dicey apos s version of the rule of law



... Answering the Questions Before any discussion of the role of the director, we irst need to consider the calling of the dramatic group he or she leads here is a reason why your—not the possessive, ... ordered a small booklet of three plays from the same house that had published several of my own scripts But the period of several rehearsals held for two of these plays was so fraught with disaster ... as he Surrender (1984) But there was something about the process of casting this succession of smaller plays that produced A Brief History the idea of creating an autonomous company of players...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 16:20

330 280 0
Application of house’s model for translation quality assessment in assessing the english version of the vietnam’s law on investment no. 59/2005/qh11

Application of house’s model for translation quality assessment in assessing the english version of the vietnam’s law on investment no. 59/2005/qh11

... discussion The Law has been translated into English by several translators An assessment of the English version of this law is thus desirable 2 Significance of the study The results of this study ... role of addresser: representative of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam specifying the rights and obligations of investors/addressees, as well as obligations and commitments of the State The role ... thực are commissive By 40 saying these, the addresser is being committal and authoritative The timelessness of the verbs suggests that the acts will be carried out as long as this law is in effect...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:36

85 902 5
Tài liệu Deteriorating Access to Women’s Health Services in Texas: Potential Effects of the Women’s Health Program Affiliate Rule doc

Tài liệu Deteriorating Access to Women’s Health Services in Texas: Potential Effects of the Women’s Health Program Affiliate Rule doc

... progress as a result of these decisions The state of Texas has sued CMS to prevent the loss of federal funds and a group of Planned Parenthood clinics has sued the state to prevent implementation of ... rise several-fold Paradoxically, as the number of WHP patients who can continue to be served climbs, the state s budget losses grow larger These are estimates based on some basic assumptions; the ... affiliate has a billing address in Dallas County, but some of its sites are in other adjacent counties and some of the patients served may be residents of other counties The list does not indicate...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 06:20

27 713 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Validation of an Estonian version of the Parkinson''''s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39)" pot

Báo cáo hóa học: " Validation of an Estonian version of the Parkinson''''s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39)" pot

... Reproducibility of the results and test-retest reliability of the questionnaire were assessed by correlation between results of test and retest questionnaires from a selection of patients These results ranged ... [9-16] These two domains showed strong item-test correlations in our study as well The reliability figures of Estonian version of PDQ-39 surpassed the results from cross-cultural studies from USA, ... translation to English and development of a consensual version based on the results of previous translations and comprehension assessments First, forward translation of the original PDQ-39 was independently...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20

7 512 2
a translation quality assessment of the vietnamese version of the nover the notebook by petal lê (2010) using peter newmark's model = đánh giá chất lượng bản dịch tiếng việt của tiểu thuyết nhật ký (2010) do petal lê

a translation quality assessment of the vietnamese version of the nover the notebook by petal lê (2010) using peter newmark's model = đánh giá chất lượng bản dịch tiếng việt của tiểu thuyết nhật ký (2010) do petal lê

... assessing the Vietnamese version of The Notebook by the well-known author Nicholas Sparks Part III: Conclusion The final part is the discussion of the results of this study It concludes the strengths ... part of the study, the critic summaries what she has gained after assessing the translation in order to answer the research questions set in the first part Suggestions for further studies are also ... by Petal Lê The Introduction states the rationale for the study as well as establishes the objectives, scope and methods of the study The main part of the thesis starts with the theoretical background...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:21

49 1,8K 14
an in-depth analysis of the english - vietnamese translation version of jack london's famous novel the call of the wild = phân tích sâu về bản dịch anh - việt cuốn tiểu thuyết nổi tiếng của jack london

an in-depth analysis of the english - vietnamese translation version of jack london's famous novel the call of the wild = phân tích sâu về bản dịch anh - việt cuốn tiểu thuyết nổi tiếng của jack london

... động Besides the transference of relative clause, the formality is also lessened in the TT due to the switch of noun phrases in the ST into clauses in the TT ST TT (34) His transient masters since ... the source text in English I Restatement of aims This study set out to assess the quality of the TT by first investigating the features of the ST based on J House s model and then comparing the ... addition of information on the one hand, assists the readers’ comprehension as the story progresses; on the other hand, it proves that the TT nears the spoken style rather than written style in the ST...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:26

81 959 1
An in-depth analysis of the English - Vietnamese translation version of Jack London's famous novel The Call of the Wild

An in-depth analysis of the English - Vietnamese translation version of Jack London's famous novel The Call of the Wild

... comparison with the source text in English I Restatement of aims This study set out to assess the quality of the TT by first investigating the features of the ST based on J House s model and then ... structure of TT compared with ST Besides the transference of relative clause, the formality is also lessened in the TT due to the switch of noun phrases in the ST into clauses in the TT So often ... improve the translation quality of a literary work is the necessary attempt to use action nouns instead of clauses like in this study IV Limitations of the study & Suggestions for further studies Since...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:50

13 541 2
Unix Version of the Pi3web DoS.

Unix Version of the Pi3web DoS.

... packet sent!\n"); close(sd); printf("Checking if the server crashed \n"); sleep(3); sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(sd < 0) perror("Socket"); assert(sd >= 0); rc = connect(sd, (struct sockaddr ... addr_initialize (struct sockaddr_in *address, int port, long IPaddr) { address -> sin_family = AF_INET; address -> sin_port = htons((u_short)port); address -> sin_addr .s_ addr = IPaddr; } ... *) &server, sizeof(server)); if(rc != 0) { printf( "The server is dead!\n"); exit(0); } else if(rc == 0) printf( "The server is not vulnerable!\n"); close(sd); exit(0); } void addr_initialize (struct...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 14:19

2 396 1
Cynthia's Revels (or The Fountain of Self-Love)

Cynthia's Revels (or The Fountain of Self-Love)

... criticism who most potently of all the men of his time affected the subsequent course of English letters: such was Ben Jonson, and as such his strong personality assumes an interest to us almost unparalleled, ... evidence of this is contained in the list of actors prefixed to the comedy in the folio of Jonson 's works, 1616 But it is a mistake to infer, because Shakespeare 's name stands first in the list of ... is Gabriel [Spencer], for he is slain in Hogsden fields by the hands of Benjamin Jonson, bricklayer." The last word is perhaps Henslowe 's thrust at Jonson in his displeasure rather than a designation...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 14:12

11 510 0
Journal of Business Case Studies – November/December 2009  Volume 5, Number 6 13 An Apparel Brand‘s Channel Strategy: The Case of Oliver in Korea

Journal of Business Case Studies – November/December 2009 Volume 5, Number 6 13 An Apparel Brand‘s Channel Strategy: The Case of Oliver in Korea

... sharing the labor costs of the sales staff, and various types of promotion costs In addition to sales commissions, the discount store requests brand suppliers to pay logistics costs and to share the ... channels He has publications in Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, Dr Sungmin Ryu is an associate professor of school of business at Sungkyunkwan University He specializes in the areas of ... discount stores Discount stores also charge 15-20% sales commissions to apparel brands for renting fees As discount stores request lower sales commissions than department stores, apparel brands...

Ngày tải lên: 17/04/2013, 20:23

10 729 1


... C: CONCLUSION Issues addressed in the study Suggestions for further study REFERENCES APPENDIX Screenshot of Enterprise Complete Business Application Suite Screenshot of example form of US F&A Application ... To assess the translation quality of the translated version of US F&A application software, in terms of the aspects discovered from theories raised by different scholars including Julian House; ... characteristics of the source text and how the translation has solved the issues in SL text The analysis of the source text will be based on the theoretical backgrounds on translation concepts, translation...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:06

72 578 2
the book of css3 - a developer's guide to the future of web design - by peter gasston

the book of css3 - a developer's guide to the future of web design - by peter gasston

... has such varied implementation across different browsers A Brief History of CSS3 The version of CSS in current use is CSS2.1, a revision of the CSS2 specification that was originally published ... http://www.mediaqueri.es/, which showcases some of the better examples of what s possible Syntax A Media Query sets a parameter (or series of parameters) that displays associated style rules if the device used ... through the rest of the chapters Browser-Specific Prefixes In the previous section, I briefly discussed using browser-specific prefixes on the box-sizing property As CSS3 is still in a state of change...

Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2013, 09:09

308 1,1K 1


... across the stream, and you shall pass over upon me.’ So he laid himself down; but they managed so clumsily, that the log of wood fell in and was carried away by the stream Then a stone, who saw ... all the ashes in his eyes: so he ran to the kitchen to wash himself; but there the duck splashed all the water in his face; and when he tried to wipe himself, the egg broke to pieces in the towel ... upon the hearse So on they went till they came to a rapid stream ‘How shall we get over?’ said Chanticleer Then said a straw, ‘I will lay myself across, and you may pass over upon me.’ But as the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 06:15

5 693 1


... it up the eggshells flew into his eyes, and almost blinded him ‘Bless me!’ said he, ‘all the world seems to have a design against my head this morning’: and so saying, he threw himself sulkily ... crept away as softly as possible However, the duck, who slept in the open air in the yard, heard them coming, and jumping into the brook which ran close by the inn, soon swam out of their reach ... they then went to the pin and needle, who were fast asleep, and seizing them by the heads, stuck one into the landlord s easy chair and the other into his handkerchief; and, having done this, they...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 07:15

4 615 1
Who’s Afraid of ID, A Survey of the Intelligent Design Movement

Who’s Afraid of ID, A Survey of the Intelligent Design Movement

... explain the first appearance of life This conclusion is only strengthened by an analysis of the complexity of the simplest self-replicating molecules, as many scientists who are not proponents of ID ... the interest of already-established scholars, this will start to happen There are signs that the younger generation of scientists is more open to pursuing ID than previous generations These scientists ... constants and the apparent finetuning of the cosmos for life Nonetheless, according to ID, these suggestions about the likely identity of the designer are not necessary in order to detect design...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20

21 590 0
Hegel’s analysis of mind and world - the Science of Logic

Hegel’s analysis of mind and world - the Science of Logic

... is recognized also as the principle of the figurative synthesis, i.e., of the forms of intuition; space and time are themselves conceived as synthetic unities, and spontaneity, the absolute synthetic ... the transcendental synthesis of imagination Imagination is the faculty of representing in intuition an object that is not itself present But inasmuch as its synthesis is an expression of spontaneity, ... imagination This synthesis is an action of the understanding on the sensibility; and is its first application – and thereby the ground of all its other applications – to the objects of our possible intuition...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 08:20

20 585 0