exhibit 30 seasonality of natural gas demand 1991 2001

fundamentals of natural gas processing

fundamentals of natural gas processing

... i-Butane Gas lift & reinjection n-Butane Natural gasoline Condensate Raw natural gas Compression Field treating Casinghead gas Lease separator Oil well Gas well Lease separator Gas Gas well Gas Oil ... page of the major industrial organization dealing with all aspects of gas and gas liquids processing Gas Industry Consortium: www.naturalgas.org This site is the home page of the Natural Gas Supply ... GPM of the Alberta gas given in Table 1.4 Computation of the GPM requires summation of the product of the number of moles of each component in 1,000 scf of gas by the gallons of liquid per mole...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:58

429 3,5K 0
static behaviour of natural gas andits flow in pipes

static behaviour of natural gas andits flow in pipes

... formula for the calculation of the viscosity of natural gas The natural gas can contain impurities of CO2 and H2S The formula is: www.intechopen.com Static behaviour of natural gas and its low in pipes ... overview of cutting edge research on natural gas which is a vital component of world's supply of energy Natural gas is a combustible mixture of hydrocarbon gases, primarily methane but also heavier gaseous ... calculation of the compressibility of hydrocarbon gases For a sweet natural gas (natural gas that contains CO2 as major contaminant), Ohirhian (2008) has expressed the compressibility of the real gas...

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2014, 23:44

33 1,1K 0
Optimization Methods For Pipeline Transportation Of  Natural Gas

Optimization Methods For Pipeline Transportation Of Natural Gas

... ) CNG is primarily used for on-board gas storage of natural gas vehicles (also referred to as NGVs) In turn, LNG (liquefied natural gas) refers to natural gas that has been cooled about minus ... come out of the gas well during production Note also that natural gas is often found in oil deposits and hence gas extraction becomes sometimes a side-operation of oil extraction A number of different ... rapid expansion of its natural gas transportation systems if the country wants to succeed in becoming a leading natural gas exporter in the years ahead Figure 1.1: Global natural gas reserves in...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2016, 10:03

206 581 0
A White Paper Describing Produced Water from Production of Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal Bed Methane pot

A White Paper Describing Produced Water from Production of Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal Bed Methane pot

... Introduction One of the key missions of the U.S Department of Energy (DOE) is to ensure an abundant and affordable energy supply for the nation As part of the process of producing oil and natural gas, operators ... federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico seaward of the outer boundary of the territorial seas offshore off Louisiana and Texas The general permit includes: - No discharge within Area of Biological ... 29 Region — Eastern Gulf of Mexico 29 Region — Western Portion of the OCS of the Gulf of Mexico 30 Region — Territorial Seas of Louisiana 31 Region...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 01:20

87 562 0


... the primary constituent of natural gas, is a potent greenhouse gas – more than 20 times as potent as carbon dioxide when emitted directly to the atmosphere Oil and natural gas production and processing ... The oil and gas industry is a significant source of VOCs, which contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone (smog) Data provided to EPA’s Natural Gas STAR Program show that some of the largest ... and air toxics from several segments of the oil and gas industry The final rules are the result of the review of four air regulations for the oil and natural gas industry required by the Clean...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20

5 527 0
Citizen Investigation of Toxic Air Pollution from Natural Gas Development pdf

Citizen Investigation of Toxic Air Pollution from Natural Gas Development pdf

... Cerrito, CA 94 530 Gcmonitor.org info@gcmonitor.org 122 GASSED! Citizen Investigation of Toxic Air Pollution from Natural Gas Development Table of Contents Executive Summary pg Oil and Natural Gas Development ... Development and Air Pollution pg a) Life Cycle of Natural Gas Development b) Air Pollution and Human Health Impacts of Natural Gas Development pg Natural Gas Development in Colorado and New Mexico ... release large volumes of toxic gases Gas processing plant The last stage of gas production involves the refining of the raw gas into the final product This occurs at large gas processing plants,...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 02:20

28 405 0


... weather demand The United Natural Gas Company (National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation) developed the first natural gas storage facility near Warren, Pennsylvania using a depleted natural gas reservoir ... of natural gas development How gas development affects local economies is the focus of section five with an overview of the supply chain for natural gas development and how the functioning of ... development of a network of thousands of miles of gathering lines and pipelines to carry this gas to consumers Another important cog in this system is natural gas processing facilities The Marcellus gas...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 05:21

39 439 0
standard handbook of petroleum and natural gas engineering

standard handbook of petroleum and natural gas engineering

... Standard Handbook of Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering Second Edition This page intentionally left blank Standard Handbook of Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering Second Edition ... situations that petroleum engineers often encounter Also, these chapters reflect the growing role of natural gas in the world economies by integrating natural gas topics and related subjects throughout ... If x, y, are functions of t, then dx dy du = (fx ) + (fy ) + dt dt dt expresses the rate of change of u with respect to t, in terms of the separate rates of change of x, y, with respect...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 16:08

1,6K 994 2
lyons (1996) standard handbook of petroleum and natural gas engineering v 2

lyons (1996) standard handbook of petroleum and natural gas engineering v 2

... Properties of natural hydrocarbon mixtures of gas and liquid: formation volume of bubble point liquids [1,2] Reservoir Engineering MMPLE Figure 5-4 Properties of natural hydrocarbon mixtures of gas ... Reference 12 Gas Formation Volume Factor The behavior of gas can be predicted from: pV = znRT where p V T absolute pressure volume of gas = absolute temperature n = number of moles of gas R = gas constant ... interpretation of electrical logs Fluid Viscosities Gas Viscosity Viscosities of natural gases are affected by pressure, temperature, and composition The viscosity of a specific natural gas can be...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 13:25

1,1K 621 0
Combustion and emission characteristics of a natural gas fueled diesel engine with EGR

Combustion and emission characteristics of a natural gas fueled diesel engine with EGR

... portion of natural gas escapes from the combustion process, as revealed by the low HRR A slow burning rate of natural gas is also observed The presence of EGR absorbs a considerable amount of the ... gas species; from which methane (CH4) is the main constituent (methane represents about 91% (v/v) of the natural gas used in the present work) The equivalent chemical composition of natural gas ... review of compressed natural gas as an alternative fuel for internal combustion engines Am J Eng Appl Sci 2008;1(4) :302 –11 [3] Sahoo BB, Sahoo N, Saha UK Effect of engine parameters and type of gaseous...

Ngày tải lên: 15/06/2014, 09:26

12 573 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Impact of changes in diet on the availability of land, energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions of agriculture" pot

Báo cáo sinh học: " Impact of changes in diet on the availability of land, energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions of agriculture" pot

... the production of t of wheat yields a CED of 676 kWh and emissions of 360 kg of CO2e, where 31% of the CED and 27% of the CO2e emissions are attributable to the processing stage of mineral fertilizer ... 2009/28/EC of the Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending and subsequently repealing Directives 2001/ 77/EC and 2003 /30/ EC ... Parliament, European Council (2003) Directive 2003 /30/ EC of the Parliament and of the Council of May 2003 on the promotion of the use of biofuels or other renewable fuels for transport, Brussels...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 18:20

27 553 0
Báo cáo toán học: " Impact of changes in diet on the availability of land, energy demand, and greenhouse gas emissions of agriculture" docx

Báo cáo toán học: " Impact of changes in diet on the availability of land, energy demand, and greenhouse gas emissions of agriculture" docx

... the production of t of wheat yields a CED of 676 kWh and emissions of 360 kg of CO e, where 31% of the CED and 27% of the CO2e emissions are attributable to the processing stage of mineral fertilizer ... 2009/28/EC of the Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending and subsequently repealing Directives 2001/ 77/EC and 2003 /30/ EC ... Parliament, European Council (2003) Directive 2003 /30/ EC of the Parliament and of the Council of May 2003 on the promotion of the use of biofuels or other renewable fuels for transport, Brussels...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20

14 457 0
Modeling and optimization of liquefied natural gas process

Modeling and optimization of liquefied natural gas process

... rate of stream s x Nomenclature L Fijk lower bound of flow rate of split j of stream i in HEijk L f ijk lower bound of flow rate of split i of stream j in HEijk TINs initial temperature of stream ... Although natural gas (NG) is the natural choice among fossil fuels, most NG reserves are offshore and away from demand sites Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is the most economical means of transporting ... However, none of these works considered the nonlinearity of the T-H curve within a given phase Fuel Gas Networks High pressure flash gases (HPFG), boil-off gases (BOG), end flash gases (EFG),...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:45

215 556 0
William lyons standard handbook of petroleum and natural gas engineering

William lyons standard handbook of petroleum and natural gas engineering

... Asymptotes 50 Equations of Slope 51 Tangents 51 Equations of a Straight Line 52 Equations of a Circle 53 Equations of a Parabola 53 Equations of an Ellipse of Eccentricity e 54 Equations of a Hyperbola ... Equations of Three-Dimensional Coordinate Systems 56 Equations of a Plane 56 Equations of a Line 57 Equations of Angles 57 Equation of a Sphere 57 Equation of an Ellipsoid 57 Equations of Hyperboloids ... gamut of oil and gas engineering topics to provide a reliable source of engineering and reference information for analyzing and solving problems It also reflects the growing role of natural gas...

Ngày tải lên: 02/12/2016, 13:23

1,1K 506 0
Nghiên cứu tận dụng nhiệt từ khí xả động cơ reaseach to take full advantage of exhaust gas from engines

Nghiên cứu tận dụng nhiệt từ khí xả động cơ reaseach to take full advantage of exhaust gas from engines

... máy lạnh năm: t kt = n ⋅ h ⋅ K sd , t kt Trong đó: n-số ngày hoạt động, n =300 ngày/năm; h-số hoạt động ngày, h=25 giờ; = 300 * 20 * 0,25 = 1500 giờ; Khối lượng đá sản xuất máy lạnh: G4 = tkt*m ... đồng; Chi phí quy đổi hàng năm: C=46.781.280+12.656.250+21.000.000+0,12*649.740.000 C=158.406. 330 (VNĐ) Chi phí mua đá mang từ đất liền Với sản lượng đá sản xuất 596,6 kg/h, số thực tế khai thác ... h Các tàu có công suất máy khác Năng suất máy lạnh sản lượng đá khác Với động tàu cá công suất 300 kW, sản lượng đá sản xuất 596,6kg Do vậy, tàu đánh lưới kéo hay đánh lưới vây thời gian kéo mẻ...

Ngày tải lên: 06/12/2012, 08:27

6 445 3
Impacts of Greenhouse Gas on Feed and Livestock Production

Impacts of Greenhouse Gas on Feed and Livestock Production

... (2000) Effect of feeding characteristics on methane production • Digestible organic matter or energy • Residence time in the rumen and level of intake • Source of C and pattern of fermentation ... forecasted to 590 mm/y in the end of century Source: Robert A Rohde (2006) available from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Greenhouse _Gas_ by_Sector.png “Livestock, one of top two or three most contributors ... 0.90 Mixed 0 .30 1.02 0.17 0.43 0.33 0.27 2.52 Industrial 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.09 0.27 Total 0.41 1.64 0.17 0.68 0.44 0.36 3.69 Source: Steinfeld et al (2006) Table Estimated of methane emission...

Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2013, 16:04

24 308 0
An Analysis of Domestic Water Demand Structure and Water Recycling in Beijing

An Analysis of Domestic Water Demand Structure and Water Recycling in Beijing

... of the city, northwest of downtown Beijing (Fig 1) The Haidian District with a population of 2.8 million people accounts for a quarter of Beijing City’s population (Beijing Municipal Bureau of ... center of Beijing Fig - Location map of Beijing city and Haidian District center, and has many places of interest and famous shopping areas (Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics, 2005b) One of ... dispersal of water use for showering and foot washing In the next survey, the domestic water demand structure of Beijing City was compared to that of Tokyo City As reports on domestic water demand...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:17

12 515 0