dynamic load testing of bridges

Numerical and experimental studies on dynamic load testing of open ended pipe piles and its applications

Numerical and experimental studies on dynamic load testing of open ended pipe piles and its applications

... on Dynamic Load Testing of Open-ended Pipe Piles and its Applications 開端杭の動的載荷試験に関する解析的・実験的研究とそ の適用 Phan Ta Le Sep, 2013 i Dissertation Numerical and Experimental Studies on Dynamic Load Testing ... equation analysis of a pile - An analytic model Proceeding of the International Seminar on the Application of. .. analyse a case study of dynamic and static load tests of open- ended ... 4.18 Sensitivity of the pile head disp due to 66 Figure 4.19 Variation of the static load- displacement curves of the CP 67 Figure 4.20 Location of the pile and change of the soil plug

Ngày tải lên: 21/05/2016, 22:14

165 276 0
Dynamic performance of bridges and vehicles under strong wind

Dynamic performance of bridges and vehicles under strong wind

... insight of aerodynamic aspects of the structure obtained from the wind tunnel tests, as well as knowledge of structural dynamics and fluid mechanics. With the models, the dynamic performance of ... record of span length for flexible bridges has been broken with the development of modern materials and construction techniques. With the increase of bridge span, the dynamic response of the ... other committee members: Professor Dimitris E. Nikitopoulos of Mechanical Engineering, Professor Jannette Frandsen of Civil Engineering, and Professor Jaye E. Cable of Oceanography & Coastal

Ngày tải lên: 16/06/2014, 09:30

208 471 0
Dynamic performance of bridges and vehicles under strong wind

Dynamic performance of bridges and vehicles under strong wind

... insight of aerodynamic aspects of the structure obtained from the wind tunnel tests, as well as knowledge of structural dynamics and fluid mechanics With the models, the dynamic performance of the ... knowledge of the problem for a deeper insight of long-span bridge aerodynamics; (b) investigation on the interaction of vehicle-bridge-wind systems; and (c) mitigation of excessive responses of bridges ... traffic loads The present research targets specifically on dynamic performance of bridges as well as the transportation under strong wind The dissertation studied the coupled vibration features of bridges

Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2016, 14:57

208 418 0
Testing of direct computer mapping for dynamic simulation of a simplified recirculating aquaculture system

Testing of direct computer mapping for dynamic simulation of a simplified recirculating aquaculture system

... Agriculture, Food and the Environment Journal of Agricultural Informatics 2015 Vol 6, No journal.magisz.org Testing of Direct Computer Mapping for dynamic simulation of a simplified Recirculating Aquaculture ... Yaoguang Wei, Daoliang Li, Béla Csukás: Testing of Direct Computer Mapping for dynamic simulation of a simplified Recirculating Aquaculture System Journal of Agricultural Informatics (ISSN 2061-862X) ... Yaoguang Wei, Daoliang Li, Béla Csukás: Testing of Direct Computer Mapping for dynamic simulation of a simplified Recirculating Aquaculture System Journal of Agricultural Informatics (ISSN 2061-862X)

Ngày tải lên: 27/09/2019, 10:31

12 53 0
The cleveland clinic manual of dynamic endocrine testing

The cleveland clinic manual of dynamic endocrine testing

... Cleveland Clinic Manual of Dynamic Endocrine Testing Ahmet Bahadir Ergin • A Laurence Kennedy Manjula K Gupta • Amir H Hamrahian The Cleveland Clinic Manual of Dynamic Endocrine Testing Ahmet Bahadir ... whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other ... Printed on acid-free paper Springer is part of Springer Science+Business Media (www.springer.com) Preface Dynamic endocrine testing is the cornerstone of practice in endocrinology and plays an

Ngày tải lên: 28/01/2024, 15:08

119 6 0
Cooling load optimization of an irreversible refrigerator with combined heat transfer

Cooling load optimization of an irreversible refrigerator with combined heat transfer

... derived [11]. The heating load and coefficient of performance of a steady flow endoreversible heat pump cycle have been optimized using the theory of finite-time thermodynamics [12]. Fine-time ... coefficient of performance η . Figure 3 shows that there exists a maximum values of cooling load for 5.2= β and 3= β . For 2= β , the cooling load monotonically decreases as ω increases. The effect of ... a maximum cooling load for all δ values considered in this study. The variation of the cooling load with respect to the temperature ratio ω for different values of λ (ratio of the radiation heat

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28

10 634 0


... composed of buyers, sellers, and states (issuers of permits), to assist in formulating consensus testing protocols. A goal of verification testing is to enhance and facilitate the acceptance of small ... .. rates of consumption of chemicals, a description of the physical and chemical nature of wastes, and rates of waste production; concentrates, residues, etc.; Definition of the performance ... information transfer. This verification testing program is being conducted by NSF with participation of manufacturers, under the sponsorship of the EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD), National

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 19:20

138 452 1
A Dynamic Structural Model of Addiction, Promotions, and Permanent Price Cuts pot

A Dynamic Structural Model of Addiction, Promotions, and Permanent Price Cuts pot

... rational addiction; dynamic structural model; endogenous consumption; price cut; permanent price cut * Brett Gordon is Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Graduate School of Business at Columbia ... rational addiction model of Becker and Murphy (1988) to a dynamic structural model that accounts for inventory dynamics and embeds a continuous consumption choice within a dynamic discrete-choice ... results of the pricing simulations. Section 5 concludes with a discussion of limitations of the present work and avenues for future research. 7 2. Model This section develops a dynamic

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 09:20

49 429 0


... overview of the characteristics of each of the filters Also covered in the chapter is the process of creating test data for the trial, in the form of three separate indexes of URLs... ... Chapter 3 sets out the manner in which the testing of the sample of ISP­level filtering products was  conducted. The methodologies used for testing the performance and effectiveness of the sample ... 1 sets out the terms of reference ... were calculated from the results of these tests.  Details of the methodology used in testing effectiveness are provided at pages 35— 37 Testing of effectiveness involved measuring:  the effectiveness of a filter in blocking

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 03:20

89 229 0
New Dynamic English  testing & evaluation guide

New Dynamic English testing & evaluation guide

... the length of the lesson, the number of sentences and questions in a lesson, and the kinds of activities which are appropriate in that lesson. To reach the desired level of mastery of the materials ... confirm student mastery of unit content. There are six mastery tests for each level of New Dynamic English, or a total of 24 mastery tests for the series. Access to the tests is controlled through ... six to twelve minutes, and consists of between 20 and 50 test items. Test items are randomly selected from a database of relevant questions, not all of which are used in every test, to

Ngày tải lên: 10/05/2014, 11:51

10 956 7
Báo cáo hóa học: "Development and pilot testing of HEXORR: Hand EXOskeleton Rehabilitation Robot" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: "Development and pilot testing of HEXORR: Hand EXOskeleton Rehabilitation Robot" potx

... partake in activities of daily living. However, these devices vary widely in terms of actuated degrees -of- freedom (DOFs), range of motion and design philosophy. One class of devices uses an “endpoint ... operation of the motor con- trols the radius of the cylinder and guides grasping motions. One disadvantage of endpoint control and actuated objects is limited control of the proximal joints of the ... less inside of HEXORR than outside of the device. The PIP rotation (Figure 4B) of the 5 th digit was also significantly less inside of the exoskeleton compared to movements made outside of the device

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

16 721 0
báo cáo hóa học: " The design and testing of a novel mechanomyogram-driven switch controlled by small eyebrow movements" docx

báo cáo hóa học: " The design and testing of a novel mechanomyogram-driven switch controlled by small eyebrow movements" docx

... 5 th order Butterworth filter with a cut-off frequency range of 5-100 Hz. The low cut-off attenuates the effects of move- ment [30], while the high cut-off attenuates any noise beyond the accepted ... tion (250 ms) of the head tracker for emulation of a mouse click. Participants were instrumented with an MMG sensor [29] attached to the frontal belly of the occipitofrontalis muscle of the forehead ... Schematic diagram of equipment set-up. Alves and Chau Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2010, 7:22 http://www.jneuroengrehab.com/content/7/1/22 Page 8 of 10 The primary function of the frontalis

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

10 501 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Cross-cultural development of an item list for computer-adaptive testing of fatigue in oncological patients" potx

báo cáo hóa học:" Cross-cultural development of an item list for computer-adaptive testing of fatigue in oncological patients" potx

... on behalf of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Group (EORTC-QLG) Abstract Introduction: Within an ongoing project of the EORTC Quality of Life Group, ... operationalisation, pre -testing and field testing) resulting in an item bank for CAT. A major focus of the EORTC strategy is guaranteeing cross-cultural applicability of the CAT from the very ... intheanalysisastheywerenotrelevanttotheaimsof this project: • Similarity of items: This is inherent to the develop- ment of an item bank for CAT aiming at covering the whole continuum of fatigue • Response format:

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 15:20

10 461 0
Vessel Collision Design of Bridges pot

Vessel Collision Design of Bridges pot

... frequency of bridge collapse of 0.0001 for critical bridges and an annual frequency of bridge collapse of 0.001 for regular bridges. These annual frequencies correspond to return periods of bridge ... Probability of Aberrancy, PA The probability of vessel aberrancy reflects the likelihood that a vessel is out of control in the vicinity of a bridge. Loss of control may occur as a result of pilot ... work in the area of vessel collision with bridges continues. Several aspects, such as the magnitude of the collision loads to be used in design, and the appropriate combi- nation of extreme events

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 12:20

19 505 1
The Evolution of Bridges in the United States pptx

The Evolution of Bridges in the United States pptx

... Early U.S. Bridges 67.3 The Canal Era Turnpikes • Timber Bridges • Covered Timber Bridges • Iron Bridges 67.4 The Railroad Era Trusses • Railroad Trestles • Steel Arch Bridges • Kit Bridges ... users of bridges in the United States. (Courtesy of American Society of Civil Engineers.) © 2000 by CRC Press LLC Timber Bridges Timber is easy to work and build with. But timber bridges ... a concrete bridge in 1961. (Courtesy of California Department of Transportation.) © 2000 by CRC Press LLC Covered Timber Bridges Many timber bridges of the 19th century were covered to protect

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 12:20

50 286 0
Designation: C 110 – 00 - Physical Testing of Quicklime, Hydrated Lime, and Limestone1 doc

Designation: C 110 – 00 - Physical Testing of Quicklime, Hydrated Lime, and Limestone1 doc

... rise in 30 s is a measure of the reactivity of the softer-burned portion of the quicklime Total slaking time provides a measure of the overall degree of reactivity of the material Total temperature ... 04.02 of the Annual Book of ASTM Standards For tests on limestone as building stone, see Vol 04.05 of the Annual Book of ASTM Standards Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.01 Annual Book of ASTM ... 61⁄2 to 31⁄2 to 51⁄2 Constants of the Machine: Absorption of Porcelain Base Plate—minimum of 40 g in 24 h For rate of absorption of base plates see Dimension of Base Plate—25 mm (1 in.)

Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2014, 23:20

19 432 0
Designation: C 473 – 00 - Physical Testing of Gypsum Panel Products1 docx

Designation: C 473 – 00 - Physical Testing of Gypsum Panel Products1 docx

... constant rate of strain instrument 10 Apparatus 10.1 Testing Machine, of any type that is of sufficient capacity and that is capable of providing a rate of loading at a strain rate of 1.0 in./min ... lbf/s (4.45 N/s) 610 % Apply the load with a device independent of manual control of the rate of loading during an individual sample test (see Fig 1) The deformation of the specimen controls the ... Absorptiveness of Nonbibulous Paper and Paperboard (Cobb Test)3 E Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines4 Apparatus—Method A 6.1 Testing Machine—Apply the test load at a uniform rate of lbf/s

Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2014, 23:20

12 271 0
Báo cáo khoa học: " Validity and reliability testing of two instruments to measure breast cancer patients'''' concerns and information needs relating to radiation therapy" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: " Validity and reliability testing of two instruments to measure breast cancer patients'''' concerns and information needs relating to radiation therapy" pdf

... preset level of significance (<0.05). The recommendation is that a correlation of at least 0.70 is achieved; this was achieved in 6 out of 24 items, and 7 out of 24 items had ICCs of between ... criteria of over 50% inter-item correla- tion between 0.30 and 0.70 [21]. Items 8 (impact of treat- ment on life) and 9 (impact of treatment on future) had an inter-item correlation of 0.82 suggesting ... and given the pilot stage of the research warrant further testing. In the case of the 24-item 'RT Information Needs Scale', a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.86 was obtained at

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 10:21

10 407 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "Genetic variation of traits measured in several environments. I. Estimation and testing of homogeneous genetic and intra-class correlations between environments" ppt

Báo cáo sinh học: "Genetic variation of traits measured in several environments. I. Estimation and testing of homogeneous genetic and intra-class correlations between environments" ppt

... Estimation of between family 26 September 1994) (or genotype) components of (co)variance environments, testing of homogeneity of genetic correlations between environments, and testing of homogeneity of ... the sum of a quadratic form and the trace of parts of the inverse coefficient matrix of the mixed model equations (as described in Foulley and Quaas, 1994) Note also that simple forms of [12b] ... the reduced model of table II : i (H homogeneity of genetic correlations between environments only) Convergence of the EM-REML procedure was measured as the norm of the vector of changes in genetic

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 18:21

13 417 0
Báo cáo y học: "Virtual screening, identification and experimental testing of novel inhibitors of PBEF1/Visfatin/ NMPRTase for glioma therap" doc

Báo cáo y học: "Virtual screening, identification and experimental testing of novel inhibitors of PBEF1/Visfatin/ NMPRTase for glioma therap" doc

... on the grade of the tumor (increased expression of NMPRTase with greater progres- sion of the disease, Grade IV > Grade III > Grade II) [5]. Observation of increased rates of NAD + metabolism ... software [13]. In addition to the generation of energy minimized 3D structures, Schrodinger Ligprep was also used for addition of hydrogens and desalting of metal ions. The main objectiv e of ... analysis. The result of the virtual screening of the data- set is summarized in Table 2. For selection of potential ligands, a nalysis of ligand protein contacts for top ran king poses of every ligand

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 09:22

12 339 0

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