econometrics lecture heckman s sample selection model

Econometrics – lecture 2 – simple regression model

Econometrics – lecture 2 – simple regression model

... regression model assumptions are valid, the OLS estimators are BLUE: Linear, Unbiased, Minimum variance in the class of all unbiased estimators PRECISION OF THE REGRESSION COEFFICIENTS Simple ... ESS R   TSS ˆ ( Y  Y )  i ( Y  Y )  i GOODNESS OF FIT ˆ ( Y  Y ) ESS  i R2   TSS  (Yi  Y ) 2 ei TSS  RSS  R   1 TSS ( Y  Y )  i    Yi  Y   Yˆi  Y    e i2 TSS  ESS ... deviations of the distributions These will give some idea of their likely reliability and will provide a basis for tests of hypotheses PRECISION OF THE REGRESSION COEFFICIENTS Simple regression model: ...

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2015, 14:36

55 181 0
Econometrics – lecture 7 – model specifications

Econometrics – lecture 7 – model specifications

... auxiliary regression:  Hypothesis H0: 1=0 versus Ha: 10  If more terms involved, possible F tests 18 Example: Teaching Ratings RESET test for specification (squares and cubes) Test statistic: F ... problems, assuming of course that the regression model assumptions are valid Likewise we will not encounter any problems if Y depends on both X2 and X3 and we fit the multiple regression OMISSION ... 1,21341) = 0,271 19 Structural change  What if parameters are NOT constant over the sample  structural change  Male vs female  ASEAN vs non-ASEAN membership  HQ class vs regular class  If we not...

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2015, 15:34

22 208 0
Introduction to Financial Econometrics Hypothesis Testing in the Market Model

Introduction to Financial Econometrics Hypothesis Testing in the Market Model

... minimize SSR, the restricted error sum of squares, SSRR , must be at least as big as the unrestricted error sum of squares, SSRU R If the restrictions imposed under the null are true then SSRR ≈ SSRU ... regression The second is based on estimating separate regression equations for the two subsamples and adding together the resulting error sum of squares Let SSR1 and SSR2 denote the error sum of squares ... 6= The test statistic for this joint hypothesis is the F-statistic Fδ1 =0,δ2 =0 = (SSRR − SSRU R )/2 SSRU R /(T − 4) since there are two restrictions and four regression parameters estimated...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 14:53

11 443 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Joint Rule Selection Model for Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Joint Rule Selection Model for Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation" pptx

... decompose the joint probability model into two sub-models based on the Bayes formulation, where the first sub -model is source-side rule selection model and the second one is the target-side rule selection ... investigated in previous related work Settings Baseline Baseline+CFSM Baseline+CBSM Baseline+CFTM Baseline+CBTM Baseline+CFSM+CFTM Baseline+CFSM+CBSM Baseline+CFTM+CBTM Baseline+all sub-models ... hierarchical source-side rules exactly matching or crossing syntactic subtrees Rule format features, which are nonterminal positions and orders in sourceside/target-side rules This feature interacts between...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 16:20

6 314 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Active Sample Selection for Named Entity Transliteration" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Active Sample Selection for Named Entity Transliteration" pptx

... transliteration pairs (ws , wt ) is automatically generated using an active sample selection scheme The sample selection process is guided by the Sufficient Spanning Features criterion (SSF) introduced ... testing data Using SSF directed sampling Table describes the effect of directed sampling in the English-Russian news corpora NE discovery task Results show that models trained using selective sampling ... a set C of candidates for annotation, a sample ws ∈ C was added to the training set, if ws = argminw∈C distance(R, DS ∪ {ws }) A sample set is said to have SSF, if the distance remains constant...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 00:20

4 186 0
graduate econometrics lecture notes - michael creel

graduate econometrics lecture notes - michael creel

... consequences of misspecification and see some methods for determining if a model is correctly specified 13 Ordinary Least Squares 3.1 The classical linear model The classical linear model is based ... normally distributed, as long as the other assumptions hold The previous properties hold for finite sample sizes Before considering the asymptotic properties of the OLS estimator it is useful to ... the classical assumptions ˆ with normality, the OLS estimator β is asymptotically efficient As we’ll see later, it will be possible to use linear estimation methods and still σ2 In as long as ε ¡...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 12:28

414 465 0
three extensions to the inventory theoretic approach- a transportation selection model, a discrete event simulation of the inventory theoretic approach, postponement from an inventory theoretic perspective

three extensions to the inventory theoretic approach- a transportation selection model, a discrete event simulation of the inventory theoretic approach, postponement from an inventory theoretic perspective

... logistics cost Finally, delays such as equipment shortages, ordering errors, and carrier overbooking were quantified The results suggest that delays should be tracked by shippers, because an excessive ... examining carriers and products as a bundle of attributes, Baumol and Vinod s model enables logistics managers to compare modes and carriers to minimize logistics costs This approach is well suited to ... modes and carriers In this essay, we demonstrate the robustness of the normality assumption in the carrier selection process We also show the effects of scheduling and ordering delays by quantifying...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2014, 00:50

170 442 0
Text localization in web images using probabilistic candidate selection model

Text localization in web images using probabilistic candidate selection model

... approach usually involves the use of classifiers such as Support vector machine (SVM) and neural networks Thus, it is trainable for different databases However, these classifiers require a large set ... large set of text and non-text samples And sample selection is essential but not easy to ensure that the non-text samples are representative From the approaches discussed above, we can find that ... to noise Thus the histograms of web images also suffer severe noise (Fig 4.3) And it is a great challenge to determine peaks/valleys in these histograms Worse still, some of the histograms for...

Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2015, 17:33

77 118 0
Econometrics – lecture 6 – extended forms of estimations

Econometrics – lecture 6 – extended forms of estimations

... +a4Q3+u MODELS WITH DUMMY VARIABLES  Returns and risk: returns = a1 + a2risk + u  However: different intercepts MODELS WITH DUMMY VARIABLES  How to solve the problem:  run a regression for ... we implicitly presume that a2 is the same in the two markets MODELS WITH DUMMY VARIABLES  Q: Does the market respond the same to risk in two different states?  If not: both slope and intercept ... consists of two categories (F/M; bull/bear; post-graduates/undergraduates, etc.) => use dummy: D = if F; if M • If k≥ categories: religions; race, ownership, => use k-1 dummies • Example: SOE,...

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2015, 14:35

11 235 0
Econometrics – lecture 5 – assumptions

Econometrics – lecture 5 – assumptions

... distribution Histogram 10 NORMALITY- DETECTION The Jarque-Bera test: JB = N/6 (S2 + K2 /4) where S and K are the sample Skewness and Kurtosis statistics The JB test has an asymptotic chi-square distribution ... variables: taking log, ratio, growth NORMALITY- CONSEQUENCES  ui~ N(0, σ2)  If this assumption does not hold, then estimates are still unbiased, but we will not be able to assess which parameters ... variance of estimates wide confidence interval =>? small tob => less chance to reject H0 “wrong” sign of the estimates however, still unbiased estimates only a problem if consequences are serious HIGH...

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2015, 14:35

20 189 0
Econometrics – lecture 4 – statistical inference

Econometrics – lecture 4 – statistical inference

... regression model and that we wish to test the hypothesis H0 that the slope coefficient is equal to some value 20 We test it against the alternative hypothesis H1, which is simply that 2 is not ... 0-3sd0-2sd 2 0-sd 20 0 0+4sd 2+sd 2+2sd2+3sd b2 The usual procedure for making decisions is to reject the null hypothesis if it implies that the probability of getting such an extreme estimate ... is less than some (small) probability p TESTING A HYPOTHESIS RELATING TO A REGRESSION COEFFICIENT probability density function of b2 Distribution of b2 under the null hypothesis H0: 2 =2 is...

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2015, 14:36

33 154 0
Econometrics – lecture 3 – multiple regression

Econometrics – lecture 3 – multiple regression

... distribution Provided that the regression model assumptions are valid, the OLS estimators in the multiple regression model are unbiased and efficient, as in the simple regression model MULTICOLINEARITY ... i RSS   e i2   (Yi  b1  b2 X i  b3 X i ) The regression coefficients are derived using the same least squares principle used in simple regression analysis The fitted value of Y in observation ... residuals, and choose b1, b2, and b3 so as to minimize it, using first order condition MULTIPLE REGRESSION WITH TWO EXPLANATORY VARIABLES: EXAMPLE Model 3: OLS, using observations 1899-1922 (T =...

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2015, 14:36

13 132 0
Econometrics – lecture 8 – time series

Econometrics – lecture 8 – time series

... positive ones, and negative values by negative ones Successive values tend to have the same sign This is described as positive autocorrelation AUTOCORRELATION Y In this graph, positive values ... disturbance term has zero expectation C.5 The disturbance term is homoscedastic ASSUMPTIONS FOR TIME SERIES MODEL C.6 The values of the disturbance term have independent distributions ut is distributed ... autocorrelation It is autoregressive, because ut depends on lagged values of itself, and firstorder, because it depends only on its previous value ut also depends on et, an injection of fresh randomness at...

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2015, 15:34

24 169 0
East Asia’s Dynamic Development Model  and the Republic of Korea’s Experiences

East Asia’s Dynamic Development Model and the Republic of Korea’s Experiences

... systems On the 12 economic axis, East Asian societies traditionally stressed spiritual values over material possessions, whereas Western economics puts more emphasis on material matters -production ... discussion Asian societies tend to stress spiritual values and downplay material possessions, while Western economic thought tends to focus on material things – production and consumption Of course, ... most efficient production and pricing of goods and services are main issues in business, and households’ “utility” is usually gauged with easily quantifiable measures such as spending on goods...

Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2016, 08:16

58 279 0
Lecture Autodesk inventor Advanced part modeling

Lecture Autodesk inventor Advanced part modeling

... Blend of profiles of varying cross section Planes on which profiles are sketched are usually parallel, but any nonperpendicular planes can be used Lofting Process workplanes sketch loft Duplication ... of Part Features Mirror Pattern (Array)   Rectangular Radial Mirror Features Must specify:   Features to be mirrored Mirror plane Shell A placed feature  no sketch required Used to remove ... from interior of a part Cavity created with walls of a specified thickness Selected faces can be removed to form a shell opening Advanced Part Modeling ...

Ngày tải lên: 15/05/2017, 12:56

7 213 0
Industry’s supply chain model at Crocs MBA6151 unit VI case study

Industry’s supply chain model at Crocs MBA6151 unit VI case study

... and loss, or over-estimation resulting in potential profit losses Instead, Crocs has developed a revolutionary lineage system that enhances relationships with customers and retailers This system ... forms such as cooperating with Disney, developing products for special audiences, and sponsoring professional sport events There are a lot of new accessories coming out such as hats, jackets, socks, ... and its accessories on a variety of materials Thanks to these acquisitions, Crocs' products are now diverse in design and types as well as can serve a wide variety of consumers In other words, they...

Ngày tải lên: 17/05/2017, 10:54

8 309 3
Application of house’s model for translation quality assessment in assessing the english version of the vietnam’s law on investment no. 59/2005/qh11

Application of house’s model for translation quality assessment in assessing the english version of the vietnam’s law on investment no. 59/2005/qh11

... House s model for translation quality assessment in assessing English translations of Vietnamese legal documents This is done through the application of the model in assessing the English version ... for assessment is necessary Among the various criteria and models for translation quality assessment, House s model is chosen in this study because it is deemed to have a comprehensive set of ... different views on equivalence will be discussed but there shall be no separate discussion of translation assessment; instead, it is implied that assessment of a translation is based on the respective...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:36

85 902 5
Factors influencing borrower’s behavior and decision making patterns in the success of a micro finance model

Factors influencing borrower’s behavior and decision making patterns in the success of a micro finance model

... products, consult behavioral economists and consumer psychologists along with the potential customers to adequately visualize the possible repercussions and implications for achieving desired results ... customers about micro financing by realigning their marketing mechanisms and strategies to attract less educated masses through staff trainings and holding open sessions in these localities and ... Bolnick and Nelson (1990) observed that MFIs have an encouraging influence on small and labor intensive businesses, but it may vary across different sectors Copestake et al (2001) assessed the impact...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 05:48

23 553 0
An investigation into the effects of brainstorming and giving a text as model on phan dinh phung high school student's attitude and writing ability

An investigation into the effects of brainstorming and giving a text as model on phan dinh phung high school student's attitude and writing ability

... results Chapter3: Results and discussions This chapter presents the results of questionnaires This chapter includes the following section: (1)The respondents overall attitudes towards kinds of ... students As discussed previously, giving a text as a model is still suitable for a number of students In order to attract all students interest it is suggested that giving a text as a model should ... presents and discusses the results and findings of the study, Chapter is Results and Discussions In this chapter, the recommendations on the application of brainstorming and giving a text as a model...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 10:08

60 720 0