developing students listening micro skills

Developing students' English speaking skills through personalization tasks  Action research on grade 10th students at Hoang Quoc Viet High School  kỹ năng nói t

Developing students' English speaking skills through personalization tasks Action research on grade 10th students at Hoang Quoc Viet High School kỹ năng nói t

... Lesson Lesson Lesson 10/ 40 students 18/ 40 students 23/40 students 25/40 students 30/40 students Not only the number of students speaks English increase but also the time students speak English increase ... speaking skills 1.4 Approaches and strategies in teaching speaking skills 1.4.1 Approaches in teaching speaking skills 1.4.2 Strategies for developing speaking skills ... STUDIES ********************* TRIỆU ANH THƯ DEVELOPING STUDENTS ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILLS THROUGH PERSONALIZATION TASKS: ACTION RESEARCH ON GRADE 10th STUDENTS AT HOANG QUOC VIET HIGH SCHOOL Phát...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:26

56 644 2
A study on the opportunities for and constraints on developing students’ oral skills at an upper-secondary school

A study on the opportunities for and constraints on developing students’ oral skills at an upper-secondary school

... students to their teacher, students to students, and students to materials It is considered that the relationship between students and their teacher is very important Once students have good relationship ... 160 students to gather information about students opinions of learning oral skill to investigate the opportunities for and constraints on developing their oral skill Of all these students, 80 students ... at listening and 29 students (18.1%) are good at speaking skill Sadly, the number of students good at reading and writing is over five times bigger than that of students good at speaking and listening...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:44

44 844 0


... consisting of pre -listening, while -listening, and post -listening and contained activities that linked bottom-up and top-down listening (Field, 1998) The pre -listening phase prepared students for both ... of pre -listening, while -listening, and post -listening as well as contained activities that linked bottom-up and top-down listening - Pre -listening activities: served as preparation for listening ... the students had in listening, a majority of students (75%) admitted that they had little experience in listening while only 20% of the students thought they had enough experience to study listening...

Ngày tải lên: 14/07/2015, 11:52

80 410 0


... improving listening skills This research; thus, aims at examining the effectiveness of using YouTube videos to enhance students listening skills at ISP, ULIS, VNU After finishing the course at ISP, students ... applied to random situations The listening skills mentioned in the paper include the most common listening skills taught in EFL environment such as listening for gist, listening for specific information, ... for teaching and developing listening materials for EFL students should not be taken for granted Lack of adequate exposure and attention to listening sets the ground for authentic listening materials...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 09:28

145 559 0
Some suggestions to improve listening sub skills for the third year students at faculty of english, HOU

Some suggestions to improve listening sub skills for the third year students at faculty of english, HOU

... definitions of listening 2.The importance of listening 3.What makes listening difficult 4.The listening skills 11 4.1.The definitions of listening sub -skills ... taught the program above Listening skills has not been paid attention to in many schools TABLE : STUDENTS ATTITUDES TOWARD LISTENING SKILLS Q2 How you find listening skills? Answer % A Difficult ... creativities By doing this, students can improve their listening skills a lot TABLE 5: LISTENING TECHNIQUES USED BY STUDENTS Q6 Which sub -skills you often use while Answer % listening in class? ( choose...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2016, 21:20

66 635 3


... when students have obtained basic language skills in General English like listening, speaking, reading and writing Based on this syllabus, Business English for students is aimed to help students: ... fact that all students are of semester VI/ third year students of English majored department, which means that they have obtained basic linguistic skills like reading, speaking, listening and ... in language skill practice such as listening, speaking, reading, 20 listening, which is why they have obtained certain basic language skills especially writing skills when they started the Business...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:31

38 933 2
Tài liệu Developing Your Public Speaking Skills docx

Tài liệu Developing Your Public Speaking Skills docx

... assistant professor of religion (teaching relational studies) DEVELOPING YOUR PUBLIC SPEAKING SKILLS Developing Your Public Speaking Skills Many women have wanted to speak for God but have been ... letting others know, so when an opportunity arises, they will think of you DEVELOPING YOUR PUBLIC SPEAKING SKILLS DEVELOPING THE TALK Consider that any speech you give is important Many people ... DEVELOPING YOUR PUBLIC SPEAKING SKILLS ABOUT THE AUTHOR Carla Gober is a committed Christian and professional speaker...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 05:15

8 574 3
Pre listening activities to motivate the first year english major students listening skill

Pre listening activities to motivate the first year english major students listening skill

... Listening 1.1 Definition of listening 1.2 Type of listening LISTENING COMPREHENSION 10 2.1 Definition listening comprehension 10 2.2 Listening ... Students attitude toward listening skill (Q2&3) 27 6.3 Students time allocation for self-study (Q4) 28 6.4 Students perceptions about their listening difficulties (Q5) 29 6.6 Students ... simply asking the students to listen to something and answer some questions is a little unfair, and makes developing listening skills much harder Many students are fearful of listening, and can...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 20:37

62 1,3K 8
Tài liệu Developing Learners’ Academic Writing Skills in Higher Education: A Study for Educational Reform pptx

Tài liệu Developing Learners’ Academic Writing Skills in Higher Education: A Study for Educational Reform pptx

... education (students then would be called ‘English-educated’); if Academic Writing Skills in Higher Education 163 French were chosen, then the system is referred to as a French type of education (students ... which the students were enrolled This indicated that the opportunity of choosing their Academic Writing Skills in Higher Education 167 own topics was well exploited on the part of the students ... language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing in a more learner-centred activity (Nunan, 1997) Step 2: Carrying out a survey and analysing the results After limiting the topic, students...

Ngày tải lên: 24/02/2014, 18:20

17 673 0
Ebook Listening & speaking skills 1

Ebook Listening & speaking skills 1

... Contents Key for Listening Tests 1-5 Tapescripts for Listening Tests 1-5 Teacher’s Notes, Suggested Answers & Tapescripts 29 Key for Listening Tests 1-5 Key for Listening ... cathartic solitude Tapescripts for Listening Tests 1-5 Tapescripts – Listening Test Paper Listening — Test This is the Certificate of Proficiency in English Listening Test Test I’m going to give ... question papers and answer sheets 11 Tapescripts – Listening Test Paper Listening — Test This is the Certificate of Proficiency in English Listening Test Test I’m going to give you the instructions...

Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2014, 20:29

78 816 0
applying note-taking strategies to develop high school students’ listening skill – a quasi-experimental research at van xuan – hoai duc high school

applying note-taking strategies to develop high school students’ listening skill – a quasi-experimental research at van xuan – hoai duc high school

... Figure 5: Students ways of note-taking while listening Figure 6: The benefits of note-taking to students listening Figure 7: Students opinion of the note-taking facilitative effect on listening ... students with skills to deal with real-life listening Some other researchers have categorized listening into intensive and extensive listening Intensive listening is the careful, focused listening ... teaching skills and their students performance However, they find out that the most challenging skill among four basic skills is listening skill They always hope to improve their students listening...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:30

66 672 3
developing students’ speaking skill through project- based learning = phát triển kỹ năng nói cho học sinh qua việc học theo dự án

developing students’ speaking skill through project- based learning = phát triển kỹ năng nói cho học sinh qua việc học theo dự án

... importance of developing language skills for students, AnLao High School has implemented the seven year system course books - English 10, 11, 12 to help students to master four English language skills ... approach It was designed with a view to developing students communicative skills at basic level: speaking, listening, reading and writing as well as providing students with appropriate, systematic ... PBL in developing English speaking for the students - An interview and a questionnaire were carried out to get information from teachers and students on the efficiency of the use of PBL in developing...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:30

55 2,4K 30
Effectiveness of guessing meaning from context in improving students' word-attack skills at University of Labor and Social Affairs = Hiệu quả của việc đoán từ t

Effectiveness of guessing meaning from context in improving students' word-attack skills at University of Labor and Social Affairs = Hiệu quả của việc đoán từ t

... Table 2: Students attitudes towards reading comprehension and the strategy of guessing meaning from context Table 3: Students opinions on the effectiveness of the programme Table 4: Overall students ... readers, students need to be equipped with the skills to comprehend the reading texts Reading strategies are said to facilitate successful second language learning and be effective tools for students ... reading skills To help students master these reading strategies, instruction on reading strategies is said to be essential However, empirical research indicates that in most reading classrooms students...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:06

66 1,3K 3
Improving 11th form students' listening comprehension through modified listening task of the new textbook English 11 at Kinh Mon High school  Nâng cao khả năng

Improving 11th form students' listening comprehension through modified listening task of the new textbook English 11 at Kinh Mon High school Nâng cao khả năng

... of listening tasks in the textbook affects students listening comprehension…………………………………………………………… 36 vii Students preferences for listening tasks………………………………… 37 Modified listening ... doing listening tasks in English 11…… 25 Table 5: Students evaluation about the effectiveness of listening tasks … 25 Table 6: Students preferences for listening tasks………………………… 26 Table 7: Students ... question Question examines students opinions about the effect of listening tasks on their listening competence Question probes what kinds of listening tasks students like best in listening lessons The...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:17

60 798 3
Improving Grade 11 Students’ Reading Comprehension Skills through Focused Tasks at A High School in Nam Dinh = Nâng cao kỹ năng đọc hiểu cho học sinh lớp 1

Improving Grade 11 Students’ Reading Comprehension Skills through Focused Tasks at A High School in Nam Dinh = Nâng cao kỹ năng đọc hiểu cho học sinh lớp 1

... Tables: Students Attitudes towards reading in English Students Attitudes towards purpose of reading English Kinds of tasks students are often asked to Students strategies of doing reading tasks Students ... language skills When teaching reading, some issues may arise such as how to assess students reading ability, how to give tests to students, techniques to improve students reading skills and ... (1980:150), reading skills include: 14 mechanical skills, understanding the lexical items, understanding grammatical meaning, reasoning skills, selection skills and evaluation skills Another possible...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:26

60 573 0
Developing students' reading proficiency through extensive reading in an IELTS prepation course - A case of the 3rd year English majors at Hanoi University of I

Developing students' reading proficiency through extensive reading in an IELTS prepation course - A case of the 3rd year English majors at Hanoi University of I

... comprehension skills; some of the controversy among reading professionals is not whether both sets of skills must be mastered but how students master these skills and how explicitly these skills must ... language skills (reading, listening, writing and speaking) For further research, the author has an ambition of applying extensive reading in developing students proficiency in other skills For ... improve the presentation skills among students, it is a good idea if the teachers encourage weak students to contact and to get their comments on the presentation Hopefully, those students could be...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:27

67 817 0