ethanol and oil as transportation fuels history and interests

ethanol and ozone sensing characteristics of wo3 based sensors activated by au and pd

ethanol and ozone sensing characteristics of wo3 based sensors activated by au and pd

... chamber where the gases are injected at a flow rate of 50 l h−1 Dry air was used both as a reference (baseline) and as carrier gas to obtain the desired concentration of the detected gas Fig represents ... air and Ggas under the target gases, for the sensors WO3 bare, Au/WO3 and Pd/WO3 at Twork = 300 ◦ C, and resulting sensing response “Sgas ” of the sensors calculated by using the relations: Sgas ... calculated by using the relations: Sgas = Ggas − G0 G0 for reducing gases or Sgas = G0 − Ggas Ggas for oxidizing gases (3) The conductance in air the Au/WO3 based sensor is two orders larger than that...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 16:48

8 519 0
low - level detection of ethanol and h2s with temperature - modulated wo3 nanoparticle gas sensors

low - level detection of ethanol and h2s with temperature - modulated wo3 nanoparticle gas sensors

... investigated gas during these measurements was again ethanol H2 S measurements were performed during days 22–29 Between days 22 and 25, a slight increase in the sensor resistance was observed, ... of ethanol and H2 S (dry gases) was achieved with a WO3 nanoparticle gas sensor operating in a temperature-modulated mode Calibration curves for ethanol concentrations between and 50 ppm, and ... dynamic response were extracted by FFT and DWT decomposition methods, and discrimination between ethanol and H2 S measurements was performed by PCA and DFA DWT was found to outperform FFT for the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 13:04

8 1,2K 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Ethanol and acetic-acid tolerance in Indian geographical populations of Drosophila immigrans" pps

Báo cáo sinh học: " Ethanol and acetic-acid tolerance in Indian geographical populations of Drosophila immigrans" pps

... MATERIALS AND METHODS Mass bred populations of D immigrans from north India (Manali, 32° 0’N and Rohtak, 28° 54’N) and south India (Pune, 18° 35’N and Bangalore, 12° 58’N) were used for ethanol and ... different alcoholic resources David and Van Herrewege (1983) revealed D melanogaster and D lebanonsis as highly ethanol tolerant while many species were found to be ethanol sensitive Except for a ... study were to analyse acetic-acid and ethanol utilisation in geographical populations of D immigrans as well as to analyse microspatial differentiation in ethanol and acetic-acid utilisation in...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:21

11 251 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Parallel selection of ethanol and acetic-acid tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster populations from India" pot

Báo cáo sinh học: " Parallel selection of ethanol and acetic-acid tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster populations from India" pot

... MATERIALS AND METHODS to melanogaster from Indian geographical sites to 33°N; fig 1, table I) were established for 2-3 generations and used for measurements of ethanol and acetic-acid utilisation as ... melanogaster and D simv.lans Oecologia 10, 373-388 Oakeshott JG, Gibson JB, Anderson PR, Knibb WR, Anderson DG, Chambers GK (1982) Alcohol dehydrogenase and glycerol-3 phosphate dehydrogenase clines ... acid has been found to be a parallel resource to ethanol in D melanogaster (Chakir et al, 1993, 1994) The objective of this study is to analyse acetic-acid and ethanol utilisation by D melanogaster...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:21

10 229 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "Ethanol and acetic-acid tolerances in Drosophila melanogaster: similar maternal effects in a cross between 2 geographic races" potx

Báo cáo sinh học: "Ethanol and acetic-acid tolerances in Drosophila melanogaster: similar maternal effects in a cross between 2 geographic races" potx

... in a single mass culture, and ADH activity measured on males The results in table II clearly show that this was not the case: the well-known difference between F and S alleles was confirmed No ... ADH activity was measured on adult males aged d, according to Merqot and Higuet (1987) Activities are expressed as variation of optical density per mg of flies RESULTS Ethanol and acetic-acid ... (see Materials and Methods) and ethanol tolerances measured These results are shown in figure and the statistics are given in table II A broad variability is evidenced between lines, and this may...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 19:22

9 159 0
hobbies and interests

hobbies and interests

... and your own ideas I think shopping is relaxing and satisfying Do you think so? I find it dull and time –consuming B Join another pair What are your favorite hobbies? Why? Use these reasons and ... hobby? I collected stamps as a child, but I don’t have time for it now Activity Communication task Work in pair One of you should look at Task on page 78, and the other at Task 28 on page 86 You ... B Listen you will hear interviews with Jason, Emma, and Nick Write their leisure activities in the chart Favorite leisure activities Jason Emma Nick Doing yoga What they enjoy about each...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2013, 01:26

16 936 7
Financial Relationships and Interests in Research Involving Human Subjects: Guidance for Human Subject Protection pdf

Financial Relationships and Interests in Research Involving Human Subjects: Guidance for Human Subject Protection pdf

... relationships and the financial interests they create, may affect the rights and welfare of human subjects in research Financial interests are not prohibited, and not all financial interests cause ... potential and actual conflicts of interest as part of overall IRB policies and procedures would help ensure that financial interests not compromise the rights and welfare of human research subjects As ... Consider when Dealing with Issues of Financial Interests and Human Subject Protection,” based on information obtained at and subsequent to that conference was made available to the public for comment...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20

9 316 0
the word as scalpel a history of medical sociology may 2002

the word as scalpel a history of medical sociology may 2002

... in the halls and classrooms of medical schools, and I was groping in this unfa­ miliar terrain Here was a famous physician from the past, whose name was part of the lore of the basic science ... conditions of intellectual demand and supply and, as Oberschall and Ben-David show, they cannot be con­ ceptualized along classic supply-demand models On the demand side, the emerging discipline ... in the war Any combat role was, of course, out of the question, and that was THE ORIGINS 19 where attention was focused As the devastation of battle wounds, injuries, and sickness became overwhelming,...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 01:27

357 383 0
mind as machine a history of cognitive science two-volume set aug 2006

mind as machine a history of cognitive science two-volume set aug 2006

... I was intrigued by paranoia, multiple personality, automatisms, and hypnosis And I was especially puzzled by psychosomatic phenomena, such as hysterical paralyses and anaesthesias In these cases, ... Intelligence (1977) as a compulsory text for AI courses at MIT and Yale I was told it was the first time they’d assigned two books, rather than just one It was also used as the basis of various psychology ... 0–19–924144–9 978–0–19–924144–6 (Set) 10 For Ruskin and Claire, Jehane and Alex, and Byron, Oscar, and Lukas and in memory of Drew Gartland-Jones (1964–2004) This page intentionally left blank...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 10:12

1,7K 256 0
A review of catalytic upgrading of bio oil to engine fuels

A review of catalytic upgrading of bio oil to engine fuels

... H2 Methanol Higher alcohols Bio -ethanol Bio -ethanol Bio -ethanol Biodiesel Biodiesel Gasoline Biomass Biomass Biomass Biomass Biomass Biomass Sugar cane Corn Biomass Canola oil Palm oil Crude oil ... Batch Batch Batch Continuous Batch Batch Bio -oil Bio -oil Bio -oil Bio -oil Bio -oil Bio -oil Guaiacol Bio -oil Guaiacol Guaiacol Bio -oil Bio -oil Bio -oil Bio -oil 4a 0.5a 4b 0.5a 3 0.2a 4 Continuous Continuous ... Continuous Bio -oil Bio -oil Bio -oil Bio -oil Bio -oil Bio -oil Bio -oil Bio -oil Bio -oil 0.32a 0.56a 0.28a 0.32a 0.91a 0.28a 0.28a 0.28a 0.32a Calculated as the inverse of the WHSV Calculated as the inverse...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 14:02

19 403 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Globalisation, health and foreign policy: emerging linkages and interests" pdf

báo cáo khoa học: " Globalisation, health and foreign policy: emerging linkages and interests" pdf

... globalisation has perhaps become an over-familiar term it encompasses issues of enduring and profound significance: the opening of economies, increasing flows across borders, and increasing interdependence ... developing world has occurred at a time of major advances in medical research and development in richer countries, particularly in epidemiology and basic biomedical sciences [14] And as a recent report ... health, such as user fees on primary health care and education What is needed is a broad and integrated view of health and its determinants, its linkage to foreign policy, and support and opportunities...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20

5 200 0
61521 hobbies and interests   frequency

61521 hobbies and interests frequency

... hobbies and interests In her free time, Judith doesn't like to stay at home She prefers to go out with her friends or family Most weekends, Judith and her friends go out drinking and dancing Occasionally ... Judith likes Peter's hobbies and interests Peter is quite sporty He loves playing football, and he plays for a local team He is very competitive, and he can't stand losing a game Luckily, his ... hobbies are fishing and gardening He finds these relaxing, unlike football Peter and his wife, Sarah, often the gardening together They often listen to the radio as they plant flowers and pull out the...

Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2016, 11:16

2 207 0
39731 hobbies and interests

39731 hobbies and interests

... all the time – he ……………… (love) chatrooms A:……………………………… (he/send) e-greetings ? B:Yes , he does And he ……………………… (write) e-mails to his girlfriend, but he …………………………… (not send) instant messages ... you? B: I ………………………………… (write) e-mails to my cousins in Canada.They ………………………… (send) us e-mails and photos A: How often …………………………… (you/use) your mobile phone ? B: Every day! I ……………………………… (not...

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2016, 18:59

2 218 0
Báo cáo y học: " Airway smooth muscle as a target of asthma therapy: history and new directions" docx

Báo cáo y học: " Airway smooth muscle as a target of asthma therapy: history and new directions" docx

... variety of actions on plasmalemmal K +and Ca2+-channels [33], as well as the Ca2+-pumps on the plasmalemma and the SR [34]), inhibition of the RhoA/ ROCK signalling pathway [35] and direct stimulation ... ulation of ASM is accompanied by activation of tyrosine kinases [54-56] and Ras/Rho [57-60], as well as cytoskeletal rearrangement [55,59-61]; (ii) tyrosine kinase inhibition compromises ... RhoGEF) as well as to Ca2+-handling in ASM [54] Thus, tyrosine kinase inhibitors could prove valuable in the treatment of asthma, if a sufficiently selective molecule can be found Actomyosin ATPase...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:20

12 358 0
Theatre as public sphere  the history of theatre exchange between japan and southeast asia

Theatre as public sphere the history of theatre exchange between japan and southeast asia

... discourses on Asia emerged One was Kô-a Ron (興亜論: On Founding Asia) and the other was Datsu-a Ron (脱亜論: On Dissociating from Asia) 21 22 Rustom Bharucha, Another Asia: Rabindranath Tagore and Okakura ... was far more detailed and explicit than Brecht as to just how such 100 Monica Prendergast and Juliana Saxton, Applied Theatre: International Case Studies and Challenges for Practice (Bristol and ... exchange between Japan and Southeast Asia has led to discourses on the ignorance of Southeast Asian theatre in Japan, which eventually resulted in the “warped cultural ideas.” 13 Terry Eagleton,...

Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 08:39

381 491 0
Singapura dilanggar todak as myth and history in singapores past

Singapura dilanggar todak as myth and history in singapores past

... Southeast Asian history Van Leur was the first historian to highlight the predisposition of foregrounding the contribution and action of Europeans in the writing of Southeast Asian history As Van ... in 1511 as well On the other hand however, it is undeniable that Melaka respected Pasai As Pasai was the first polity in the Malay world that accepted Islam, and it was also where Islam was firmly ... of enriching the process of understanding and researching Singaporean and Southeast Asian history Myths as representations hold semblances of truth about the past However, each representation is...

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2015, 21:07

121 765 0
Methanol as an alternative transportation fuel in the US options for sustainable and or energy secure transportation

Methanol as an alternative transportation fuel in the US options for sustainable and or energy secure transportation

... Holdings, Ltd., a China-based developer, manufacturer and distributor of alcohol-based automobile fuels including methanol, ethanol, and blended fuels, has a waste conversion facility and to build a second ... for methanol (unlike ethanol) as a transportation fuel Therefore, it has been displaced by ethanol as oxygenate of choice in gasoline blends Furthermore, while generating methanol from biomass ... I HISTORY OF METHANOL AS A TRANSPORTATION FUEL IN THE U.S In the aftermath of the first oil crisis in 1973, the potential of methanol as a liquid fuel to satisfy US transportation demand was...

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2016, 11:33

81 944 0