dictionary of contemporary slang

Thorne - Dictionary of Contemporary Slang 3e

Thorne - Dictionary of Contemporary Slang 3e

... Archive of Slang and New Language. I have a very special debt of gratitude to Professor Connie C. Eble of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who generously made available the fruits of ... is often part of offensive comparisons, as in ‘to smell like an abo’s armpit/abo’s jock- strap’. absofuckinglutely absofuckinglutely , absobloodylutely adv, exclamation these elaborations of ... of slang to get access to authentic samples of language – particularly spoken language – in their authentic settings, since much slang is never written down (calling into question the value of...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 22:15

510 615 4
Báo cáo khoa học: "The Derivation of a GrammaticaUy Indexed Lexicon from the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "The Derivation of a GrammaticaUy Indexed Lexicon from the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English" pptx

... utility of the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglgsA as a suitable source dictionary for the target lexicon. 1 Introduction Within the larger framework of the Alvey Programme of advanced ... arises of how to develop such a detailed and substantial word list. Our approach has been to make use of the machine-readable source of a published dictionary, namely the Longr~sn Dictionary of ... particular word. As an illnstm- tion of the process of transforming a dictionary entry into a lexical template we show below the mapping of the third verb sense of %elieve" below into a lex-...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 02:20

8 353 0
"Bb" in Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English pot

"Bb" in Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English pot

... of chalk noun a walk. Rhyming slang, sometimes condensed to a simple ‘ball’ UK, 1936 ball-off noun an act of male masturbation UK, 1961 ball off verb (of a male) to masturbate UK, 1961 ball of ... 13 the middle position of the back seat of a car US, bird of paradise | bitch 58 bit of kit noun an item of equipment, especially mechanical or electrical UK, 2000 bit of mess noun a prostitute’s ... an act of urination. Rhyming slang for SLASH, formed from one of the great dishes of British cuisine UK, 2003 bang gotcher noun any film of the Western genre. From children’s recreation of the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 21:20

90 694 0
"Cc" in Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English pdf

"Cc" in Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English pdf

... 2 an act of poor driving in which one vehicle cuts in front of another UK, 1984. 3 a division of loot, profits or the legacy of a will UK, 1935. 4 a swindle UK, 1937 carve up verb 1 of a driver, ... imitation of a steam whistle US, 1898 choof verb 1 (of a person) to go; to depart. As used of a steam train in stories for children AUSTRALIA, 1947. 2 to smoke marijuana AUSTRALIA, 2000 choof off verb ... was often sold in Cambridge coffee houses US, 1967 coffee-and noun a light meal US, 1901 coffee-and adjective small-time, insignificant US, 1937 coffee-and-cakes noun a small salary US, 1925 coffee...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 21:20

71 724 0
"Dd" in Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English pot

"Dd" in Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English pot

... 1956 Duchess of Fife noun a wife. Rhyming slang; often suggested as the origin of DUTCH (a wife) and/or DUCHESS UK, 1961 Duchess of Teck; duchess noun a cheque. Rhyming slang, formed from the title of ... satisfying embellishment of DICK (the penis). As a term of abuse this is often accompanied by, or even replaced with, a mime of the masturbation of a flaccid penis, gesturally sited in the centre of the forehead US, ... of Teck (1867–1953), queen consort of George V, or from her mother, Princess Mary Adelaide, who was entitled Duchess of Teck from 1871. The husband, DUKE OF TECK, serves the same purpose in slang...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 21:20

46 785 0
"Ee" in Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English ppsx

"Ee" in Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English ppsx

... of the line noun the absolute end, the finish of something US, 1948 end of the road noun the finish of something UK, 1954 end of watch noun death US, 1983 ends noun 1 money. An abbreviation of ... 1 any sexually transmitted infection. Rhyming slang for POX, formed from the name of one of the docks of east London UK, 1992. 2 socks. Rhyming slang UK, 1998 East Jesus; East Jesus Nowhere noun ... adjective very easy. Variation of EASY AS PIE AUSTRALIA, 1984 easy as damn it adjective very easy. Recorded by Partridge in the 1st edition of his Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 21:20

11 656 0
"Ff" in Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English docx

"Ff" in Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English docx

... procedure of turning back the miles on the mileometer (odometer) US, 1997 face like a bag of arses noun an ugly face. A variation of FACE LIKE A BAG OF SPANNERS UK , 2003 face like a bag of spanners ... of life UK, 1854 full of gob adjective talkative; too talkative UK, 2002 full of run adjective (used of a racehorse) in good racing form US, 1951 full of shit adjective (of a person) deliberately ... reverse side of a vinyl record. From the action of flipping the disc over US, 1949. 2 the opposite of something. A figurative application of the earlier sense as ‘the reverse side of a record’...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 21:20

38 724 0
"Gg" in Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English docx

"Gg" in Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English docx

... context of boxing or fighting US, 1955 glass of beer noun the ear. Rhyming slang UK, 1961 glass of plonk noun the nose. Rhyming slang for CONK UK, 1992 glass of water; glass noun a quarter of an ... temper UK, 1997 goofies noun 1 a swimming bath. Children’s slang SOUTH AFRICA, 1970. 2 LSD US, 2001 goof-off noun a lazy person US, 1945 goof off verb to waste time, to idle US, 1943 goof on verb to ... UK, 2004 goofy adjective gawky, clumsy, foolish, eccentric US, 1919 -goofy suffix mentally imbalanced as a result of the preceding activity US, 1969 goofy butt noun 8see: GOOF BUT T goofy foot...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 21:20

37 778 0
"Hh" in Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English pot

"Hh" in Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English pot

... related to the term HORSE’S HOOF. Simes, in his Dictionary of Australian Underworld Slang (1993), suggests that ‘ hock’ is ‘feeble’ and rhyming slang for ‘cock’. Neither of these is overwhelmingly ... cliché of an aged or disabled gun-fighter hanging up his guns. Of modern variations ‘Hang up (one’s) tits’ is recorded of a retiring female impersonator in 1984. In 2003 a brief search of contemporary ... imprecations, and questions (often rhetorical) of impatience and irritation UK, 1596. 2 crack cocaine UK, 2003. < for the hell of it; for the sheer hell of it; just for the hell of it simply for the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 21:20

36 497 0
"Ii" in Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English docx

"Ii" in Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English docx

... of the island off the north west of England UK, 1992 Isle of Wight noun a light. Rhyming slang UK, 1998 Isle of Wight adjective 1 right; both as an expression of approval and indicative of direction. ... the Isle of Wight, off the south coast of England; in particular the prisons: HMP Camp Hill, HMP Albany or HMP Parkhurst UK, 1956 Isle of Man noun a pan. Rhyming slang, formed on the name of the ... of direction. Rhyming slang, formed from the name of the island off the south coast of England UK, 1960. 2 tight (in a state of drunkenness or mean with money). Rhyming slang UK, 1992 I smell...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 21:20

8 623 0
"Kk" in Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English pps

"Kk" in Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English pps

... abbrevi- ation of ‘fuck off!’ UK, 1999 koffiemoffie noun a non-white, non-black homosexual male; an air steward on South African Airways. Elaborations of MOFFIE (a homo- sexual male), rhymed with ‘coffee’, ... UK, 2005 kru noun a tightly knit group of close friends. A deliberate respelling of CREW UK, 2003 krunk used in place of profanity. Coined by the writers of Late Nite with Conan O’Brien in 1994 ... it off!; knock off! stop it!, shut up! UK, 1883 knock, knock! 1 used as the verbal equivalent of an actual knock on the door when entering another’s room, office, etc UK, 1984. 2 in a game of...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 21:20

13 683 0
"Ll" in Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English ppsx

"Ll" in Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English ppsx

... business US, 1981 lump of coke; lump noun a man. Rhyming slang for BLOKE UK, 1859 lump of ice noun advice. Rhyming slang UK, 1909 lump of lead noun the head. Rhyming slang, often used in connection ... US, 1971 leg of beef noun a thief. Rhyming slang UK, 1992 leg of lamb noun an impressive person. Jocular alteration of LEGEND AUSTRALIA , 1996 leg of mutton; leg noun a button. Rhyming slang UK, ... use US, 1982 light off verb to experience an orgasm US, 1971 light of love; love noun a prison governor. Rhyming slang UK, 1996 light of my life noun a wife. Rhyming slang, often with ironic or parodic...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 21:20

24 523 0
"Mm" in Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English pptx

"Mm" in Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English pptx

... Rhyming slang for SPUNK, based on the name of the author of Awful Disclosures, 1836, a popular erotic book of its time UK, 2002 maricon noun a homosexual man. Spanish slang on loan to American slang ... 1992 muddy water noun coffee. Elaboration of MUD (coffee) playing on Muddy Waters, the stage-name of bluesman McKinley Morganfield (1915–83) UK, 1981 Muddy York nickname York, a suburb of Toronto CANADA, ... display of a person’s naked buttocks. From the verb MOON, 2000. 2 any blind, unthinking, unquestioning follower of a philosophy or person. An extension of the early 1970s labelling of followers of...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 21:20

36 512 0
"Nn" in Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English doc

"Nn" in Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English doc

... adjective of hair, usually of the hair of a black person, naturally tightly curled, frizzy. Often derogatory US, 1885 nappy dugout noun (of a black woman) the vagina. The imagery of ‘dugout’ is twofold: ... variation of OFF YOUR HEAD UK, 1873. < on the nut in horse racing, to have lost a large amount of money betting US, 1951. < out of your nut drunk or drug- intoxicated. A variation of OUT OF YOUR ... 1975. < off your nut 1 in a state of drunkenness or drug intoxication. Parallel to the sense as ‘mad’; possibly the original sense, a variation of OFF YOUR HEAD UK, 1860. 2 in a state of madness....

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 21:20

17 575 0

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