efficiency of probiotics in farm animals

Public Health – Methodology, Environmental and Systems Issues Edited by Jay Maddock doc

Public Health – Methodology, Environmental and Systems Issues Edited by Jay Maddock doc

... process of transforming the possible existing information into fuzzy elements; consists in identifying the linguistic variables of input and output that you want to operate, defining the universe of ... well-being (e.g positive individual functioning in terms of self-realization), and social well-being (e.g positive societal functioning in terms of being of social value) He extends previous works of ... control points of the four possible causes, it is up to define which input variables of the FLS will be the results of the verification of the level of control of the set points This level of control...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 21:20

444 398 0


... process of transforming the possible existing information into fuzzy elements; consists in identifying the linguistic variables of input and output that you want to operate, defining the universe of ... well-being (e.g positive individual functioning in terms of self-realization), and social well-being (e.g positive societal functioning in terms of being of social value) He extends previous works of ... control points of the four possible causes, it is up to define which input variables of the FLS will be the results of the verification of the level of control of the set points This level of control...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 09:20

444 332 1
the science of getting rich

the science of getting rich

... doing things in a certain way, and in order to so, people must become able to think in a certain way A person’s way of doing things is the direct result of the way he thinks about things To things ... You should interest yourself in the world’s becoming rich Think of the riches the world is coming into instead of the poverty it is growing out of, and bear in mind that the only way in which you ... inherent desire of every living intelligence for increase of life Every living thing must continually seek for the enlargement of its life, because life, in the mere act of living, must increase itself...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 15:51

80 575 1
Mba - Management - Negotiation - The Science Of Influence

Mba - Management - Negotiation - The Science Of Influence

... both parties have expressed an interest in maintaining their business relationship, minimizing negative publicity, and avoiding the uncertainty and cost of trial In a domestic relations case, ... principles of influence In addition, we offer suggestions for how mediators and negotiators can harness these principles effectively and responsibly The applicability of the science of social influence ... unexpected effect, spurring droves of buyers into Oldsmobile showrooms to get one of the cars before they were gone We can explain this otherwise odd behavior in terms of the principle of scarcity: Items...

Ngày tải lên: 07/02/2013, 09:32

4 329 0
Enterprise Marketing Management - The New Science of Marketing - John Wiley & Sons

Enterprise Marketing Management - The New Science of Marketing - John Wiley & Sons

... anything? Keep reading From a financial perspective, this enterprise marketing management isn’t another method of spending more money than you’re bringing in Marketing’s longstanding tradition of ... again As Sergio Zyman pointed out in his first book, The End of Marketing As We Know It? (Harper Business, 1999) marketing is a science, not an art And if you spend your time thinking of marketing ... marketing investment profile, as noted in Figure 1.1 This profile indicates the timing of the investment and the timing of the return, which in turn lets you monitor both the incremental and the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/02/2013, 09:52

241 649 3
Hegel’s analysis of mind and world - the Science of Logic

Hegel’s analysis of mind and world - the Science of Logic

... consisting of “coming to be” and “ceasing to be” (of “nothing” passing over into “being” and vice versa). That is, what we are really (normatively) doing in distinguishing being from nothing is ... comparing two distinct “things” in terms of their properties (as we might think we were doing in distinguishing, say, maples from oaks, or turtles from rabbits); we are actually making a move in ... normative space of reasons, specifically, working out the kinds of inferences that are permissible in terms of a conception of the world as a process of coming-to-be and passing-away, in which we...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20

20 585 0
Tài liệu The Science of Being Well - By Wallace D.Wattles doc

Tài liệu The Science of Being Well - By Wallace D.Wattles doc

... thinking center, capable of original thought He has a mindbody of Original Substance permeating a physical body, and the functioning of his physical body is determined by the FAITH of his mind-body ... thinks, with faith, of disease, or of the power of disease, he will cause his internal functioning to be the functioning of disease The Original Intelligent Substance is in a human being, moving ... it in his outward life by acting in the same way that he thinks www.scienceofgettingrich.net The Science of Being Well 13 Chapter The Foundations of Faith efore a person can think in the Certain...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 21:20

90 672 2
Tài liệu The Art and Science of CSS pdf

Tài liệu The Art and Science of CSS pdf

... adjustment of the HTML text, Flash replacement maintains consistent sizing through varying character lengths and multiple lines Figure 1.18: The letter-spacing tweak maintaining sizing for varying character ... structure of the page into a linear layout? As shown in Figure 1.2, the headings themselves still convey a lot of the information required by the user while retaining the site’s character—insofar ... a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Computer Arts and Graphic Design from Memphis College of Art In addition to being featured in CSS Professional Style and Web Designing magazine, Jina consults...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 07:20

223 616 0
Tài liệu Dreaming - An Introduction to the Science of Sleep pptx

Tài liệu Dreaming - An Introduction to the Science of Sleep pptx

... between waking and sleeping 26 Imaging of brain activation in R E M sleep and the effects of brain damage on dreaming 109 Areas of the brain dealing with the different components of consciousness ... begin our analytical odyssey by accepting the m o s t broad, general, and indisputable definition of dreaming: mental activity occurring in sleep B u t what kinds of mental activity o c c u r in ... r m In dreaming, the simplest e x a m p l e is activation To explain the awakening of the mind in sleep we should e x p e c t to find a similar (but n o t of course identical) awakening of the...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 08:20

174 643 0
Tài liệu The Science of Getting Rich - By Wallace D.Wattles docx

Tài liệu The Science of Getting Rich - By Wallace D.Wattles docx

... doing things in a Certain Way; and in order to so, men must become able to think in a certain way A man's way of doing things is the direct result of the way he thinks about things To things in ... and inherent desire of every living intelligence for increase of life Every living thing must continually seek for the enlargement of its life, because life, in the mere act of living, must increase ... result of doing things in a Certain Way If getting rich is the result of doing things in a Certain Way, and if like causes always produce like effects, then any man or woman who can things in that...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 16:20

118 608 2


... president of the National Academy of Engineering The Institute of Medicine was established in 1970 by the National Academy of Sciences to secure the services of eminent members of appropriate professions ... Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois He holds an appointment as the Pritzker Professor of Science at Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago Dr Lederman served as Chairman of the State of Illinois’ ... research interests are in 30 WHO WILL DO THE SCIENCE OF THE FUTURE? mathematical modeling and risk analysis in business, particularly in the electric power industry, in women in science and engineering,...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 04:20

104 425 0
Tài liệu The Art and Science of Operative Dentistry presents FOURTH EDITION ppt

Tài liệu The Art and Science of Operative Dentistry presents FOURTH EDITION ppt

... Restoration, 837 Final Impression, 843 Working Casts and Dies, 846 Wax Patterns, 853 Spruing, Investing, and Casting, 856 Seating, Adjusting, and Polishing the Casting, 856 Trying -in the Casting, 858 ... a 58% increase in the number of dentists by 2050; because of the increasing minority percentage of the it is thought that the greatest increase population, should be in the number of minority ... canines in the tearing of food and are similar to molars in the grinding of food Whereas the first premolars are angular, with their facial cusps resembling the canines, the lingual cusps of...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 15:20

963 938 1
Tài liệu The Clinical Science of Neurologic Rehabilitation ppt

Tài liệu The Clinical Science of Neurologic Rehabilitation ppt

... coding of movement patterns and forces during voluntary use of the hand relates to the coactivation of assemblies of neurons acting in parallel, not to the rate of firing of single neurons.38 In ... should include methods to optimize sensory inputs during the retraining of a sensorimotor skill Chapters and include studies of these methods Functional neuroimaging studies of the brain during ... the timing and magnitude of muscle contractions.147 Sensory inputs and descending synaptic inputs create different orders of recruitment of motoneurons, including by order of size in keeping with...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 19:20

607 380 0
Tài liệu Euthenics, the science of controllable environment ppt

Tài liệu Euthenics, the science of controllable environment ppt

... in the nature of an investment to bring in a high rate of interest in the future welfare of the race As soon as the belief in the efficiency of these agents reaches the taxpayer he will willingly ... trichina; of the absorption of poisonous substances as toxins or ptomaines; of the lodgment of germs of disease along with dust on berries, rough peach skins, crushed-open fruits; of dirt clinging ... laws in their personal lives They crave a larger measure of goodness and happiness, and yet in their choice of dwelling places, in their building of houses to live in, in their selection of food...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20

65 762 0
The Materials Science of Thin Films 2010 pptx

The Materials Science of Thin Films 2010 pptx

... combination of teaching, research, and industrial involvement has provided Professor Ohring with a broad perspective of thin film science and technology and tremendous insight into the needs of ... discipline of materials science and engineering A dramatic increase in our understanding of the fundamental nature of materials throughout much of the twentieth century has led to the development of ... many years of experience teaching and advising graduate students at Stevens Institute of Technology, Professor Ohring has been the coordinator of an on-premises, M.S degree program offered by...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 17:20

742 915 1


... ILLUSTRATING VARIETY IN SYMMETRY IX ILLUSTRATING VARIETY IN SYMMETRY X ILLUSTRATING INFLUENCE OF HORIZONTAL LINES XI ILLUSTRATING INFLUENCE OF VERTICAL LINES XII ILLUSTRATING INFLUENCE OF THE RIGHT ... devoid of any of the lovely atmosphere that always envelops form seen in nature So wide apart are some of the points of view in painting In the treatment of form these differences in point of view ... the imagination in line drawing than in possibly anything else in pictorial art The emotional stimulus given by fine design is due largely to line work The power a line possesses of instinctively...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 01:21

262 590 0
The Science Of Getting Rich - As Featured In The Best-Selling''''secret'''' By Rhonda Byrne pdf

The Science Of Getting Rich - As Featured In The Best-Selling''''secret'''' By Rhonda Byrne pdf

... doing things in a Certain Way; and in order to so, men must become able to think in a certain way A man's way of doing things is the direct result of the way he thinks about things To things in ... and inherent desire of every living intelligence for increase of life Every living thing must continually seek for the enlargement of its life, because life, in the mere act of living, must increase ... by considering them You should interest yourself in the world's becoming rich Think of the riches the world is coming into, instead of the poverty it is growing out of; and bear in mind that the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 09:21

77 587 1
The Art & Science of JavaScript pot

The Art & Science of JavaScript pot

... only in an editorial fashion and to the benefit of the trademark owner with no intention of infringement of the trademark Reprint Permissions To license parts of this book for photocopying, email ... again! Chapter 4: Debugging and Profiling with Firebug Firebug is a plugin for the Firefox browser, but calling it a plugin doesn’t it justice—Firebug is a full-blown editing, debugging, and profiling ... Summary of Contents, Information about the Author, Editors and SitePoint, Table of Contents, Preface, two chapters from the book, and the index We hope you find this information useful in evaluating...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 20:20

100 1,8K 0


... FUNTIONS OF A MANAGER - CONTROLLING Controlling has got basic purposes  Facilitating co-ordination  Helping in planning Main steps of controlling (According to Vinh Thai,2013)  Monitoring of activities ... According to Vinh Thai, 2013 ) III FUNCTIONS OF A MANAGER PLANNING CONTROLLING ORGANIZING LEADING A PLANNING  “Planning is an intellectually demanding process; it requires the conscious determination ... the implementation of strategies and plan FUNTIONS OF A MANAGER - PLANNING Purposes of planning:  Define the problems, decide the objectives of business in the short and in the long run, estimate...

Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2014, 15:20

40 2,2K 0