digital logic design book by p raja

Digital logic design

Digital logic design

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 20:00

251 824 0
Digital Logic and Microprocessor Design ppt

Digital Logic and Microprocessor Design ppt

... (x'y + xy' ) ⊕ z = ( x'y + xy' )z' + (x'y + xy' )'z = x'yz' + xy'z' + (x'y)' (xy' )'z Digital Logic and Microprocessor ... obtain F' as follows F' = (xy'z + xyz' + yz)' = (xy'z)' • (xyz')' • (yz)' = (x'+y+z' ) • (x'+y'+z) • (y'+z' ) ... F'. From the truth table, we obtained F' = x'y'z' + x'y'z + x'yz' + xy'z' and from applying DeMorgan’s Theorem to F, we obtained F'...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 17:20

512 748 1
Digital Logic and Microprocessor Design With VHDL potx

Digital Logic and Microprocessor Design With VHDL potx

... (xy' + x'y + x' + y' + z' ) (x + y' + z) = xy'x + xy'y' + xy'z + x'yx + x'yy' + x'yz + x'x + x'y' + x'z ... y'x + y'y' + y'z + z'x + z'y' + z'z = xy' + xy' + xy'z + 0 + 0 + x'yz + 0 + x'y' + x'z + xy' + y' + y'z ... xz' + y'z' + 0 = xy' + xy'z + x'yz + x'y' + x'z + y' + y'z + xz' + y'z' = y'(x + xz + x' + 1 + z + z')...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 21:20

512 784 0
Comma usage   special excerpt from the little gold grammar book by brandon royal

Comma usage special excerpt from the little gold grammar book by brandon royal

... house burglary. A comma separates the participial phrase “having collected rare coins for more than fi fteen years” from the main sentence. This participle (or participial) phrase serves as an adjective ... non-commercial purposes may do so provided the book, with title and author’s name, is cited as a source. Published by: Maven Publishing 4520 Manilla Road, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2G 4B7 Library ... addition to the paperback edition, this book is available in the Adobe PDF fi le format and through the Mobipocket digital platform, including Amazon Kindle. Technical Credits: Cover Design: George...

Ngày tải lên: 09/11/2013, 19:15

25 592 0


... Snoop Resp Data Req Error Snoop Resp Data Req Error Snoop Resp Data Resp Req Error Snoop Resp Data Req Error Snoop Data Req Error Snoop Resp Data Req Error Snoop Resp Data Figure 3-45. Pipelining ... management Miscellaneous 64 3 27 Power 5 VID TRDY#Response RS# 3 Misc# 5 Misc# Parity# 3 3 Parity# 5 REQ# ADS# 33 A# Misc# BPRI# DBSY# DRDY# LOCK# D# Pentium II CPU Bus arbitration Request Data Snoop Error Φ Figure 3-44. Logical pinout of the Pentium II. Names in upper case are the official ... 5volts +5v Data Φ Figure 3-33. The logical pinout of a generic CPU. The arrows indicate input signals and output signals. The short diagonal lines indicate that multiple pins are used. For a specific CPU, a number...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 09:15

58 459 0
Tài liệu Logic Design with VHDL doc

Tài liệu Logic Design with VHDL doc

... f G5 G6 G7 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q1 Q3' Q1' Q2' X G3 G2 G1 D Q Q' D Q Q' D Q Q' Z G4 D3 Q2' Q1 CLK Q1 Q1' Q2 Q2' Q3' Q3 X X' A1 A2 A3 A5 A6 X' FF1 FF2 FF3 I1 Figure ... adder module (b) Truth Table Cout = X'YCin + XY'Cin + XYCin' + XYCin = XY + XCin + YCin Sum = X'Y'Cin + X'YCin' + XY'Cin' + XYCin = X + Y + Cin Figure ... '1' since bit signals are initialized to '0' by default end DFF; architecture SIMPLE of DFF is begin process (CLK) process is executed when CLK changes begin if CLK = '1'...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 09:16

438 487 1
Analog and digital filter design

Analog and digital filter design

... loop filters are usually quite simple, but poor design can cause instability of the loop. Many people avoid designing phase-locked loops for this reason. Chapter 13 provides some examples ... each tapping point) to produce the average of several samples. As time goes on the samples ripple through the filter, 28 Analog and Digital Filter Design filter with the appropriate ... stopband. Chebyshev filters have ripple in the passband but have a smooth decay in the stopband. Inverse Chebyshev filters have a smooth passband with ripples in the stopband. Cauer (or elliptic)...

Ngày tải lên: 09/01/2014, 17:18

458 535 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo " Research on the optimal picket sampling interval in automated digital terrain model creation by using digital photogrammetry " ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo " Research on the optimal picket sampling interval in automated digital terrain model creation by using digital photogrammetry " ppt

... paper has proposed an empirical equation for choosing optimal PSI: a MPkPSI ×= , where P is the scan resolution (µm); a M is the denominator of airphoto scale; k is a coefficient depending ... resolutions from 800dpi (32µm) to 1600dpi (16µm) by using photogrammetric scanner ZEISS SCAI. - Project assembling: the main purpose of this step is to distribute airphotos by strips as they were ... four experimental areas of Vietnam, we have proposed an empirical equation for choosing optimal PSI: a MPkPSI ×= where P is the scan resolution (µm); a M is the denominator of airphoto...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 12:20

9 462 1

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