department ex p pierson 1998 ac 539 hl

Vector control of three phase AC machines - N.P.Quang

Vector control of three phase AC machines - N.P.Quang

... the pole flux p (case Formation of the space vectors and its vector orientated philosophy PMSM), the quadrature component (q component) of the flux disappears and a physically easily comprehensible ... an extensive periphery on the chip Particularly the Capture/Compare register unit supports the space vector modulation for This is possible, however, if the modulation is not realized with PWM ... 12.4 12.5 Table of Contents Appendices Normalizing - the important step towards preparation for programming Example for the model discretization in the section 3.1.2 Application of the method of...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 09:10

346 1,4K 0
[Khóa luận]xây dựng hệ thống nạp ắc quy với u=const hoặc i=const, công suất p=0,5w

[Khóa luận]xây dựng hệ thống nạp ắc quy với u=const hoặc i=const, công suất p=0,5w

... np nc th hai bng 0,1.C10 khc phc nhng nhc im v tn dng c ht nhng u in ca cỏc phng ph p np trờn, ta kt hp hai phng ph p np li thnh phng ph p dũng - p 1.3.3 Phng ph p np dũng - p - Ban u ta np ... gian np ngn, dũng in np t ng gim dn theo thi gian - Nhc: ỏc qui khụng c np no, vỡ vy phng ph p np ny ch dựng np b xung cho acqui quỏ trỡnh s dng 1.3.2 Phng ph p np n dũng I= const - Phng ph p np ... Cỏc phng ph p np c qui 1.3.1 Phng ph p np n p U=const - Phng ph p np p, ỏc qui c mc song song vi ngun np Hiu in th cho mi ngn n c gi n nh v cú giỏ tr t 2,3 - 2, V vi chớnh xỏc n 3% - Dũng np...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 20:13

57 428 0
Thiết kế bộ nạp ắc quy tự động

Thiết kế bộ nạp ắc quy tự động

... sau: 23 [Type text] Hình 2.2 Sơ đồ đặc tính n p với điện p n p không đổi 2.1.3 Phƣơng ph p n p dòng p Đây phƣơng ph p tổng h p hai phƣơng ph p Nó tận dụng đƣợc ƣu điểm môĩ phƣơng ph p Đối với ... n p với điện p n p không đổi có thời gian n p ngắn, dòng điện n p tự động giảm theo thời gian Tuy nhiên dùng phƣơng ph p ắc quy không đƣợc n p no, n p với điện p không đổi phƣơng ph p n p bổ ... n p đầy điện (0,001-0,0015)Ω ắc quy phóng điện hoàn toàn (0,020,025)Ω 21 [Type text] CHƢƠNG CÁC PHƢƠNG PH P N P ẮC QUY 2.1 CÁC PHƢƠNG PH P N P ẮC QUY 2.1.1 N p với dòng điện không đổi Phƣơng pháp...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 00:13

54 802 1
Bài toán biên giả vi phân trong không gian Hl,p (p # 2)

Bài toán biên giả vi phân trong không gian Hl,p (p # 2)

... gian H ,p Mệnh đề 2.1.1 khẳng định với , k, p R, < p < , k < ta có ph p nhúng sau bị liên tục: H ,p (Rn ) Hk ,p (Rn ), H ,p (Rn ) Hk ,p( Rn ) + + Đặc biệt, ph p nhúng H ,p () Hk ,p () compact ... ,p, q (, ) = {(f, g) 2s ,p, q () ì s H mj 2+ ,p, q () | j=1 p (hgj ) H mj 1+ ,p, q ()} p với chuẩn ||(f, g)|| ,p, q (,) = ||f | |p 2s .p, q() + s j=1 ||gj ||pm j 2+ p ,p, q, +||hgj ||pm 1+ ,p, q, j p ... nghiệm P ,p (, à, ) với vế phải P 2s ,p (, à, ) ì s P mj 1+1 /p, p(, à, ) j=1 20 4.3 Bài toán biên không cổ điển phơng trình GVP parabolic tuyến tính nửa trụ vô hạn Trong lân cận biên t p compact,...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 21:42

26 452 0
heathcote, m. j. (1998). the j & p transformer book (12th ed.)

heathcote, m. j. (1998). the j & p transformer book (12th ed.)

... case of polyphase transformers, by multiplying by the appropriate phase factor and the appropriate constant depending on the magnitude of the units employed It should be noted that rated primary ... appeared in my chapter on transformers in Volume D of the Third Edition of Modern Power Station Practice published by Pergamon Press Finally, despite the extensive revision involved in the production ... reactance is at all high on account of its quadrature phase relationship This question is dealt with more fully in Appendix Copper loss in the above expressions is measured in kilowatts The expression...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 12:27

957 1,4K 0
cocaine abuse  -  behavior, pharmacology and clin. applns  -  p. dews, et al., (ap, 1998)

cocaine abuse - behavior, pharmacology and clin. applns - p. dews, et al., (ap, 1998)

... RECEPTORS DOPAMINE RECEPTORS The primary effect of cocaine is to inhibit dopamine uptake, thereby increasing extracellular dopamine, which remains available to act on pre- and postsynaptic dopamine ... for the dopamine transporter are highly conserved across these species The dopamine transporter appears to have 12 transmembrane spanning domains, a large extracellular loop, and intracellular ... Regulatory Peptides, 54 Izenwasser, S., Acri, J B., Kunko, P M., & Shippenberg, T (in press) Repeated treatment with the selective kappa opioid agonist U-69593 produces a marked depletion of dopamine...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 17:17

443 396 0
electrochemical nanotechnology, 1998, p.328

electrochemical nanotechnology, 1998, p.328

... between the original hcp layer and the adsorbate-free domain at the periphery of the stepped terraces, and propagate on the terraces inwards from the periphery Desorption of the surface alloy occurs ... to concepts and formalism of long-range ET of solute metalloproteins The activity is prompted by the inherent perspectives of protein mapping at surfaces and by the fact that metalloproteins ... graphite surfaces [54] No adsorption could be detected This is perhaps not surprising as laccase voltammetry requires edge-plane graphite andor pre-adsorption of promoters Low-resolution ex- situ...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 13:40

328 439 0
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STEVEN A. PATTERSON State Auditor WILLIAM S. JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit ED P. YARBOROUGH, CPA Director, Division of County Audits _part1 doc

STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STEVEN A. PATTERSON State Auditor WILLIAM S. JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit ED P. YARBOROUGH, CPA Director, Division of County Audits _part1 doc

... Single Audit Report on Compliance with Specific Requirements Applicable to Nonmajor Federal Financial Assistance Program Transactions 47 Independent Auditor's Report on Compliance with State ... financial data of component units of Jefferson Davis County, Mississippi, not purport to, and not present fairly the financial position of Jefferson Davis County, Mississippi, at September 30, 1995 ... Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups September 30, l995 Exhibit A Governmental Fund Types Fiduciary Fund Type Account Groups Trust and Agency General Special Revenue Debt Service...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 02:20

10 146 0
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STEVEN A. PATTERSON State Auditor WILLIAM S. JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit ED P. YARBOROUGH, CPA Director, Division of County Audits _part2 potx

STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STEVEN A. PATTERSON State Auditor WILLIAM S. JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit ED P. YARBOROUGH, CPA Director, Division of County Audits _part2 potx

... Presentation The accompanying financial statements of the primary government have been prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles as prescribed by the Governmental Accounting ... are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than expendable trusts) that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes Special Revenue Funds account for, ... with the month of original purchase Generally accepted accounting principles require property taxes to be recognized at the levy date if measurable and available All property taxes are recognized...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 02:20

10 154 0
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STEVEN A. PATTERSON State Auditor WILLIAM S. JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit ED P. YARBOROUGH, CPA Director, Division of County Audits _part3 potx

STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STEVEN A. PATTERSON State Auditor WILLIAM S. JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit ED P. YARBOROUGH, CPA Director, Division of County Audits _part3 potx

... county appropriated approximately $177,650 for maintenance and support of the college in fiscal year 1995 Southern Mississippi Planning and Development District operates in a district composed ... Marion, Pearl River and Perry Counties Each county Board of Supervisors appoints one of the 24 board members and two board members are appointed from the private sector in each county Each county provides ... Mississippi Public Entity Workers' Compensation Trust, a public entity risk pool, to cover its exposure to risk of loss The pool was formed on January 1, 1990, by the Mississippi Association of Supervisors,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 02:20

10 124 0
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STEVEN A. PATTERSON State Auditor WILLIAM S. JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit ED P. YARBOROUGH, CPA Director, Division of County Audits _part4 pptx

STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STEVEN A. PATTERSON State Auditor WILLIAM S. JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit ED P. YARBOROUGH, CPA Director, Division of County Audits _part4 pptx

... management's authorization and recorded properly to permit the preparation of primary government financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles Because of inherent limitations ... and procedures and whether they have been placed in operation, and we assessed control risk in order to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the primary ... or disposition, that transactions are executed in accordance with management's authorization and recorded properly to permit the preparation of primary government financial statements in accordance...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 02:20

10 145 0
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STEVEN A. PATTERSON State Auditor WILLIAM S. JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit ED P. YARBOROUGH, CPA Director, Division of County Audits _part5 pdf

STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STEVEN A. PATTERSON State Auditor WILLIAM S. JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit ED P. YARBOROUGH, CPA Director, Division of County Audits _part5 pdf

... conform with generally accepted accounting principles We have applied procedures to test Jefferson Davis County, Mississippi's compliance with the following requirements applicable to its federal ... County, Mississippi's compliance with the requirements listed in the preceding paragraph Accordingly, we not express such an opinion With respect to the items tested, the results of those procedures ... Requirements: Political Activity Davis-Bacon Act Civil Rights Cash Management Allowable Costs/Cost Principles Administrative Requirements Our procedures were limited to the applicable procedures...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 02:20

10 157 0
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STEVEN A. PATTERSON State Auditor WILLIAM S. JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit ED P. YARBOROUGH, CPA Director, Division of County Audits _part6 docx

STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STEVEN A. PATTERSON State Auditor WILLIAM S. JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit ED P. YARBOROUGH, CPA Director, Division of County Audits _part6 docx

... scope than an audit, the objective of which is the expression of an opinion on the county's compliance with these requirements Accordingly, we not express such an opinion The results of our procedures ... issued our report thereon dated April 15, 1996 We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the procedures prescribed by the State Auditor, and accordingly, ... the distribution of this report, which is a matter of public record WILLIAM S JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit 49 3750 I-55 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI 39211 (601) 364-2888...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 02:20

8 210 0
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STEVEN A. PATTERSON State Auditor WILLIAM S. JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit ED P. YARBOROUGH, CPA Director, Division of County Audits_part1 pptx

STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STEVEN A. PATTERSON State Auditor WILLIAM S. JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit ED P. YARBOROUGH, CPA Director, Division of County Audits_part1 pptx

... generally accepted accounting principles However, the primary government financial statements, because they not include the financial data of component units of Jones County, Mississippi, not purport ... Assistance Programs 51 Independent Auditor's Single Audit Report on Compliance with Specific Requirements Applicable to Nonmajor Federal Financial Assistance Program Transactions 53 Independent ... Compliance with Specific Requirements Applicable to Major Federal Financial Assistance Programs 49 Independent Auditor's Single Audit Report on Compliance with General Requirements Applicable...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 02:20

11 158 0
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STEVEN A. PATTERSON State Auditor WILLIAM S. JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit ED P. YARBOROUGH, CPA Director, Division of County Audits_part2 pdf

STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STEVEN A. PATTERSON State Auditor WILLIAM S. JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit ED P. YARBOROUGH, CPA Director, Division of County Audits_part2 pdf

... used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than expendable trusts or for major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes Special ... Clerk Purchase Clerk Tax Assessor-Collector Sheriff Basis of Presentation The accompanying financial statements of the primary government have been prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting ... of Supervisors Generally accepted accounting principles require Jones County to present these financial statements on the primary government and its component units which have significant operational...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 02:20

11 167 0
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STEVEN A. PATTERSON State Auditor WILLIAM S. JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit ED P. YARBOROUGH, CPA Director, Division of County Audits_part3 docx

STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STEVEN A. PATTERSON State Auditor WILLIAM S. JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit ED P. YARBOROUGH, CPA Director, Division of County Audits_part3 docx

... Jones County, Mississippi, contributes to the Public Employees' Retirement System of Mississippi (PERS), a cost-sharing, multiple-employer, defined benefit pension plan PERS provides retirement ... trustees The county appropriated approximately $1,267,500 for maintenance and support of the college in fiscal year 1995 Pearl River Valley Opportunity, Inc operates in a district composed of the Counties ... Davis, Lamar, Marion, Pearl River and Perry The Jones County Board of Supervisors appoints one of the 24 board members The county appropriated approximately $5,960 for support of the organization...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 02:20

11 193 0
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STEVEN A. PATTERSON State Auditor WILLIAM S. JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit ED P. YARBOROUGH, CPA Director, Division of County Audits_part4 pptx

STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STEVEN A. PATTERSON State Auditor WILLIAM S. JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit ED P. YARBOROUGH, CPA Director, Division of County Audits_part4 pptx

... Ended September 30, 1995 Federal Grantor/ Pass-through Grantor/ Program Title U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development/Mississippi Department of Economic and Community Development/ Passed-through ... Housing and Urban Development U.S Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration/ Passed-through the Mississippi Department of Transportation Bridge inspection program Federal Emergency ... auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the primary government financial statements and not to provide an opinion on the internal control structure Accordingly, we not express...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 02:20

11 126 0
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STEVEN A. PATTERSON State Auditor WILLIAM S. JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit ED P. YARBOROUGH, CPA Director, Division of County Audits_part5 pdf

STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STEVEN A. PATTERSON State Auditor WILLIAM S. JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit ED P. YARBOROUGH, CPA Director, Division of County Audits_part5 pdf

... which is the expression of an opinion on Jones County, Mississippi's compliance with the requirements listed in the preceding paragraph Accordingly, we not express such an opinion With respect to ... the county's component units, which should be included in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles We have applied procedures to test Jones County, Mississippi's compliance with ... AUDIT OPINION ON COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO MAJOR FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS July 8, 1996 Members of the Board of Supervisors Jones County, Mississippi We have...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 02:20

11 103 0
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STEVEN A. PATTERSON State Auditor WILLIAM S. JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit ED P. YARBOROUGH, CPA Director, Division of County Audits_part6 pot

STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STEVEN A. PATTERSON State Auditor WILLIAM S. JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit ED P. YARBOROUGH, CPA Director, Division of County Audits_part6 pot

... expression of an opinion on Jones County, Mississippi's compliance with these requirements Accordingly, we not express such an opinion With respect to the items tested, the results of those procedures ... generally accepted accounting principles As required by the state legal compliance audit program prescribed by the Office of the State Auditor, we have also performed procedures to test compliance ... AUDITOR STEVEN A PATTERSON AUDITOR INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S SINGLE AUDIT REPORT ON COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO NONMAJOR FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM TRANSACTIONS July...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 02:20

9 99 0
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STEVEN A. PATTERSON State Auditor WILLIAM S. JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit ED P. YARBOROUGH, CPA Director, Division of County Audits_part1 docx

STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STEVEN A. PATTERSON State Auditor WILLIAM S. JONES, CPA Director, Department of Audit ED P. YARBOROUGH, CPA Director, Division of County Audits_part1 docx

... conformity with generally accepted accounting principles Our audit was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole The supplemental information, ... Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups September 30, l995 Exhibit A Governmental Fund Types Fiduciary Fund Type Account Groups Special Revenue Debt Service Capital Projects Trust and Agency ... discretely presented component unit columns are not known In our opinion, except for the effects on the financial statements of the omission described in the preceding paragraph, the general purpose...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 02:20

11 175 0