data acquisition and control case studies



... liệu: TỔNG QUAN VỀ DAQ (DATA ACQUISITION AND CONTROL) Tài liệu DAQ Chương 1 Trang 1 GV: Phạm Hùng Kim Khánh Chương 1 TỔNG QUAN VỀ DAQ (DATA ACQUISITION AND CONTROL) 1. Định nghĩa và ... liệu (Data Acquisition (DAQ) System) được thiết kế không những chỉ để thu thập dữ liệu mà còn cả chức năng điều khiển. Vì vậy khi nói hệ DAQ thường hàm ý cả chức năng điều khiển (Data Acquisition ... xuất, có thể là: card giao tiếp mở rộng (plug-in expansion bus boards), intelligent stand-alone loggers and controllers (loại này có thể được định cấu hình, quan sát và điều khiển từ máy tính...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2015, 02:01

87 755 1
Pop f  big data platforms and applications  case studies   2021

Pop f big data platforms and applications case studies 2021

... Communications and Networks Florin Pop Gabriel Neagu   Editors Big Data Platforms and Applications Case Studies, Methods, Techniques, and Performance Evaluation Computer Communications and Networks ... implementation, and final results for Big Data platforms and applications being oriented on case studies, methods, techniques, and performance evaluation, being a flagship driver toward presenting and supporting ... Switzerland We, the editors and authors of book chapters, dedicate this book to our families and friends with love and gratitude Preface Introduction The value of Big Data applications and their...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2022, 15:30

300 37 0
Interactive avatar control case studies on physics and performance based character animation

Interactive avatar control case studies on physics and performance based character animation

... Control 11 2.3.1 Forward and Inverse Dynamics 12 2.3.2 Physics-Based Controller Modeling 13 2.3.3 Control Algorithms 18 2.3.4 Controller ... 2.3 A motion graph built from two initial clips A and B Clip A is cut into A1 and A2, and clip B is cut into B1 and B2 Transition clips T1 and T2 are inserted to connect the segments Similar ... control to create a virtual try-on experience These two case studies showcased physics-based and performance-based approaches for interactive avatar control The physics-based approach is capable of...

Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2015, 17:15

75 431 0
Architecting flexible projects and systems using portfolios of real options a decision support framework and two case studies

Architecting flexible projects and systems using portfolios of real options a decision support framework and two case studies

... Technology and Management 7, 35-49. 206 Brydon, M. and Gemino, A. (2008) Classification Trees and Decision-Analytic Feedforward Control: A Case Study from the Video Game Industry. Data Mining and ... division of Engineering and Technology Management and for his version and consistent effort, which helps and steers me through the PhD. Thanks are also due to the people and organizations that ... PROJECTS AND SYSTEMS: AN EVOLUTIONARY FRAMEWORK AND TWO CASE STUDIES by Stephen Xu ZHANG (B. Eng., Nanyang Technological University) A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE DIVISION OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 14:29

238 389 0
Some Difficulties and Suggestions for Sustainable Marine Eco-tourism in Vietnam and Japan Case Studies of Vân Đồn District, Quảng Ninh Province and Akkeshi Town, Hokkaido

Some Difficulties and Suggestions for Sustainable Marine Eco-tourism in Vietnam and Japan Case Studies of Vân Đồn District, Quảng Ninh Province and Akkeshi Town, Hokkaido

... other areas and other countries is worth considering In this paper, the authors focus on the development of marine tourism in two case studies in Japan and Vietnam Based on two case studies in ... Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol 29, No (2013) 14-25 bathing, swimming), festivals, and religious and historical places visiting handicrafts, specialties and cuisines, and people’s ... Places of interests Tourists from Hokkaido 400 Parks and gardens 300 Wetland 200 Museums and historic sites Festivals and special events Food and souvenir shops 88,323 (29.39%) 5,532 (1.84%) 27,738...

Ngày tải lên: 26/02/2017, 22:16

12 499 0
Data path and control (kỹ THUẬT số SLIDE)

Data path and control (kỹ THUẬT số SLIDE)

... Slide IV Data Path and Control Design a simple computer (MicroMIPS) to learn about: • Data path – part of the CPU where data signals flow • Control unit – guides data signals through data path ... Bubble Control signals from decoder All-0s   t2 Controls or all-0s DataRead2 Fig 16.5 Data hazard detector for the pipelined MicroMIPS data path Slide 66 Augmentations to Pipelined Data Path and Control ... (rt) / 16 ALU out Data cache Data out Data in Func 32 SE / Data addr Register input fn RegDst RegWrite Reg access / decode ALUSrc ALUFunc ALU operation DataRead RegInSrc DataWrite Data access Key...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2021, 10:29

80 14 0


... same control scheme with PI controller and the control performances are also encouraging The emphasis on implementation of advanced forms of control with a feedback/feedforward control scheme and ... Information and control, vol 8, no 3, pp 338353 Zadeh, L A 1965c, "Fuzzy sets", Information and control, vol 8, no 3, pp 338353 184 REFERENCE Zadeh, L A 1965d, "Fuzzy sets", Information and control, ... important control actions, with the feedback control scheme reacting to unmeasured disturbances and the feedforward control scheme reacting immediately to any measured disturbance and set-point...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2021, 21:27

211 10 0
Computer architecture Part IV Data Path and Control

Computer architecture Part IV Data Path and Control

... Slide IV Data Path and Control Design a simple computer (MicroMIPS) to learn about: • Data path – part of the CPU where data signals flow • Control unit – guides data signals through data path ... t2 Controls or all-0s DataRead2 Fig 16.5 Data hazard detector for the pipelined MicroMIPS data path Feb 2007 Computer Architecture, Data Path and Control Slide 66 Augmentations to Pipelined Data ... (rt) / 16 ALU out Data cache Data out Data in Func 32 SE / Data addr Register input fn RegDst RegWrite Reg access / decode ALUSrc ALUFunc ALU operation RegInSrc DataRead DataWrite Data access Key...

Ngày tải lên: 11/10/2021, 14:38

80 29 0


... INVESTIGATIONS USING ENCASE EnCase phần mềm pháp y cung cấp cho nhà điều tra công cụ đầy đủ để điều tra pháp y Chương cung cấp số thông tin EnCase thảo luận cách nhà điều tra sử dụng EnCase để thực nhiệm ... đích giá trị EnCase để xác minh tệp chứng mà EnCase tạo có cấu trúc byte giống phương tiện gốc EnCase sử dụng băm MD5 để tạo băm sau thêm vào thư viện băm Bộ băm tập hợp tệp băm EnCase tạo giá ... Huỳnh Trọng Thưa Nhóm 10: Võ Xuân Thịnh – N17DCAT066 Nguyễn Hoàng Hải – N17DCAT021 ĐỀ TÀI: DATA ACQUISITION AND DUPLICATION PHẦN 1: TRẢ LỜI CÂU HỎI TRONG ĐỀ TÀI Câu What are the methods investigators...

Ngày tải lên: 19/04/2022, 23:03

14 9 0
CHFI module 4: Data acquisition and duplication

CHFI module 4: Data acquisition and duplication

... Understand live data acquisition Understand static data acquisition Review data acquisition and duplication steps Choose the steps required to keep the device unaltered Determine the best acquisition ... auditable and acceptable to the court Types of Data Acquisition Live Data Acquisition Involves collecting volatile information that resides in registries, cache, and RAM Static Data Acquisition Acquisition ... Data Acquisition and Duplication Module 04 Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator Data Acquisition and Duplication Exam 312-49 Data Acquistion and Duplication Module 04...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2022, 15:45

77 12 0
Potential for car use reduction through a simulation approach paris and lyon case studies (2)

Potential for car use reduction through a simulation approach paris and lyon case studies (2)

... Paris case study Car drivers transferring and: Saving time and money Saving time and losing money Losing time and saving money Losing time and money Lyon case study Car drivers transferring and: ... simulation approach: Paris and Lyon case studies, Transport Reviews, Vol 26, n°1, pp 25-42 Potential for car use reduction through a simulation approach: Paris and Lyon case studies Authors Marie-Hélène ... et al, 2000) and to have a “black-box” model structure Potential for car use reduction through a simulation approach : Paris and Lyon case studies In order to “open the black box” and evaluate...

Ngày tải lên: 11/10/2022, 15:50

22 4 0
Evaluation of car traffic reduction potential in urban area, paris and lyon case studies

Evaluation of car traffic reduction potential in urban area, paris and lyon case studies

... for public transport (park and ride schemes) and passenger information strategies Evaluation of car traffic reduction potential in urban area - Paris and Lyon case- studies Massot M-H, Armoogum ... presents both the methodology and results obtain from Paris and Lyon case studies The issues The private car currently dominates travel in large metropolitan areas and its use is on the increase, ... round trips and the reduction in vehicle-kilometres would be about 9% in the case of Paris (26% and 13% in the Lyon case) 20% of the drivers in Paris area would be involved (32% in the case of Lyon),...

Ngày tải lên: 11/10/2022, 15:50

21 3 0
Speed and car used regulation in urban areas paris and lyon case studies

Speed and car used regulation in urban areas paris and lyon case studies

... Saving time and money 40% Saving time and loosing money 11% Loosing time and saving money 32% Loosing time and money 17% Paris case study Relative evolution Saving time and money Saving time and loosing ... Speed and car used regulation in urban areas Paris and Lyon case studies – WCTR2004 Lyon case study Relative evolution Time-budget Monetary Budget Saving time and money -22% Saving time and loosing ... Button KJ, Hensher DA (Eds.); Handbook of transport systems and traffic control, Pergamon, Oxford 17 Speed and car used regulation in urban areas Paris and Lyon case studies – WCTR2004 Jones P (1990),...

Ngày tải lên: 11/10/2022, 15:55

19 8 0
The Data Acquisition and Calibration System for the ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker

The Data Acquisition and Calibration System for the ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker

... main control and data handling A complementary Back Of Crate (BOC) board handles the ROD’s I/O 106requirements to and from the front-end, and to the central DAQ Each ROD/BOC pair deals with the control ... DAQ hardware Non-DAQ Data Store DCS Archiving Service Configuration Service Database XML files Persistent Storage Control /Data Single Multiple Figure Schematic control and data flow diagram for ... propagation and event data formatting The secondary functions of the ROD are detector calibration and monitoring Control 142commands are sent from the ROD to the front-end modules as serial data streams...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2022, 05:49

20 4 0
pg 13 - risk and em case studies-txtbk - george haddow

pg 13 - risk and em case studies-txtbk - george haddow

... consist of one or more case studies  Sidebars - Interesting commentary and important concepts that are provided in the outer page margins to expand upon the case studies and other instructional ... Management and the National Weather Service The Sand Festival draws master sand castle sculpting teams and several thousand onlookers One of the entries this year featured a tsunami wave and larger-than-life ... media * Studies and reports developed by academic institutions * First hand accounts by participants and witnesses * Official testimony to government bodies * Previously published emergency and risk...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2022, 13:27

30 4 0
a flexible and scalable architecture for real time ant sensor data acquisition and nosql storage

a flexible and scalable architecture for real time ant sensor data acquisition and nosql storage

... methodologies, architectures, and context data storage Sensor communication, data processing and interpretation, data interchange format, data transferal, and context data storage are sensitive ... protocol based data acquisition, storage, and sharing functionality, we explore and highlight different problems and requirements, such as sensor communication, real-time data processing and interpretation, ... physical, data- link, and network [53] Such aspects are addressed in IEEE 802.11 (WLAN/WiFi) and 802.15.1 (Bluetooth) standards [54] However, WiFi and Bluetooth consume more bandwidth and power;...

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2022, 14:57

13 4 0
P4 data path and control

P4 data path and control

... Slide IV Data Path and Control Design a simple computer (MicroMIPS) to learn about: • Data path – part of the CPU where data signals flow • Control unit – guides data signals through data path ... Part IV Data Path and Control Feb 2007 Computer Architecture, Data Path and Control Slide About This Presentation This presentation is intended ... ALU out Data addr Data cache Data out Data in Func 32 SE / 1 Register input fn RegDst Br&Jump Register writeback ALUSrc RegWrite Reg access / decode ALUFunc ALU operation DataRead RegInSrc DataWrite...

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2023, 06:29

80 1 0
spatio temporal landscape utilization using technological innovations addressing one health and sustainability case studies in the philippines

spatio temporal landscape utilization using technological innovations addressing one health and sustainability case studies in the philippines

... temperature and precipitation that may affect species distribution Land-use/Land Cover refers to the classification of human activities and natural elements on a landscape Land-use/Land Cover ... temperature and precipitation that may affect species distribution Land-use/Land Cover refers to the classification of human activities and natural elements on a landscape Land-use/Land Cover ... of life and the environmentLiterature ReviewLand Use/land-cover change and land surface temperatureSatellite images can provide data to address these gaps in MM, specifically from Landsat led...

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2024, 11:41

94 2 0