200 ENGLISH grammar exercises
... (a) A: Perhaps he is working for Jones B: Yes, he may be working for Jones 24 (b) A: Perhaps he was working for Jones B: Yes, he may have been working for Jones Both exercises can also b done with ... 12 talks English 13 corrects the Spanish essays 14 explains in English 15 lectures in Spanish 16 broadcasts in Spanish 17 addresses students in English 18 cooks a Spanish meal for us 19 travels ... being promoted next month 17 I'd like a diamond ring for my birthday 18 You could easily afford to buy me one 19 You are always buying things for yourself 20 And diamonds are quite cheap 10 10...
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 14:14
A pratical english grammar exercises 2
... to English classes): How long you (learn) English? Yvonne: I (learn) off and on for about five and a half years (Use the continuous form.) 20 I (begin) English at secondary school and (do) it for ... I (be) there for six months ~ And what you (do) before that? ~ Before that I (work) for Jones and Company 45 46 18 How long you (work) for Jones and Company? ~ I (work) for them for two years ... till 9. 30 He (not have) to pack, for his wife already (do) that for him and his case (be) ready in the hall He (not have) to check the doors and windows either, for his wife always (do) that before...
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 14:46
Pratical english grammar exercises 2
... to English classes): How long you (learn) English? Yvonne: I (learn) off and on for about five and a half years (Use the continuous form.) 20 I (begin) English at secondary school and (do) it for ... I (be) there for six months ~ And what you (do) before that? ~ Before that I (work) for Jones and Company 45 46 18 How long you (work) for Jones and Company? ~ I (work) for them for two years ... till 9. 30 He (not have) to pack, for his wife already (do) that for him and his case (be) ready in the hall He (not have) to check the doors and windows either, for his wife always (do) that before...
Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2013, 07:54
... English language - Textbooks for fore~gnspeakers Engl~shlanguage Grammar - 195 0 - Problems, exercises, etc i T~tle PEll28.A4573 199 0 428.2'4-&20 89- 13851 CIP - Set in 91 11.5 pt Linotron Helvetica ... published 199 0 Eleventh impression 199 8 Cartoons by Larry, Ed Mclaughlin and David Simonds Britis h Library Cataloguing i n Pu bl ica tio n Data Alexander, L G (Louis George) 193 2Longman English grammar ... area of the English language If you look at the Contents pages, you will find sixteen major areas which form the basis of English grammar This book is based on the Longman English Grammar and...
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 18:20
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 08:20
LONGMAN ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRACTICE(for intermediate students) L. G. Alexander pptx
... English language - Textbooks for fore~gn speakers language Grammar - 195 0 - Problems, exercises, etc i T~tle Engl~sh PEll28.A4573 199 0 428.2'4-&20 89- 13851 CIP - Set in 91 11.5 pt Linotron Helvetica ... published 199 0 Eleventh impression 199 8 Cartoons by Larry, Ed Mclaughlin and David Simonds British Library Cataloguing i n Publication Data Alexander, L G (Louis George) 193 2Longman English grammar ... area of the English language If you look at the Contents pages, you will find sixteen major areas which form the basis of English grammar This book is based on the Longman English Grammar and...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 15:20
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