direct reforming fuel cells

integrated product and process design and development the product realization process, second edition (environmental & energy engineering)

integrated product and process design and development the product realization process, second edition (environmental & energy engineering)

... technical detail, costs, and schedule • Communicates and interacts frequently and directly with all IP2D2 members • Maintains direct contact with customers • Possesses market imagination, and has the ... from a portion of the master’s thesis of Arun Kunchithapatham, who integrated, under the author’s direction, this material into a computer tool called the Design Advisor Drs Ioannis Minis and Guang ... award titled “Preparing Engineers for Manufacturing in the 21st Century,” of which the author was director © 2010 by Taylor & Francis Group 70606_Book.indb 16 6/23/09 10:03:10 AM Authors Edward...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 11:39

312 3K 0
Life cycle analysis and environmental effect of electric vehicles market evolution in portugal

Life cycle analysis and environmental effect of electric vehicles market evolution in portugal

... assessment WTT starts with the fuel feedstock production, followed by fuel production, and ends with the fuel distribution to the pump or vehicle tank, while TTW focus on the fuel utilization at the ... thermic coal Natural Gas Fuel Nuclear Combine cycle Especial regime production hydraulic thermic wind photovoltaic/solar Total Net Total *MJ used to produce fuel/ MJ final fuel used ES+PT ES+PT ES+PT ... GDP (current Euro €) in Portugal In Figure 3, the directions highlighted by the black arrows are placed in the current GDP and represent the direction of the objectives since that year beyond,...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 10:32

24 304 0
Tài liệu Aging Aircraft - USAF Workload and Material Consumption Life Cycle Patterns pdf

Tài liệu Aging Aircraft - USAF Workload and Material Consumption Life Cycle Patterns pdf

... forecast MSR growth rate was equivalent to 0.7 percent annually Working with direct maintenance labor, overhead, and direct material consumption data, Stoll and Davis (1993) also examined Navy ... to force planners, maintenance production planners, maintenance policy analysts, system program directors, and logistics and cost analysts Planners can use the empirical and analytic results in ... to forecast how workloads and costs may grow in both the near term and long term System program directors can use those results to gain an integrated perspective of the end-to-end resource and...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 11:20

221 410 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Stage specific expression of poly(malic acid)-affiliated genes in the life cycle of Physarum polycephalum Spherulin 3b and polymalatase potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Stage specific expression of poly(malic acid)-affiliated genes in the life cycle of Physarum polycephalum Spherulin 3b and polymalatase potx

... secondary nested PCR were ligated with pGEMÒT-vector and were transformed into DH10B competent cells About 70 white colonies were obtained in total, 52 of which were selected Plasmid DNAs were ... macroplasmodia harvested 24 h after microinjection and referenced to 1048 the amount of protein in the same cells Knockdown of mRNA in Fig 3A was found to be paralleled by a severe reduction to 3.5 ± 0.5 ... LGC Promochem, Wesel, Germany) were grown axenically in semidefined medium (SDM) as described [28] Cells were harvested for SSH after days Macroplasmodia were obtained by fusion of 400 lL of packed...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 12:20

10 639 0
Global Guidance PrinciPles for life cycle assessment databases: A Basis for Greener Processes and Products ppt

Global Guidance PrinciPles for life cycle assessment databases: A Basis for Greener Processes and Products ppt

... cycle approaches cover carbon and water footprints only Carbon footprint is a measure of the direct and indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with all activities in the products life ... LCA that concentrates on GHG emissions Water footprint is a measure of the impacts of the direct and indirect water use and consumption associated with all activities in the products life cycle ... consequential approach attempts to provide information on the environmental burdens that occur, directly or indirectly, as a consequence of a decision (usually represented by changes in demand for a...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 23:20

160 526 0
Life Cycle Management - How business uses it to decrease footprint, create opportunities and make value chains more sustainable ppt

Life Cycle Management - How business uses it to decrease footprint, create opportunities and make value chains more sustainable ppt

... CO2 SF6 CH4 Scope – Electricity and heat indirect GHG from the generation of purchased electricity N2O HFCs PFCs SCOPE SCOPE DIRECT SCOPE INDIRECT INDIRECT EMPLOYEES’ BUSINESS TRAVEL PURCHASED ... oil, steel and land for biofuels Increasing resource efficiency will allow a decrease in direct material costs, and Energy efficiency is closely related to the also in indirect costs such as those ... reduction opportunities The accounting framework looks at both direct Reducing the footprint over the full life cycle (Scope 1) and indirect emissions (Scopes and is an important way of promoting...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 09:20

48 1,1K 0
Screening environmental life cycle assessment of printed,web based and tablet e-paper newspaper ppt

Screening environmental life cycle assessment of printed,web based and tablet e-paper newspaper ppt

... database (Mint) was used For rural distribution the fuel consumption was estimated to be 0.015 litre fuel/ newspaper, as compared to 0.0043 litre fuel/ newspaper in the European scenario The district ... is about to change as the WEEE directive comes into force The levels to be met for IT and telecommunications equipment and consumer equipment, according to the Directive, are 75% recovery (e.g ... from an internal STFI-Packforsk database (Mint) gave estimations on fuel consumption for urban distribution: 0.0043 litre fuel/ newspaper Recycled fibre and waste management of post-consumer waste...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 02:20

104 1,1K 2
The welfare state as a determinant of women’s health: support for women’s quality of life in Canada and four comparison nations pptx

The welfare state as a determinant of women’s health: support for women’s quality of life in Canada and four comparison nations pptx

... considers how the one aspect of neo-liberal ideology—the exaggerated emphasis on reducing taxes—directly benefits the wealthy and powerful and translates into both increasing economic inequality ... orientation towards the market-oriented policies associated with the UK and the US [92] Such a direct does not bode well for Canadian women and their quality of life [93] Caregiving in the US ... Justice; 2003 [25] Raphael D, Bryant T, Curry-Stevens A Toronto Charter outlines future health policy directions for Canada and elsewhere Health Promotion International, in press [26] United Nations...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 11:20

17 843 0
Solid Waste Management and Greenhouse Gases A Life-Cycle Assessment of Emissions and Sinks potx

Solid Waste Management and Greenhouse Gases A Life-Cycle Assessment of Emissions and Sinks potx

... majority of process energy CO2 emissions are from the direct combustion of fuels, e.g., to operate ore mining equipment or to fuel a blast furnace Fuel also is needed to extract the oil or mine the ... British thermal units or Btu), and the fuel mix (e.g., diesel oil, natural gas, fuel oil) Next, emissions factors for each type of fuel were used to convert fuel consumption to GHG emissions As ... majority of CO2 emissions are from combustion of fuels used directly, e.g., to operate mining equipment or fuel a blast furnace CO2 emissions from fuels used to generate electricity during the manufacturing...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 13:20

170 1K 0
báo cáo khoa học:" Unmet needs, quality of life and support networks of people with dementia living at home" potx

báo cáo khoa học:" Unmet needs, quality of life and support networks of people with dementia living at home" potx

... he/she was knowledgeable about the person with dementia and spent a minimum of hours a week in direct contact (face to face) with them Only one person was considered the nominated carer A sample, ... needs were entered as IV with quality of life rated by carers as the DV The amount of mediation (indirect effect) was calculated by subtracting the regression coefficient (social network to quality ... 0.537 0.200 = 0.337 which suggests a partial mediating effect The Sobel test indicated that the direct effect of social network on quality of life rated by carers was significantly reduced when...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 01:21

14 330 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Plant origin and ploidy influence gene expression and life cycle characteristics in an invasive weed" ppsx

báo cáo khoa học: " Plant origin and ploidy influence gene expression and life cycle characteristics in an invasive weed" ppsx

... transposon and ABA99201, a mutator subclass transposon (Table 3) Both are type II transposons that move directly as DNA elements through a 'cut and paste' mechanism [58] Only the CACTA transposon gave ... PAL1 gene promoter-green fluorescent protein reporter system to analyse defence responses in live cells of Arabidopsis thaliana European Journal of Plant Pathology 2003, 109:83-94 Staginnus C, Huettel...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 03:20

13 299 0
Báo cáo y học: " Restriction by APOBEC3 proteins of endogenous retroviruses with an extracellular life cycle: ex vivo effects and in vivo "traces" on the murine IAPE and human HERV-K elements" pot

Báo cáo y học: " Restriction by APOBEC3 proteins of endogenous retroviruses with an extracellular life cycle: ex vivo effects and in vivo "traces" on the murine IAPE and human HERV-K elements" pot

... + neo +1 IAPE Env VSV-G Env ± APOBEC3 OR Transfection Transfection Infection 293T cells 293T cells HeLa target cells G418 selection (detection of infection events) HeLa G418R clones B IAPE-D HERV-K ... infection Human 293T cells are co-transfected with the indicated expression vectors for APOBEC3 family members, the supernatants collected 2-days post-transfection to infect HeLa target cells, and infection ... 293T cells Supernatants were harvested 48 h post-transfection, filtered through 0.45-μm pore-size PVDF membranes, supplemented with Polybrene (4 μg/ ml), and transferred onto HeLa target cells...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:21

11 277 0
Báo cáo y học: "Evolution of insect proteomes: insights into synapse organization and synaptic vesicle life cycle" pptx

Báo cáo y học: "Evolution of insect proteomes: insights into synapse organization and synaptic vesicle life cycle" pptx

... [110] The database of STRING unifies most types of protein-protein associations, including direct and indirect associations Most high quality experimental data Genome Biology 2008, 9:R27 ... that serves as a link between the cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix in skeletal muscle cells [59]; and the active signaling complex of the metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGC), which ... participate in interconnected protein interaction graphs The protein valence (defined as the number of direct edges from the vertex representing the protein) ranges from seven for ERC2 to 23 for DNM1...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20

26 555 0
Life cycle assessment of carbon and energy balances in jatropha production systems of burkina faso

Life cycle assessment of carbon and energy balances in jatropha production systems of burkina faso

... LandͲuseeffects 135 PerformanceofJatrophacurcasbiofuelproductionpathways 137 EnduseofJatrophacurcasfuels 138 PotentialofglobalcarbontradingforproͲpoormitigation ... Africahasdirectedinternationalattentionontheuseofmodernbioenergy2(Ndonget al.2009).ParticularlyinAfrica,whereoneͲthirdofthetotallandispotentiallyavailable forbiofuelproduction(Caietal.2010)andalargeshareofthepopulationisinvolved ... forbiofuelproduction(Caietal.2010)andalargeshareofthepopulationisinvolved inagriculture,biofuelproductioncanoffermanybenefitstotheruralpoor(Blinetal. 2013).BiofuelscouldprovideresourceͲpoorcountrieswithameanstoinvestintheir...

Ngày tải lên: 19/11/2015, 16:41

183 564 0
Basic Chart Analysis Trends, trading ranges, and support and resistance

Basic Chart Analysis Trends, trading ranges, and support and resistance

... fortunately, you not need to • Identifying trends after they have developed and trading in their direction (buying into the beginning of an uptrend or selling into the beginning of a downtrend) ... pullbacks) Identifying reversal points where trends seem likely to end and trading in the opposite direction (selling into the end of an uptrend or buying into the end of a downtrend) Of course,...

Ngày tải lên: 30/10/2012, 14:15

5 447 0
Báo cáo y học: "Study of the early steps of the Hepatitis B Virus life cycle"

Báo cáo y học: "Study of the early steps of the Hepatitis B Virus life cycle"

... HepG2 cells than in human liver cells (unpublished data) At the same time, the expressions of the most other genes were found to be approximately equal amongst HepG2 cells and human liver cells ... phenotype of HepG2 cells with respect to liver cells and possibly a role in their susceptibility differences to HBV infection These finding that SIPK was over expressed in HepG2 cells, relative ... to human liver cells, the expression of SPIK gene in the HepG2 cells was overwhelming Using either of the primer sets, SPIK specific bands can be easily detected in the HepG2 cells, but hardly...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 10:09

13 654 1
Life cycle assessment of 50 kWp grid connected solar photovoltaic (SPV) system in India

Life cycle assessment of 50 kWp grid connected solar photovoltaic (SPV) system in India

... amorphous solar cells are very less energy intensive elements as compared to crystalline (mono or poly) but their conversion efficiency is also very less as compared to crystalline solar cells The ... GHG emissions for each electricity generation system As it is evident from the table that fossil fuel based electricity generation systems are very harmful for the environment (Global Warming) ... of solar PV modules for electricity generation is environmental friendly as compared to fossil fuel based energy generation It was found that highest energy consumption and GHG emissions are...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 15:28

8 508 0