development needs of power company no 2 to 2020

The development strategy of power company no.2 up to 2015 and orientation to 2020

The development strategy of power company no.2 up to 2015 and orientation to 2020

... formation 38 2. 2.1 .2 History of development 39 2. 2 .2 Functions and responsibilities 39 2. 2 .2. 1 Functions 39 2. 2 .2. 2 Responsibilities 40 2. 2.3 Organization Structure 41 2. 2.3.1 PC2’s organization ... 20 07- 20 08 76 Table 2. 20: Financial analysis of PC2 in 20 06 -20 07 -20 08 77 Table 2. 21: EFE Matrix of PC2 82 Table 2. 22: IFE Matrix of PC2 84 Table 3.1 Sales electricity of PC2 in the period 1998 -20 09 ... period 20 00 -20 09 72 Table 2. 17 Electricity losses of PC2 in the period 20 00 -20 09 74 Table 2. 18 Balance sheet of PC2 in 20 06 -20 07 -20 08 76 Table 2. 19 Report of PC2’s business results in xi 20 06- 20 07-...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2015, 11:05

154 563 0
The development strategy of power engineering consulting JS company 2

The development strategy of power engineering consulting JS company 2

... Strategy of PECC2 Figure 2- 3: Chart of revenue in year 20 09 Figure 2- 4: Revenue from 20 06 to 20 09 Page 33 The Development Strategy of PECC2 2. 4 The objective of PECC2 to year 20 20 2. 4.1 Criteria to ... period until 20 20 No Cooperation Unit 20 10 20 15 20 20 Commercial electricity Northern Power Corporation GWh 24 256 45970 69669 Southern Power Corporation GWh 28 506 57 026 9 027 0 Central Power Corporation ... plan implementation 31 2. 4 The objective of PECC2 to year 20 20 34 2. 4.1 Criteria to build objective 34 2. 4 .2 The objective of the company to year 20 20 38 CHAPTER SOLUTIONS,...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2015, 11:06

88 732 1


... 26 1,116, 920 20 11 6,070,964,340 6,049, 122 ,160 658 ,23 3,440 443, 528 ,440 68,197,4 62 63,704,865 158,470,900 44,810, 621 82, 658,061 51,518,815 105,375,368 56 ,23 4,100 184,305,363 21 2,549,300 27 0,965 ,23 2 473, 928 ,076 ... Value 20 10 Share (%) Value 20 11 Share (%) 610,336,709 100 2, 135,010,633 100 191,147, 822 31 429 , 329 ,743 20 419,188,887 69 1,705,680,890 80 Share Value (%) 4,475,019, 32 1,655,757, 12 2,819 ,26 2 ,29 100 ... pay attention to these factors: 2. 2 .2. 1 Financial resource This is also a considerable factor to the success of the company A business needs to develop and maintain an adequate level of working...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2013, 09:11

49 894 2
Development strategies of phumy thermal power company in phase 2011 – 2020

Development strategies of phumy thermal power company in phase 2011 – 2020

... 20 02 2003 20 03 20 04 20 04 20 05 20 05 20 06 20 06 20 07 20 07 Installed Capacity Progress 28 6  27 6  717 380 160 450  161 55 PMTP’s Total Installed Capacity 28 6 28 6 5 62 5 62 127 9 1659 1819 22 69 22 69 24 30 ... 20 05 10454 10454 - - - - 20 06 11315 121 16 861 16 62 8 .24 15.89 20 07 13411 13369 20 96 125 4 18. 52 10.35 20 08 166 82 15611 327 1 22 42 24.39 16.77 20 09 20 075 18446 3393 28 35 20 .34 18.16 20 10 25 035 20 896 ... 20 16 20 17 20 18 20 19 20 20 26 297 328 51 40160 47337 55059 64376 74401 84551 95533 106783 5401 6554 7309 7177 7 722 9317 10 025 10150 109 82 1 125 0 25 .85 24 . 92 22. 25 17.87 16.31 16. 92 15.57 13.64 12. 99 11.78...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2015, 10:58

100 322 0
45'''' Test of English 7 No.2 (Excellent)

45'''' Test of English 7 No.2 (Excellent)

... Answers I Choose the correct answers (2 pts) c a c d d d a c II Supply the correct tense of the verbs in brackets (2 pts) play is reading When will she leave for Hanoi? study IV) Write as directed ... directed in the brackets ( 1.5 pt) Lan can not swim (Lan can’t swim) Would you like to come to my house for dinner? What about playing soccer III)Match each answer to a correct question ( 1.5 pt) d b ... They often play soccer, tennis or badminton They sometimes go swimming (Sometimes they go swimming) They often play musical instruments in the music room They usually rehearse plays They often...

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 20:11

2 1,1K 35
Báo cáo hóa học: " Transformation of b-Ni(OH)2 to NiO nano-sheets via surface nanocrystalline zirconia coating: Shape and size retention" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Transformation of b-Ni(OH)2 to NiO nano-sheets via surface nanocrystalline zirconia coating: Shape and size retention" potx

... 300 °C 123 32 Nanoscale Res Lett (20 07) 2: 28–33 Fig (a) High resolution image of ZrO2-coated NiO: (a) whole image, (b) and (c) are enlarging part of hexagonal nano-sheet and surface ZrO2 particle, ... temperature of 300 °C to form the 123 BET surface area(m2 g–1) 17. 52 120 .53 85.11 42. 64 ZrO2-coated NiO Retention of nano-sheets was clearly shown even heating at higher temperature compared to the ... ZrO2 Again, according to the FWHM of (2 0) peak of the ZrO2-coated NiO, the grain size was 6. 42 nm TEM images of the ZrO2-coated NiO also showed sticks and hexagonal sheets the same as that of...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20

6 259 0
Development strategy of Cam Ranh port up to year 2015 - 2020' s Vision

Development strategy of Cam Ranh port up to year 2015 - 2020' s Vision

... 1,554,143 ton 697,746 854,176 6 82, 2 32 946,838 1,0 52, 739 ton 500,440 735 ,28 9 522 ,818 726 ,893 845,514 ton 50,0 02 36,731 59,808 71,773 51,159 ton 147,303 82, 156 99,606 148,1 72 156,066 ton 12, 360 3 ,27 2 4,188 ... By sex 25 2 100% 26 5 100% 27 2 100% + Male 22 4 89% 23 5 89% 24 0 88% 28 11% 30 11% 32 12% 25 2 100% 26 4 100% 27 2 100% 0% 0% 0% + University 32 13% 38 14% 40 15% + Intermediate 41 16% 41 16% 42 15% ... income million dong 1,536 2, 155 2, 103 1, 923 2, 2 72 people 20 8 23 0 25 2 26 5 27 2 1000d/ton 28 .2 29.4 35.0 39.6 48.5 5.5 5.6 5.0 5.6 5.7 dong - Fuel supply million dong - Power and million water supply...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2015, 10:57

92 461 0
Development strategy of national mental hospital 2

Development strategy of national mental hospital 2

... 153/QD – TTg of 29 /6 /20 06 of the Prime Minister on the master plan for Health Economics development till 20 10 and vision of 20 20; - Pursuant to Decree 43 /20 06/ND - CP of 25 /04 /20 06 of the Prime ... Year 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 08 20 09 20 10 28 ,759 33,9 42 41,956 47,640 53, 625 57, 923 expense 3,0 92 3,843 4,448 4,954 5,105 5,955 Other expense 0,370 0, 420 0,470 0,515 0,6 12 0,640 Total expenses 32, 221 ... 2, 965 2, 973 3,573 4,459 5,199 5,8 92 Target Year 20 08 Year Y 20 09 Year 20 10 Other receipts 3 ,21 2 3 ,29 3 3,761 3,781 3,789 4,076 Total 32, 221 38 ,20 5 46,874 53,109 59,3 42 64,518 Source: Departm of...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2015, 10:58

97 379 0
Exercise of unit 8 (no.2)

Exercise of unit 8 (no.2)

... sweater, I decided to by it A B C D I’ve found the magazine who was missing His family was very poor, because he had to work for a factory 10 Laura is a friendly person with a great sense of humorous ... (6)…………… of lights Many children believe Santa Claus, a kind old man (7)……………… lives in the North Pole, will give out (8) …………… on Chirstmas Day III Fill in each blank with the correct form of the ... was a lot of important events A B C D Tell me what is wrong for doing this job A B C D The collect of stamp made him become famous in the country A B C D The woman whose lives next door to us is...

Ngày tải lên: 30/04/2015, 20:00

2 437 0
development strategy of cam ranh port up to year 2015 2020 s vision

development strategy of cam ranh port up to year 2015 2020 s vision

... 1,554,143 ton 697,746 854,176 6 82, 2 32 946,838 1,0 52, 739 ton 500,440 735 ,28 9 522 ,818 726 ,893 845,514 ton 50,0 02 36,731 59,808 71,773 51,159 ton 147,303 82, 156 99,606 148,1 72 156,066 ton 12, 360 3 ,27 2 4,188 ... By sex 25 2 100% 26 5 100% 27 2 100% + Male 22 4 89% 23 5 89% 24 0 88% 28 11% 30 11% 32 12% 25 2 100% 26 4 100% 27 2 100% 0% 0% 0% + University 32 13% 38 14% 40 15% + Intermediate 41 16% 41 16% 42 15% ... income million dong 1,536 2, 155 2, 103 1, 923 2, 2 72 people 20 8 23 0 25 2 26 5 27 2 1000d/ton 28 .2 29.4 35.0 39.6 48.5 5.5 5.6 5.0 5.6 5.7 dong - Fuel supply million dong - Power and million water supply...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2015, 17:19

92 200 0
Development stratery of Binh Phuoc power company to 2015 and vision to 2020

Development stratery of Binh Phuoc power company to 2015 and vision to 2020

... 2. 2.1.1 Functions 42 2 .2. 1 .2 Duties 42 2 .2. 2 Organization of Southern Power Company 44 2. 2.3 Relations between the Southern Power Company and Provincial Power ... 20 15 and oriented to 20 20 134 3.5 .2. 2 Forecasting revenue – average price until 20 15 and oriented to 20 20 134 3.5 .2. 3 Forecasting power loss in 20 15 and oriented to 20 20 137 3.6 Identify ... Management- Topic of Group No. 5 2. 2.3.1 Entitlements of SPC 45 2. 2.3 .2 Obligations of the Southern Power Company 47 2. 3 Background of Binh Phuoc Province 48 2. 4 Background of...

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2015, 11:06

183 622 2
OECD Environment Working Papers No. 2: The Health Costs of Inaction with Respect to Air Pollution potx

OECD Environment Working Papers No. 2: The Health Costs of Inaction with Respect to Air Pollution potx

... 23 8 26 .6 116 1 927 20 52 925 23 .3 974 599 138 22 4 128 0 25 5 21 6 125 6 324 167 643 27 75 22 830 NOx 20 02 1691 20 0 29 0 24 59 318 191 21 1 1350 1417 318 180 26 121 126 7 20 18 ∆ (%) 20 -3 -20 -6 - 42 -31 - 32 ... 1 62 51 558 636 EUR-A 90 122 27 28 0 23 117 151 EUR-B 23 8 28 6 30 31 20 21 38 28 8 338 EUR-C 29 1 340 27 28 2 46 320 360 SEAR-B 24 0 29 1 22 22 21 25 32 2 82 339 SEAR-D 006 195 56 57 25 0 26 1 1 32 3 12 ... concentration of PM10, µg/m3 13 13 22 44 30 20 24 14 25 23 23 12 25 22 22 51 23 20 21 36 35 53 37 42 32 44 46 50 55 40 15 19 39 43 28 19 43 37 13 26 54 64 26 23 17 15 Average annual concentration of SO2,...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 00:20

49 403 0