evolution development and the brain

The Fetal Matrix: Evolution, Development and Disease - part 1 ppt

The Fetal Matrix: Evolution, Development and Disease - part 1 ppt

... of their environment at the time when they are making the choice – but rather because they are predicting the environment into which they will be born or grow up, and in order to maximise their ... thickness in the offspring of the meadow vole depends on the season of their birth: if they are born in the spring their coats are thinner than if they are born in the autumn Thus their fur coats ... parent) there are possible arrangements: YY, yy, yY and Yy depending on the gene inherited from the mother or father – both being Ys in the first case, both ys in the second, and one of each in the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22

25 199 0
The Fetal Matrix: Evolution, Development and Disease - part 2 ppsx

The Fetal Matrix: Evolution, Development and Disease - part 2 ppsx

... To the embryologist, it implies the processes of laying down the key components of the body – the genesis of the limbs, the primitive brain and the internal organs such as the heart and gut The ... the cells (in the case of steroid hormones) – they are equivalent to a lock and key where the hormone is the key and the receptor is the lock Just as the lock only works with the key in it, the ... most of these cases the egg is merely incubated within a specialised organ in the mother and there is no nutritional connection between the mother and the egg The exception are some lizards and skinks...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22

27 207 0
The Fetal Matrix: Evolution, Development and Disease - part 3 pps

The Fetal Matrix: Evolution, Development and Disease - part 3 pps

... in siblings with the same mother and father In half-siblings with the same mother the correlation is still high, but in half-siblings with different mothers but the same father there is no significant ... for the people of the Netherlands exposed to the nearfamine conditions imposed by the Nazis in the winter of 1944/45 The effects of the poor and unbalanced diet of women during pregnancy on their ... weeks the closer the urethral opening is to the base of the penis, the closer to 12 weeks the closer to the tip of the penis But after 12 weeks, when the penis is fully formed, progestins and oestrogens...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22

27 227 0
The Fetal Matrix: Evolution, Development and Disease - part 4 ppsx

The Fetal Matrix: Evolution, Development and Disease - part 4 ppsx

... encapsulating and summarising large amounts of data And they are also invaluable when they serve to highlight observations that not fit the theory and thus lead to new hypotheses, then new studies and thence ... by the adrenal gland and plays a critical role in maintaining blood glucose, blood pressure and the stress response It will also change both the alertness and the anxiety level in the animal The ... of the population But our discussion has progressed on the assumption that the choice is made by the fetus and that the fidelity of the information transfer about the environment has been high and...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22

27 253 0
The Fetal Matrix: Evolution, Development and Disease - part 5 potx

The Fetal Matrix: Evolution, Development and Disease - part 5 potx

... from the mitochondria in the egg, and not via the sperm So they fit the bill of DNA that is transmitted directly from grandmother to granddaughter Second, the metabolic capacity of the grandchildren’s ... studied the licking and grooming habits of rat mothers with their pups and observed that there are mothers who groom their pups a lot, and those who not The pups of ‘high grooming’ mothers grow ... to the cells they invaded, they were useful parasites, and so the host evolved to tolerate them Further, the generation of energy within cells superseded the need to pick it up entirely from the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22

27 218 0
The Fetal Matrix: Evolution, Development and Disease - part 7 ppt

The Fetal Matrix: Evolution, Development and Disease - part 7 ppt

... cogently for selection at the level of the gene and he sees the organism as the vehicle in which the replicator (the gene) is carried Others see selection acting at the level of the whole organism – ... gametes and this can equally apply to sperm and ova We have told the story of how records in Scandinavia link the nutrition of the paternal grandparent to the risk of diabetes in the grandson ... grand-offspring We have already told the story of the Dutch Hunger Winter of 1944/5 and exactly the same thing happened there: the grandchildren born to mothers who were fetuses in the famine were born with...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22

27 153 0
The Fetal Matrix: Evolution, Development and Disease - part 8 pot

The Fetal Matrix: Evolution, Development and Disease - part 8 pot

... PARs, the fetal environment can only shift more slowly The first developmental signals to which the fetus is exposed occurred within the grandmother’s uterus when the egg destined to become the mother ... foods The Falasha Jews come from the highlands of Ethiopia They lived in poor rural areas and believed themselves to be descendants of the biblical King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba Following the ... nature And the argument can continue back with diminishing effect to the great-grandmaternal and great-greatgrandmaternal environments and so on The ovary develops in the first half of gestation and...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22

27 191 0
The Fetal Matrix: Evolution, Development and Disease - part 9 doc

The Fetal Matrix: Evolution, Development and Disease - part 9 doc

... health policy and economics As we discussed in the preface, there has been a large gulf between the theoretical and evolutionary biologists on one hand and medical scientists on the other Humans ... observations, he recognised that the health of the fetus and the subsequent child depended on the health of the mother Two -and- a-half thousand years later, we understand significantly more but still ... progressed to the point where we have some good candidates for such genes, especially those that can be imprinted, and that regulate the growth and development of the early embryo and the placenta...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22

27 215 0
The Fetal Matrix: Evolution, Development and Disease - part 10 doc

The Fetal Matrix: Evolution, Development and Disease - part 10 doc

... and coronary heart disease in South India Lancet 348 (1996), 1269–73 Stevens, L M and Landis, S C Developmental interactions between sweat glands and the sympathetic neurons which innervate them: ... growth and the function of the adrenal cortex in preterm infants J Clin Endocrinol Metab 87 (2002), 1194–9 230 Further reading Brenner, B M and Chertow, G M Congenital oligonephropathy and the ... fertilization and the implications for blastocyst quality Reproduction 126, 337–46 Mallard, C., Loeliger, M., Copolov, D and Rees, S Reduced number of neurons in the hippocampus and the cerebellum in the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 11:22

27 181 0


... population growth rate But the irony is, situation differ from region to region and country to country Because of the wide gap between the rich and the poor nations, the benefits of these increases not ... realizing the development and environmental protection are inequality; such as: - Successful economic development and environmental protection go hand in You cannot have one without the other (Former ... policy in the conversion of arable lands into roads and subdivisions, and for industrial development Maintaining soil fertility though intercropping and the trees and the use of nontoxic fertilizers...

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2013, 09:20

25 564 2
Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, and the Brain potx

Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, and the Brain potx

... ischemia, and seizures, and on the mostly unknown effects of the chlorogenic acids found in coffee The effects of caffeine on the stress axis and development of the brain are also updated Finally, the ... series on nutrition, the brain, and behavior, the present book brings new information to the long-debated issue of the benecial and possible negative effects on the brain from the consumption of ... of these receptors suggests some probable sites of action of caffeine in the brain Included are the striatum and medulla, as well as portions of the basal forebrain, the mesopontine area, and the...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 04:20

228 330 1
Economic Development and the Escape from High Mortality pdf

Economic Development and the Escape from High Mortality pdf

... economic changes and for the ongoing debate on the role of economic factors in the mortality decline The second objective of the paper is to measure the contribution of economic development, represented ... than double the mortality rates in England and Wales Szreter and Mooney (1998) further demonstrate the extent to which rapid urbanization and rapid city growth created a penalty in England For example, ... Age-specific death rates for England and Wales, and London from Wrigley et al (1997, Table 6.14) and Landers (1992, Table 3), respectively To compute the rates of England and Wales (without London),...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 08:20

26 643 0
Sustainable Urban Development and the Chinese Eco-City pptx

Sustainable Urban Development and the Chinese Eco-City pptx

... with old cities and the social conflicts and miseries they embodied Mumford saw the need for change in the way development was taking place in the twentieth century He sought the development of ... around the world and are not exclusive to the Western experience The questions they raise are still broad and their applicability free from the confinements that certain other Western theories ... places the need to close the gap between the poor and the privileged, both within and between societies, at the forefront The biophysical systems vital to life appear strained by existing demands and...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 11:20

93 325 0


... perceptions, the ideas, the recollections, the reasonings, the emotions, the desires, the imaginations, and the acts of attention and of will These appear to be, at the first glance, the elements ... each, other, continue, and arrange themselves logically: in lieu of sensations, there are objects and relations of space between these objects, and the actions which connect them, and the phenomena ... ambition, Notwithstanding the prudence of some and the equivocations in which others have rejoiced, they have drawn their definition in the absolute and not in[34] the relative To take their conceptions...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 12:20

191 328 0
quantum theory and the brain

quantum theory and the brain

... testing whether these examples can satisfy the definition given in §5 for a quantum switch One question is whether the states ρ1 and ρ2 are sufficiently different, and the other is whether the quantum ... principle, there is no difficulty with assigning a quantum state to a photographic plate, or to the photographic plate and the electron and the entire camera and the developing machine and so on These ... follow the central arguments CONTENTS Introduction The Problems of Quantum Mechanics and the Relevance of the Brain Quantum Mechanical Assumptions Information Processing in the Brain The Quantum Theory...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 15:28

52 257 0
mastering xpages [electronic resource] a step-by-step guide to xpages application development and the xsp language

mastering xpages [electronic resource] a step-by-step guide to xpages application development and the xsp language

... that the sessions, and thus the pages, are not persisted between requests Theme xsp.theme The name of an XPages theme that an application uses by default The default theme is named webstandard ... Notes settings, therefore allowing the theme specified for the Application Theme setting to be the one used regardless of running environment xsp.theme If the xsp.theme.web or xsp.theme.notes properties ... 16  The Theme Properties Set this property to define the theme to display for XPages applications running in the Notes client Regardless of whether the xsp.theme property is specified, the xsp theme.notes...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 00:46

321 1,2K 0
philips sarah d. women's social activism in the new ukraine. development and the politics of differentiation. bloomington, 2008

philips sarah d. women's social activism in the new ukraine. development and the politics of differentiation. bloomington, 2008

... to others As these women endeavored to remake the worlds around them, they took up various narratives that allowed them to account for their actions and reconstitute themselves as persons The ... the village and buried in a pit they had been forced to dig themselves After the war Sofiia and her mother returned to live in the village, and Sofiia remembers walking around the forest and stumbling ... had dug up and eaten the remains, leaving bones strewn throughout the woods “We walked through the forest and my mother would point them out: There’s a leg, there’s a finger.” Were the scattered...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 17:40

233 395 0
university of chicago press fins into limbs evolution development and transformation feb 2007

university of chicago press fins into limbs evolution development and transformation feb 2007

... University He is the author of many books, including Evolutionary Developmental Biology, The Neural Crest in Development and Evolution, and Bones and Cartilage: Developmental and Evolutionary Skeletal ... the Man is the fore-leg of the Beast, the wing of the Bird, and the pectoral fin of the Fish” (3) and that these are homologous parts At a second level in the biological hierarchy, the cartilaginous ... Man; the ‘fore-’ and ‘hind-legs’ of beasts; the ‘wings’ and ‘legs’ of Bats and Birds; the ‘pectoral fins’ and ‘ventral [pelvic] fins’ of Fishes” (3), and he took for granted that the arm of the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 15:49

461 191 0