... technique, and use Perl’s standard eval exception- handling mechanism instead For more information about exception handling, see http:// perl.apache.org/docs/general/perl_reference.html #Exception_ Handling_ for_mod_perl ... PerlPostReadRequestHandler handlers returned `PerlTransHandler' push_handlers( ) stack is empty PerlTransHandler handlers returned -1 `PerlInitHandler' push_handlers( ) stack is empty PerlInitHandler handlers ... `PerlHeaderParserHandler' push_handlers( ) stack is empty `PerlAccessHandler' push_handlers( ) stack is empty PerlAccessHandler handlers returned -1 `PerlTypeHandler' push_handlers( ) stack is empty PerlTypeHandler...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:15
... RuntimeException ArthmeticException IllegalAccessException IllegalArgumentException ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExeption NullPointerException SecurityException ClassNotFoundException NumberFormatException ... { // multiple exceptions separated by a comma public void exceptionExample() throws ExException, LookupException { try { // statements } catch(ExException exmp) { } catch(LookupException lkpex) ... ngoại lệ (Exception Handling) 35 { checkSize(); } catch(ArraySizeException e) { System.out.println(e); } } void checkSize() throws ArraySizeException { if (size < 0) throw new ArraySizeException();...
Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 10:14
Exception Handling
... Chapter 16 Exception Handling Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Overview 16.1 Exception- Handling Basics 16.2 Programming Techniques for Exception Handling ... Techniques for Exception- Handling Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc Publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley Programming Techniques for Exception Handling A guideline for exception handling is ... as Pearson Addison-Wesley Slide 16- Functions and Exception Handling A common use of exception handling: Functions with a special case that is handled in different ways depending on how the...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 22:55
Building and Debugging
... IDE then skip the build section and go directly to the debugging section But in case you plan to tweak the build procedures stay on and read ahead Building and Debugging 263 8.1 Building the ... the make command, a separate configuration grammar has been defined This again differs across the 2.4 and 2.6 kernels Note that this grammar is simple and close to spoken Building and Debugging 267 ... advantage if an IDE provides support for debugging the kernel and kernel modules Building and Debugging 279 In this section we discuss both open source and commercial IDEs that can be used as...
Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2013, 23:20
Exception Handling
... executed completely Figure 7.2: Types of Exception Handling Sources Although what generates an exception handling source depends on the type, all types of exception handling routines employ the vector ... current instruction is interrupted for exception handling (B) Exception handling is performed after the current instruction is completed (C) Exception handling is performed after the program ... perform IRQ0 interrupt handling after the H8/3048 is turned on and reset Programs to generate exception handling routines require that the vectors be stored in the memory beforehand and that interrupts...
Ngày tải lên: 10/10/2013, 02:20
Tài liệu Lab 3.1.1 Safe Handling and Use of a Multimeter docx
... taken to avoid electrical shock Step Insert the red and black leads into the proper jacks on the meter a The black probe should go in the COM jack and the red probe should go in the + (plus) jack ... Step Swith or turn to different measurements For example, voltage, and ohms a How many different switch positions does the multimeter have? b What are...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15
Tài liệu Testing and Debugging pdf
... Chapter 7: Web Services and Server Components Development with Visual Basic NET / Lind / 222653-6 / Chapter Testing and Debugging CERTIFICATION OBJECTIVE 7.03 Instrumenting and Debugging a Service ... Web Services and Server Components Development with Visual Basic NET / Lind / 222653-6 / Chapter Testing and Debugging SELF-TEST ANSWERS Using the SOAP Extensions for Debugging þ A and D The namespaces ... Protocol.SoapExtension and System.Web.Services.Protocol SoapExtensionAttribute ý B and C Answers B and C are incorrect because there is no such namespaces Instrumenting and Debugging a Service þ...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15
Tài liệu Maximizing the Testing and Debugging Process pptx
... Okay, so you've approached your project with a well-defined plan, used comments and a standard naming convention, and double-checked all your code—but you still have a project that's just not working...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 07:17
Tài liệu Lab 3.1.1 Safe Handling and Use of a Multimeter doc
... taken to avoid electrical shock Step Insert the red and black leads into the proper jacks on the meter a The black probe should go in the COM jack and the red probe should go in the + (plus) jack ... Step Swith or turn to different measurements For example, voltage, and ohms a How many different switch positions does the multimeter have? b What are...
Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 04:20
handling and preservation of fruits and vegetables by combined methods for rural areas potx
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 12:20
Chapter 18 Exception Handling pptx
... ♦ Exception Handling Basics ♦ Defining exception classes ♦ Multiple throws and catches ♦ Exception specifications ♦ Programming Techniques for Exception Handling ♦ When to throw exceptions ♦ Exception ... ♦ Notice: no exception- handling here Copyright © 2006 Pearson AddisonWesley All rights reserved 18-6 Toy Example with Exception Handling: Display 18.2 Same Thing Using Exception Handling Copyright ... take care of "exceptional" cases ♦ C++ exception- handling facilities ♦ Handle "exceptional" situations ♦ Mechanism "signals" unusual happening ♦ Another place in code "deals" with exception Copyright...
Ngày tải lên: 10/03/2014, 05:20
Chapter 13 - Exception Handling docx
... Function throwException throws an exception\ n"; throw exception( ); // generate exception } // end try // handle exception catch ( exception &caughtException ) { cout
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 09:20
Chương 11 .Kiểm soát ngoại lệ Exception Handling pot
... DoesNotThrowException End of DoesNotThrowException Calling ThrowExceptionWithCatch In ThrowExceptionWithCatch Message: Exception in ThrowExceptionWithCatch Finally executed in ThrowExceptionWithCatch ... Calling ThrowExceptionCatchRethrow In ThrowExceptionCatchRethrow Message: Exception in ThrowExceptionCatchRethrow Finally executed in ThrowExceptionCatchRethrow Caught exception from ThrowExceptionCatchRethrow ... ThrowExceptionWithCatch End of ThrowExceptionWithCatch Calling ThrowExceptionWithoutCatch In ThrowExceptionWithoutCatch Finally executed in ThrowExceptionWithoutCatch Caught exception from ThrowExceptionWithoutCatch...
Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 17:21
fluidization solids handling and processing industrial applications
... spanning the basic and specialty chemicals, agricultural products, pharmaceuticals, paints, dyestuffs and pigments, cement, ceramics, and electronic materials Solids handling and processing technologies ... of fluidization, solids handling, and processing It will be particularly beneficial for engineers who operate or design plants where solids are handled, transported, and processed using fluidization ... throughput by a factor of 500 Shingles and McDonald (1988) describe the severe problems initially encountered and their resolution Fluidization, Solids Handling, and Processing In some scaled up fluidized...
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 14:57
Java C5. Exception Handling doc
... doesn‘t match with ExceptionNO."); } } } System exceptions Exceptions provided by Java language Exception handling To handle an exception in a program, the line that throws the exception is executed ... associated exception type and is called an exception handler When an exception occurs, processing continues at the first catch clause that matches the exception type 10 Exception handling Syntax: ... Addition of necessary attribute and method Exception } XXException XX 2Exception XX 1Exception 16 Error processing in User define exception Flow of exception handling Execute a processing...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 03:20
Chương 7: XỬ LÝ NGOẠI LỆ (Exception Handling) potx
... IllegalArgumentException ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExeption NullPointerException SecurityException ClassNotFoundException NumberFormatException AWTException IOException FileNotFoundException EOFException ... hợp ‘ExException’ ‘LookupException’ Hàm xử lý ngoại lệ cho phương thức nên khai báo khối ‘catch’ để xử lý tất ngoại lệ mà phương gây Chương 7: Xử lý ngoại lệ (Exception Handling) 183 Lớp Exception ... public void exceptionExample() throws ExException, LookupException { try { // lệnh } catch(ExException exmp) { } catch(LookupException lkpex) { } } } Trong ví dụ trên, phương thức ‘exceptionExample’...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 06:20
Logging and Debugging ppsx
... Informational Debugging Message Examples System is unusable Immediate action needed Critical conditions Error conditions Warning conditions Exit global configuration mode Access-list statement match Debugging ... Switch(config)# logging monitor critical Người quản trị có dùng dòng lệnh sau để xem thông tin logging debugging cuối session Switch# terminal monitor Mỗi thông điệp log gửi từ Switch đến log host có ... server NTP đồng hóa hệ thống tới nguồn thời gian có Thời gian xác quan trọng cho thông điệp logging debugging Việc đồng hóa thời gian giúp cho khảo sát toàn mạng kéo theo nhiều nguồn logging Lệnh...
Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2014, 07:21
Chương 8: Understanding Structed Exception Handling potx
... execute Exception handling Microsoft Process synchronous errors Follows the termination model of exception handling 8.2 Exception Handling Overview Catch type Must be of class Exception ... Introduction 8.2 Exception Handling Overview 8.3 Example: DivideByZeroException 8.4 NET Exception Hierarchy 8.5 finally Block 8.6 Exception Properties 8.7 Programmer-Defined Exception Classes 8.8 Handling ... Introduction 8.2 Exception Handling Overview 8.3 Example: DivideByZeroException 8.4 NET Exception Hierarchy 8.5 finally Block 8.6 Exception Properties 8.7 Programmer-Defined Exception Classes 8.8 Handling...
Ngày tải lên: 02/08/2014, 09:20