english learning skills ppt

15 good study methods to improve English speaking skills ppt

15 good study methods to improve English speaking skills ppt

... English. 11. Correct faults yourself before your friends or teacher do it for you. 12. Study in pair or group is the best. 13. Learn by heart the rules of English grammar, new ... regularly. 15. Apply all the methods above in about 2 - 3 months, and you should always practice speaking English ...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 19:20

2 888 13
Tài liệu Teaching and learning english part 13 ppt

Tài liệu Teaching and learning english part 13 ppt

... Language learning strategies in foreign language learning and teaching on Internet. Kesten, Cyril. 1987. Independent Learning. Saskatchewan Education. Lessard, Michael. 1997. Language Learning ... Peter Yongqi. 2004. Vocabulary learning in a second language; person, task, context and strategies. Asian Journal of English Language Teaching. Halimah. 2000. Language Learning Strategies and Students ... Andrew Sheehan, Ma kings ens eof words. English Teaching Forum. Vol 42. Mercer, Sarah. 2006. Vocabulary strategy work for advanced learners of English. English Teaching Forum, Vol. 43. 2. 88 unknown...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 09:15

7 426 0
Tài liệu Comprehensive English Language Learning Assessment ppt

Tài liệu Comprehensive English Language Learning Assessment ppt

... Response 2 General Information  The Comprehensive English Language Learning Assessment (CELLA) is a four-skill language proficiency assessment for English Language Learners (ELL) students.  Testing ... Schools Dr. Yvonne Lim-Petersen, Supervisor 305-995-1210 31 19 Speaking Sections Comprehensive English Language Learning Assessment (CELLA)  Practice and Scoring  Question #1  Rubric, page 193  ... shows very limited vocabulary resources • does not demonstrate an understanding of English • is not comprehensible in English NR No Response 7 After Testing  Collect, count and return all test materials...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 23:20

31 336 0
Tài liệu Teaching and learning english part 2 ppt

Tài liệu Teaching and learning english part 2 ppt

... internal factors. The other factor is external factor, such as environments, family, teacher and learning process in the class. Speaking activities which are given by a teacher in classroom are ... able to attract students’ interest to learn more seriously and self motivated to optimize their learning out comes. Nunan (1991: 39) states that the learners will be facilitated to speak when ... reasons of why they prefer to implement the certain activities to others. It takes a case study on English teachers of DEPAG who are taking graduate program at UPI in academic year 2007/2008. THEORETICAL...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 22:20

7 421 0
Listening Skills.ppt

Listening Skills.ppt

Ngày tải lên: 04/09/2012, 23:14

107 3,9K 35
A study on some major factors affecting English learning of grade 6 ethnic minority students of a mountainous secondary school to help them learn better

A study on some major factors affecting English learning of grade 6 ethnic minority students of a mountainous secondary school to help them learn better

... present situation of teaching and learning English in grade 6 at a remote mountainous secondary school in Sonla. Furthermore, the major factors affecting English learning of grade 6 ethnic minority ... their English in grade 6 as their background for further learning in their future grades. CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION 5.1. Conclusion Springing from the urgent practical reason that the English learning ... strategies: involve planning for learning, thinking about learning and how to make it effective, self-monitoring during learning and evaluation of how successful learning has been after working...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:04

39 1,5K 6
English Learning Psychology

English Learning Psychology

... finances. Learn Business English With The Effortless English System Of course, my lessons are also great for learning English. I use the same powerful Effortless English System that I use ... improve your English speaking fast! English conversation is quite different from English reading. Conversation uses a different type of English, including different vocabulary. English conversation ... review new words, improve your English grammar, and chat with other English students- all online. Learn English Online With The Following Tools Download MP3 English Lessons From The Internet...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 12:15

12 619 2
Tài liệu English VietNamese glossary ppt

Tài liệu English VietNamese glossary ppt

... meanings of the terms are controlled by the law, regulations, administrative, and judicial decisions. English ó Vietnamese Glossary A Adjusted itemized deductions Điều chỉnh các khoản khấu trừ Adjustments ... Không chịu trả tiền phạt Failure to pay penalty Kiểm tra sổ sách, kiểm toán Audit California ENGLISH- VIETNAMESE GLOSSARY BẢNG CHÚ GIẢI ANH-VIỆT Glossary of Tax Terms It is the goal ... booklet contains a glossary of terms that FTB commonly uses. The terms are first presented in English and then translated into Vietnamese. The second half reverses the process. For more...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 22:15

8 540 1


... Script advice was provided by the English Language Centre, Victoria University (Melbourne). 'Everyday English From Australia' lessons form part of English learning content of BayVut website ... chỉ có thể ăn đồ nguội được thôi. END OF LESSON 16 COPYRIGHT NOTICE: 'Everyday English From Australia' lessons were funded by AusAID (the Australian Government's aid...

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2013, 03:15

5 419 0

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