... did many of the deceased die of metastatic cancers, sepsis or blood-borne infections (as was the case in almost half of the 48 corpses that the authorities were able to match to their medical ... brands bearing tax [5] As noted above, smuggled cigarettes often travel along the same routes as other contraband, such as narcotics, and there is now substantial evidence that the international tobacco ... kind not in cash as much as they can: the recipient can realise the street value of the merchandise he receives, but it costs the payer only the purchase price plus the costs already invested...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 14:21
... comments on the reasoning behind the invasion, see M Jacobsson, The Use of Force and the Case of Iraq’, in particular The run-up’, and The decision to engage in military operations and the differences ... force was made dependent on the five victors in the Second World War: China, France, the Soviet Union, the UK and the US These states – the P5 – were given permanent seats in the Council and the ... historical and political overview of neutrality and collective security The emphasis is placed on the period from the 17th cen- O Engdahl and P Wrange (eds.), Law at War – The Law as it was and the...
Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2016, 11:42
Tài liệu Regulating Deviance: The Redirection of Criminalisation and the Futures of Criminal Law pptx
... particular the victim, with regard to crime Crime was the infraction of a public norm and it was the state, as the representative of the general will, which was effectively the injured party Punishment ... ‘weakness’ The liberal state, to the contrary, has always been as strong as the political and social situation and the interests of society demanded It has conducted warfare and crushed strikes; with the ... conceptions of the reasonable person in provocation of ‘real rape’ assume the quality of a chimera and that this in turn casts doubt on the soundness of the ‘core’ crime concept within criminal law theory...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 12:20
Essays on Economics of crime and Economic Analysis of Criminal Law
... robbery and theft were -0.025, -0.487 and -10.884, respectively The deterrent effect of imprisonment on theft was considerably higher than on the other two crimes As expected, theft was more ... violent and property crimes by instrumental variables and GMM Again, the elasticity estimated for violent crime was not significant, but the elasticity estimated for property crime was significant and ... the rate at which crimes are cleared by the police and measured as the ratio of cleared crime to reported crimes 13 Conviction rate is the rate of conviction conditional on arrest and measured...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2016, 20:37
Tài liệu Essays in the Economics of Crime and Punishment doc
... an increase in marginal damages, it must also reduce the optimal number of offenses and increase the optimal values of p andf On the other hand, an increase in the other component of the cost ... at least broadly alysis e from changing the increases the optimal increases the optiII indicates that b is in prison and nplies, therefore, that and the optimal rather than one of the 25 of the ... arrests, and convictions and the public expenditures on police and courts, (4) the number of convictions and the costs of imprisonments or other kinds of punishments, and (5) the number of offenses and...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 19:20
2355 crime and punishment the justice system
... to the jury on how to proceed The (12) ……………………………… then retires from the courtroom to consider the case in secret When they reach a decision, the jury returns to the courtroom and announces the ... to the jury on how to proceed The (12) ……………………………… then retires from the courtroom to consider the case in secret When they reach a decision, the jury returns to the courtroom and announces the ... jury then retires from the courtroom to consider the case in secret When they reach a decision, the jury returns to the courtroom and announces the (13) verdict If the verdict is not guilty, the...
Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2016, 17:04
Crime and Punishment
... building The young man was very glad to meet none of them, and at once slipped unnoticed through the door on the right, and up the staircase It was a back staircase, dark and narrow, but he was familiar ... rouble and a half, and interest in advance, if you like!" "A rouble and a half!" cried the young man "Please yourself" and the old woman handed him back the watch The young man took it, and was so ... scowl and feel ashamed He was hopelessly in debt to his landlady, and was afraid of meeting her This was not because he was cowardly and abject, quite the contrary; but for some time past he...
Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 16:14
Money, banking and the financial system (1st edition) r glenn hubbard, anthony patrick o''''brien prentice hall (2011)
... to other investment banks The Deepening Crisis and the Response of the Fed and Treasury Some economists and policymakers criticized the decision by the Fed and the Treasury to help arrange the ... pattern: They increased by nearly 90% between the beginning of 2000 and the beginning of 2006 and then declined more than 30% between the beginning of 2006 and the beginning of 2009 Was the housing bubble ... Systemic Risk and the Shadow Banking System 335 Systemic Risk and the Shadow Banking System Regulation and the Shadow Banking System The Fragility of the Shadow Banking System...
Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2013, 19:46
banking and the management of financial institutions
... Assets • • • • • • Cash reserves Deposits at Other Banks Cash Items in Process of Collection Securities Loans Fixed and Other Assets Liabilities I • Demand and Notice Deposits ... reserves • Loans • Other Assets The Bank Balance Sheet Basic Banking I First bank makes a loan of $100 to a business and credits the business's chequable deposit First Bank Assets Loans +$100 ... Benefits the owners of a bank by making their investment safe • Costly to owners of a bank because the higher the bank capital, the lower the return on equity • Choice depends on the state of the...
Ngày tải lên: 05/01/2014, 16:57
the structure of central banking and the bank of canada
... Monetary Policy Report and the Update to the Monetary Policy Report Has increased the number of press conferences/releases and speeches, and reorganized its regional offices, with the objective of ... monetary policy being carried out by the Bank, it has the right and responsibility to direct the bank as to the policy which the Bank is to carry out.” (Louis Rasminsky, July 24, 1961) Copyright ... liquidity crisis, thereby preventing bank runs and panics • has explicit responsibility for the regulatory oversight of the national payments system, operated by the CPA • acts as the holder of deposit...
Ngày tải lên: 05/01/2014, 16:57
Tài liệu Transformation through Integration An Activity Theoretical Analysis of School Development as Integration of Child Care Institutions and the Elementary School ppt
... aims However, there has never been one indisputable task for the child care as there has been for the school The kindergarten was established for pedagogical reasons and for the child The child-cribs ... prevent them from begging on the streets and disturbing the peace (Sandin, 1986) At this time the population was growing, poverty was huge, and criminality was widespread In the beginning the elementary ... between the pre-school class and the school The repercussion of this is that the child care and the school now have the same responsible authority, i.e., the Ministry of Education and the Board...
Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 16:33
Tài liệu Murray N. Rothbard - History Of Money And Banking In The United States (pdf) pptx
... referring to the actor and the historian as the historian of the future” and the historian of the past,” respectively.20 Regardless of the purpose for which it is used, therefore, understanding aims ... representation of the past in conceptual terms The historian does not simply let the events speak for themselves He arranges them from the aspect of the ideas underlying the formation of the general ... economic interests The ideology is the smoke screen for their loot, the fictitious clothes spun by the intellectuals to hide the naked plunder of the Emperor The task of the historian, then, is to penetrate...
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 02:20
Tài liệu Crime and Punishment Fyodor Dostoevsky PART V Chapter 2 ppt
... doctors tell us, to affect the intellect There was no great variety of wines, nor was there Madeira; but wine there was There was vodka, rum and Lisbon wine, all of the poorest quality but in ... immediately observing that she was ‘nervous and silly, that she was too much upset, that it was time to finish, and as the dinner was over, it was time to hand round the tea.’ At that moment, Amalia ... while to the memorial dinner the poorest and most insignificant of them had turned up, the wretched creatures, many of them not quite sober The older and more respectable of them all, as if by...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 05:20
... García-Cestona and Surroca (2002) between the 15 and 45% of the members come from the Public Administration, between 20 and 45% from depositors, between o and 35% from the founding body and between the and ... Commercial banks was taken from the Spanish Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and the Bulletin of Statistics published by the Spanish Private Banking Association The final years of the sample ... by the small and then the large ones The whole period is characterised by a process of growth leading to a marked increase in the number of medium sized institutions in 1997 and 1998 The last...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 06:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Diversity and junction residues as hotspots of binding energy in an antibody neutralizing the dengue virus doc
... constants kon and koff were measured at 25 °C with the Biacore instrument, with MalE–E3-H6 in the immobile phase and Fab4E11H6 in the mobile phase The mean and associated SE values of koff in measurements ... for the class of a CDR loop (Table 4) The predicted structure of the L-CDR3 loop was similar to the canonical structure ⁄ 9A when the residue in position L-90 of Fab4E11 was either Arg as in Class ... during the formation of the VH-D and D-JH junctions, likely by the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase, and they translate into the amino-acid residues H-Gly95 and H-Gly98, respectively These...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 07:20
Smoking and reproduction: The oviduct as a target of cigarette smoke ppt
... between the cumulus cell matrix and the tips of the cilia is necessary to move the complex over the surface of the infundibulum [45,72] The cumulus matrix attaches the complex to the infundibulum, and ... (CAM) assay that measures growth of the CAM and chick embryo [188,189] In the CAM assay, many pyridines and pyrazines inhibited CAM growth dramatically, even at very low doses, and in some cases they ... the infundibulum, and as the cilia beat in the direction of the ostium, the oocyte cumulus complex glides over the surface of the infundibulum until it reaches and enters the ostium Figure (Additional...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 17:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Thermosynechoccus elongatus DpsA binds Zn(II) at a unique three histidine-containing ferroxidase center and utilizes O2 as iron oxidant with very high efficiency, unlike the typical Dps proteins ppt
... [41] A B C the loss of the typical funnel shape of the pores and in an increase in their cross-section (Fig 2B) Furthermore, the nature and spatial arrangement of the residues lining the pore change ... that identify the two metals at the A-site and the B-site disappear when the map is contoured at 10r and 7r, respectively The bound metal ions were assigned to Zn(II) on the basis of the presence ... DpsA-Te, the external perimeter of the pore is lined by Asn171 and Val176 placed on the flexible C-terminal tail, the bottleneck by Glu58, Pro61, Asp75, and the internal perimeter by Gln64 The DpsA-Te...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20
... and their focus, and to the public and the victims it may lead to a sense that the court has lost sight of the true nature of what happened To meet at least the legal aspect of these dilemmas and ... such as the establishment of ad hoc international criminal tribunals and the International Criminal Court, as well as to developments within the EU, the UN and other international organisations There ... Approach to the Notion of Joint Criminal Enterprise as Elaborated by the Case Law of the Ad hoc Tribunals and to the Notion of Control of the Crime Are the Notions of Joint Criminal Enterprise and Control...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 03:20
santiago as a hemmingway code hero in the old man and the sea
... asleep Landing the fish did not matter to the old man only to get it as far as the side of the boat The Old Man And The Sea portrays Hemingway Code Heros to their fullest potential As Heros they ... each other the best of company While out at sea Santiago is constantlywishing the boy was there to talk to or to help with the mighty fish Santiago does not have relationships with any of the other ... It was to fish and try to catch a fish of any size He did not pride himself on catching the fish He did not go running to tell the other fishermen of the town about it, he just went home and...
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:50