epa s processes for assessing and controlling toxic chemicals

What’s Ahead for Stocks and Bonds— And How to Earn Your Fair Share ppt

What’s Ahead for Stocks and Bonds— And How to Earn Your Fair Share ppt

... returns that investors in mutual funds earn over time Using Justice Brandeis s formulation, the mutual fund industry is obsessed with the delusion and is foisting that delusion on fund investors—that ... costs—fund expense ratios, sales charges, and turnover costs; tax costs, and the most subtle cost of all, the cost of living, inflation that substantially erodes the spending power of our investments ... that usually persists over sustained periods of time That factor is the cost of owning mutual funds Costs go on forever By costs, I mean not only the fund s expense ratio, but also its estimated...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 04:20

15 448 0
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT: A Framework for Assessing and Improving Process Maturity pot

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT: A Framework for Assessing and Improving Process Maturity pot

... Technology for Strategic Outcomes 102 Glossary 113 Conducting an ITIM Assessment Using ITIM to Assess IT Investment Decision-Making Processes Summary of ITIM Assessment Process 121 Acknowledgments 135 ... board (s) is created to oversee and select IT projects; • investment information such as costs, benefits, schedule, risk assessments, performance metrics, and system functionality is collected to support ... manner This critical process establishes a mechanism for verifying the business case (such as business requirements and rules, congressional mandate, and the organizational users) that drives continued...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 14:20

142 2,2K 0
A Framework for Assessing and Improving Process Maturity Exposure Draft doc

A Framework for Assessing and Improving Process Maturity Exposure Draft doc

... investment processes and by our evaluators to assess these processes These experiences have identified strengths and some opportunities for improvement for this guide For example, the comprehensive ... of basic selection processes Investment control processes are the essential proficiencies established by an organization as it moves from ITIM Stage to Stage As investment control processes become ... Framework (Version 1) Section Uses of ITIM ITIM identifies key IT investment processes, measures the presence or absence of these key processes, creates an assessment of an organization s IT investment...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 05:22

172 311 0
Roark's formulas for stress and strain

Roark's formulas for stress and strain

... Facts; Principles; Methods Chapter Stress and Strain: Important Relationships Stress Strain and the Stress–Strain Relations Stress Transformations Strain Transformations Tables References Chapter ... Formulas for Short Prisms Loaded Eccentrically; Stress Reversal Impossible Formulas for Membrane Stresses and Deformations in Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels Shear, Moment, Slope, and Deflection Formulas ... principal stresses Three principal stresses exist, s1 , s2 , and s3 , where they are commonly ordered as s1 s2 s3 Principal Stresses SEC 2.3] Stress and Strain: Important Relationships 25 Considering...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 11:25

855 608 0
mcgrew, currie. instructions manual to serway and jewett's physics for scientists and engineers, 6th edition(1307s)

mcgrew, currie. instructions manual to serway and jewett's physics for scientists and engineers, 6th edition(1307s)

... has dimensions of L2 e j Expression (i) has dimension L L2 1/2 = L2 , so this must be area (c) Expression (ii) has dimension L, so it is (a) Expression (iii) has dimension L L2 = L3 , so it is ... • Singapore • Spain • United Kingdom • United States Physics and Measurement CHAPTER OUTLINE 1.1 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Standards of Length, Mass, and Time Matter and Model-Building Density and ... INSTRUCTOR 'S SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR SERWAY AND JEWETT 'S PHYSICS FOR SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS SIXTH EDITION Ralph V McGrew Broome Community College James A Currie Weston High School Australia...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 16:54

1,3K 2,4K 1
báo cáo hóa học: "Usability of a virtual reality environment simulating an automated teller machine for assessing and training persons with acquired brain injury" pdf

báo cáo hóa học: "Usability of a virtual reality environment simulating an automated teller machine for assessing and training persons with acquired brain injury" pdf

... Discussion Our study shows that the VR-ATM can be used both as a reliable assessment tool to assess performance in using ATMs and as a useful program for training clients with ABI in ATM user skills ... as possible in terms of age, gender, educational level, and baseline cognitive performance as assessed by the MMSE Both programs consisted of six equivalent one-hour training sessions, two sessions ... two sessions per week for three weeks, with each session involving the same content and structure for instructing participants in basic ATM skills for withdrawing cash (Level 1) and transferring...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

9 454 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " Evaluation of rapid screening and pre-emptive contact isolation for detecting and controlling methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in critical care: an interventional cohort study" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: " Evaluation of rapid screening and pre-emptive contact isolation for detecting and controlling methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in critical care: an interventional cohort study" doc

... authorities have suggested that screening on admission to intensive care units (ICUs) and subsequent patient isolation may decrease the risk for MRSA cross-infection [7-11] Rapid screening tests may ... patients Previous reports on rapid MRSA screening tests only assessed the time of specimen processing, without taking into account transport of specimens and the delay between admission and screening ... ICU admission and notification of test results: standard culture versus qMRSA Standard culture (phase I) n Rapid qMRSA test (phase II) P 322 510 - Time from admission to screening (hours) 13.4...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:21

8 320 0
Influenced factors on Hanoi consumer's satisfaction for safety and hygiene= Các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến sự hài lòng của người tiêu dùng Hà Nội về vấn đề vệ sinh an toàn thực phẩm

Influenced factors on Hanoi consumer's satisfaction for safety and hygiene= Các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến sự hài lòng của người tiêu dùng Hà Nội về vấn đề vệ sinh an toàn thực phẩm

... this issue, followed by a discussion of the terms “consumer s satisfaction” and “consumer dissatisfaction”, and concludes with the definition that is used in this research Consumer s satisfaction ... conceptualization of consumer s satisfaction/dissatisfaction is surveyed, followed by a discussion of research investigating factors influencing consumer s satisfaction/dissatisfaction Based on the survey of ... of consumer s satisfaction This theory is good references for researchers, marketers, and leaders for their business On the practice side, some influencing factors on Hanoi consumer s satisfaction...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2015, 08:54

112 870 0
Tài liệu NIEHS/EPA Children’s Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research Centers: Protecting Children’s Health for a Lifetime pptx

Tài liệu NIEHS/EPA Children’s Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research Centers: Protecting Children’s Health for a Lifetime pptx

... established by NIEHS and EPA, with a research emphasis on children s asthma and other respiratory diseases, as well as ways to reduce exposure to pesticides for children in agricultural settings 2004: ... innovation and research n Promote multidisciplinary interactions among basic scientists, clinicians and behavioral and social scientists n Generate data from multiple scientific disciplines to understand ... contaminants To better understand the effects of these exposures, the NIEHS /EPA Children s Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research Centers (Children s Centers) were established to better...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 19:20

4 412 0
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES: Public Health Service Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry doc

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES: Public Health Service Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry doc

... fat, so an accurate method of assessing body burden is measuring levels in adipose tissue samples However, procedures for obtaining adipose tissue samples are usually invasive and not easy to ... increase This information is important because exposure to these substances may harm you and because these sites may be sources of exposure When a substance is released from a large area, such as ... Health (NIOSH) conducts research on occupational diseases and injuries, responds to requests for assistance by investigating problems of health and safety in the workplace, recommends standards to...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 09:20

497 3,1K 0
Application of house’s model for translation quality assessment in assessing the english version of the vietnam’s law on investment no. 59/2005/qh11

Application of house’s model for translation quality assessment in assessing the english version of the vietnam’s law on investment no. 59/2005/qh11

... parameters for assessment is necessary Among the various criteria and models for translation quality assessment, House s model is chosen in this study because it is deemed to have a comprehensive set ... features of Vietnamese and English legal languages The second part discusses different aspects of translation: definition, methods and strategies, and equivalence and assessment Basic characteristics ... the ST In this part, some different views on equivalence will be discussed but there shall be no separate discussion of translation assessment; instead, it is implied that assessment of a translation...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:36

85 903 5
The Use of Selected Medicinal Herbs for Chemoprevention and Treatment of Cancer, Parkinson’s Disease, Heart Disease, and Depression

The Use of Selected Medicinal Herbs for Chemoprevention and Treatment of Cancer, Parkinson’s Disease, Heart Disease, and Depression

... Parkinson s Disease Parkinson s disease (also known as Parkinson disease or PD) is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that often impairs the sufferer s motor skills and speech ... Angiogenesis and Metastasis Inflammatory processes mediated by COX-2 and associated growth factors have been implicated in the invasiveness of various types of tumors COX-2 inhibitors, such as nonsteroidal ... flesh, including essential fatty acids from seeds and seed oils, and fibers, such as microcrystalline cellulose, pectins, lignins, cutin-like polymers, and condensed tannins, have been suggested...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 05:20

57 684 0
China’s banking reform: Issues and prospects for the future

China’s banking reform: Issues and prospects for the future

... and supervision How are banks doing? Suggestions for future steps Restricted Why all care for China s financial reform?  China s outstanding growth performance justifies optimism  And yet, such ... the costs • Distribution of costs not very transparent Restricted a Restructuring (con’t)  Even larger disposal of bad assets: NPLs transferred to Asset Management Companies (AMC): – In first wave, ... As s tandards • lig htly le s s than 10% o f to tal as s e ts are NPLs ) S 12 Restricted How are banks doing? (cont’)  Efficiency slightly lower than international standards but not a big issue...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 16:15

20 472 0
Tài liệu WorldDSL™ G.S Double Pair/Line Power G.SHDSL for CO and Customer Premises docx

Tài liệu WorldDSL™ G.S Double Pair/Line Power G.SHDSL for CO and Customer Premises docx

... errored seconds, loss of synch word DSL Alarms Thresholds (user settable): noise margin, loop attenuation, errored seconds E1: G.821 and G.826 Performance Measurements: ES, SES, UAS, BBES, ESR, SESR, ... Alarms: LOS, LFA, RAI, RAIS PM History: 96x15 minute increments, 7x24 hour increments for both HDSL and E1 performance Indefinite resettable alarm log showing first and last occurrence date and ... RH non-condensing Safety/Emissions Compliance CE Marked Safety: EN60950; Emissions, Susceptibility and Immunity: EN 300386-2 CO IN EMS-83x, Other Locations in ERE-811 or ETU versions www.adc.com...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 10:20

4 355 0
Tài liệu India’s Undernourished Children: A Call for Reform and Action doc

Tài liệu India’s Undernourished Children: A Call for Reform and Action doc

... infections, such as diarrhea) and is characterized by stunted growth and wasting transmission18 Vitamin A supplementation has proven successful in reducing the incidence and severity of illness, and ... Social Sciences (XISS) Program support and administrative assistance were provided by Nira Singh and Elfreda Vincent, and editorial and publishing assistance by Rama Lakshminarayanan, Miyuki Parris ... classified as wasted Given that a Nutritional status is typically described in terms of anthropometric indices, such as underweight, stunting and wasting The terms underweight, stunting and wasting...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 12:20

116 504 0


... district health system that supplies, supports, and supervises them adequately Global mechanisms Poverty reduction strategy processes and funding mechanisms should support and promote actions ... points of successful social sectors in high-income countries without going through the often contentious, painstaking, and lengthy social and political processes that preceded such successes Three ... mortality For this reason, this report pays close attention to the nutrition aspects of Goal Although some bright spots exist, sluggish progress overall makes clear that “business as usual” will...

Ngày tải lên: 12/02/2014, 23:20

207 1K 0
Tài liệu ACCELERATING PROGRESS AGAINST CANCER: ASCO’s Blueprint for Transforming Clinical and Translational Cancer Research doc

Tài liệu ACCELERATING PROGRESS AGAINST CANCER: ASCO’s Blueprint for Transforming Clinical and Translational Cancer Research doc

... widely-used system that allows investigators to access information from EHRs for research purposes, while also protecting sensitive patient information 20 Accelerating Progress Against Cancer yy EHRs ... results This more robust database will enable investigators to build on results of A SCO s Blueprint for Transforming Clinical and Translational Research 17 industry to convene stakeholders in ... Groups, patient advocates and other benefit and scientific opportunity stakeholders to advance key elements of the recommendations yy and private research sponsors should use these NCI consensus...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 21:20

32 471 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: A facile method for expression and purification of the Alzheimer’s disease-associated amyloid b-peptide pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: A facile method for expression and purification of the Alzheimer’s disease-associated amyloid b-peptide pdf

... of synthetic peptides, a bacterial expression system allows isotope labeling, which is essential for high-resolution structural analysis of Ab using NMR spectroscopy and allows use of high specific ... gels (A,C) and 1% agarose gels (B,D), and proteins were visualized by Coomassie stain Lanes HS and LS are molecular mass standards, with the molecular mass in kDa given on the left (E) 1% agarose ... Analysis Center, University of Uppsala, Sweden Sequence analysis was performed using an Applied Biosystems Procise 492 cLC sequenator (Applied Biosystems, Framingham, MA, USA) employing standard...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 13:20

16 691 0