discrete time fourier series ppt

Tài liệu Các Phương Pháp Thống Kê (Statistical Method) đối với Chuỗi Thời gian Kinh tế (Economic Time Series) ppt

Tài liệu Các Phương Pháp Thống Kê (Statistical Method) đối với Chuỗi Thời gian Kinh tế (Economic Time Series) ppt

... kèm Các Phương Pháp Thống Kê (Statistical Method) đối với Chuỗi Thời gian Kinh tế (Economic Time Series) Trích từ tài liệu: The Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred ... dịch chuyển theo các hướng khác nhau trong ngắn hạn). Tính hay biến đổi của thời gian và ARCH (Time- Varying Volatility and Arch) Đánh giá nguy cơ là điểm cốt lõi của các hoạt động về thị trường...

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 23:20

7 622 2
Stochastic Finance An Introduction in Discrete Time ppt

Stochastic Finance An Introduction in Discrete Time ppt

... assets. Their initial prices at time t = 0 areknown, theirfuture pricesat timet = 1 aredescribed asrandom variables onsome probability space. Trading takes place at time t = 0. Already in this simple ... one-period model, these assets are priced at the initial time t = 0 and at the final time t = 1. We assume that the i th asset is available at time 0 for a price π i ≥ 0. The collection π = (π 0 ,π 1 , ... investor at time t = 0 will also depend on the information available at time 0. Thus, we assume that ξ = (ξ 0 ,ξ 1 , ,ξ d ) is an F 0 -measurable random vector. The asset prices observed at time t...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 23:20

474 308 0
Discrete Time Systems Part 3 ppt

Discrete Time Systems Part 3 ppt

... matrices S t (j)=  P t−j,t/t C t T −δ 0,j H t R t  C t −1 ( j = 0, 1, ···, L − 1 ) , (82) 65 New Smoothers for Discrete- time Linear Stochastic Systems with Unknown Disturbances Discrete Time Systems 52 Chang, K. C.; Tian, Z. & Saha, R. ... filter reaches its steady state. In this case, the EC P is given by (13). Now, 74 Discrete Time Systems Discrete Time Systems 50 This completes the proof of Theorem 2. Proof of Theorem 3 a., ... matrix. 55 New Smoothers for Discrete- time Linear Stochastic Systems with Unknown Disturbances This chapter investigates the behavior of the Kalman filter for discrete- time linear systems whose output...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

30 281 0
Discrete Time Systems Part 4 pptx

Discrete Time Systems Part 4 pptx

... as P k+1|k =  P 11,k+1|k P 12,k+1|k P T 12,k +1|k P 22,k+1|k  , (50) 101 Kalman Filtering for Discrete Time Uncertain Systems Kalman Filtering for Discrete Time Uncertain Systems 15 above its error variance prediction, i.e., ... concentration of a given medicine in his patient. Kalman Filtering for Discrete Time Uncertain Systems 6 12 Discrete Time Systems Using (74), we can simplify the expressions for Φ ∗ k , K ∗ k and ... E  e (j) i,k  2 , (81) E  e (j) i,k  ≈ 1 N N ∑ j=1 e (j) i,k , (82) 104 Discrete Time Systems Kalman Filtering for Discrete Time Uncertain Systems 13 Step 0 (Initial conditions):  x 0|−1 = x 0 and...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

30 314 0
Discrete Time Systems Part 6 pptx

Discrete Time Systems Part 6 pptx

... the discrete time Riccati equation (7), then it also is a stabilizing solution to the discrete time Riccati inequality (6). According to the concept of stabilizing solution of discrete time ... will consider two discrete time mixed LQR/ H ∞ control problems. One is the discrete time state feedback mixed LQR/ H ∞ control problem, another is the non-fragile discrete time state feedback ... Feedback Control of Discrete- time LTI Systems: Scaling LMI Approaches Discrete Time Systems 140 Fig. 1. Responses of the system for nonlinear descriptor system in discrete time 7. References...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

30 344 0
Discrete Time Systems Part 7 ppt

Discrete Time Systems Part 7 ppt

... a discrete time Riccati equation, we derive the simple approach to discrete time state feedback mixed LQR/ H ∞ control problem by combining the Lyapunov method for proving the discrete time ... for uncertain discrete- time systems with time- varying delays have given in the literature. In this paper, we consider the stabilization for a nominal discrete- time system with time- varying delay ... continuous -time delay systems. In addition, most results have focused on state feedback stabilization of discrete- time systems with time- varying delays. Only a few results on observer design of discrete- time...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

30 365 0
Discrete Time Systems Part 9 ppt

Discrete Time Systems Part 9 ppt

... continuous time dynamics of the system into a discrete- time model. The ODEs in (1)-(2) can be described in a compact form by ˙v = M −1 p[η,v]+ M −1 τ (10) ˙η = q[η,v], (11) 258 Discrete Time Systems 5.6 ... consensus problems for discrete- time multi-agent systems with switching topology and time- varying delays have been presented by using matrix theories. In Moreau (2005), a discrete- time network model of ... in sequences, in matrices or sample -time points. In time sequences, one will distinguish between a prediction x n+1 at time t n from a sample x[t n ]=x t n at sample time t n . Often we apply the notation...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

30 315 0
Discrete Time Systems Part 12 ppt

Discrete Time Systems Part 12 ppt

... Hence, the grey discrete time system (1) is asymptotically stable by Lemma 2.1. 3. Grey discrete time systems with time- delay Considering the grey discrete time system with a time- delay as follows: ... grey discrete time systems with time- delay whose state matrices are interval matrices. A novel sufficient condition is obtained to ensure the stability of grey discrete time systems with time- delay. ... the grey discrete time time-delay systems. The proposed examples clearly demonstrate that the criteria presented in this paper for the stability of grey discrete time systems with time- delay...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

30 387 0
Các phương pháp xử lý tín hiệu dùng bộ lọc, phương pháp Fourier Transform, STFT(  Short Time Fourier Transform)

Các phương pháp xử lý tín hiệu dùng bộ lọc, phương pháp Fourier Transform, STFT( Short Time Fourier Transform)

... Trong miền tần số: phương pháp Fourier Transform. - Trong miền thời gian và tần số: STFT( Short Time Fourier Transform). 2.4.1. Phương pháp Fourier: Biến đổi Fourier: Cho một hàm f(t) ... kết thúc của sự kiện thì Fourier không phát hiện được. 2.4.2. Phương pháp STFT: Để đạt được một biến đổi Fourier cục bộ, chúng ta có thể định nghĩa một biến đổi Fourier cửa sổ. Tín hiệu đầu ... đổi Fourier của nó được định nghĩa: () () () tfedtetfF titj , ωω ω == ∫ ∞ ∞− − (2.14) Biến đổi Fourier ngược là: () () ∫ ∞ ∞− = ωω π ω deFtf tj 2 1 (2.15) Giả sử rằng biến đổi Fourier...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2013, 16:14

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