english grammar test class 3

THANH HOA High school	ENGLISH TEST Class: 10C1

THANH HOA High school ENGLISH TEST Class: 10C1

... Had-cleaned 13. invented 14. not to stay 15. answering Sentences:27 Total of Marks:10 Percentage: 100% Sentences:12 Marks: 3. 5 Percentage: 35 % Sentences:10 Marks :3 Percentage :30 % Sentences: 5 Marks: 3. 5 Percentage: ... corrcectly. Sentences:14 Marks :3, 5 Percentage: 35 % Sentences: 6 Marks:1.5 Percentage: 15% Sentences:8 Marks:2 Percentage:20% Sentences:14 Marks: 3. 5 Percentage :35 % 3. Reading Comprehension Daily ... 35 % Sentences:10 Marks :3 Percentage :30 % Sentences: 5 Marks: 3. 5 Percentage: 35 % Sentences: 27 Marks:10 Percentage:100% Compiler: Huỳnh Quang Vinh. THANH HOA High school ENGLISH TEST Mark: Class: 10C1 Time: 45 m Comment: Name: Date:...

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2013, 20:07

11 684 0
Gián án English test-class 10( bai 15'''' so 3) co ban

Gián án English test-class 10( bai 15'''' so 3) co ban

... can’t 23. On the left & on the right 24. Wedding rings Phần VI: Gồm 4 câu. Mỗi câu 0,25 điểm. 25. C 26. B 27. B 28. B Phần VII: Gồm 5 câu. Mỗi câu 0,4 điểm. 29.B 30 .D 31 .C 32 .B 33 .D ... 4 câu. Mỗi câu 0,25 điểm 1.B 2.D 3. C 4.A Phần II: Gồm 8 câu. Mỗi câu 0,25 điểm. 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.A 11.B 12.C Phần III: Gồm 4 câu. Mỗi câu 0,25 điểm. 13. eating 14. eats 15. swim 16. doing ... on……………………about what they would do. A. to talk B. talk C. talking D. talked 9. Minh is always late for class, ……………………annoys the teacher. A. which B. this C. what D. that 10. You can relax with computer...

Ngày tải lên: 01/12/2013, 22:11

5 531 3
test it fix it english grammar pre-intermediate level sep 2003

test it fix it english grammar pre-intermediate level sep 2003

... learn the uncountable ono s. Many uncountable nouns in English arc countable in o thor InnUUtlCl 13 l1 , so hn cara lull Useful grammar tur In Prono uns P rono uns rep lace nouns . Subject ... second page. Her e's how it works: Test it (F irst pa gel ." 111 . · ~ I l · 0 o Fi rst do Test it. exe rcis e 1. e- a Then do Test it, exercise 2. 9 Go to the Fix ... ~ . _ '. '- ,- '" . ' _ Test it again (Second pag e) o Do Test it again, e xer cise 1. o Do Test it again, exercise 2. ~ Go t o the Fix it page...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 09:58

45 581 0
English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level''''s archiveWeather Test (1) ppt

English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level''''s archiveWeather Test (1) ppt

... wind 3. If the weather forecast predicts hail, you will likely see some fall from the sky drizzle snowflakes balls of ice English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level's archive Weather Test...

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 06:20

7 390 1
English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level''''s archiveWeather Test (2) potx

English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level''''s archiveWeather Test (2) potx

... English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level's archive Weather Test (2) 1.In the spring, birds build nests and the females eggs. ... fields to scare away birds that may eat their valuable crops. scarecrows melt drift fall 3. In the summer months, people often wear sunglasses to protect their from the sun's harsh...

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 06:20

7 363 0
English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level''''s archiveWeather Test (3) ppsx

English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level''''s archiveWeather Test (3) ppsx

... people often wear and t- shirts to keep cool in the hot weather. English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level's archive Weather Test (3) 1.People wear coats and in order to keep warm in the cold ... with a beautiful array of colorsin red, yellow, orange and pink hues. rises bursts sets 3 is the month after October and is the eleventh month of the year. November Grapefruits...

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 06:20

7 296 0
English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level''''s archiveWeather Test (4) pptx

English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level''''s archiveWeather Test (4) pptx

... the season of days and hot temperatures. early long wide English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level's archive Weather Test (4) 1.In the summer, many people in North America often go ... turn on their to keep cool in the high temperatures. air conditioners furnaces humidifiers 3 are open-toed shoes that are usually worn in the summer. Sandals root beer sarsaparilla...

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 06:20

7 356 0
English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level''''s archiveWeather Test (5) docx

English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level''''s archiveWeather Test (5) docx

... sledding skiing 3. In many countries around the world, the temperatures drop in the winter months, so residents wear clothing like sweaters, coats and scarves. woven English Grammar Tests-Elementary ... sweaters, coats and scarves. woven English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level's archive Weather Test (5) 1.The sport of gliding on ice with boots that have sharp, metal blades attached to their...

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 06:20

7 419 0
English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level''''s archiveWeather Test (6) ppt

English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level''''s archiveWeather Test (6) ppt

... fall by collecting foodor building shelter. A common animal that English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level's archive Weather Test (6) 1.Sometimes, an arch or arc of color forms after a rain ... the fall, children head to school after a long, relaxing summer vacation. back on toward 3. In North America, the coldest season of the year is typically the . autumn Nippy Balmy...

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 06:20

8 389 0
English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level''''s archiveAgatha Christie test questions ppt

English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level''''s archiveAgatha Christie test questions ppt

... Christie wrote more than 80 mysteries and sold 30 0 million books. more English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level's archive Agatha Christie test questions 1.Agatha Christie lived with family ... didn't tell why she disappeared in December 1926. didn't hadn't 3. Agatha Christie her husband in 1 930 . divorced annulled cancelled 4.Agatha Christie was a very successful...

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 06:20

7 351 0
English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level''''s archiveBeginner Grammar Questions Test (1) docx

English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level''''s archiveBeginner Grammar Questions Test (1) docx

... by in 3. Do you like sushi? No, I . don't like don't are not 4.Has anyone seen Laura? to work today? English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level's archive Beginner Grammar ... work today? English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level's archive Beginner Grammar Questions Test (1) 1.I wonder how many children going on the school field trip this month. are has is...

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 06:20

7 307 0
English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level''''s archiveWeather Test (1) docx

English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level''''s archiveWeather Test (1) docx

... wind 3. If the weather forecast predicts hail, you will likely see some fall from the sky drizzle snowflakes balls of ice English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level's archive Weather Test ... nippy mild 9.If the temperature drops below freezing, it's below Celsius. 10 degrees 32 degrees 0 degrees 10 is the season after summer. Autumn (b) Spring shower thunderstorm...

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 06:20

7 310 0
English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level''''s archiveWeather Test (2) pot

English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level''''s archiveWeather Test (2) pot

... and forms into long that hang off roof eaves and window ledges. English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level's archive Weather Test (2) 1.In the spring, birds build nests and the females eggs. ... females eggs. drop lay set 2.Typically, snow starts to in the spring. melt drift fall 3. In the summer months, people often wear sunglasses to protect their from the sun's harsh...

Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 06:20

7 348 0

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