... emphasize their broad expertise on the relationship between corporate governance options and company performance On the other hand, ratings calculated according to their own methodology consider the ... third section we describe the database and research methodology, while the fourth section presents the results of the empirical research The last section is dedicated to the conclusions of our ... identified a positive relationship between the market value and the corporate governance index built based on the OECD Principles and the Code of Ethical Issues of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange El Mehdi
Ngày tải lên: 02/01/2015, 17:33
... value between 0 and 20 We define the overall standardized score as the sum of all the five subindices As the correlation between SCORE and standardized SCORE is 0.963 and significant ... governance, on the relationship between corporate governance and firm performance, its relationship with stock returns and distinguish between the risk and mispricing explanation of excess ... them together further mitigates the endogenous problem On the other hand, as argued previously, we believe that the changes of governance have more impact on performance than the
Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:48
Further Evidence on the Relation between Analysts’ Forecast Dispersion and Stock Returns
... increase understanding of the findings of L’Her and Suret (1996) and to reconcile these findings with those of Johnson (2004) and Diether et al (2002) We provide evidence on whether dispersion in analysts’ ... uncertainty, and analysts’ lack of consensus (or diversity of information) Section investigates the relation between the two components of dispersion levels and future stock returns then provides evidence ... provides evidence on the relation between dispersion levels and both systematic and unsystematic risk Section reconciles our evidence on changes in dispersion with prior research Section discusses
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2022, 20:59
research project the link between advertisement and sales and the impact it has on the customers in uk
... sell (the producer - an individual or a company, the advertiser and the seller) and the other part iscreated by those that buy the goods or services (the buyer, the customer, the consumer) Theirinteraction ... well enough on photography’s, thus they took the decision to produce their own.In the beginning they prepared their cosmetics in their own kitchen and sold them straight from the salon to fellow ... draws attention and influences the overall feeling of the advert Still, this kind of commercials generate a connection between physical appeal and the merchandise The message sent to the consumers
Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2024, 15:30
jj-thompson on the light thrown by recent investigations on electricity on the relation between matter and ether
... T On the light thrown by recent investigations on Electricity on the relation between Matter and Ether. THE ADAMSON LECTURE DELIVERED AT THE UNIVERSITY ON NOVEMBER 4, 1907 BY J. J. THOMSON, ... as if their mass were many hundred times the mass of the air enclosed in them. In the case of the electrified bodies we may picture to ourselves that the connection between them and the ether ... speed and in the same direction the forces between them are not equal and opposite so that the momentum of the two spheres is not constant, if, however, instead of confining our attention to the
Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 12:23
Is the link between output and jobs broken
... 2012/9 The Mediterranean Conundrum The Link between the State and the Macroeconomy, and the Disastrous Effects of the European Policy of Austerity ONE-PAGERS ... 2012/9 The Mediterranean Conundrum The Link between the State and the Macroeconomy, and the Disastrous Effects of the European Policy of Austerity ONE-PAGERS . . ... than the one advocated by the president, as his main opponents are the austerity faction in the House. This antigovernment faction took the position as the February 28 deadline approached that they
Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2015, 08:52
The summary of a Phd thesis in economics: The link between tourism and low cost airline in the international economic integration in Viet Nam
... international economic integration, this thesis mentions? ?the? ?setup of? ?the? ?institutions for? ?the? ?shortterm? ?and? ? longterm linkage programs,? ?and? ?the? ?coordination? ?between? ?the? ?relevant ministries for such linkage of each ... Scientific forecasting methods used in chapter 3 to provide trends? ?and? ?perspectives for? ?the? ?association between? ?tourism? ?and? ?LCA,? ?and? ?then give? ?the? ?suitable, effective? ?and? ?feasible solutions. 6. Theoretical? ?and? ?practical contributions of? ?the? ?thesis ... together to confront with the LAC companies in? ?the? ?region? ?and? ?to ensure? ?the? ?success of? ?the? ?integration process,? ?and? ?balanced development of the? ?both sectors in? ?the? ?conditions of economic globalization? ?and? ?booming of? ?the? ?scientific? ?and? ?technical
Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2020, 02:16
The abstract of doctoral thesis: The link between tourism and low cost airline in the international economic integration in Viet Nam
... international economic integration, this thesis mentions? ?the? ?setup of? ?the? ?institutions for? ?the? ?shortterm? ?and? ? longterm linkage programs,? ?and? ?the? ?coordination? ?between? ?the? ?relevant ministries for such linkage of each ... Scientific forecasting methods used in chapter 3 to provide trends? ?and? ?perspectives for? ?the? ?association between? ?tourism? ?and? ?LCA,? ?and? ?then give? ?the? ?suitable, effective? ?and? ?feasible solutions. 6. Theoretical? ?and? ?practical contributions of? ?the? ?thesis ... together to confront with the LAC companies in? ?the? ?region? ?and? ?to ensure? ?the? ?success of? ?the? ?integration process,? ?and? ?balanced development of the? ?both sectors in? ?the? ?conditions of economic globalization? ?and? ?booming of? ?the? ?scientific? ?and? ?technical
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2020, 03:02
Exploring the link between learning and firm performance: An empirical study of private manufacturing firms in Yangon – Myanmar
... firms increased, along with their contribution to the GDP However, the manufacturing sector's contribution to the GDP is still lower than that of the other sectors and that of the other leastdeveloping ... if the theorist considered the role of the sharing and integration of individual-based learning, they focused on incorporated group-level analysis, and if they considered blurred organisational ... phenomenon, then he or she emphasised the individual level If the theorist regarded organisational learning as more than the sum of individuals, then the emphasis was on the organisational level
Ngày tải lên: 04/02/2020, 17:08
Analysing the effects of selected economic indicators on education and on the causality between education and economic growth of the Philippines
... X3-2016 Analysing the effects of selected economic indicators on education and on the causality between education and economic growth of the Philippines Ronaldo R Cabauatan Ronaldo A Manalo ... ABSTRACT: The study estimates the impact of inflation, unemployment and population on the education in the Philippines This study determines the causality between the education expenditure and GDP ... education expenditure granger causes economic growth as what introduced by the endogenous growth theory which emphasized the importance of education on economic growth, in estimating education on the
Ngày tải lên: 05/02/2020, 00:37
The link between transparency and independence of central banks
... and the institutional setting Using a standard Kydland & Prescott (1977) and Barro & Gordon (1983) noncooperative game framework and allowing for monitoring and punishments costs, the relationship ... a standard model of monetary delegation and presents the theoretical results Section presents the empirical results and section concludes The Model Following the time-inconsistency literature, ... association with the International Economic Association Cukierman, A., & Meltzer, A (1986) The theory of ambiguity, credibility, and inflation under discretion and asymmetric information Econometrica,
Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2020, 03:53
On the balance between magnetization and coercivity of mnbi green powders and magnets prepared thereof
... by the moderate value of magnetization, so the high energy product of MnBi magnets depends on how one can keep a good balance between the remanent magnetization Mr and the coercivity bHc The ... be considered as mini-magnets, the mutual distance r between which is resulted by the energy minimization of this mini-magnet system (one calls also the green compaction) Once P is zero and the ... Moreover, one observes also the change of magnetizing mechanism, from the pinning one of the bonded magnet to the coherent rotation of the hot compacted magnet proved by the shape of their loop
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2021, 11:09
Differences in media preference mediate the link between personality and political orientation
... operas) component The “Cerebral/Nonfiction” component remained unchanged in the fourcomponent solution, and the “Communal/Popular” component remained the same throughout the four- and five-component ... the four-component solution These remained unchanged in the five-component solution Finally, in the five-component solution, the “Cerebral/Nonfiction” factor further split into an “Aesthetic/Musical” ... prior to the exposure to and consumption of media products, and that the consumption of media should precede the formation of concrete political views Based on this theoretical model, then, it
Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2022, 16:02
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Mechanisms of obesity and related pathologies: Androgen deficiency and endothelial dysfunction may be the link between obesity and erectile dysfunction pptx
... endo- thelial growth factor, and serum amyloid A [21–28] (Fig. 1). Adipokines are considered to facilitate mono- cyte adhesion and migration into the vascular wall and the conversion of monoctyes ... pro- found and damaging effect on the endothelium not only in the systemic vascular circulation, but also in the peripheral vascular bed, such as the penis, and can contribute to endothelial dysfunction ... obesity and this, in addition to the age of the cohort being studied, has influenced the strength of the correlation between ED and obesity. The International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) provides...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 06:20
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article On the Connection between Kronecker and Hadamard Convolution Products of Matrices and Some Applications" pptx
... Inequalities and Applications presented the iterative solution of such coupled matrix equations based on the Kronecker convolution structures. In this paper, we consider Kronecker and Hadamard convolution ... notations At Bt, At Bt,andAtãBt are convolution product, Kronecker convolution product and Hadamard convolution product of matrix functions At and Bt, respectively. 2. Matrix Convolution Products ... some applications. Definition 2.1. Let Atf ij t ∈ M I m,n , Btg jr t ∈ M I n,p ,andCtz ij t ∈ M I m,n . The convolution, Kronecker convolution and Hadamard convolution products...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 02:20
Financial liberalisation and the relationship between finance and growth
... tastes, and many nations share common linkages from emigration and colonization. Other groups of nations, even with four models perform well from an econometric perspective, and the control ... attention on the possible contingent effects of prior economic states on Liberalization. To our surprise, none of the interaction terms between Liberalization and the prior economic states ... Liberalization as having a contingent, rather than direct, effect on growth. The core conclusion of the Edwards 2001 study is that economic development, proxied by per capital income, was a precondition...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 08:50