event triggers application context fine grained access control and encapsulation of

Nanofabrication, architecture control, and crosslinking of collagen scaffolds and the potential in corneal tissue engineering application

Nanofabrication, architecture control, and crosslinking of collagen scaffolds and the potential in corneal tissue engineering application

... Comparison of physical and chemical analysis of human cornea and artificial corneal equivalent 37 Figure 2.9 Procedures of the production of reconstructed cornea and a macroscopic view of ... start to age and demand better quality -of- life standards, people will expect science and engineering to develop and implement strategies that address the challenges of disabling diseases and disorders ... curves of the received collagen and the collagen nanofibers electrospun by using HFP and HAc 121 Figure 6.7 Cell proliferation on the surface of the HFP and HAc electrospun collagen with a control...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 09:33

187 329 0
Medium access control and energy efficient routing for mobile ad hoc networks

Medium access control and energy efficient routing for mobile ad hoc networks

... table-driven and on-demand to get the best of both worlds Table 3.1 presents a comparison of table-driven protocols, and Table 3.2 presents a comparison of on-demand protocols Table 3.1: Comparisons of ... function of the number of nodes in the network 67 Figure 7.5: Performance of VRP and VRRP as a function of traffic load in low mobility scenarios 73 Figure 7.6: Fraction of successfully ... in search of destinations and leads to very high routing control overhead In a network of 100 nodes and 40 sources with uniform traffic pattern, the results in [19] show that both DSR and AODV...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2015, 10:49

114 193 0
Điện tử công suât mạch MMC  Control and experiment of pulse width modulated modular multilevel converters

Điện tử công suât mạch MMC Control and experiment of pulse width modulated modular multilevel converters

... divided into 1) averaging control, and 2) balancing control Voltage command of each arm: (a) Positive arm, and (b) Negative B Balancing Control The use of the balancing control described in [21] ... (6.4%) and 50-Hz base (b) C G U  E Proportional gain of averaging control Integral gain of averaging control Proportional gain of current control Integral gain of current control ... of averaging control Integral gain of averaging control Proportional gain of current control Integral gain of current control Proportional gain of balancing control [A] 40 0.5 A/V 150 A/(V·s)...

Ngày tải lên: 15/10/2013, 16:24

10 512 0
Development of a Regional Risk Management Framework for APEC Economies for use in the Control and Prevention of Introduced Marine Pests

Development of a Regional Risk Management Framework for APEC Economies for use in the Control and Prevention of Introduced Marine Pests

... limited and unbalanced Management Framework - Introd uced Marine Pests Priorities and hazards for Economies  Variable levels of activity and management capability  Ships’ ballast water and hull ... shipping, aquaculture and biodiversity are most threatened values  Amount of commercial shipping and number of trading partners affecting pathway strength  A limited number of IMP have been identified ... the preborder, border and post border levels  Need to develop awareness of the problem in APEC Economies  Need appropriate information systems and tools  Need to develop and adapt current institutional...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 11:15

10 584 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Mobile Touchable Application for Online Topic Graph Extraction and Exploration of Web Content" ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "A Mobile Touchable Application for Online Topic Graph Extraction and Exploration of Web Content" ppt

... proceedings of the 5th FinTAL, Finland Eugenie Giesbrecht and Stefan Evert 2009 Part-ofspeech tagging - a solved task? An evaluation of PoS taggers for the Web as corpus In proceedings of the 5th ... snippets so that each line of S contains a complete snippet Each textline of S is then tagged with Part of Speech using the SVMTagger (Gim´ nez and M` rquez, 2004) and chune a ked in the next ... types of word chains Each chain consists of longest matching sequences of words with the same PoS class, namely noun chains or verb chains, where an element of a noun chain belongs to one of the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 05:20

6 458 0
Chapter 24 Congestion Control and Quality of Service pdf

Chapter 24 Congestion Control and Quality of Service pdf

... 24-1 DATA TRAFFIC The main focus of congestion control and quality of service is data traffic In congestion control we try to avoid traffic congestion In quality of service, we try to create an ... router 24.6 Figure Packet delay and throughput as functions of load 24.7 24-3 CONGESTION CONTROL Congestion control refers to techniques and mechanisms that can either prevent congestion, before it ... congestion control mechanisms into two broad categories: openloop congestion control (prevention) and closed-loop congestion control (removal) Topics discussed in this section: Open-Loop Congestion Control...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 12:20

48 590 0
control and monitoring of chemical batch reactors advances in industrial control

control and monitoring of chemical batch reactors advances in industrial control

... between the science of control engineering and the demanding control problems of batch reactors They should find the application of the techniques to the case study a source of inspiration for ... Professor Michael A Johnson, Professor (Emeritus) of Control Systems and Deputy Director Industrial Control Centre Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering University of Strathclyde Graham ... Ideas of Scale-up 7.4.2 The Scale-up of Real Batch Reactors 7.5 Suggestions and Conclusions References Appendix A Proofs A.1 Proof of Theorem 5.1 A.2 Proof of...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 10:59

205 635 0
Control and implementation of a new modular matrix converter

Control and implementation of a new modular matrix converter

... diagram of the control system is shown in Fig 12 The input and output voltages and currents are sensed by Hall effect devices, and are digitized using analog-to-digital converters (ADC) The microcontroller ... lies between space vectors V in and V4 in and the output reference space vector lies between space vectors V1 out and V6 out , as shown in Fig The pattern of input and output space vectors in one ... single-capacitor control scheme of Figs and in that the subintervals, space vectors, and instantaneous line-to-line voltage waveforms, are identical The voltages across the nonconducting branches of Fig...

Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 00:55

7 334 1
Methods to access quality and stability of oils and fat  containing foods

Methods to access quality and stability of oils and fat containing foods

... testing of oils and fat-containing foods Number of Samples The number of samples that can be evaluated in one session is dependent on the nature of the product and on the amount of training and experience ... List, G.R., and Erickson, D.R “Storage, Handling and Stabilization” in Handbook of Soy Oil Processing and Utilization, edited by D.R Erickson, E.H Pryde, O.L Brekke, T.L Mounts, and R.A Falb ... exchange of ideas, information, and experience among those with a professional interest in the science and technology of fats, oils, and related substances in ways that promote personal excellence and...

Ngày tải lên: 23/05/2014, 12:34

219 1,5K 1
Báo cáo sinh học: " Involvement of PKR and RNase L in translational control and induction of apoptosis after Hepatitis C polyprotein expression from a Vaccinia virus recombinant" doc

Báo cáo sinh học: " Involvement of PKR and RNase L in translational control and induction of apoptosis after Hepatitis C polyprotein expression from a Vaccinia virus recombinant" doc

... phosphorylation of eIF-2α and inhibition of translation caused by the expression of HCV polyprotein PKR mediates phosphorylation of eIF-2α and inhibition of translation caused by the expression of HCV ... analysis of the extent of inhibition of protein synthesis and of eIF2α-S51 phosphorylation indicates that such effects are clearly observed by h.p.i in VT7-HCV7.9 infected cultures in the presence of ... antiproliferative effects of interferon (IFN) [28] Activated PKR phos- phorylates the α subunit of eIF-2 on serine 51, thus halting initiation of translation of both cellular and viral proteins that eventually...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

19 373 0
Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 1 pptx

Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 1 pptx

... Balance and Receptor Models in the MAMC 103 V Mugica, R Vallesa, J Aguilar, J Figueroa and F Mugica Part Air Pollution in Office and Public Transport Vehicles 119 Chapter Emission and Formation of Fine ... Mizeraczyk, Andrzej Pawelec and Eugen Stamate 135 Preface The municipal and industrial activities of the man affects human health, leads to degradation of the environment and even degradation of the ... class of these technologies are plasma processes, which are briefly reviewed at the final part of the book Prof Andrzej G Chmielewski Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology Warsaw, Poland...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

20 436 0
Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 2 docx

Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 2 docx

... distributions of anthropogenic (a and c) and Miyakejima volcanic (b and d) monthly mean surface concentrations of (a and b) SO2 (ppb) and (c and d) SO42- (μg m-3) (e) The gas-phase fraction of t-NO3 (%) and ... Expulsion of NO3- from the aerosol phase occurred as a result of the volcanic SO2 emission, 24 Monitoring, Control and Effects of Air Pollution with an increase of the gas-phase fraction of about ... CNTRL emissions and were applied uniformly over the whole model domain “S2” and “Sh” indicate double and half the SO2 emission of the CNTRL run, and “NH2” and “NHh” indicates double and half the...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

20 509 0
Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 3 pptx

Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 3 pptx

... concentrations and depositions of t-NO3 accurately, accurate estimations of emission inventories of SO2 and NH3 and of its precursor NOx are important Simulated dry deposition velocities and wet scavenging ... in atmosphere and gas phase fraction of HNO3 The gas phase fraction of HNO3 and wet deposition rate of total nitrate A long-range transport indicator and the wet deposition rate of total nitrate ... Monitoring, Control and Effects of Air Pollution Increased levels of fine particles in the air are linked to health hazards such as heart disease [23], altered lung function and lung cancer Chlorofluorocarbons...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

20 455 0
Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 4 pot

Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 4 pot

... detector), and computer control component (microprocessor boards located at the lower half of the unit, power supply, and fan) Development of Low-Cost Network of Sensors for Extensive In-Situ and Continuous ... concentrations of CO2 in the sample air, and the electrical signals are sent to preprocessor and micro processor boards to determine and store the measured results 62 Monitoring, Control and Effects of ... portable and accurate CO2 measurements that are traceable to WMO NOAA standards The independent of the analyzer from the need of an additional data logger makes the entire operation understandable and...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

20 466 0
Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 5 docx

Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 5 docx

... portion of mainland called “Seberang Perai” in Malay Language Penang Island is an island of 293 square kilometres located in the Straits of Malacca and “Seberang Perai” is a narrow hinterland of 753 ... in Malay Language) and a portion of mainland called “SeberangPerai” in Malay Language Penang Island is an island of 293 square kilometres located in the Straits of Malacca and “SeberangPerai” ... “SeberangPerai” is a narrow hinterland of 753 square kilometres (Tan, et al., 2010) The island and the mainland are linked by the 13.5 km long Penang Bridge and ferry Penang Island is predominantly hilly...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

20 358 0
Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 6 pdf

Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 6 pdf

... composition, and aerodynamic and chemical properties (Chang et al 1982; Walker 1966) Of 94 Monitoring, Control and Effects of Air Pollution these, size is very important It is related to the source of ... Department of Statistics, Jordan imported about six million tons of crude oil in 2005 (Department of Statistics, 2010) Combustion of oil and other fossil fuel is recognized as a major source of air ... capital, Amman (Department of Driving and Vehicles Licensing 2010) More than 31% of the vehicles in Jordan are diesel-powered Vans and trucks represent 33% and 42.7% of the total diesel-powered...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

20 474 0
Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 7 pdf

Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 7 pdf

... Pollution in Office and Public Transport Vehicles Emission and Formation of Fine Particles from Hardcopy Devices: the Cause of Indoor Air Pollution 1School David D Massey1* and Ajay Taneja1,2 of Chemical ... formation of fine and ultra fine particles (UFP) (Lee et al., 2007) a Physical process of nucleation and condensation The first possible formation mechanism of UFP is the nucleation/condensation of ... the performances of CMB, PMF and PCA were evaluated in their application to PM2.5 samples from different sites of the MAMC The use of several types of models helps to identify and quantify model...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

20 343 0
Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 8 potx

Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 8 potx

... Front and side views of the NEWC 146 Monitoring, Control and Effects of Air Pollution 4.1 Airflow patterns inside NEWC with seated TAM Fig 10 shows the air velocity profile (velocity vectors and ... Journal of Geophysical Research, 106: 4797-4814, 2001 134 Monitoring, Control and Effects of Air Pollution Ichitsubo H., Alonso M., Ishii M., Endo Y., Kousaka Y., Sato K (1996): “Behavior of ultrafine ... significant means of bioagent dispersion This chapter seeks to further advance our understanding of fluid and aerosol dynamic processes of exposures resulting from dust lying on the surface of a letter...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

20 343 0
Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 9 pot

Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 9 pot

... of Penteli, (b) L1991 statue of Philippi, (c) L291 statue of Kavala and (d) L351 statue of Kavala 170 Monitoring, Control and Effects of Air Pollution Fig 7(b, c, d) Time-resolved analysis of ... the problem of confrontation of historic buildings and monuments decay because of air pollution presupposes the finding of the relation between “cause and effect”, namely of “how and why air-pollutants ... time and place, with man, his surroundings and his history These unique and unprecedented fingerprints of human civilization form the natural and cultural heritage of a place, of a country, of...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

20 351 0
Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 10 pdf

Monitoring Control and Effects of Air Pollution Part 10 pdf

... atmospheric behavior and method of measurement The concentration of particles in the atmosphere varies across space and time and as a function of the source of the particles and the transformations ... ashes in a black crust and particles from the combustion of fuel oil and coal, containing a quantity of Carbon, Iron, Manganese and Sulphur 188 Monitoring, Control and Effects of Air Pollution Fig ... comprehensive understanding of the causes of decay and the factors controlling them In order to estimate the impacts of air pollution on the various solid surfaces, including them of cultural heritage,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:20

20 429 0