epidemiology and special aspects of infections diseases in aging

Tài liệu Pathophysiology and Clinical Aspects of Venous Thromboembolism in Neonates, Renal Disease and Cancer Patients Edited by Mohammed A. Abdelaal ppt

Tài liệu Pathophysiology and Clinical Aspects of Venous Thromboembolism in Neonates, Renal Disease and Cancer Patients Edited by Mohammed A. Abdelaal ppt

... Role of B vitamins and enzymes B vitamins function as coenzymes in the synthesis of purines and thymidylate during normal DNA synthesis Diminished levels of these vitamins may result in misincorporation ... (1) A point mutation in the coding region for the 5,10-MTHFR binding site (C677T), leading to the substitution of an alanine to a valine effectively increases homocysteine levels increase and decreases ... homocysteinemia-induced increase of the VTE and cardiovascular disease complications Homocysteine metabolism 2.1 Plasma homocysteine As mentioned in the introduction homocysteine is a sulfur–containing...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 23:20

176 558 1


... Role of B vitamins and enzymes B vitamins function as coenzymes in the synthesis of purines and thymidylate during normal DNA synthesis Diminished levels of these vitamins may result in misincorporation ... (1) A point mutation in the coding region for the 5,10-MTHFR binding site (C677T), leading to the substitution of an alanine to a valine effectively increases homocysteine levels increase and decreases ... homocysteinemia-induced increase of the VTE and cardiovascular disease complications Homocysteine metabolism 2.1 Plasma homocysteine As mentioned in the introduction homocysteine is a sulfur–containing...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 09:20

176 235 1
Báo cáo y học: "How do ADHD children perceive their cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects of anger expression in school setting" potx

Báo cáo y học: "How do ADHD children perceive their cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects of anger expression in school setting" potx

... ADHD and a population control group of their peers The main symptoms of ADHD are impulsivity and difficulty in focusing of attention, and children and adolescents with ADHD are often impaired and ... conforms to the provisions of the Declaration of Helsinki in 1995 as revised in Edinburgh 2000 All of the patients and their parents agreed to participate in the study and gave informed consent Analysis ... coping strategies in which the students reported how often they may use them in dealing with their anger The range of possible scores on both Positive Coping of School Anger Expression Index and...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:21

7 234 0
Tài liệu Information in use and outsourcing aspects of digital doc

Tài liệu Information in use and outsourcing aspects of digital doc

... to in- and outsourcing In my view, all of this has to with the type of business and the information the business is built upon Locating and defining an organisation’s information ecology, in ... services In Chapter Theoretical aspects of information and communication, we discuss theoretical aspects of information and communication by using Devlin’s theory of information (Infosense), and in ... with the intention of reducing costs, the organisation will instead run a great risk of being drained of its core competences, and thus of its core business and values Considering the invariants...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 21:15

156 430 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Structural and functional aspects of unique type IV secretory components in the Helicobacter pylori cag-pathogenicity island potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Structural and functional aspects of unique type IV secretory components in the Helicobacter pylori cag-pathogenicity island potx

... the first and last turns of helices E and F, and the C-terminus helices I and J In addition, there is a lysine-rich N- and C-terminus, in accordance with the basic isoelectric point of CagS However, ... H pylori strains harbouring a functional cagPAI, is the activation of nuclear transcription factor-jB and the induction of pro -in ammatory production of cytokines, mainly interleukin (IL)-8 [12] ... anti-parallel to the same strand of a second monomer, allowing for the formation of the dimer The surface of interaction between monomers also involves portion of chains D and E of the two monomers,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 00:21

9 496 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Pain in cancer. An outcome research project to evaluate the epidemiology, the quality and the effects of pain treatment in cancer patients" pptx

báo cáo hóa học:" Pain in cancer. An outcome research project to evaluate the epidemiology, the quality and the effects of pain treatment in cancer patients" pptx

... study, including a description of patients' characteristics in terms of baseline socio-demographic and clinical variables, pattern of care and main outcomes, and a discussion of the feasibility of ... interested and/ or involved in issues related to cancer pain [13]; b) drug utilization and appropriateness: an evaluation of the volume and quality of prescriptions of analgesic drugs in a large administrative ... Evidence of the relative effectiveness of current options for treating cancer pain from comparative randomized studies is scanty This study will investigate the epidemiology of cancer pain and of its...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

7 449 0
Influence of different breeds, feeding and housing systems on sow reproductive performance and piglet''''s resistance to diseases in Central Vietnam pdf

Influence of different breeds, feeding and housing systems on sow reproductive performance and piglet''''s resistance to diseases in Central Vietnam pdf

... side and feed intake, daily gain, and protein and fat accretion on the other side This indicates that selection for increased survival will definitely influence finishing traits, but also that intense ... farmers in lowland and urban areas can develop new breed as F1 and exotic breed (Yorkshire and Landrace), more farmers in sandy and highland areas by their favour in MC -local breed Sow breeding ... partners and approach to small holding pig farms in Thua Thien Hue and Quang Nam 2.2 Training for interviewers Before starting of the survey, project partner coordinator has instructed to interviewers...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20

13 380 0
Báo cáo toán học: "Some Aspects of Hankel Matrices in Coding Theory and Combinatorics Ulrich Tamm" ppt

Báo cáo toán học: "Some Aspects of Hankel Matrices in Coding Theory and Combinatorics Ulrich Tamm" ppt

... [24] in the analysis of disjoint paths in a bounded area of the integer lattice and perfect matchings in a (k) certain graph as a special Pfaffian An interpretation of the determinant dn in (2.1) ... studying combinatorial applications of Hankel matrices and further aspects of orthogonal polynomials was set up by Viennot [76] Of special interest are determinants of Hankel matrices consisting of ... the roots of u(x) yield the locations of the errors (and also determine q(x)) By the application in Coding Theory one is interested in finding polynomials of minimum possible degree fulfilling the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:22

31 321 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Some aspects of phytohormonal participation in the control of cambial activity and xylogenesis in tree stems" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Some aspects of phytohormonal participation in the control of cambial activity and xylogenesis in tree stems" pot

... 1981Moreover, ABA content increases again in reactivating cambium, for example, in the trunk of Pinus contorta (Savidge and Wareing, 1984), and in young elongating shoots In actively growing and well-watered ... level in the cambial zone However, recent measurements (Little and Wareing, 1981) show that ABA peaking in late summer is rather incidental and drought-induced During winter, a decrease in the ... mainly by exo- and endocytosis A renewal of endo-membranes during this period might be associated with a seasonal inactivation of auxin receptor and carrier proteins Later on, the breaking of...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 02:21

4 364 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Epidemiology and clinical outcome of virus-positive respiratory samples in ventilated patients: a prospective cohort study" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Epidemiology and clinical outcome of virus-positive respiratory samples in ventilated patients: a prospective cohort study" pptx

... Daubin et al In a previous work we investigated the incidence of nosocomial viral ventilator-associated pneumonia [10] The aims of the present study were to determine the epidemiology of and ... rhinovirus and virus parainfluenza 3, one case of rhinovirus and cytomegalovirus, one case of herpes simplex virus type and virus influenza A, and one case of herpes Page of 10 (page number not ... pathogenic role of rhinovirus and of influenza virus as the cause of severe respiratory disorder In the present study, the proportion of rhinovirus (42%) was higher than reported in ICU patients...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 03:20

10 195 0
Báo cáo y học: "Are there any changes in burden and management of communicable diseases in areas affected by Cyclone Nargis" pptx

Báo cáo y học: "Are there any changes in burden and management of communicable diseases in areas affected by Cyclone Nargis" pptx

... challenges regarding timeliness of notification and complete data reporting in both HMIS and EWAR Underreporting of cases is still a challenging issue for the regular reporting system because ... staff for reporting of data; underutilization and difficulties in accessing health services in some rural areas are further reasons for under-reporting of diseases occurring in the population ... Nargis in March 2009 (15 cases); according to EWAR reports following Cyclone Nargis Increasing incidence of diarrhea coincided with deterioration in population sanitary latrine coverage in study...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 15:21

11 438 0
Báo cáo sinh học: " Genetic and metabolic aspects of androstenone and skatole deposition in pig adipose tissue: A review" ppt

Báo cáo sinh học: " Genetic and metabolic aspects of androstenone and skatole deposition in pig adipose tissue: A review" ppt

... 5α-androsten-3α-ol (α-androstenol) hydroxy-androstenone sulfate 3αHSD O androstenone hydroxy-androstenone hydroxysteroid sulfotransferase andro 3-enol sulfate andro 3-enol Figure Main enzymes involved ... 5,16-androstadien-3β-ol O 4,16-androstadien-3-one Final products of androstenone sulfonation 5α-androsten-3β-ol (β-androstenol) SRD5A 3βHSD 3α-androstenol sulfate hydroxysteroid sulfotransferase 3β-androstenol ... cholesterol CYP21 andien-β synthetase (CYB5, CYP17…) 11-deoxycorticosterone 11- 4,16-androstadien-3-ene 4,16-androstadien- 3βHSD androstadienol sulfate hydroxysteroid sulfotransferase HO 5,16-androstadien-3β-ol...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:21

2 294 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "Genetic and metabolic aspects of androstenone and skatole deposition in pig adipose tissue: A review (Open Access publication)" potx

Báo cáo sinh học: "Genetic and metabolic aspects of androstenone and skatole deposition in pig adipose tissue: A review (Open Access publication)" potx

... 5α-androsten-3α-ol α-androstenol 5α-androsten-3β-ol β-androstenol HO 5,16-androstadien-3β-ol andien-β synthetase (CYB5, CYP17…) HO Figure Main enzymes involved in the porcine metabolism of androstenone ... sulfoconjugation in the testis or in the liver [14, 38, 39] Therefore, in theory, high levels of androstenone in fat can be ascribed to a high intensity of testicular synthesis or /and a low intensity of liver ... progress made in understanding the genetic aspects of boar taint Androstenone is a steroid, which causes a pronounced urine-like odour and flavour in meat There is a large variation in the consumers’...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 13:22

15 217 0
The study of gene and protein vaccines for allergic diseases in mice

The study of gene and protein vaccines for allergic diseases in mice

... a case of generalized urticaria following ingestion of strawberries, and of shock after eating fish Furthermore, German authors wrote of weakness, fainting and asthma observed in certain subjects ... rearrangement and splicing, preferentially favoring the production of IgE (Bacharier LB and Geha RS, 2000) The crucial role of IL-4 in the induction of murine IgE synthesis has been confirmed in vivo in ... establishment of experimental model of allergic asthma that closely resembled human asthma is important as they contribute in gaining insights into the pathogenesis of allergy and in defining the potential...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:20

268 341 0
technical and economical aspects of artemia farming systems in soc trang and bac lieu provinces, vietnam

technical and economical aspects of artemia farming systems in soc trang and bac lieu provinces, vietnam

... current status of technical and economic efficiency of Artemia farming in five communes including Vinh Phuoc, Vinh Tan and Lai Hoa (Soc Trang Province); Xiem Cang and Vinh Hau (Bac Lieu Province) The ... assistance of officers in Vinh Chau commune for providing information and contacting interviewer Last but not least, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to beloved family and friends of mine for being ... development of brine shrimp farming in Soc Trang and Bac Lieu in the year of 90’s However, in recent years, productivity and economic efficiency brine shrimp farming in Soc Trang and Bac Lieu...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2015, 23:23

14 381 0
Summary of Phd thesis Pecies composition of gobiidae and eleotridae and biological aspects of some commercial species distributed in the coastal areas of Ben Tre province

Summary of Phd thesis Pecies composition of gobiidae and eleotridae and biological aspects of some commercial species distributed in the coastal areas of Ben Tre province

... The variation of salinity caused by the heavy precipitation in the rainy season and the intrusion of marine water to freshwater in the dry season The change in salinity was one of the factor ... In the annual salt effect regions, salinity increased gradually from 12/2012 to 3/2013 reaching the highest point of 28±1‰, but there was a downtrend of salinity from 4/2012 onward and dropping ... determine the fish composition and biological characteristics of gobies (Gobiidae and Eleotridae) using for fishery management and sustainable development in the Mekong Delta in generally and Ben...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2016, 18:39

19 482 0
Environmental and Social Impacts of Shrimp farming in Tam Giang lagoon, Vietnam-Local perception

Environmental and Social Impacts of Shrimp farming in Tam Giang lagoon, Vietnam-Local perception

... Quy, an intensive farmer in Vinh Ha, stated: None of us has participated in a specific training for disease prevention and treatment Some of us joined general training only Most of the training was ... fry and the productivity of fishing in commune went down Findings from group discussion shown that 224 of Con in Ba Con area in Vinh Ha have been completely converted into shrimp farms and 80% of ... divided into three phases: (1) Initial, (2) Operational and (3) Final The initial stage was focused on secondary data collection and individual interviews of the local officers and researchers in...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 10:15

130 696 2