electronic devices and circuit theory lecture notes

 electronic devices and circuit theory 7th edition

electronic devices and circuit theory 7th edition

... conduction and valence bands of an insulator, semiconductor, and conductor. Energy Energy Energy E > 5 eV g Valence band Conduction band Valence band Conduction band Conduction band The bands overlap Electrons "free" ... individu- als have enabled us to present Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory in this Seventh Edition: Ernest Lee Abbott Napa College, Napa, CA Phillip D. Anderson Muskegon Community College, Muskegon, ... light-emitting diode (LED) and the liquid-crystal display (LCD). Since the LED falls within the family of p-n junction devices and will appear in some of SEVENTH EDITION E LECTRONIC D EVICES AND C IRCUIT T HEORY ROBERT...

Ngày tải lên: 03/03/2014, 23:58

934 2,1K 0
Data Mining Classification: Basic Concepts, Decision Trees, and Model Evaluation Lecture Notes for Chapter 4 Introduction to Data Mining pptx

Data Mining Classification: Basic Concepts, Decision Trees, and Model Evaluation Lecture Notes for Chapter 4 Introduction to Data Mining pptx

... it – Class counts in each of the partitions, A < v and A ≥ v Simple method to choose best v – For each v, scan the database to gather count matrix and compute its Gini index – Computationally Inefficient! ... random coil Categorizing news stories as finance, weather, entertainment, sports, etc © Tan,Steinbach, Kumar Introduction to Data Mining 47 Stopping Criteria for Tree Induction Stop expanding ... attribute, – Sort the attribute on values – Linearly scan these values, each time updating the count matrix and computing gini index – Choose the split position that has the least gini index Cheat No No...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20

101 4,3K 1
Electronic Devices and Circuits doc

Electronic Devices and Circuits doc

... Blank" 26 Electronic Devices and Circuits 1.4 PRINCIPLES OF CRT 1.4.1 BASIC CRO CIRCUITRY: A eRO consists of 1. Vertical amplifier 2. Horizontal amplifier 3. Time base Circuit ... Technology ASICS (Application Specific Integrated Circuits) HYBRIDICs BICMOS MCMs (Multi Chip Modules) 3-D packages 10 Electronic Devices and Circuits Problem 1.3 An electron starts at ... oscilloscope. eRO is an extremely useful and versatile laboratory instrument used for the measurement and analysis of waveforms and other phenomena in electronic circuits. These are basically very...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 09:20

523 2,9K 15
 Circuit theory of finance and the role of incentives in financial sector reform

Circuit theory of finance and the role of incentives in financial sector reform

... improve the maturity matching of domestic investment demand and foreign capital supply, enhance intra -circuit and inter -circuit stability, and induce sustainable investment as risk assessment on ... day-to-day business and liquidity, and of short-term developments of demand and supply in the specific sectors and markets where enterprises operate. Investment financial institutions, on the other hand, develop ... outputs c and I, respectively (eqs. 9 and 11), Consumption good output matches actual demand (eq. 10), while capital good production equal expected demand (eq. 12). According to eq. (13), the demand...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 09:33

55 666 0
Tài liệu Lecture Notes in Control and Information SciencesEditors: M. Thoma pdf

Tài liệu Lecture Notes in Control and Information SciencesEditors: M. Thoma pdf

... (2.40) is called ajointlinearized model. Here, u 1 ( t )and u 2 ( t )denotes the angle input of axis 1and axis2,respec- tively. K p denotes K p 1 of equation (2.23) in thel ow sp eed 1st order mo del of 2.2.3. Fig. 2.12i llustrates the blo ck diagram of the1 st order system. In this section, ... engineering ,electronic control, and systemsthinking in design of productsand manufacturing processes”, the developmentofmechatronic tech- niques has led to widespread adoption of electronics ... commandto servosystem is aproblem. Thisproblemisabout the form of time functionof command.The problemofcommandcontaining the way of data given must be discussed. In the discussion of this commandsystem,...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 08:20

201 507 0
Tài liệu Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography pdf

Tài liệu Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography pdf

... National Science Foundation under Grants #40471111 and #70571076, and by the 973 Project under Grant #2001CB5103. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography Series Editors: William Cartwright, ... ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS Engine; x Server Side: ESRI ArcGIS Server and ArcIMS; x Application Platforms x Client Side: ArcGIS Desktop and IE Viewer as well as Ar- cObjects, MapObjects and ArcGIS ... Decision Support Platform Spatial and Temporal Modeling Spatial Modeling and Decision Support  Spatial Spread and Temporal Epidemic Trends  Spatial and Temporal Epidemic Forecast- ing...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 20:20

317 884 0
Tài liệu Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems pdf

Tài liệu Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems pdf

... tragic fate and the mathematical legacy of W. Dăoblin see Bru and Yor (2002). Introduction The lecture notes are organized as follows: Chapter 1 gives a concise overview of the theory of Lebesgue and ... differentiation and integration can be stated as X t = X 0 + t  0 ˙ X s ds 2.6 Stopping Times and Local Martingales 41 Proof. From Lemma 2.6.6 take T n ↓ T and d ∈ D n . 1) For X T n ∈F T n and B ∈B d , ... X T (ω):=X T (ω) (ω) is F T -measurable. Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 579 Founding Editors: M. Beckmann H.P. Künzi Managing Editors: Prof. Dr. G. Fandel Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften Fernuniversität...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 06:20

143 459 0
Lecture Notesin Control and Information Sciences ppt

Lecture Notesin Control and Information Sciences ppt

... where p~, Apt, Pl and P2 are position/orientation vectors corresponding to s~, st, Sl and s2, respectively. The positions/orientations p,, Pl and P2 are those of S~, $1 and $2 in Figure 1.2, ... Bonitz and T. C. Hsia, "Force Decomposition in Cooperating Manipulators Using the Theory of Metric Spaces and Generalized Inverses," in Proe. 1994 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automa- ... The velocity and force ellip- soids, and extension of grasp stability and manipulability are presented in Section 2.3. Section 2.4 presents a number of examples. Terminology and Notation:...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 15:20

186 337 0
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Editors: M. Thoma · M. Morari316.R.V. Patel pptx

Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Editors: M. Thoma · M. Morari316.R.V. Patel pptx

... underwater, and hazardous material handling have led to considerable activity in the following research areas: ã Contact Force Control (CFC) and compliant motion control ã Redundant manipulators and ... Jacobian matrix, and being the and Jacobian matrices of the main and additional tasks respectively. The velocity kinematics of the extended task are given by: (2.3.9) where and are the time ... function: (2.3.20) where , and are diagonal positive-defi- nite weighting matrices that assign priority between the main, additional, and singularity robustness tasks. and are the n- and k -dimensional...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 15:20

212 675 0
Data Mining Association Analysis: Basic Concepts and Algorithms Lecture Notes for Chapter 6 Introduction to Data Mining pdf

Data Mining Association Analysis: Basic Concepts and Algorithms Lecture Notes for Chapter 6 Introduction to Data Mining pdf

... each candidate itemset – To reduce the number of comparisons, store the candidates in a hash structure ã Instead of matching each transaction against every candidate, match it against candidates ... Lattice – General-to-specific vs Specific-to-general Data Mining Association Analysis: Basic Concepts and Algorithms Lecture Notes for Chapter 6 Introduction to Data Mining by Tan, Steinbach, Kumar â Tan,Steinbach, ... confidence ã Thus, we may decouple the support and confidence requirements © Tan,Steinbach, Kumar Introduction to Data Mining 16 Reducing Number of Comparisons Candidate counting: – Scan the database...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20

82 3,9K 0
Data Mining Association Rules: Advanced Concepts and Algorithms Lecture Notes for Chapter 7 Introduction to Data Mining docx

Data Mining Association Rules: Advanced Concepts and Algorithms Lecture Notes for Chapter 7 Introduction to Data Mining docx

... are found Candidate Generation: ã Merge pairs of frequent subsequences found in the (k-1)th pass to generate candidate sequences that contain k items Candidate Pruning: ã Prune candidate k-sequences ... Rules How do support and confidence vary as we traverse the concept hierarchy? – If X is the parent item for both X1 and X2, then σ(X) ≤ σ(X1) + σ(X2) – If σ(X1 ∪ Y1) ≥ minsup, and X is parent ... new pass over the sequence database D to find the support for these candidate sequences Candidate Elimination: ã Eliminate candidate k-sequences whose actual support is less than minsup © Tan,Steinbach,...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20

67 3,4K 1