... to people, and people to information By joining InCommon and adopting federated trust services, colleges and universities will be able to shape this endeavor to meet their needs— gaining vendor ... provisioning and the end-user experience in the broadest sense and looking at transactions differently—taking into consideration the various interdependencies among groups providing services and developing ... role in shaping the Internet into what it is today and in continuing to push to advance the state-of-the-art InCommon represents the community coming together to solve one of the most vexing issues...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2013, 09:44
... appeared during these interviews Almost all the lay counsellors we interviewed were interested in future training and continuing in what was considered a professional field, including obtaining advanced ... studies to ensure that trainees understand the concepts and methods of HIV counselling and testing In the four-week practicum, each trainee practices counselling and testing http://www.human-resources-health.com/content/7/1/44 ... available to provide CT services As indicated in Table 4, uptake of CT services increased by about 27.3% and 101.3% in Luapula and Copperbelt provinces, respectively, after the introduction of lay...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20
Báo cáo y học: "Increase coverage of HIV and AIDS services in Myanmar" pot
... in Cambodia, $5.6 million in Viet Nam and $92.8 million in Thailand in 2004 [1] Early into the new decade, the United Nations agencies present in Myanmar increased their level of investment and ... Directions in HIV Programming While partners were slowly expanding services, several motivating – and complicating – factors led to a further evolution of HIV strategic planning and coordination ... has introduced life skills training that includes HIV education in the national curriculum for the primary school and in selected secondary schools The programme has been ongoing since 1998 and...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 13:21
BÁO CÁO SEMINAR MÔN HỌC TÍNH TOÁN LƯỚI Tìm hiểu về Applications of SOA and Web Services in
... dịch vụ bản: Name resolution and discovery Service domains Security Policy Messaging, queuing, and logging Events Metering and accounting Data and Information Services Trầ n Anh ... cáo seminar: Applications SOA and WEB services in Grid Computing Domain-Specific Services Standardization Program Execution Data Services Core Services Open Grid Services Infrastructure Web Services ... Báo cáo seminar: Applications SOA and WEB services in Grid Computing Data naming and access Replication Metadata and provenance Resource and Service Management Provisioning and resource...
Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2015, 08:56
... participating in this study from the industry of retailing and financial services in Ho Chi Minh City In the summary of employees’ profile, male and female were equal in the percent by sharing 50% ... continuously transforming organizations to win in tomorrow’s world The individuals and organizations that build leadership engines and invest in leaders developing other leaders have a sustainable ... employees in Ho Chi Minh City currently working in the industry of retailing and financial services For paper survey, I distributed 130 questionnaires to the employees in Crescent Mall and 115...
Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2015, 20:09
Tài liệu Integrating Youth-Friendly Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Public Health Facilities: A Success Story and Lessons Learned in Tanzania ppt
... building (Pathfinder International); policy and advocacy, and coordination and dissemination (UNFPA); and behavior change communication and life and livelihood skills (PATH) In Tanzania, the AYA initiative ... collaborator and host, especially the President’s Office - Planning and Privatization, and the Ministries of Health, Mainland and Zanzibar The following were implementing partners of AYA/Pathfinder: ... providing services to youth attending MCH clinics for antenatal care or family planning, and as a result of both the training and experience of service providers in youth issues, as well as demand...
Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 16:20
Enhancing Elderly Care Services in Asia and the Pacific pptx
... role in providing elderly care services and training in cooperation with government agencies Intergovernmental and international organizations should provide support for capacity building initiatives, ... caregivers in the elderly care service sector Governments should develop regulations and guidelines for training in elderly care services and monitor the certification of training centers Geriatrics and ... discrimination, abuse and violence against older persons, including ageism, in health care and other settings Health systems need to be adapted to address the rising demands for medical services...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:20
USAA Trust Services - Protect your future and that of your loved ones pot
... Responsibilities of a Trustee creating a trust is selecting the right trustee A trustee is responsible for ensuring that your investments, assets and financial affairs are • Loyalty handled in accordance ... according to your wishes in case of incapacity or death Two commonly used types of personal trusts are the Living Trust and the Testamentary Trust A Living Trust goes into effect during your lifetime, ... your trust during your lifetime and at death You can trust USAA Trusts can be complicated and time-consuming to administer, therefore, many turn to an institution with professional trust administrators...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 10:20
Heating and Water Services Design in Buildings pptx
... Telephone 0171 865 0066 Heating and Water Services Design in Buildings Keith J.Moss I ENG., ACIBSE Visiting lecturer in Building Services Engineering to The City of Bath College and the University of ... 246 Sources of information Index 247 249 Preface Heating and Water Services Design in Buildings has been written following 13 years in the industry and 27 years teaching and consultancy work The ... am indebted to Mr Shaw, Mr Sedgley and Mr Douglas, who were my principal teachers at what used to be called the National College in Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Fan Engineering, and...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 17:20
Adolescents’ Use of Maternal and Child Health Services In Developing Countries pdf
... the third DPT and the measles vaccinations In six countries—one in Africa (Uganda), two in Latin America (Nicaragua and Peru) and three in Asia (Bangladesh, India and Indonesia)—infants born to ... adolescents in at least one of the three younger subgroups Of these cases, eight were in Asia (India and Indonesia), five in Latin America (Guatemala and Peru) and three in Africa (Uganda) Most ... clustering, mothers’ education and the determinants of child mortality in rural Punjab, India, Population Stud- 14 13 Palloni A and Millman S, Effects of inter-birth intervals and breastfeeding on infant...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 11:20
Clinic-Based Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services in Africa: Findings from Situation Analysis Studies pptx
... symptoms Indicators of Readiness and Quality: Basic Findings 29 BASIC STUDY FINDINGS & THEIR UTILIZATION Indicators of Readiness and Quality: Basic Findings Kate Miller, Heidi Jones, and Marjorie ... nearby) Clinic-Based Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services in Africa OPERATIONS RESEARCH AND THE SUPPLY-DEMAND CONTROVERSY As family planning programs in Asia and Latin America expanded ... date of clinic-based services in Africa and represents the state of the art in measuring, ensuring, and improving the quality of family planning services The results presented herein form a common...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 14:20
Postal Savings and the Provision of Financial Services: Policy Issues and Asian Experiences in the Use of the Postal Infrastructure for Savings Mobilization pdf
... the use of home Internet and telephone banking services in place of postal counter services in Finland and other countries invite further scrutiny Although Internet usage in Finland is 43 per cent, ... elimination of postal savings and other postal services For example, the Finnish Postal Savings Bank (PSP) was founded in 1887 The PSP first invested in State bonds and in the 1920s and 1930s increasingly ... author in 2000 to observe postal financial services operations, training centres and national savings institutions, and to meet with postal, national savings bank, central bank and finance ministry...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20
Bringing the Hidden Giants to the Footlight: the Role of Savings and Retail Banks in Increasing the Level of Access to Financial Services docx
... program in wholesale lending to microfinance institutions for lending to their micro borrowers Savings banks could refinance well-functioning microfinance institutions individually or indirectly ... between savings banks and MFIs There are two fields where a closer link between savings banks and MFIs would be directly and mutually beneficial: linking savings to microcredits and linking remittances ... extended Government Savings Bank (GSB) of Thailand has been very active in implementing policies and measures to alleviate and eradicate poverty in the country Individually and in collaboration with...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:20
... Therefore, financial accounting and reporting are being dealt with in national laws and international accounting standards” The aim is arguably to reduce the principal-agent problem by measuring and ... changes in corporate accounting and reporting standards towards integrating both financial and BES data sets The accelerating biodiversity crisis, associated with the deep changes in stakeholders’ informational ... in accounting and reporting standards we call for? In accordance with the principles of financial accounting, we argue that it should be the individual transaction and its associated accounting...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 22:20
Determinants of male involvement in maternal and child health services in sub-Saharan Africa: a review potx
... pivotal role in decisionmaking within the home, and are often the main bread winners, establishing their buy -in and support for PMTCT activities and interventions is critical [9-14] A husband‟s role ... Africa” And the grouped terms“ PMTCT and partners”; “VCT and acceptability in PMTCT”; “barriers and/ or factors”;“ Male involvement in PMTCT”; “Male involvement in reproductive health” Screening and ... different definitions of male involvement in PMTCT are used in different studies resulting in difficulties when comparing data between these studies Determining a consensus definition of male involvement...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 12:20
ELDERLY SERVICES IN HEALTH CENTERS: A Guide to Address Unique Challenges of Caring for Elderly People with Disabilities, Frailty, and Other Special Needs pot
... funds Such plans, in addition to accepting financial risk, provide care coordination services and long term care services including home and community based services along with being responsible ... providing all Medicare and Medicaid covered services including long term care and acute hospital care Primary care services are also provided by the PACE program in a clinic setting utilizing employed ... careful business planning • Health centers delivering services should understand Medicare and Medicaid regulations that may apply to billing for services in a home setting Barriers: • Staffing capacity...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 13:20
Consultee-Centered Consultation Improving the Quality of Professional Services in Schools and Community Organisations ppt
... forces originate in the conscious and unconscious mind of individuals, in interpersonal and family influences, in forces inside the consultee institution and in traditional values and practices, ... caregiving institutions and individual caregivers in the community and to involve these in joint action that achieves the goal of reducing rates of mental disorder in the population, and which ... used in serving clients with varying presenting problems in diverse settings, and presents some techniques that have proved valuable in enhancing the problem-solving repertoires of consultant and...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 15:20
The impact of and responses to HIV/AIDS in the private security and legal services industry in South Africa potx
... employees in 34 workplaces involved mainly in mining and manufacturing in Botswana, South Africa and Zambia during 2000–2001, found a national prevalence rate of 14.5% in South Africa and showed ... National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NCID) National Health Laboratory Services in Johannesburg and the Global Clinical and Viral Laboratory for undertaking HIV testing during the main study and ... costs, including shifts in direct costs, such as medical, retirement and funeral benefits, replacement recruitment and retraining, and HIV/AIDS prevention and wellness programmes, indirect costs, including...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 18:20
... representation and use of focus in a system for understanding dialogs In Proceedin~ of =he Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Cambridge: MIT Hobbs, J.R (1978) Resolving pronoun ... strategy is ~o examine can- In a sentence such as : didates serially beginning with the one menKioned most (2) recently and working back through the text a series of inferences based in part an out ... ' lexlcal' inferences are some of ~he passages seemed to elicit inferences at drawn only once and in response to an anaphoric expres- reading; the number of passages was increased in the sion...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 01:21