Electronic devices and amplifier circuits with MATLAB applications
[...]... C-10 Electronic Devices and Amplifier Circuits with MATLAB Applications Orchard Publications vii Chapter 1 Basic Electronic Concepts and Signals E lectronics may be defined as the science and technology of electronic devices and systems Electronic devices are primarily non-linear devices such as diodes and transistors and in general integrated circuits (ICs) in which small signals (voltages and currents)... Sections 1.9 and 1.10 we presented the voltage and current amplifier equivalent circuits also known as circuit models Two more circuit models are the transresistance and transconductance equivalent circuits and there are introduced in Exercises 1.4 and 1.5 respectively Electronic Devices and Amplifier Circuits with MATLAB Applications Orchard Publications 1-19 Chapter 1 Basic Electronic Concepts and Signals... R = 1 and for v or i = 2 ⁄ 2 = 0.707 the power is 1 ⁄ 2 , that is, it is “halved” 1 V out 0.707 Bandwidth ω1 ω2 ω Figure 1.5 Definition of bandwidth Alternately, we can define the bandwidth as the frequency band between half-power points We recall from the characteristics of electric filters, the low-pass and high-pass filters have only one Electronic Devices and Amplifier Circuits with MATLAB Applications. .. complex conjugates, repeated, of a combination of these For details please refer to Circuit Analysis II with MATLAB Applications, ISBN 0-9709511-5-9, Orchard Publications Electronic Devices and Amplifier Circuits with MATLAB Applications Orchard Publications 1-11 Chapter 1 Basic Electronic Concepts and Signals 1.8 Stability In general, a system is said to be stable if a finite input produces a finite... For a detailed discussion on the impulse response, please refer to Signals and Systems with MATLAB Applications, ISBN 0-9709511-6-7, Orchard Publications 1-12 Electronic Devices and Amplifier Circuits with MATLAB Applications Orchard Publications Stability Figure 1.15 Characteristics of an unstable system We can plot the poles and zeros of a transfer function G ( s ) on the complex frequency plane of... (dB) 80 77 60 40 20 0 Electronic Devices and Amplifier Circuits with MATLAB Applications Orchard Publications 1-15 Chapter 1 Basic Electronic Concepts and Signals 80 dB – 20 dB ⁄ decade 60 40 20 Hz 0 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 8 Figure 1.18 Asymptotic magnitude response for Example 1.4 1.9 The Voltage Amplifier Equivalent Circuit Amplifiers are often represented by equivalent circuits* also known as... 10 V load ( s ) = - V S ( s ) 7 14 10 s + 1.1 × 10 Electronic Devices and Amplifier Circuits with MATLAB Applications Orchard Publications 1-17 Chapter 1 Basic Electronic Concepts and Signals 14 V load ( s ) 19.61 × 10 G v ( s ) = - = 7 14 VS ( s ) 10 s + 1.1 × 10 (1.27) and with MATLAB num=[0 19.61*10^14]; den=[10^7 1.1*10^14]; sys=tf(num,den); w=logspace(3,8,1000);... Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB and Simulink® A-1 Command Window A-1 Roots of Polynomials A-3 vi Electronic Devices and Amplifier Circuits with MATLAB Applications Orchard Publications Polynomial Construction from Known Roots .A-5 Evaluation of a Polynomial at Specified Values A-6 Rational Polynomials A-8 Using MATLAB to Make... Electronic Devices and Amplifier Circuits with MATLAB Applications Orchard Publications 1-3 Chapter 1 Basic Electronic Concepts and Signals An electronic (or electric) circuit which produces an output that is smaller than the input is called an attenuator A resistive voltage divider is a typical attenuator An amplifier can be classified as a voltage, current or power amplifier The gain of an amplifier is... numerator and denominator of G ( s ) as polynomials of s in descending powers Example 1.3 The transfer function of a system is 2 ) G ( s ) = 3 ( s – 1 ) ( s + 2s + 5 -2 ( s + 2 ) ( s + 6s + 25 ) * An introduction to MATLAB is included as Appendix A Electronic Devices and Amplifier Circuits with MATLAB Applications Orchard Publications 1-13 Chapter 1 Basic Electronic Concepts and Signals . alt="" Electronic Devices and Amplifier Circuits with MATLAB Applications Steven T. Karris Editor Orchard Publications www.orchardpublications.com Electronic Devices and Amplifier Circuits with MATLAB Applications Copyright. 12⁄ 1 0.707 ω ω 1 ω 2 Bandwidth V out Chapter 1 Basic Electronic Concepts and Signals 1-6 Electronic Devices and Amplifier Circuits with MATLAB Applications Orchard Publications cutoff frequency whereas band-pass and. 10-15 Appendix A Introduction to MATLAB MATLAB and Simulink® A-1 Command Window A-1 Roots of Polynomials A-3 Electronic Devices and Amplifier Circuits with MATLAB Applications vii Orchard Publications Polynomial