput Math., pp 473–504, North-Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2001 11 H Iiduka and W Takahashi, “Strong convergence theorems for nonexpansive mappings and...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Convergence Theorems Concerning Hybrid Methods for Strict Pseudocontractions and Systems of Equilibrium Problems" pot
... Cn is closed and convex for all n For n 1, we have C C1 which is closed and convex Assume that Cn for some n ≥ is closed and convex; from Lemma 2.2, we have that Cn is also closed and convex; ... → and from A3 , we get Fk ω, y ≥ for all y ∈ C and ω ∈ EP Fk for each k holds 3.34 1, 2, , M, that is, ω ∈ ∩M EP Fk Hence 3.23 k 10 Journal of Inequalities and Applications Step From 3.6 and ... x, x for all x ∈ C; A2 F is monotone, that is, F x, y F y, x ≤ for any x, y ∈ C; A3 for each x, y, z ∈ C, lim supt → F tz − t x, y ≤ F x, y ; A4 F x, · is convex and lower semicontinuous for each...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20
Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article WING/WORLD: An Open Experimental Toolkit for the Design and Deployment of IEEE " ppt
... with platform suitable for real-world deployments in terms of both maintenance costs and expected performances Moreover, no cross compilation is required and standard development tools and OSes ... antennas and low power WiFi cards On the other hand, embedded platforms provide high flexibility in terms of custom and off-the-shelf hardware components and are characterized by a wide performance ... which is today’s standard for public HotSpots, WISP “smart-client” authentication, and it supports Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA and WPA2) FreeRADIUS [38] is a high-performance and highly configurable...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for Joint Detection and Tracking of Multiaspect Targets in Infrared Radar Images" pptx
... al for target aspect and motion and review the observation and clutter models focusing on the GMRf representation of the background and the derivation of the associated likelihood function for ... model for target motion and aspect, while their respective weights may be updated recursively using a likelihood function that takes into account the models for the target’s signature and for the ... parameters βc or βc Before we leave this section, h,n v,n we make two additional remarks Remark As before, (15) is valid for ri + ≤ s∗ (1) ≤ L − rs n and li +1 ≤ s∗ (2) ≤ M − ls For centroid positions...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 19:20
... systems It studies the generation and performance of internal and external forces on these systems and the effects of these forces on each part of the body These forces can be calculated indirectly ... increasing force EMG Methods for Evaluating Muscle and Nerve Function (Haas, 1926) At higher force levels, the mean rectified value of the signal was found to exhibit linearity with force (Fuglsang-Frederiksen, ... peak values and mean values of the data set itself 14 EMG Methods for Evaluating Muscle and Nerve Function eliminates drawbacks of both methods Additionally it eliminates the need for a maximal...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 16:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "A comparison of five indirect methods for characterizing the light environment in a tropical fores" pptx
... second-growth stands and unlogged stands, as these represent a more extensive gradient of light conditions MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 Study site The measurements were performed in the Paracou experimental ... comparison of direct and indirect methods for estimating forest canopy leaf area, Agric For Meteorol 57 (1991) 107–128 [7] Chazdon R.L., Sunflecks and their importance to forest understory plants, ... structurally complex forest canopies: an example of a lowland tropical rainforest, For Ecol Manag 69 (1994) 111–122 [27] Lemon P.E., A new instrument for measuring forest overstory density, J For 55 (1957)...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 14:21
Báo cáo khoa học: " Experimental concepts for toxicity prevention and tissue restoration after central nervous system irradiation" ppt
... cellular and molecular biology, resulting for example in description of more and more radiobiologically relevant signalling pathways [5] Advanced methods for identification of stem and progenitor ... Authors' contributions CN and NA participated in the conception of the work NA and STA performed data acquisition and interpretation CN drafted the manuscript All authors read and approved the final ... premature senescence and apoptosis, and differentiation in the mammalian CNS are complex and well regulated, e.g., by Sonic Hedgehog, Polycomb family members, cell cycle regulators, and environmental...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 10:21
Báo cáo sinh học: "Analysis of a simulated microarray dataset: Comparison of methods for data normalisation and detection of differential expression (Open Access publication)" pps
... analysis methods Table contains the gene id (gene), mean and standard deviation of the unnormalised log ratio (M and SD), mean and standard deviation of the LOESS normalised log ratio (M LOESS and ... analysis methods The table contains the gene id (gene), mean and standard deviation of the unnormalised log ratio (M and SD), mean and standard deviation of the LOESS normalised log ratio (M LOESS and ... show the background for Cy5 and Cy3 in slide 9, and the bottom two images show the same for slide 10 Table II Only one method, IDL1, chose to perform background correction Some methods chose to...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:22
Statistical methods for the detection and analyses of structural variants in the human genome
... alleles, for example, with alleles „0‟, „1‟ and „2‟, the possible copy numbers are 0, 1, 2, and Testing HWE for bi-allelic 25 CNVs is straightforward and similar to the test for SNPs However, for ... great demand for information technology infrastructure and bioinformatics team to analyse the massive amount of data, with speculations that the costs associated with down-handling, storing and analysis ... frequencies p and q (where p+q = 1) for alleles a and b respectively, regardless of gender Assuming random mating, in the next generation, the frequencies of the aa, ab and bb genotypes are p2, 2pq and...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:14
Development of smoothed numerical methods for fracture analyses and interfacial toughness characterization in thin film systems
... the interfacial toughness For a given experimental set-up, different mechanisms of interfacial failure may occur for different coated systems or test methods and, therefore, different models are ... the plastic deformation zone, otherwise plastic deformation must account for (4) Hutchinson and Suo [62] proposed an equation by relating interfacial toughness to radial force PC and bending moment ... (sub-sd1 and sub-sd2) into triangles is not necessary Integration is performed on the boundary of sub-sd1 and sub-sd2 instead The bold line represents the elements, and the dashed line denotes the boundaries...
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 08:26
Development of database and computational methods for disease detection and drug discovery
... detection methods 1.1.4 Molecular pathogen detection methods 1.2 Bioinformatics and cheminformatics in drug discovery 1.3 Introduction of bioinformatics and cheminformatics ... induced diseases and their detection methods, and introduces background of cheminformatics and bioinformatics Then the introduction of virtual screening methods is given 27 Chapter shows methods used ... [48] Bioinformatics can develop computational methods and tools to obtain and analysis data as well as generate biological knowledge [48] Cheminformatics aims to use computer and informational...
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:04
Novel methods for quantitative analysis and evaluation of effects of chronic exposure to microcystins by capillary electrophoresis and metabolomic studies
... –DEVELOPMENT OF METHODS OF ANALYSIS 48 2.0 Development of CE Methods for the Determination of Cyanotoxins 48 2.1 CZE and MEKC Methods for Determination of Microcystins LR, RR, YR and Nodularin ... divided into screening methods and those which can be used for purposes of identification and quantification as summarised in table 1.1 Among the physical methods for identification and quantitation, ... same water body Several methods have been developed for the determination of cyanotoxins in water, for example, the international organisation for standardisation method for determination of microcystins...
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 10:14
Stochastic methods for bayesian filtering and their applications to multicamera multitarget tracking
... include intensity based methods, contour based methods, color based methods, motion feature based methods, spatio-temporal consistency based methods, and object priors based methods Template matching ... Mahler for his literature and Dr Ba-Ngu Vo for the programs of the probability hypothesis density filter Finally, I would like to thank my parents and brother for support during these years and my ... target A simple form of tracking is tracking a single target There are two main groups of methods for tracking a single target: filtering methods and likelihood functions Filtering methods are mostly...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 08:20
Development of meshfree methods for three dimensional and adaptive analysis of solid mechanics problems
... (Liu and Gu, 2005): meshfree methods based on strong form of partial differential equations (PDEs); meshfree methods based on Galerkin weak form of PDEs and methods based on both strong form and ... weak-strong (MWS) form method, which is formulated based on the combination of weak form and strong form The key idea of the MWS method is that both the strong form and local weak form are used for establishing ... weak form and local weak form The PIM has also been formulated in meshfree weak-strong (MWS) form, in which the method is formulated based on the combination of strong and local weak forms (Liu and...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:39