defining intangible assets and intellectual property — trademarks



... UNIVERSITY ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER: PROCESS, DESIGN, AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY i ADVANCES IN THE STUDY OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP, INNOVATION AND ECONOMIC GROWTH Series Editor: ... AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION Arthur A Boni and S Thomas Emerson 241 ORGANIZATIONAL MODULARITY AND INTRA-UNIVERSITY RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Andrew ... applicable to real-world problems and hence will be demanded by employers Finally, they have intellectual demands to see how university ideas might be modified to meet economic and social needs In the face...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 05:20

335 401 0
Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property doc

Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property doc

... TITLE: Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property: A Handbook on Issues and Options for Traditional Knowledge Holders in Protecting their Intellectual Property and Maintaining Biological Diversity ... Human Rights / Intellectual Property Rights / Traditional Knowledge FREE TEXT: This handbook is designed to make intellectual property protection issues and options more understandable to traditional ... holders This handbook is designed to make intellectual property protection issues and options more understandable to traditional knowledge holders and human rights organizations and legal professionals...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 03:20

82 384 1
EUROPEAN COMPETITION LAW ANNUAL 2005: The Interaction between Competition Law and Intellectual Property Law doc

EUROPEAN COMPETITION LAW ANNUAL 2005: The Interaction between Competition Law and Intellectual Property Law doc

... Rill and Penny G Newman: Reections on Enforcement Actions and Statements Concerning Intellectual Property Elements of Merger Review Jochen Burrichter and Dr Boris Kasten: Intellectual Property and ... 49 II Ian S Forrester QC: Regulating Intellectual Property Via Competition? Or Regulating Competition Via Intellectual Property? Competition and Intellectual Property: Ten Years On, The Debate ... in Standard Setting, in the Light of the FTCs Case Against Rambus Inc., 49 Antitrust Bulletin 699) See also Lea G and Hall P (2004): Standards and Intellectual Property Rights: An Economic and...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 12:20

768 845 1
The Handbook of Business Valuation and Intellectual Property Analysis pot

The Handbook of Business Valuation and Intellectual Property Analysis pot

... litigation, and business formations related to intellectual property Personal and institutional fortunes were made and lost— related to the formation, financing, and failure of Internet, dot-com, and ... exploitation, and commercialization of intellectual property As with the intellectual properties themselves, intellectual property licenses, contracts, and agreements have become more complicated and more ... Conclusion PART IV Intellectual Property Valuation Issues 353 14 Intellectual Property Income Projections: Approaches and Methods 355 JACQUELYN DAL SANTO Objective of Intellectual Property Income...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 10:20

679 449 0
UK design as a global industry: International trade and intellectual property docx

UK design as a global industry: International trade and intellectual property docx

... export markets Design and intellectual property The intellectual property system is vital to design businesses, because they are based on generating valuable intellectual property For designers ... a significant amount of intellectual property, and interacts heavily with the intellectual property system Design has its own separate provision within the intellectual property system, which ... designs, and allowing other firms to use them under licence This model involves capturing value directly from the intellectual property, but requires a clear and easy-to-enforce intellectual property...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 10:20

112 468 0
THE HANDBOOK OF NANOTECHNOLOGY Business, Policy, and Intellectual Property Law pdf

THE HANDBOOK OF NANOTECHNOLOGY Business, Policy, and Intellectual Property Law pdf

... references and index ISBN 0-471-66695-5 Microelectronics industrty Nanotechnology—Industrial applications Intellectual property I Title: Handbook of nanotechnology business, policy, and intellectual property ... accessible and easy-to-understand manner.” —F Mark Modzelewski, founder of the NanoBusiness Alliance and managing director, Lux Research, Inc THE HANDBOOK OF NANOTECHNOLOGY Business, Policy, and Intellectual ... policy, law, and running a business It is a book that intelligently anticipates future developments in policy and intellectual property, as well as mergers and other financing activity.” —Randy Levine,...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 10:20

383 438 0


... States and other relevant local export laws and regulations apply to the Oracle Programs Licensee shall comply fully with all relevant export laws and regulations of the United States and other ... document and no terms included in any such purchase order or other ordering document shall apply to the Oracle Programs and/ or services ordered This Addendum may not be modified and the rights and ... WARRANTIES, LICENSEE’S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY, AND MICROS’S AND ORACLE’S ENTIRE LIABILITY, SHALL BE THE CORRECTION OF PROGRAM ERRORS THAT CAUSED BREACH OF THE WARRANTY MICROS’S AND ORACLE’S MAXIMUM LIABILITY...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 05:15

2 423 0


... World Intellectual Property Organization (hereinafter referred to as “WIPO”) and establishes its mission: to examine and evaluate, in an independent manner, WIPO’s control and business systems and ... Internal Auditors, the norms and standards for UN evaluation, the Uniform Guidelines for Investigations and other guidance standards and norms generally accepted and applied by the UN system ... and economical use, and the safeguarding of human, financial and material resources of WIPO (f) Determine the extent to which assets are accounted for and safeguarded from loss (g) Identify and...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 21:20

49 745 0
Tài liệu Intellectual Property and Information Control pdf

Tài liệu Intellectual Property and Information Control pdf

... paper) Intellectual property United States Computer systems—Law and legislation—United States Data transmission systems—Law and legislation—United States I Title KF2979 M66 2001 346.7304'8—dc21 ... “Introduction to Intellectual Property and “Toward a Lockean Theory of Intellectual Property in my edited anthology, Intellectual Property: Moral, Legal, and International Dilemmas (Rowman and Littlefield, ... rights to intellectual and intangible property Some think that this goal is easily attained and offer the following argument Control should be granted to authors and inventors of intellectual property...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 05:20

267 452 0
Tài liệu Intellectual Property and Biotechnology doc

Tài liệu Intellectual Property and Biotechnology doc

... Matthew Intellectual property and biotechnology : biological inventions / by Matthew Rimmer p cm Includes bibliographical references and index Intellectual property Biotechnology—Law and legislation ... Kathy Bowrey and Philip Griffith (2007), Intellectual Property: Commentary and Materials (4th edn), Sydney: Law Book Co; Jill McKeough, Andrew Stewart and Philip Griffith (2004), Intellectual Property ... Committee on Intellectual Property Rights in Genomic and Protein Research and Innovation (2005), Reaping the Benefits of Genomic and Proteomic Research: Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation and Public...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 05:20

392 533 0
Tài liệu Intellectual Property and Open Source ppt

Tài liệu Intellectual Property and Open Source ppt

... Nutshell Handbook, the Nutshell Handbook logo, and the O’Reilly logo are registered trademarks of O’Reilly Media, Inc Intellectual Property and Open Source and related trade dress are trademarks ... 1215097554 CONTENTS PREFACE ix THE ECONOMIC AND LEGAL FOUNDATIONS OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Law and Code The Types of Intellectual Property Intellectual Property and Market Failure Evaluating the System ... necessary to stand back and look at the system as a whole, as well as the problems intellectual property was designed to fix Intellectual Property and Market Failure Intellectual property starts...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 15:21

392 2,5K 0


... Resources and Population Genomics in Iceland, Estonia, and Tonga”, Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy (2003): 133–144 32 Ethics and Law of Intellectual Property The current situation of the Icelandic ... international agreement on intellectual property, Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), argues against the special relevance of some fields of intellectual property and aims at a homogenous ... between knowledge and intellectual property rights: one side argues that a strong intellectual property protection serves as an incentive to create new knowledge and to foster industrial and economic...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 11:20

307 1,3K 0
Intellectual Property and Traditional Cultural Expressions in a Digital Environment pptx

Intellectual Property and Traditional Cultural Expressions in a Digital Environment pptx

... INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND HUMAN RIGHTS The Disneyland of cultural rights to intellectual property: anthropological and philosophical perspectives Elizabeth Burns Coleman Human rights, cultural property and ... of Intellectual Property Law and Co-Director of the Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute, Queen Mary University of London, where she researches and teaches in intellectual property ... Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC) of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and a member of the Swiss...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 11:20

344 642 1
Multimedia Security:: Steganography and Digital Watermarking Techniques for Protection of Intellectual Property doc

Multimedia Security:: Steganography and Digital Watermarking Techniques for Protection of Intellectual Property doc

... Voyatzis, Nikolaidis and Pitas (1998), Ruanaidh, Dowling and Boland (1996), Ruanaidh and Pun (1997), Hsu and Wu (1996), Ruanaidh, Boland and Dowling (1996), Hernandez, Amado and Perez-Gonzalez ... to Bors and Pitas (1996), Piva et al (1997), Tao and Dickinson (1997), Kankanhalli and Ramakrishnan (1999), Huang and Shi (1998), Kang and Aoki (1999), Goutte and Baskurt (1998), Tang and Aoki ... viewpoint Swanson, Kobayashi and Tewfik (1998), Busch and Wolthusen (1999), Mintzer, Braudaway and Yeung (1997), Servetto, Podilchuk and Ramchandran (1998), Cox, Kilian, Leighton and Shamoon (1997), Bender,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 11:20

268 468 0
Intellectual Property Rights in a Networked World: Theory and Practice doc

Intellectual Property Rights in a Networked World: Theory and Practice doc

... legal standpoint, intellectual property rights specify the ownership privileges for intellectual objects Normative approaches to intellectual property (IP) are focused on the justification of intellectual ... Spinello and Tavani utility, labor-desert, self-expression, and respect for the commons should function in our reasoning and deliberations about intellectual property issues as a system of checks and ... prohibited Intellectual Property Rights 21 LEGAL INFRASTRUCTURE TO PROTECT INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THE UNITED STATES To protect the rights and interests of “owners” of intellectual property, ...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 11:20

303 1,1K 1
No Trespassing Authorship, Intellectual Property Rights, and the Boundaries of Globalization docx

No Trespassing Authorship, Intellectual Property Rights, and the Boundaries of Globalization docx

... to TRIPS, and yet, intellectual property rights are still bound by territoriality and national laws 26 How then, more precisely, does globalization relate to authorship intellectual property? ... Jones, Tristram Shandy - what Mark Rose labels 'the record of a personality/ is but one expression of how authorship and legal ownership began to coexist Authorship and intellectual property rights ... Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), which together with the Berne Convention represents key international texts Introduction on intellectual property rights, includes copyright and related...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 12:20

248 323 0
Intellectual Property Rights In A Networked World: Theory And Practice doc

Intellectual Property Rights In A Networked World: Theory And Practice doc

... legal standpoint, intellectual property rights specify the ownership privileges for intellectual objects Normative approaches to intellectual property (IP) are focused on the justification of intellectual ... Spinello and Tavani utility, labor-desert, self-expression, and respect for the commons should function in our reasoning and deliberations about intellectual property issues as a system of checks and ... prohibited Intellectual Property Rights 21 LEGAL INFRASTRUCTURE TO PROTECT INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THE UNITED STATES To protect the rights and interests of “owners” of intellectual property, ...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 12:20

303 511 0
Intellectual Property for Managers and Investors doc

Intellectual Property for Managers and Investors doc

... intentionally left blank Intellectual Property for Managers and Investors Technologists have the ideas Lawyers know the rules But for business managers and investors, rules and ideas not readily ... to creating and exploiting IP wealth It shows investors how to evaluate IP strength and competitive value With its results-oriented perspective and international focus, Intellectual Property for ... Goodwin Procter LLP and specializes in intellectual property and business transactions that involve IP He graduated from Brown University (Sc.B., Chemistry, magna cum laude) and Harvard Law School...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 12:20

184 356 0


... conservationists from research students to policy makers INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION: an interdisciplinary ... project and has been supportive from its initiation, and also to the team at Cambridge University Press (Alan Crowden, Tracey Sanderson, Zandra Clarke and Carmen Mongillo) for faithfully and professionally ... project on intellectual property rights and biodiversity conservation sponsored by the Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment, directed by Professors David Pearce and Kerry...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 12:20

286 296 1