... DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ULTRA- LOW- POWER SENSOR INTERFACE CIRCUITS FOR ECG ACQUISITION XU XIAOYUAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2010 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ULTRA- LOW- POWER ... interface chip integrates a low- noise frontend amplifier with programmable bandwidth and gain, and a 12-bit SAR ADC incorporating a dual-mode lowpower clock module. The ultra- low power consumption ... structure that eliminates the low frequency gain interruption due to the finite off-state resistance of the MOS switches. The dual-mode clock module offers options of both a more accurate crystal
Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2015, 11:57
... boresight 39 3.3 Time -of- arrival estimation of UWB signals at off-boresight 42 3.4 Angle -of- arrival estimation of UWB TDOA receivers 46 3.5 Verification of time -of- arrival derivations ... time -of- arrival derivations 49 3.6 Numerical simulation of angle -of- arrival 54 3.7 Measurement of angle -of- arrival 57 3.8 Chapter summary 63 Design of Ultra- Wideband Monopulse Receiver 64 4.1 ... measured noise signal of antennas RH1 and RH2 52 3.7 Theoretical standard deviations of estimated angle -of- arrival (AOA) for three cases of signal-to -noise ratio (SNR) 55 3.8 Schematic of
Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2015, 20:08
fundamentals of rf circuit design with low noise oscillators
... “Comparison of 1/f PM Noise in Commercial Amplifiers? ??, IEEE Frequency Control Symposium, Orlando, Florida, 28–30 May 1997, pp 470–477 39 J.K.A Everard, “A Review of Low Phase Noise Oscillator Design? ??, ... Generation of Low Phase Noise Oscillators, MSc Thesis, King’s College, London, 1987 42 A Hajimiri and T.H Lee, “A General Theory of Phase Noise in Electrical Oscillators”, IEEE Journal of Solid ... Model of Feedback Oscillator Noise Spectrum”, Proceedings of the IEEE, 54, February, pp 329–330, 1966 234 Fundamentals of RF Circuit Design 44 L.S Cutler and C.L Searle, “Some Aspects of the
Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2014, 17:20
design of low noise, low power linear cmos image sensors
... Design of Low Noise, Low Power Linear CMOS Image Sensors by Pavan Kumar Hanumolu A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the WORCESTER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE In partial ful llment of the requirements ... 41 50 51 52 Equivalent input noise voltages of the transistors Contribution of each transistor noise source to the total output noise Performance summary of the folded cascode opamp ... Equivalent input noise voltages of the transistors Contribution of each transistor noise source to the total output noise Performance summary of gm ; C OTA
Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2014, 02:29
The design of low power ultra wideband transceiver
... THE DESIGN OF LOW POWER ULTRAWIDEBAND TRANSCEIVERS Wang Lei NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2013 THE DESIGN OF LOW POWER ULTRAWIDEBAND TRANSCEIVERS Wang Lei (B ... and support which is the source of strength for me i TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY IV LIST OF FIGURES 1 LIST OF TABLES 6 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 7 CHAPTER ... balancing, noise- canceling and distortion-canceling," IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol 43 no 6, pp 1341-1350, 2008 [53] K.-H Chen and S.-I Liu, "Inductorless wideband CMOS low- noise amplifiers
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:21
Design of low power short distance transceiver for wireless sensor networks
... consumptions of the overall system Therefore low- voltage, low- power designs for frequency synthesizer and RF and BB amplifiers require further research At lower supply voltage, the amplifiers suffer ... DESIGN OF LOW- POWER SHORT-DISTANCE TRANSCEIVER FOR WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS TAN JUN (Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, Fudan University, China) A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR ... The gain of the amplifier is also reduced due to the difficulty in incorporating cascode structure New 122 techniques are required to design low- voltage low- power amplifiers With lower supply
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 18:49
Design and analysis of ultra wide band and millimeter wave antennas
... DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ULTRA- WIDE BAND AND MILLIMETER-WAVE ANTENNAS By Zhang Yaqiong SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY ... to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for acceptance a thesis entitled ? ?Design and Analysis of Ultra- wide Band and Millimeter-wave Antennas ” by Zhang Yaqiong in partial fulfillment of the requirements ... AT NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 21 LOWER KENT RIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE 119077 DEC 2010 c Copyright by Zhang Yaqiong, 2010 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:49
System on chip design of a high performance low power full hardware cabac encoder in h 264 AVC
... performance circuit design of CABAC encoder IP targeting at Main Profile of H.264/AVC SoC-based design flow is explored during the CABAC encoder IP design, including steps of encoder performance ... Partitioning of WISHBONE System Bus Interfaces 119 6.2.2 Analysis of Support of WISHBONE Registered Feedback Cycles 120 6.2.3 Design of Slave Interface of WISHBONE System Bus 122 6.2.4 Design of ... CABAC Encoder Designs 32 3.2 Summary of Implementation Strategies of Entropy Codecs 37 Chapter 4.1 The Proposed Design of Hardware CABAC Encoder 39 Design Methodology of SoC-based
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 15:50
Low power low noise analog front end IC design for biomedical sensor interface
... LOW POWER LOW NOISE ANALOG FRONT-END IC DESIGN FOR BIOMEDICAL SENSOR INTERFACE ZOU XIAODAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2010 LOW POWER LOW NOISE ANALOG FRONT-END IC DESIGN FOR ... power optimization technique, low noise front-end amplifiers developed in this design achieve low noise efficiency factor (NEF) from 2.16 to 3.26, which are among the lowest numbers reported to ... about 2.8% of the current-state-ofthe-art multi-channel design The measurement results and comparisons with the currently published designs indicate that these developed low power low noise sensor
Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 10:07
Exact BER analysis and design of prerake combining schemes for direct sequence ultra wideband multiple access systems
... ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF PRERAKE COMBINING SCHEMES FOR DIRECT SEQUENCE ULTRA- WIDEBAND MULTIPLE ACCESS SYSTEMS CAO WEI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2007 EXACT BER ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF PRERAKE ... University of Singapore for supporting my PhD study. ii Contents Acknowledgment i Contents iii Summary viii List of Tables x List of Figures xi List of Acronyms xvi List of Notations ... pair of probability density function (PDF) and characteristic function to find the distribution of total noise at the receiver. Then BER formula is derived based on the distribution of total noise.
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 11:00
... DESIGN OF ENERGY EFFICIENT WEARABLE ECG SYSTEM AND LOW POWER ASYNCHRONOUS MICROCONTROLLER ZHANG DA REN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2012 Acknowledgements First of all, I would ... ECG system There are two designs of wearable ECG system in this work The first design is a Wireless ECG Plaster prototype device It is designed for real-time monitoring of ECG in cardiac patients ... Asynchronous 8051 design 69 6.1 Introduction 69 6.1.1 Synchronous 8051 microcontroller 70 6.1.2 Asynchronous circuit design flow 71 6.2 Architecture of the Asynchronous
Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2015, 17:14
Design of CMOS receivers and building blocks for ultra wideband radio
... DESIGN OF CMOS RECEIVERS AND BUILDING BLOCKS FOR ULTRA- WIDEBAND RADIO TONG YAN (B. Eng. , Zhejiang University) A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF ... transmission rate of 100 MHz and sensitivity of -80 MHz, and the non-coherent receiver achieves measured transmission rate of 50 MHz and sensitivity of -65 dBm. Keywords: ultra- wideband, receiver, DC-offset, ... input Vgs Gate-source voltage of MOSFET VT Threshold voltage of MOSFET Vds Drain-source voltage of MOSFET K Transconductance parameter of MOSFET µ0 Mobility of MOSFET Cox Unit gate capacitance of MOSFET W Width
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 15:44
... work’s PCB design is using commonly used Altium Designer shown in Figure 2.8 Altium Designer is an EDA software package for printed circuit board, circuit and layout design. .. ultra low power ... have the desirable characteristic of low- power consumption. Hence, a technique for low power consumption design is needed. Nowadays, most of the commercial digital designs are synchronous in nature. ... wearability. A highly integrated, low power chip with low noise amplifier, ADC and low pass filters were developed inorder to reduce the power consumption and the number of discrete IC components. In
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 15:45
Improvement of mechanical properties of mesoporous ultra low k thin films after NH3 plasma treatment
... IMPROVEMENT OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MESOPOROUS ULTRA LOW- K THIN FILMS AFTER NH3 PLASMA TREATMENT LI JINGHUI (B. Eng., ECUST) A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF ... mechanism of the formation of porous low- k thin films, time of flight--secondary ions sass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) was conducted on the plasma treated porous low- k films to analyze the change of element ... low- k thin. .. of low- k thin films, including ultra low- k thin films with the k values below 2.0, have been successfully developed over last several years While a low
Ngày tải lên: 09/10/2015, 11:18
Low noise amplifier design and noise cancellation for wireless hearing aids
... LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER DESIGN AND NOISE CANCELLATION FOR WIRELESS HEARING AIDS ZHANG LIANG NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2005 LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER DESIGN AND NOISE CANCELLATION ... hearing aids: (i) Low power low voltage design and development of CMOS low noise amplifier circuit Under this, the scope of work includes design and test of a CMOS LNA operated ... thermal noise, flick noise, terminal resistances thermal noise, substrate resistances thermal noise and induced gate noise, they work well for the noise performance prediction of short
Ngày tải lên: 10/11/2015, 11:28
Design Of Linear RF Outphasing Power Amplifiers Artech House
... Design of Linear RF Outphasing Power Amplifiers For a listing of recent titles in the Artech House Microwave Library, turn to the back of this book Design of Linear RF Outphasing Power Amplifiers ... power amplifiers. —(Artech House microwave library) Power amplifiers? ? ?Design Amplifiers, Radio frequency? ?Design I Title II Larson, Lawrence E III Asbeck, Peter 621.3’8412 ISBN 1-58053-374-4 Cover design ... Professor Larson also served as the director of the IBM West Coast Design Center of Excellence in Encinitas, California (on leave of absence from UCSD), where he worked on the development of
Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2016, 13:22
Design of Closed Loop and Low Carbon Supply Chains A Perspective from Sustainable Manufacturing
... YAMADA 27 Design of Supply Chains for Sustainability Engineering Process Flow of product information Product plan #1 Product Design Development #2 Factory Design #3 Logistics Design Design Supply ... Sustainability Product plan #1 Product Design Development #2 Factory Design Design Supply Chain Process (Value Chain Process) Flow of product material #3 Logistics Design Production preparation Procurement ... 80% of the environmental impact of a product is determined at the design stage • Ecodesign implies taking into account all the environmental impacts of a product right from the earliest stage of
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2017, 02:42
Báo cáo hóa học: " Design of a Low-Power VLSI Macrocell for Nonlinear Adaptive Video Noise Reduction" doc
... Professor of elec- tronics at the Engineering Faculty of t he University of Pisa. He is involved in research activities in VLSI design for many years. In particular, he worked on the design of ... twice lower (B times lower in case of B successive filter applications) than for the second strategy. If the type of noise remains the same over all frames of the video sequence, the quality of the ... Publishing Corporation Design of a Low- Power VLSI Macrocell for Nonlinear Adaptive Video Noise Reduction Sergio S aponara Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa, Via Caruso,...
Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 01:20
Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article A Novel Approach to the Design of Oversampling Low-Delay Complex-Modulated Filter Bank Pairs" doc
... applies to low- delay FIR filter designs [9]. In the past, many attempts to design FIR lowpass filters with low group delay have been made [9–12]. In [13], a procedure for the design of FIR Nyquist ... the mean value of the group delay is restricted to integer multiples of the number of channels. For the first design step we have introduced a novel procedure for the design of low- delay AFB FIR ... resulting in an oversampling factor of O = 4. 5.1. AFB Prototype Filter. First we start with the design of a narrow-band FIR low- pass AFB prototype filter with low group delay designed by using the algorithm...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 19:20