english for business studies teachers book

English for construction 2 teachers book

English for construction 2 teachers book

... written symbols for inches and feet Tell them that in spoken English we often say foot instead of feet for the plural form but point out that they should avoid this in written English Ask individual ... the Comments column Before listening, check that they know what they have to write in the column: ✓ for OK, O for keep under observation, R for replace/repair and N/A for not applicable Explain ... for leaks Listening 8 ► 12 This exercise is about the generator in 1 It introduces the short form commonly used in spoken English: genny Ask students if they know any other short forms (for

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2024, 17:20

67 4 0
english for business studies

english for business studies

... vk.com/englishlibrary книга выложена группой vk.com/englishlibrary книга выложена группой vk.com/englishlibrary книга выложена группой vk.com/englishlibrary книга выложена группой vk.com/englishlibrary ... vk.com/englishlibrary книга выложена группой vk.com/englishlibrary книга выложена группой vk.com/englishlibrary книга выложена группой vk.com/englishlibrary книга... выложена группой vk.com/englishlibrary ... vk.com/englishlibrary книга выложена группой vk.com/englishlibrary книга выложена группой vk.com/englishlibrary книга выложена группой vk.com/englishlibrary книга выложена группой vk.com/englishlibrary

Ngày tải lên: 24/05/2014, 22:18

206 4,6K 44
Oxford   english for life elementary teachers book pdf

Oxford english for life elementary teachers book pdf

... lesson o u t c o m e s • a u d i o m o d e l s for all new l a n g u a g e and t e x t s English • Approach and English for English to requests • for Project • Life r e c o g n i z e s t h e i ... n • for s t u d e n t s t o listen and five English or English 2? O h , English English is in R o o m 59 Room 59 Where's t h a t , please? Receptionist seven nine 18 eighteen 12 twelve 40 forty ... material, for both teachers and students for Life website A t every level, t h e course consists of: Course syllabus T h e t i g h t l y s t r u c t u r e d s y l l a b u s o f English for Life

Ngày tải lên: 17/07/2017, 09:50

129 1,1K 2
English for business communication teacher book

English for business communication teacher book

... technique for effective communication skills as introduced in each unit In some cases, further points are included, either for discussion in class or as additional recommendations for students ... intended as a source of reference for future work, especially in preparing for telephone calls, presentations, meetings or negotiations where the language used will be English Most units will take ... (for a meeting / seminar / new venture / chance / tourism, etc.) • what kind of relationships are represented (friends / new business partners / same company, etc.) • topics of conversation (business/

Ngày tải lên: 07/05/2019, 11:09

127 1,1K 8
A study on lexical cohesive devices from some reading texts of the course book English for Business Study" and pedagogical implications for teaching English for third year students at Trade Union University

A study on lexical cohesive devices from some reading texts of the course book English for Business Study" and pedagogical implications for teaching English for third year students at Trade Union University


Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2020, 21:03

53 21 0
English for Business Communication Teacher's book

English for Business Communication Teacher's book

... pairs or in groups Suggest they use a range of sources for finding out information: • Published sources - books, guidebooks - travel information • Official bodies - embassies • - consulates ... Case Key • The point about a written agenda is perhaps valid for pre-arranged formal meetings, but for emergency meetings or for informal situations the agenda may not be written down It is important ... suggestions for how the conversations might continue: i) Further questioning on social and political affairs, relations with neighbouring states, next elections, economic conditions for businesses, foreign

Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2021, 11:03

127 122 0
Cambridge english mindset for IELTS foundation teachers book

Cambridge english mindset for IELTS foundation teachers book

... Student's Books for Mindset for IELTS The authors and publishers would like to thank the following people for their work on this level of the Student's Book Sarah Jane Lewis and William Inge for their ... ask for that information from the college office first I remember that, on my first day here, I put information about my second language on the registration form So, I think it's the same for ... improve both their general English level and introduces elements of assessment that are helpful for both the IELTS test and English language assessment in general It is designed for up to 90 hours of

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2019, 00:07

115 2K 8
Tài liệu English for Business (Lesson 9) pptx

Tài liệu English for Business (Lesson 9) pptx

... công ty của bà sẽ như thế nào? English F: What is your immediate goal for your company? Mục tiêu trước mắt cho công ty của ông là gì? English M: What plans do you have for Jackson Enterprises? Bà ... những câu sau đây: English M: Where do you see your company in five years’ time? Theo bà thì sau 5 năm nữa công ty của bà sẽ như thế nào? English F: What is your immediate goal for your company? ... tiêu trước mắt cho công ty của ông là gì? English M: What plans do you have for Jackson Enterprises? Bà có dự tính nào cho Công ty Jackson Enterprises? English M: Where do you see your company

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 22:15

10 819 3
Tài liệu English for Business (Lesson 5) ppt

Tài liệu English for Business (Lesson 5) ppt

... tiếng Anh lẫn tiếng Việt: English M: Would you like to take a taxi? Bà có muốn đi taxi không? English F: Would you like me to pick you up? Ông có muốn tôi qua đón không? English M: Would you like ... câu sau đây bằng cả tiếng Anh lẫn tiếng Việt. English male: Could I ask you to meet me in the city? Anh làm ơn gặp tôi trong thành phố được không? English female: Would it be OK to meet after ... nhau sau 5 giờ có được không? English male: Is it all right with you if we work in my office? Nếu chúng ta làm việc trong văn phòng của tôi thì có phiền gì anh không? English female: How do you

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 22:15

11 793 1
Tài liệu English for Business (Lesson 10) doc

Tài liệu English for Business (Lesson 10) doc

... English M: Thanks for your time. English F: My pleasure. English M: See you soon. English F: Yes, catch you later. English M: I’ll call you about that meeting. English F: OK. See you later. English ... và lập lại. English M: Listen… do you mind if we talk business for a moment? English F: I know you don’t have a lot of time… … so do you mind if we discuss business for a minute? English M: Now, ... mới. English: Is now a good time To talk business Talk business Is now a good time To talk business with you? Is now a good time To talk business Talk business Is now a good time To talk business

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 22:15

11 794 3
Tài liệu English for Business (Lesson 18) docx

Tài liệu English for Business (Lesson 18) docx

... timeline for how we shall proceed. So… we’re here to discuss terms and conditions of a business relationship between Hale and Hearty and the Silver Heaven Estate. Now, we’ve been in contact for the ... những câu sau đây: English M: As I understand it… Let me see if I’ve got this right… So, the most important thing for you is . Khi kết thúc phần tóm ý người khác, bạn có thể nói: English M: Is this ... khắp nước Úc và New Zeanland. Our standard terms are the same for most of our producers and we see no reason why they can’t work for Silver Heaven. By this I mean we would agree to a price per

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 19:17

11 488 2
Tài liệu English for Business (Lesson 12) doc

Tài liệu English for Business (Lesson 12) doc

... tả khác. English F: I think you’re right. English M: In my opinion, it’s too late. English F: Good point. English M: You’ve got a point there. English F: Yes, I agree but perhaps . English M: ... purpose doesn’t seem to be for financial gain. Lian wants to expand to give her children more responsibility. She said they’re all ambitious and the business is too small for them as it is. Douglas: ... quan điểm khác biệt của mình. English M: I’m afraid I can’t agree. Tôi e là tôi không thể đồng ý. English F: I’m against that because… Tôi không ưa điều đó vì… English M: I can’t support that

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 19:17

12 402 2
Tài liệu English for Business (Lesson 11) ppt

Tài liệu English for Business (Lesson 11) ppt

... bạn nghe và lập lại. English M: Let’s make a start. English F: We’ll begin with the first item on the agenda. English M: We need to prepare for tomorrow’s presentation. English F: We’re here ... hãy nghe một số câu mở đầu sau đây: English M: We need to prepare for tomorrow’s presentation. Chúng ta cần phải chuẩn bị cho cuộc thuyết trình ngày mai. English F: We’re here to discuss the ... tập nói xem sao. Mời bạn nghe và lập lại. English M: I’m out of the loop on that issue. English F: I haven’t heard about that. Could you fill me in? English M: Could you bring me up to scratch

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 19:17

10 683 1
English for business

English for business

... vk.com/englishlibrary книга выложена группой vk.com/englishlibrary книга выложена группой vk.com/englishlibrary книга выложена группой vk.com/englishlibrary книга выложена группой vk.com/englishlibrary ... vk.com/englishlibrary книга выложена группой vk.com/englishlibrary книга выложена группой vk.com/englishlibrary книга выложена группой vk.com/englishlibrary книга... выложена группой vk.com/englishlibrary ... vk.com/englishlibrary книга выложена группой vk.com/englishlibrary книга выложена группой vk.com/englishlibrary книга выложена группой vk.com/englishlibrary книга выложена группой vk.com/englishlibrary

Ngày tải lên: 24/05/2014, 21:33

115 412 7
Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_1 doc

Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_1 doc

... quences.” We should never forget that the essence of relationships between the parts are individuals communicating. Communication is the exchange of information. Information is the carrier of ... integration of seemingly 28 BUSINESS ACROSS CULTURES [...]... a significant body of evidence that wealth through effective business is created by reconciling values This is true for alliances (including ... Multilocal Organization: Me for Myself and God for us all Increasing local adaptiveness Figure 2.3 Reconciling universalism and particularism in globalization 41 BUSINESS ACROSS CULTURES

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20

25 918 0
Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_3 doc

Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_3 doc

... short-term money for stakeholders 10 10/1 Money created for people who never share Short-term profit reinvested for longer-term stakeholders 1/10 Mediocre performance forever 0 Figure 3.9 ... outdated before they hit the market, you develop a short time horizon. Compare this 78 BUSINESS ACROSS CULTURES [...]... much more affected by the future; when we’re planning, for instance ... organization, and no credible authority. 72 BUSINESS ACROSS CULTURES This dilemma is obviously a great challenge when business partners have different traditions for how people move up the ladder in

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20

25 419 0
Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_4 pot

Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_4 pot

... acquire an organization with less concern for full 103 CORPORATE CULTURE [...]... this CCAP tool on the Culture for Business website (www.cultureforbusiness.com) The CCAP questionnaire has ... request that they formulate two fields of tension (dilemmas) that are crucial for them to reconcile for critical success in view of the envisioned future We make sure that the formulation of ... need to be constantly informed by our main customers [typical for one dominantly Guided Missile].” • “On the one hand, we need to mentor and coach our young graduates for constant learning...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20

25 447 0
Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_5 doc

Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_5 doc

... scenarios for different transformations appear in practice. Based on our research and consulting, we now list the frequently recurring dilemmas for different possible combinations. For completeness, ... reliability in its application Transformation away from an Incubator culture (Transformations 7–9) More than 90 percent of the world’s business today originates from an informal- and person-oriented ... created. Therefore the transformation from this incubator type of culture to other ones with increased formality and depersonalisation is quite relevant; when the founder of a family business takes

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20

25 478 0
Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_8 pptx

Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_8 pptx

... a need to look at formal and informal 217 BUSINESS ACROSS CULTURES equivalence of constructs and instruments A general guideline should be that we need to search for the meaning of ... and for this reason 207 BUSINESS ACROSS CULTURES 10 Crossing Chanel by connecting independents Connecting by love and tenderness She Loves You Yeah, Yeah, Yeah: love for love’s ... operations of Yosemite National Park in California they submitted a 250-year business plan (logical if you know the average age of a red - wood tree). The Californian civil servant’s reaction was something

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20

25 513 0

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