... did that work? The end of the billing cycle happened on the 20th of each month I told the printer to charge the entire cost on the 21st The next credit card statement wouldn t be mailed until the ... in the Alphabet of Idiocy the state, and the nation, twisting that once-gentle breeze into an EF5 super tornado that took the tower down What led the first deadbeat to call it quits? Falling home ... telling them to buy trifles they don t need using debt they can t repay They stumble down the path paved by big business that transfers their income to corporate coffers They don t realize that the...
Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2014, 13:05
... at the start of the lease; the cost of the lease; the MSRP; a statement that the price includes all of the costs to be paid by the consumer except for licensing, registration and taxes; whether ... able to tell that it is a balloon note is by reading it carefully, especially in the section that spells out the number of payments and the amount of each payment At that spot the contract should ... told the interest rate, the lessor will quote a rate that will likely be in the form of a money factor which is an interest rate Nevertheless, it is not hard to translate the money factor into...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 12:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Don’t ‘have a clue’? Unsupervised co-learning of downward-entailing operators" pptx
... synergy between DE-operator and pNPI retrieval Figure plots the number of correctly retrieved DE operators in the top k outputs at each iteration The point at iteration corresponds to a datapoint already ... output of the algorithm to be the ranked list of DE operators retrieved in the DE-learning step In our experiments, we initialized n to 10 and set nr to Romanian results Our results show that there ... algorithm that can extract DE operators in the many languages where a high-quality NPI DLD09 policies: (a) “NPI context” was defined as the part of the sentence to the left of the NPI up to the first...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 00:20
Don''''t Ask What I Shot: How President Eisenhower’s Love of Golf Helped Shape 1950’s America potx
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 01:21
‘I don’t feel human’ Experiences of destitution among young refugees and migrants pdf
... opposition to statutory duties to promote the well-being and best interests of children Children’s rights According to international legislation, the best interests of the child should be a primary ... monitoring of their situation is extremely limited Length of destitution Although the lack of central data on destitution means there are no definitive statistics for this, Home Office data29 ... destitute but that they not have the resources to so Therefore, our advocacy work often necessitates the involvement of solicitors and the threat of legal action Our practitioners have found that...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 00:21
BE GARAGE WISE - Don’t get taken for a ride when you take your car in for a service docx
... part fails) The details on any new MOT certificate are correct and that it has been correctly stamped The service record book has been stamped with the garage’s stamp and that the relevant details ... contacted to agree to a price before it is done Or instead, you might agree an upper level of extra costs before the garage need contact you In this case confirm that the extra work or parts ... whole exhaust Catalytic Converters Unfortunately, these can be expensive and it’s hard to tell if there’s a problem To be sure, it’s best to get advice from an engine diagnostics specialist If your...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 10:20
báo cáo sinh học:" "I won''''t be staying here for long": a qualitative study on the retention of migrant nurses in Ireland" ppt
... permanent posts within the health system and that provided them with stability of employment, this was not matched in terms of the availability of a long-term, secure immigration status for migrant ... automatically provide migrants with entitlements to permanently settle These "dramatic shifts in the destinations of migration, restrictions on residency and strict limitations on settlement" [36] ... 30s) The desire to be settled, as expressed by respondents, contrasts with the stereotype of the migrant nurse as an extremely mobile individual, constantly seeking better opportunities internationally...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20
Báo cáo y học: "If you don''''t believe it, it won''''t help you": use of bush medicine in treating cancer among Aboriginal people in Western Australia" pps
... exploration of these issues may be needed but this needs to start with clinicians being alert to the possibility of use of bioactive agents that are not prescribed Recognition and understanding of the ... but rather that they did not have access to the source, got confused about what would be better for them to use, or were unsure about the process of taking it Not easy to get Many participants, ... communities the cause of cancer is attributed to a number of different things; stress and/or the influence and impact of the dominant culture and sometimes cultural causes It is often interpreted...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 09:21
báo cáo khoa học: "T cell subpopulations in lymph nodes may not be predictive of patient outcome in colorectal cancer" pps
... cases The same was not true, however, of nodes taken from the same patient, with the between-node standard deviation approximately the same as the between-patient standard deviation for all three ... great as the variation observed from one patient to another Given the large amount of within-patient variability that was observed across multiple lymph nodes from the same patient, the task of ... authors report an association between high numbers of Tregs and positive patient outcome [17,18], although Salama et al found a negative association between patient outcome and high frequency of...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:21
báo cáo khoa học: "Why don’t hospital staff activate the rapid response system (RRS)? How frequently is it needed and can the process be improved?" potx
... function of the MET and pathways to access help These clinical areas are in turn situated within the complexity of the character of the institution itself One of the many potential factors that ... will be interviewed to determine why a MET call had not been made Data collected from these structured interviews will be used due to the time constraints of the study and potential to interrupt ... given for the clinical staffs’ predictions may not always be obvious, even to them This ‘sixth sense’ of being able to project the future state is often the result of cues that may not be consciously...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:23
Báo cáo y học: " Why don''''t physicians adhere to guideline recommendations in practice? An analysis of barriers among Dutch general practitioners" pdf
... large number of potential barriers have been identified operating at different levels, such as the level of the practitioner, the level of the patient, the organisational context, and the social ... due to heterogeneity of patient populations Other studies also demonstrated that lack of applicability is an important barrier to guideline adherence, particularly to patients with comorbidity ... hypnotics in patients with a sleeping disorder But now, people tell me: don' t it, it demands a lot of energy, without any predicted result Then you start thinking: hands off, leave it.' INERTIA OF...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 05:21
báo cáo khoa học: " Why don''''t physicians adhere to guideline recommendations in practice? An analysis of barriers among Dutch general practitioners" doc
... large number of potential barriers have been identified operating at different levels, such as the level of the practitioner, the level of the patient, the organisational context, and the social ... due to heterogeneity of patient populations Other studies also demonstrated that lack of applicability is an important barrier to guideline adherence, particularly to patients with comorbidity ... hypnotics in patients with a sleeping disorder But now, people tell me: don' t it, it demands a lot of energy, without any predicted result Then you start thinking: hands off, leave it.' INERTIA OF...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 16:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "The choice of catecholamines in septic shock: more and more good arguments to strengthen the known position, but don’t lose the faith" pptx
... safe and beneficial use of catecholamines in the stabilisation of septic patients we need hard data concerning the effects of patient outcome In the light of this, it is good to know that there ... [6,7] There is no doubt that well-performed studies such as that by Seguin and colleagues enable us to gain deeper insight into the regional effects of catecholamines Nevertheless, for the safe ... flow in the critically III Chest 1995, 108:1648-1654 Smithies M, Yee TH, Jackson L, Beale R, Bihari D: Protecting the gut and the liver in the critically ill: effects of dopexamine Crit Care Med...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 23:22
Báo cáo y học: "A case of bowel entrapment after penetrating injury of the pelvis: don’t forget the omentumplasty" potx
... doi:10.1186/1757-7241-19-34 Cite this article as: Ritchie et al.: A case of bowel entrapment after penetrating injury of the pelvis: don t forget the omentumplasty Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and ... scan with enteric contrast can demonstrate a herniated or entrapment bowel in the fracture [4,5] To treat the problem and avoid recurrent obstruction an omentoplasty was performed to seal the pelvic ... pelvic cavity The use of the greater omentum in the pelvic cavity was first described for repair of fistulas in the genitourinary tract Since then, different use of omentum have been promoted in...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 23:20
Thiết kế một dầm chính của một cầu ô tô có nhịp kiểu giản đơn bằng bê tông cốt thép thường có tiết diện dạng chữ t
... lc ct 2.2.1 Ve ng nh hng lc ct ti cỏc tit din Hỡnh : ng nh hng lc ct i vi tng mt ct 11 2.2.2 T nh toỏn t nh lc ct ti mt ct no ú, ta tin hnh xp ti bt li nht lờn ng nh hng lc ct ti mt ct y T nh ... nhp t nh toỏn Khong cỏch tim hai dm Tnh ti ri u tiờu chun t c dng lờn dm Trng lng bn thõn dm trờn mt di ph thuc vo kớch thc mt ct dm Hot ti thit k H s ti trng ca trng lng bn thõn dm H s ti trng ... xp ti mang t nh bt li nht lờn ng nh hng mụ men ti mt ct y t nh din t ch ng nh hng tng ng di ti trng di u v t nh tung ng nh hng tng ng di ti trng trung a- i vi TTGH cng , mụ men M ti mt ct th...
Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2015, 18:35
Thực đơn cho bé 1 đến 3 tuổi
... b t ăn cơm), miếng đu đủ nhỏ (khoảng 200g); cháo gà (1 b t ăn cơm), qu t ng t; cháo th t lợn (th t heo) b t ăn cơm; chuối… - Bữa trưa: Cơm n t (khoảng lưng b t ăn cơm), ăn kèm loại đậu phụ, th t, ... 1-3 tuổi Bạn tham khảo cân dưỡng ch t dành cho bé ngày sau: - Protein: 16g, t ơng đương 200-400ml sữa kèm với 30g th t - Ch t béo: Bé 1-3 tuổi cần khoảng 30% ch t béo t ng số lượng nạp vào thể ... buổi trưa (trước bữa trưa bé khoảng đồng hồ); buổi t i (sau bữa t i bé khoảng 1-2 đồng hồ trước bé ngủ khoảng đồng hồ) Bé bú mẹ cần t ng cường sữa Giai đoạn 2-3 tuổi Giai đoạn này, bé ăn cơm nát...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 15:17
Don't Bet On It
... “Actually it wasn t even that much time as that contract ended on a moment's notice and I mean that literally We were told the contract wouldn 't be renewed and ten minutes later we were out of the ... refrigerator to get a bottle of Molson Export Ale By the time I returned to the tube with my food, the news was just about over so I changed the station to channel 29 to watch an old episode of Seinfeld ... was still being played in the bottom of the eleventh inning and the score tied at two I had no plans to switch the channel to watch the remainder of the game so I patiently waited for the end of...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 17:32
Don't Make Me Think
... navigation I can t find a link to order products, just a link that lists the products I go to the product list page I see a button that tells me to click it to order their products I click the button ... pages, we tend to assume that users will scan the page, consider all of the available options, and choose the best one In reality though, most of the time users don t choose the best option - they ... did they call it that? The last thing you need is another checklist to add to your stack of Web design checklists The most important thing you can is to just understand the basic principle of...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2013, 09:03