deficiency signs and methods of nutritional assessment

Báo cáo y học: "Formulation preference, tolerability and quality of life assessment following a switch from lopinavir/ritonavir soft gel capsule to tablet in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients" pot

Báo cáo y học: "Formulation preference, tolerability and quality of life assessment following a switch from lopinavir/ritonavir soft gel capsule to tablet in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients" pot

... occurred in 11 of 16 subjects at week (69%, p = 0.13), and in of 13 subjects at week 12 (62%, p = 0.41) Resolution of blood in stool occurred in of subjects at week (83%, p = 0.10), and in of subjects ... week of ± 2.27 out of 12 points (75%), and at week 12 of 8.69 ± 2.25 out of 12 points (72%) were consistent with the therapy preference scores and further validate the overall preference of the ... responses of: Solid, Moderate, no blood, and frequency of "2" would have a score of: (1 + + + 2)/4 = 1.75 for their baseline summary score Therefore the scale has a minimum of (best BHS outcome) and...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 05:21

7 272 0
Báo cáo y học: " Signs and symptoms of acute mania: a factor analysis" pptx

Báo cáo y học: " Signs and symptoms of acute mania: a factor analysis" pptx

... interpretation of factor loadings was 0.40 The cut-off for determining the significance level was based on the sample size Based on a significance level of 0.05 and a power of 80% a sample of 200 is ... symptoms) and the DSM-IV recognises psychotic features as an indication of the severity of illness One of the most significant findings of this factor analysis is the identification of a factor ... analysis of signs and symptoms of the manic episode with BechRafaelsen Mania and Melancholia Scales J Affect Disord 2001, 64(23):267-270 11 Sato T, Bottlender R, Kleindienst N, Moller HJ: Syndromes and...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 15:22

5 327 0
báo cáo khoa học:" Signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders and oral parafunctions in urban Saudi arabian adolescents: a research report" docx

báo cáo khoa học:" Signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders and oral parafunctions in urban Saudi arabian adolescents: a research report" docx

... Epidemiology of signs and symptoms in temporomandibular disorders Clinical signs in cases and control JADA 1990, 120:273-281 Okeson JP: Assessment of orofacial pain disorders, In: Okeson JP orofacial ... within samples of the same population and of the same age [23] Discussion A number of studies of the prevalence of TMD in children and adolescents have been published from different parts of the world, ... prevalence of anxiety and depression in non patient adolescents and their relationship to signs and symptoms of TMD They reported that anxiety (16.5%) and depression (26.7%) although of mild intensity,...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 23:22

7 283 0
Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis - Part 2 ppt

Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis - Part 2 ppt

... solutions of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1:2 mg mLÀ1 of K and Na, respectively d Combined Ca and Mg standard solutions Prepare 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1:0 mg mLÀ1 of Ca and ... solution of cesium chloride (CsCl) and LaCl3 : dissolve 3.16 g of CsCl in 100 mL of the 10% LaCl3 solution c Combined K and Na standard solutions: use certified atomic absorption standard and prepare ... mL of solution A Solution B should be fresh and prepared daily c Standard solution of P: use certified P standard or prepare a solution of 100 mg mLÀ1 P by dissolving 0.4393 g of KH2 PO4 in L of...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:23

104 769 2
Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis - Part 5 ppt

Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis - Part 5 ppt

... form and function of soil organic constituents and to assess the impacts of land use, management, and vegetation type on carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) turnover and storage (Gregorich and Janzen 1996; ... Keeney, D.R and Bremner, J.M 1966 Comparison and evaluation of laboratory methods of obtaining an index of soil nitrogen availability Agron J 58: 498–503 Picone, L.I., Cabrera, M.L., and Franzluebbers, ... IRGA and alkali adsorption methods Commun Soil Sci Plant Anal 33: 403–423 Martens, R 1987 Estimation of microbial biomass in soil by the respiration methods: importance of soil pH and flushing methods...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:23

126 1,7K 1
Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis - Part 7 pot

Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis - Part 7 pot

... N., and Durner, W 2002 Simultaneous determination of water transmission and retention properties: inverse methods In J.H Dane and G.C Topp, Eds., Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 4— Physical Methods, ... properties of soil and their use in soil water content measurements ´ can be found in Topp et al (1980), Ferre and Topp (2002), and Topp and Reynolds (1998) All of the EM methods make use of the ... devices In J.H Dane and G.C Topp Eds Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 4—Physical Methods, Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI, pp 463–474 Todoroff, P and Luk, J 2001 Calculation of in situ soil...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:23

282 905 0
Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis - Part 8 (end) pdf

Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis - Part 8 (end) pdf

... A1 is a list of basic information related to sample site and sampling method Landscape and soil profile attributes are listed in Table A2 and Table A3, respectively TABLE A1 A List of Basic Sampling ... Taxonomy SCS U.S Department of Agriculture Handbook 436, Washington, DC, 754 pp Taylor, N.H and Pohlen, I.J 1962 Soil Survey Method A New Zealand Handbook for the Field Study of Soils Soils Bureau ... vehicles often requires specific (and mandatory) training and licensing CONNECTION OF PRESSURE REGULATORS Once the cap has been removed from the cylinder, inspect the threads for damage and dirt...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:23

12 289 0
Báo cáo y học: "Is Phytalgic® a goldmine for osteoarthritis patients or is there something fishy about this nutraceutical? A summary of findings and risk-of-bias assessment" pot

Báo cáo y học: "Is Phytalgic® a goldmine for osteoarthritis patients or is there something fishy about this nutraceutical? A summary of findings and risk-of-bias assessment" pot

... detection bias Assessment of the trial reporting in terms of risk of bias, the use of random assignment, and subsequent concealment of allocation would qualify as adequate (that is, low risk of selection ... Symptomatic efficacy and safety of diacerein in the treatment of osteoarthritis: a meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2009, Oct 14 [Epub ahead of print] Vlad ... N, BiermaZeinstra S, Brandt KD, Croft P, Doherty M, Dougados M, Hochberg M, Hunter DJ, Kwoh K, Lohmander LS, Tugwell P: OARSI recommendations for the management of hip and knee osteoarthritis,...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 11:22

3 279 0
Development and validation of classroom assessment literacy scales english as a foreign language (EFL) instructors in a cambodian higher education setting

Development and validation of classroom assessment literacy scales english as a foreign language (EFL) instructors in a cambodian higher education setting

... explore the assessment related knowledge of the instructors (in terms of knowledge and understanding of the concepts of validity and reliability) as well as their notions of an ideal assessment, ... teachers in terms of their assessment knowledge base and personal beliefs about assessment This type of study should provide a better understanding of the nature of the classroom assessment literacy ... types of assessment methods have been displayed in Table 2.2 below Table 2.2 Main Types of Assessment Methods Traditional/Objective assessment Innovative/Alternative assessment Selected-response assessments...

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2015, 14:04

326 732 0
Statistical Methods of Valuation and Risk Assessment: Empirical Analysis of Equity Markets and Hedge Fund Strategies

Statistical Methods of Valuation and Risk Assessment: Empirical Analysis of Equity Markets and Hedge Fund Strategies

... concept of concordance and discordance which informally says that a pair of random variables are concordant if large values of one tend to be associated with large values of the other and small ... estimates the standard error of the parameter estimate by the empirical standard deviation of the B replications The result is called the bootstrap estimate of standard error and is evaluated ... Value-atRisk and related measures of risk (expected shortfall, volatility) for major equity market indices using standard methods as well as the most recent state -of- the-art methods The analysis of the...

Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2013, 20:00

59 477 0
Báo cáo sinh học: "Assessment of methods and analysis of outcomes for comprehensive optimization of nucleofection" pptx

Báo cáo sinh học: "Assessment of methods and analysis of outcomes for comprehensive optimization of nucleofection" pptx

... 96-well nucleofection plate was loaded with 20 μL of one of the three nucleofection solutions (approximately 275,000 cells) and the plate was loaded into the Amaxa 96-well Shuttle for nucleofection ... measurement of whole-cell GFP in each well, and secondly by lysis of cells to release GFP in order to yield a more homogeneous measurement Cell lysis was induced by the addition of uL of 0.2 N HCl, and ... of the 96-well initial primary optimization (screen) is shown in Figure 1A Most of the wells had some degree of successful nucleofection of the GFP plasmid shown by a homogeneous expression of...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 19:22

8 360 0
Environmental Impact Assessment (Overview of Purpose, Process and Methods)

Environmental Impact Assessment (Overview of Purpose, Process and Methods)

... technology (adapted from Sadler and Jacobs (1989) and Sadler (1995) Connections Between Root Causes and Problems (The Three Factor Model) Number of people P × Number of units of resources used per person ... Concerns and interests of different parties and the contextual aspects of the decision are addressed EIA is therefore an important phase in the process of deciding about the final shape of a proposed ... on the environment and on man’s health and well being of legislative proposals, policies, programs, projects and operational procedures and to interpret and communicate information about the impact”...

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2016, 10:41

13 332 1
Exergoeconomic optimization and improvement of a cogeneration system modeled in a process simulator using direct search and evolutionary methods

Exergoeconomic optimization and improvement of a cogeneration system modeled in a process simulator using direct search and evolutionary methods

... rate of exergy transfer, subscripts F and P indicate system fuel and system product, respectively, NK is the number of system components, and NP and NF are the numbers of system products and fuels, ... Nelder and Mead A global analysis of Tables and reveals an important outcome: the method of Powell systematically leads to the smallest values of the objective function and of the number of simulator ... the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UFRJ He is a member of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (ABCM) and of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:30

14 594 0
Advertising methods of Quang An Investment Cooperation and Trading Limited Company

Advertising methods of Quang An Investment Cooperation and Trading Limited Company

... Investment Cooperation and Trading Limited Company and the current situation of advertising in the company Chapter 3: Proposals and Solutions Purposes and Methods of study 2.1 Purposes of study My purposes ... “Advertising methods of Quang An Investment Cooperation and Trading Limited Company” as the topic of my assignment Apart from acknowledgements, table of contents and references, my assignment consists of ... TABLE OF CONTENTS A INTRODUCTION 1 Reasons for choosing subject Purposes and Methods of studying .2 2.1 Purposes of the studying 2.2 Methods of the studying...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 15:15

40 377 0
Tài liệu Independent Component Analysis - Chapter 14: Overview and Comparison of Basic ICA Methods pptx

Tài liệu Independent Component Analysis - Chapter 14: Overview and Comparison of Basic ICA Methods pptx

... OVERVIEW AND COMPARISON OF BASIC ICA METHODS methods In some cases, however, the algorithm and the estimation principle may be difficult to separate The properties of the ICA method depend on both of ... analysis G 278 OVERVIEW AND COMPARISON OF BASIC ICA METHODS b bx First, note that the robustness of ^ depends also on the method of estimation used in constraining the variance of ^ T to equal unity, ... is the value of for whitened data Several robust estimators of the variance of ^ T or of the covariance matrix of are presented in the literature; see reference [163] The robustness of the estimator...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 07:19

17 551 0
Tài liệu Risk Characterization, Assessment, and Management of Organic Pollutants in Beneficially Used Residual Products pdf

Tài liệu Risk Characterization, Assessment, and Management of Organic Pollutants in Beneficially Used Residual Products pdf

... P.H Krogh, K.K Brandt, J Sorensen, T Madsen, J Petersen, and C Gron 2003 Recycling of sewage sludge and household compost to arable land: Fate and effects of organic contaminants, and impact on ... Exposure and human health reassessment of 2,3,7,8tetrachlorobibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) and related compounds EPA/600/P-00/001Bg USEPA Natl Center for Environ Assessment, Office of Res and Development, ... 2004) USEPA Office of Wastewater Manage., Washington, DC USEPA 1997 Exposure factors handbook Vol I, II, III EPA/600/ P-95/002Fa-c USEPA Natl Center for Environ Assessment, Office of Res and Development,...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 03:20

11 657 1
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Models and mechanisms of O-O bond activation by cytochrome P450 A critical assessment of the potential role of multiple active intermediates in oxidative catalysis doc

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Models and mechanisms of O-O bond activation by cytochrome P450 A critical assessment of the potential role of multiple active intermediates in oxidative catalysis doc

... lifetimes of carbon-centred radicals derived from a diverse set of substrates are on the order of about 10)10 s [98] Moreover, the randomness of the apparent intramolecular KIEs for unrearranged and ... result in a drastic diminution of polymerization products derived from aniline and some of its p- and N-substituted congeners, while formation of p-hydroxylated and dealkylated metabolites was ... discounted in view of the high selectivity of DNA strand breakage [239] Also, density functional theory (DFT) calculations of the electronic structure of an optimized geometric model of activated BLM...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 16:20

26 747 0
Tài liệu Alcohol-use disorders: diagnosis, assessment and management of harmful drinking and alcohol dependence docx

Tài liệu Alcohol-use disorders: diagnosis, assessment and management of harmful drinking and alcohol dependence docx

... Alcohol dependence affects 4% of people aged between 16 and 65 in England (6% of men and 2% of women), and over 24% of the English population (33% of men and 16% of women) consume alcohol in a ... recommendations on the diagnosis, assessment and management of harmful drinking and alcohol dependence in adults and in young people aged 10–17 years This is one of three pieces of NICE guidance addressing ... and seeking help, and the limited availability of specialist alcohol treatment services in some parts of England Additionally, alcohol misuse is under-identified by health and social care professionals,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 11:20

51 476 0
Tài liệu Obesity guidance on the prevention, identification, assessment and management of overweight and obesity in adults and children ppt

Tài liệu Obesity guidance on the prevention, identification, assessment and management of overweight and obesity in adults and children ppt

... rice and pasta • Eat at least five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables each day, in place of foods higher in fat and calories • Eat a low-fat diet and avoid increasing your fat and/ or ... management of a child’s overweight or obesity (including assessment and agreement of goals and actions) should be made in partnership with the child and family, and be tailored to the needs and preferences ... However, the age and maturity of the child and the preferences of the child and the parents should be taken into account 1.2.2 Identification and classification of overweight and obesity

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 11:20

84 1,1K 0