digital logic design book pdf download

Digital logic design

Digital logic design

... Computer Engineering ECE380 Digital Logic Introduction to Logic Circuits: Design Examples Dr. D. J. Jackson Lecture 5-2Electrical & Computer Engineering Design examples • Logic circuits provide ... Engineering ECE380 Digital Logic Introduction to Logic Circuits: Synthesis using AND, OR, and NOT gates Dr. D. J. Jackson Lecture 4-2Electrical & Computer Engineering Example logic circuit design • ... AND logical AND –OR logical OR – NOT logical NOT – NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR (covered later) • Assignment operator <= – A variable (usually an output) should be assigned the result of the logic...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 20:00

251 824 0
Tài liệu Complete Digital Design P1 pdf

Tài liệu Complete Digital Design P1 pdf

... chapter are provided below. PART 1 DIGITAL FUNDAMENTALS The first part of this book provides a firm foundation in the concepts of digital logic and computer architecture. Logic is the basis of computers, ... 1, Digital Logic, ” introduces the fundamentals of Boolean logic, binary arithmetic, and flip-flops. Basic terminology and numerical representations that are used throughout digital systems design ... used logic ICs. This chapter is where the rubber meets the road and the basics of logic design become issues of practical implementation. Small design examples pro- vide an idea of how various logic...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 21:18

30 389 0
Tài liệu Text Book of Machine Design P7 pdf

Tài liệu Text Book of Machine Design P7 pdf

... (60) i pr r rr ∃ ∃ # = 127.5 N/mm 2 = 127.5 MPa (tensile) 240 n A Textbook of Machine Design 1. Design of cylinder Let d o = Outer diameter of the cylinder. We know that thickness ... wall thickness, t = .6500 25 mm 2260 t pd ∀ ## !∀ Ans. 234 n A Textbook of Machine Design In the design of thick cylindrical shells, the following equations are mostly used: 1. Lame’s ... p rr x rr 23 !# ∃ 45 67 While designing a tanker, the pressure added by movement of the vehicle also should be considered. 250 n A Textbook of Machine Design Pitch circle diameter...

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 06:20

37 506 1
Tài liệu Text Book of Machine Design P21 pdf

Tài liệu Text Book of Machine Design P21 pdf

... b f1 21.1821.18 21.1821.18 21.18 Design PrDesign Pr Design PrDesign Pr Design Pr ocedurocedur ocedurocedur ocedur e of Chain Dre of Chain Dr e of Chain Dre of Chain Dr e of Chain Dr iviv iviv iv ee ee e The chain drive is designed ... sprocket. 4. Determine the design power by using the service factor, such that Design power = Rated power × Service factor 5. Choose the type of chain, number of strands for the design power and r.p.m. ... of the surfaces of the roller and of the sprocket wheel teeth. 770 n A Textbook of Machine Design v max = 60 dN ∗ m / s where d = Pitch circle diameter of the smaller or driving...

Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 15:20

17 245 0
Digital Logic and Microprocessor Design ppt

Digital Logic and Microprocessor Design ppt

... inverse Digital Logic and Microprocessor Design with VHDL Chapter 2 - Digital Circuits 43 the focus is on the design of the digital circuitry of the microprocessor, the memory, and other supporting digital ... to reduce a Boolean equation Digital Logic and Microprocessor Design with VHDL Chapter 2 - Digital Circuits 51 Digital Logic and Microprocessor Design With VHDL Enoch ... IEEE.STD _LOGIC_ 1164.all; ENTITY NOR3gate IS PORT ( x: IN STD _LOGIC; y: IN STD _LOGIC; z: IN STD _LOGIC; f: OUT STD _LOGIC) ; END NOR3gate; ARCHITECTURE Dataflow OF NOR3gate IS SIGNAL xory, xoryorz : STD _LOGIC; BEGIN xory...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 17:20

512 748 1
Digital Logic and Microprocessor Design With VHDL potx

Digital Logic and Microprocessor Design With VHDL potx

... inverse Digital Logic and Microprocessor Design with VHDL Chapter 2 - Digital Circuits 43 the focus is on the design of the digital circuitry of the microprocessor, the memory, and other supporting digital ... IEEE.STD _LOGIC_ 1164.all; ENTITY Siren IS PORT ( M: IN STD _LOGIC; D: IN STD _LOGIC; V: IN STD _LOGIC; S: OUT STD _LOGIC) ; END Siren; ARCHITECTURE Dataflow OF Siren IS SIGNAL term_1, term_2, term_3: STD _LOGIC; BEGIN term_1 ... Next-state logic  State memory  Output logic  Combinational circuit  Sequential circuit  Transistor level design  Gate level design  Register-transfer level design  Behavioral level design...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 21:20

512 784 0
VHDL dành cho người mới bắt đầu - Programmable Logic Design Quick Start Hand Book

VHDL dành cho người mới bắt đầu - Programmable Logic Design Quick Start Hand Book

... SRAM FPGA). Figure 1.5 Digital Logic History Programmable Logic Design Quick Start Hand Book Page 2 © Xilinx ABSTRACT Whether you design with discrete logic, base all of your designs on microcontrollers, ... Chapter 2 Programmable Logic Design Quick Start Hand Book Page 46 © Xilinx Figure 2.9 Spartan IIE on-chip Memory Xilinx Solution Chapter 2 Programmable Logic Design Quick Start Hand Book Page 45 © Xilinx Spartan-IIE ... After you have finished your first design this book will prove useful as a reference guide or quick start handbook. The book details the history of programmable logic, where and how to use them,...

Ngày tải lên: 08/05/2014, 17:31

201 539 0
fundamentals of digital logic and microcomputer design

fundamentals of digital logic and microcomputer design

... basic point of view. Logic- level design is the design tech- nique in which logic gates are used to design a digital component such as an adder. Final- ly, system-level design is covered for ... C and assembly languages. Three design levels are covered in this book: device level, logic level, and system level. Device-level design, which designs logic gates such as AND, OR, and ... Fundamentals of Digital Logic andhficrocomputer Design. M. Rafiquzzaman Copyright 0 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 24 Fundamentals of Digital Logic and Microcomputer Design Now,...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 10:12

838 596 0
Digital Systems Design and Prototyping: Using Field Programmable Logic and Hardware Description Languages pot

Digital Systems Design and Prototyping: Using Field Programmable Logic and Hardware Description Languages pot

... Organization Logic Cell Memory Function Dynamic Reconfiguration 2.7 Problems and Questions 3 DESIGN TOOLS AND LOGIC DESIGN WITH FPLDS 3.1 Design Framework 3.1.1 3.1.2 Design Steps and Design Framework Compiling ... FIELD PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC DEVICES Programmable logic design is beginning the same paradigm shift that drove the success of logic synthesis within ASIC design, namely the move from schematics to HDL based design ... synthesizable designs in FPLDs. This book focuses on digital systems design and FPLDs combining them into an entity useful for designers in the areas of digital systems and rapid system prototyping....

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 07:20

633 323 0
The Non-Designer''''s Design Book- P1 pdf

The Non-Designer''''s Design Book- P1 pdf

... aJTUJZ£d. II: Is this book for you? This book is written for all the people who need to design pages, but have no background or formal training in design. I don't mean just those who are designing fancy ... solution. This book is not intended to take the place off our years of design school. I do not pretend you will automatically become a brilliant designer after you read this little book. But I do ... on. This book assumes you don't have the time or interest to study design and typography, but you would like to know how to make your pages look better. Well, the premise of this book is...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 17:20

30 443 2
The Non-Designer''''s Design Book- P5 pdf

The Non-Designer''''s Design Book- P5 pdf

... strong, it will look like a mistake. IE!! Part 1: Design Principles Tips on designing web pages Two of the most important factors in good web design are repetition and clarity. A visitor should ... can be particularly stunning when set very large-don't be a wimp! If! Part 2: Designing with Type Conflict A design is in conflict when you set two or more typefaces on the same page that are ... our eyes, as you learned in the previous section about design. One of the most effective, simplest, and satisfying ways to add contrast to a design is with type. Life's but a walking shadow,...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 17:20

30 482 1
The Non-Designer''''s Design Book- P6 pdf

The Non-Designer''''s Design Book- P6 pdf

... when you start to design or re -design something? Start with the focal point. Decide what it is you want readers to see first. Unless you have chosen to create a very concordant design, create your ... graphic design classes-whenever you have a client who insists on his own dorky design and doesn't want to think seriously about your more sophisticated work, make your rendering of his design ... when you're trying to look up something alphabetically. Look at the index in this book (or in any of my books). Contents Introduction. . FurryTells Ladle Rat Rotten Hut Guilty Looks. . Center...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 17:20

30 463 2

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