... with the mother you see. I think they as the mothers, if we can talk to them, teach them. Some of them need to be taught That’s the other part. Most of them come from the farms and we teach them ... But the biggest challenge in this district is the big size of the community, the vast area, the vastness of the area. For instance, for me to move from here in Koffiefontein to Smithfield the ... and the gold reserves in the mines are running out. The collapse of the mining industry raises further problems, for example, most of the migrant labourers left the community when they lost their...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 00:20
... arbitrarily as the average of 5 and 0), the pair was recovered as a member of the occurring set. Otherwise, it was recovered as a member of the non-occurring set. Out of the 150 pairs of the occurring ... that the mutual information of the two pairs will be similar (recall that mutual information measures the degree of as- sociation between the words of the pair). Consider for example the pair ... Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., San Maeio, Cali- fornia. Slava M. Katz. 1987. Estimation of probabilities from sparse data for the language model com- ponent of a speech recognizer. IEEE Transac- tions...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 07:20
Báo cáo khoa học: " Comparison of two sap flow methods for the estimation of tree transpiration" ppt
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 23:22
Báo cáo sinh học: "Use of sib-pair linkage methods for the estimation of the genetic variance at a quantitative trait locus" pps
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:21
Báo cáo y học: "Estimation of stature from the foot and its segments in a sub-adult female population of North India" pps
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 21:24
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:06
Color Atlas of Pharmacology (Part 18): Drugs for the Suppression of Pain
... secretion. PG promote the production of gastric mucus and reduce the formation of gastric acid (p. 160). Menstruation. PGF 2! is believed to be responsible for the ischemic necrosis of the endometrium ... the acetyl residue. Hence, the duration of the effect depends on the rate of enzyme resynthesis. Further- more, salicylate may contribute to the effect. ASA irritates the gastric mucosa (direct ... °C by means of a heart-lung machine. In higher doses, ethanol and bar- biturates also depress the thermoregu- latory center (B1), thereby permitting cooling of the body to the point of death, given...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 19:15
The Myth of Marketing: How Research Reaches For The Heart But Only Connects With The Head
... m http://www.fastcocreate.com/1682625 /the- myth -of- marketing-ho w-research-reaches -for- the- heart-but-only-co nnects-with- the- head The Myth of Marketing: How Research Reaches For The Heart But Only Connects With The Head Marketers ... correlation to actual sales. That ad was the story of a miniature Darth Vader who comes to believe in the power of The Force when his dad uses the remote-start f eature of a Volkswagen. And it might never ... decisions on the f alse premise that respondents in survey research can consciously explain the unconscious origins of their actions. They f ail to recognize that most of the business of lif e happens...
Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 20:28
... that run in parallel on the distributed data nodes. The key-value stores or NoSQL databases are the OLTP databases of the big data world; they are optimized for very fast data capture and simple ... in a big data infrastructure span data acquisition, data organization and data analysis. The acquisition phase is one of the major changes in infrastructure from the days before big data. Because ... step uses the CPUs in the Hadoop cluster to format the data into Oracle-understood formats, allowing for a lower CPU load on the Oracle cluster and higher data ingest rates because the data is...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 12:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Quantitative estimation of channeling from early glycolytic intermediates to CO2 in intact Escherichia coli pdf
... channeled. The data in Table 3 show the method for and the results of calculating the fraction of the total flux that is channeled. The most striking result is that essentially all of the flux from Fru1,6P 2 to ... constitutive for the uptake of 6-carbon sugar phosphates. In addition to establishing the degree to which the exogoenous intermediates enter the cell, the data of Fig. 3 also show the consequence for 14 CO 2 evolution of ... in the regulation of metabolism. Whereas the usual mechanism proposed for channeling is the (often) transient inter- action of sequential pathway enzymes, many of the supporting data come from...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 18:20
Tài liệu China’s Holdings of U.S. Securities: Implications for the U.S. Economy pptx
... If the value of the dollar depreciated, the trade deficit would decline, as the price of U.S. exports fell abroad and the price of imports rose in the United States. 52 The magnitude of these ... survey of foreign portfolio holdings of U.S. securities by country and reports data for the previous year as of the end of June. 19 The latest Treasury survey of portfolio holdings of U.S. ... 19 The report is prepared jointly by the Department of the Treasury, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. 20 Department of the Treasury,...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 20:20
Tài liệu department of defense policies and procedures for the acquisition potx
Ngày tải lên: 23/02/2014, 02:20
... in the Andaman Sea at the northern tip of the Straits, while the shallowest is at the One Fathom Bank in the south. The current predominantly flows in a northwest direction with rates of ... pace of urbanization, indiscriminate destruction of rainforests and catchments for the establishment of new townships and industrial sites have resulted in the high sedimentation of rivers in the ... Subsequently, the share of agriculture dropped from 29 per cent in 1970 to 14 per cent in 2000, while the share of manufacturing jumped from 14 per cent in 1970 to27.8 per cent for the same period...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 15:21
Báo cáo khoa học: "Project for production of closed-caption TV programs for the hearing impaired" docx
... al. 1996). Therefore we need to summarise the news texts to some extent, and then show them on the screen. The aim of the research on automatic text summarisation is to summarise the text fully ... change the meaning much even if we keep only the verb stem (or sahen noun) and delete the rest of it. This is one of the ways found in the captions to shorten or delete unimportant parts of the ... 3.1.2 Rules for shortening text Another way of reducing the number of characters in a Japanese text, thus summarising the text, is to shorten or delete parts of the sentences. For example,...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 06:20
Sri lanka the emerging wonder of asia mahinda Chintana Vision for the future pot
... Asia role of the publicsectorinpoultrydevelopmentwill bearegulatoryfunctionfocusingonanimaldisease preventionandqualityassurance. In the early70s,localmilkproductionmet80percent of localconsumptionneeds.But the openeconomic policyandagrowingdemandresultedinasharp increaseinimports of milkandmilkproducts.As of 2009,localmilkproductioncoversonly33percent of the nationalconsumption.63,876mt of milkand milkproductsvaluedatoverRs.30billion(US$296 mn.)hasbeenimportedin2009anditrepresented 2.1percent of SriLanka’sfoodimports.Hence,with the aim of reducing the drainon the country’sforeign exchangeresourcesandsupportingemployment generationandfamilyincome,dairyindustrywillbe promotedascomplementaryeconomicactivityacross the widesection of the populationbyintroducing improvedbreeds,feedresources,betteranimalhealth,a welldevelopedcollectionandprocessingnetwork,good researchandextensionservices. The income the dairyfarmersearn from theircows’ milkdependson the marketand the collectionsystems. Basedon the available data, the formaldairyprocessing industrycollectsonlyaround50-60percent of the totalproduction.Inmostareas,milkiscollectedonce adayduetounavailability of apropercoldchain. Thus, the milkmarketingandprocessingatalllevels neededtobedevelopedthroughestablishingproper coldchainswith the support of the privatesectorand privatepublicpartnerships.Withthiseffort, the total milkproductionwillbeincreasedto the level of self sufciency. Indicator ... The AgriculturesectorinSriLankaplaysakeyrolein the country’seconomicdevelopmentanditsnewrole in the futurehasnowbeenredenedin the light of the newdevelopmentvisionand the futureaspirations of the nation.Atpresent,agriculturecontributesabout13 percentto the country’sGDPandemploysabout33 percent of itsworkforce. The governmenthasgiven the prioritytoenhance the domesticproductioninwhich the success of suchapolicywaswelldemonstrated during the periodwheretherewasaworldfoodcrisis. Of the totalcultivableland(2.9mnha),65percent (1.9mnha)iscultivatedwithagriculturalcrops.Paddy occupies40percent of the agriculturalland.Coconut, teaandrubbertogetheraccount for 39percent. The remainder(21percent)isaccounted for allothercrops; othereldcrops,horticulturalcropsandotherexport crops. IZ]]r -) Hma^k +* M^Z *+ Kn[[^k 0 <h\hgnm +) 17 ... Diversication of productionandexploitation of offshoreanddeepseasheriesthrough the introduction of moderntechnologygivinghigh prioritytoefcientshingmethods.Itisalsoplanned toreducepressureoncoastalresourcesthrough the implementation of sherymanagementprogrammes. SriLankapossessessuitablewaterbodiesthroughout the country for developingaviableinlandshing. Thus,developments of freshwatercapturesheries andaquacultureininlandwaterbodieshavealsobeen identiedasaviableindustry.Thiscanbeimplemented throughincreasingshseedproductionand introducingthemintominorandseasonaltankswith the support of communitybasedsherymanagement. 18 - The Emerging Wonder of Asia Thereisalso the necessity for developingacompetitive andregulatedseedindustrybyinvolving the private sectorinseedproductionanddistribution.Strict quarantiningregulationswillbeputinplacewhen importingseedsbyenacting the SeedActinorderto protectandsafeguarddomesticagriculture. The traditionalrole of bankcreditinagricultureto fundseasonalproductionwillbereversedwith the budgetarydecision of 10percentmandatorylendingto the agriculturesectorbycommercialbanks. The Central Bankwillalsopromoterenanceschemeswithaview tosupportingagriculturaldevelopmentinseveral districts.Inordertofurtherstrengthenthissector, newcreditschemeswillbeintroducedto the farmers inadditionto the 10percentmandatorylending requirement. Agriculturalbiodiversitywillbestrengthenedby accelerating the conventionalbreeding of the agriculturalsectortoensurehigheryield. Researchanddevelopmentrelatingto the agriculturewill beexpanded for problemsidenticationandproductivity improvementin the sector.Researchinstituteswillbe developed,providingnecessaryinfrastructurefacilities andnewtechnologicalequipment.Humandevelopment willalsobestrengthenedbylinking the knowledgehubs. Extensionapproacheswillbedevelopedusingsocial marketingconceptstoaddvaluethroughinformation andcommunicationtechnology.Inaddition,awareness programmeswillalsobearrangedtodisseminate researchndingsamong the farmersand the potential farmercommunity. +)**...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 23:20
Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping--Updated and Revised for the Internet, the Global Consumer, and Beyond
... bellwether for a chain's good health. The marketer was equally in the dark through the end of the twen- tieth century. Until the past decade, there was sales data or the com- , pilation of ... front label, then picks up a bottle of the store brand and reads the front label, then reads the price tag On the Pantene, then reads the price on the store brand, and then puts the store ... compiling the data to write the report and looking at the many hours of film I had shot, I realized that from one of the camera positions I could see inside the gift shop, allthe way to the cash...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 15:16
A Review of Poultry Manure Management: Directions for the Future docx
... factors: @ The degree of automation required; @ The amount of dilution necessary, and therefore the size of the digester; @ The investment in addition to the manure handling costs; @ The intended use of ... way of processing the manure. The incineration of the manure allows for the escape of all the beneficial nutrients into the atmosphere. It produces air pollution due to odours and the release of ... suitability of a dryer system will depend on the costs of the system, the size of the operation, and the overhead associated with this system. Small scale dryers have the advantage of low overhead...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 10:20
... work from (Cohen, 1996; Toft, 1996). The interpretation of the data may prove difficult in a variety of ways. For example, the causes of a risk may not be clear and even where they are clear the ... involving the piecemeal adoption of risk based tools and an uneven use of the language and rhetoric of risk. The elements of risk-based approaches are various. At a minimum they entail the use of ... variety of methods which due to the unreliability of the information presented cannot offer the authoritative information upon which to appraise nor protect the law making process from the influence...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 00:20
ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES - Full cost accounting for the life cycle of coal potx
... accounting for the life cycle of coal Epstein et al. emissions from coal mines, on the order of 3% of the stack emissions. 110 There a re also additional GHG emissions from the other uses of coal, ... measure of the costs of climate change is the rising costs of extreme weather events, though these are also a function of and real estate and in- surance values. Overall, the costs of weather-related disasters ... activity of one agent affects the well-being of another agent outside of any type of market mechanism—these are often not taken into account in decision making and when they are not accounted for, they...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 00:20
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